Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One

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Desert Prince: Modern and Erotic Version of The Arabian Nights: New Fairy Tales Series - Book One Page 12

by Jones, Sarah

  She did not understand. In fact, she was afraid to do it. She knew that man carried dark secrets, was visible in his eyes, in the cold way he showed. At the same time, there was something that urged her to delve deeper and find out everything.

  Oh God, she was going crazy!

  "The guilt of my mind being this way is completely yours. She accused, turning her back on him. At least it was a great relief that he could not hear her and not even understand English.


  - Karida! Help me please! Louise appeared screaming in the kitchen, her hair slung over her shoulders, her face a mask of dread.

  It was night and the atmosphere was lit by a dozen candles. Karida ran to the foreigner, wiping her hands on a cloth.

  "What happened, miss?"

  "He's ..." Louise stammered, pointing to the hallway.

  There was no need to say more. The woman understood and then dragged her back into the room, the two of them running down the dark corridors.

  When they reached the room, they both froze when Said shouted, uttering incoherent words. The bandage had fallen, leaving the wound exposed, blood leaking in drops.

  Karida used all her strength to hold him against the bed, at the same time Louise pressed the wound back, wiping the blood.

  - It's all right. Please ... " she whispered, soothing him.

  Slowly, Said fell back into unconsciousness, his limbs ceasing to move, allowing Louise to help him.

  Her lips were tight, her throat tight and her hands trembling. She had to control her breathing to clear the blood and moisten Said's forehead without letting himself fall into despair. When it was over, Karida released him, and Louise sat down exhausted.

  - He needs to take it. Just a few more hours, "she mumbled, wiping her blood-stained hands on the skirt she wore.

  "I will ask Allah to give him strength," Karida said, coming out silently, as she always did.

  Louise dropped to her knees beside the bed and leaned her head against Said's body, finally letting the tears flow through her eyes. The silent crying became loud, and she grabbed the sheet, digging her nails into it.

  "Why do not you wake up?" She exclaimed, peering at Said. "Why can not I hate him?" I just ... I just want you to get out of this bed! She shouted, getting angry.

  She stood and leaned against the wall, giving Said an angry look.

  "Do not die, please," she begged, giving way to the ground.

  She leaned her head against her knees and closed her eyes. I wanted so much to go home at that very moment and not have to see Said ...

  Her mother had taught her to pray, and Louise did it every night, always being very religious. Her father took her to church on Sundays, and she even sang to the children. At that moment, however, I could think of no prayer. Her mind was empty.

  It was not the first time she had seen herself on the side of death and she already knew how perverse she was, so she wanted more than anything to get away from there. She could get up right now and straighten up the halls, straight into freedom, away from death, away from Said. She would not need to see it, but she did not have the strength to stand.

  Louise stood there, watching over Said, waiting for something, for anything.


  Louise was awakened by the cries of Najila and Karida. They announced that the men had returned and that the healer had obtained the oil. They helped her up and led her to the other side of the room, where she watched the man mix the oil in a glass and then lay it on Said's arm as he murmured a few words.

  It was necessary to wait until the medicine had acted and prevented all the blood from being taken by the poison. That, according to the healer, would take hours. He ordered everyone to leave the room so Said could rest. Louise vehemently refused to leave and received support from Karida, who assured her the foreigner would be helpful. At last, when they all retired, the Englishwoman ran to the bed, where she lay next to Said, covering them with the blanket.

  Embarrassed by the situation, the healer left, but not before the lady promised that she would call him should the Sheikh worsen.

  "You will not die, Said. I told you, "Louise said, wrapping her fingers through his.

  He lay down on the soft pillow and sighed, knowing that all he could do was wait.


  Said opened his eyes slowly, feeling heavy. He blinked to get accustomed to the light and moaned at the feel of his arm aching. It took a moment to remember what had happened, for it all seemed like a big blur. He tried to move, but the pain was sharper, preventing him. He looked away and noticed a small body glued to his, a sea of brown hair scattered on the pillow and a small hand glued to his.

  The Sheik smiled when he saw that it was Louise who was there. She was asleep, her shoulders rising and falling with her breathing calm, her skin warm. He leaned down, even in pain, and inhaled the scent of her hair, marveling at the sensation.

  He looked around and was startled to see the mess in the room. He checked his injured arm and realized he had not suffered.

  "Louise," he said, his voice sounding low because of the dryness of his throat, but loud enough for her to hear and wake up slowly, scratching her eyes and purring like a cuddly cat.

  Said? She sat up suddenly, staring at him in astonishment. He smiled at her, who still did not seem to believe it. – He is alive?

  "Give me the chance to prove myself." He squeezed her hand lightly.

  Louise opened her mouth and closed, not knowing what to say. She felt like flying over him and hugging him or, maybe, crying again. But, like the lady she was, all she did was let go carefully and go in search of the healer.

  In the hours following the morning, the healing master and the maidservants assisted Said, who demanded privacy for a moment, removing everyone from the room, and was attended again, his wound neat and tied.

  As for Louise, she resigned herself to staying in her own room, since she was immersed in emotions. She was confused, not sure what to do. Said had survived ... What now? What would happen to her?

  The Englishwoman waited in her room that day and did not even realize that the guard who was watching her was not at her post, outside. Karida brought her meals and news from Said, reassuring her.

  Four days passed and Louise continued in the room, denying herself to see Said. She was afraid of what would happen if she saw him. At least she knew that he was better, he could walk through his room and even disperse orders back through the palace. But he had not called her, nor asked for her, which somehow made her sad.

  It was close to noon and she was leaning against the window, watching the movement of some people in the camp, when she heard the door open slowly. She did not have to turn around to know who it was, just felt it.

  "We need to talk, Louise. His voice sounded the same as the first time she had heard it, still in the desert.

  What did he want with her?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Said approached quietly of Louise and, seeing that she did not move, put behind her, touching her back with his chest, shuddering at the touch.

  She cringed, frightened by the energy that reverberated from his body directly to hers. She caught her breath, startled by her own reaction to the slightest touch of it, which confirmed how much Said affected her.

  - Why are you here? You should be resting, "Louise protested, finally creating the courage to turn and face him.

  "I needed to see you," he said, stroking her face with his fingertips.

  Sheik was different, she realized. It was difficult to explain, but there was the once-constant aura of danger he emanated, not even the glare. It was different. The look was calm, the breathing calm.

  Louise took him by the hand and led him to the bed, making him sit down.

  "I thought we would at least talk before ..."

  "I'll just check the bandages," she interrupted, opening his shirt, careful of the gold buttons.

  Said smiled, admiring her concentration, which made unbuttoning a shirt an extremely e
xciting act.

  "I can stand if you want to remove my pants, too," he said with a mischievous grin.

  She ignored the comment, worried about removing the shirt from his arms without hurting him.

  Said closed her eyes when Louise began working on the bandage on his arm and sought to focus on something else. Her perfume, for example. He smelled the orange tree, the coolness that led him to imagine her in the desert night, dressed only in a thin robe, letting her body shine in the moonlight as she danced for him.

  He let out a moan, really wanting that to happen.

  - Feel pain? Louise asked, making him open his eyes, his fantasy fading.

  "I'm fine," Said assured her. She saw that the Englishwoman was wrapping the tissue around his arm again, and when she had finished, she took a step back and away.

  "In a few days, you will be fully healed," Louise said without looking at him, taking the opportunity to wash her hands in the water bowl near the window.

  "Why are you running from me, Louise?" He did not understand her detachment, not after what had happened.

  "I'm not running away," she said. "You must go back to your room and rest."

  Said stood.

  "Are you giving orders to me?" He asked, raising his eyebrows amusingly.

  Louise looked into his eyes.

  "I am," she confirmed, folding her arms in an offensive manner.

  The Sheik nodded, and again, as he always did, he walked over to her with that slow pace that reminded a lynx and its prey.

  He tried not to falter as he drew nearer and nearer, and at last he was within inches of her.

  She held his gaze, but she let go of her arms, showing that she did not give in to the powerful Sheik.

  "I see you're not afraid of me," he said quietly, studying her expression.

  Louise swallowed swiftly, trying to appear more and more confident.

  "No," she said, nose-snorting.

  "And what you feel for me is still inside you?" Said whispered, touching her arm, not knowing he was disarming her.

  Oh, please do not touch me.

  She was aware that she would not stand if he touched her.

  "I do not know what you're talking about," she protested, looking away.

  Said caught her chin.

  - You know, yes. I'm talking about the heat you feel every time I touch you. He stuck his body over Louise's, letting her feel how hard it was. - The desire that affects the dreams you have about what we could do.

  "Do not do this, Said," she begged, for the strength she thought she had been becoming vague.

  Yes ... He would. How would Said cease to touch her, when his fingers burned from contact, and his hands longed to feel the softness of that skin?

  "Tell me you do not want me and I'll go," and as the cheater he was, Said kissed her lightly on the neck, pleased to see her shiver. Louise leaned on her shoulders and offered herself to him. - Say it, Louise.

  Tell him! Do not be silly!

  "I do not want it."

  Said laughed, grabbing her waist with his good arm.

  - Liar! He said in her ear.

  Louise moaned, realizing that she really could not lie. Ah! Yes, she wanted Said so much so that she could hardly bear to be in the same environment as him without feeling on fire. If that was not desire, she did not know what it was. What about being in his arms ... She had a plan, did not she? Seduce the Sheikh ... So, what were you waiting for? There was nothing to stop her from being in his arms, nothing.

  "Make love to me, Said. That's what she said by wrapping him around the neck and pulling him closer.

  There was no need for Louise to say anything more for Said to finally kiss her.

  And the kiss, ah, the kiss was the warmest and sweetest he'd ever tasted in his life. The woman's lips were hungrily over his and they were desperately searching for him. The tongue, once hesitant, was now domineering, wanting to impose itself on his, searching for more and more.

  They were already out of breath when Said walked away, only to tear away that insignificant garment she wore, under which, for his glory, there was nothing.

  "Bare to me, gazelle. He circled her nipple, making her gasp. "To bed," he ordered his voice now hoarser.

  Louise obeyed, skirting the bed, standing waiting for him.

  Said stopped in front of her and, without any ceremony, began to undress. But it was unexpectedly prevented by Louise, who stood before him and, with unprecedented boldness, began to remove his trousers. And in the name of Allah, that was definitely one of the most exciting things a woman had ever done to him. As she got to her knees in front of him, removing his pants, Said swore he could have her right there on the floor.

  - Get up. His voice was barely out of excitement.

  As she stood again, Louise felt brave enough to touch Said's abdomen and move slowly down her belly until she was close enough to touch him where she wished.

  "Touch me, Louise," he said moaning.

  The Englishwoman was fascinated to see how the Sheik reacted when she touched his penis, the way he tilted his head back, his eyes closed and his lips parted. The flesh in his hand was swelling and hardening more and more at her touch, and by then Louise had felt the effects on her body, her aching nipples and something pulsating in her belly.

  Said's hand interrupted her suddenly, and Louise thought she had done something wrong.

  "I want to please you," he explained as he lay back on the bed. "Get on me and sit on my chest.

  She was surprised at this request because, for all she knew, it was the man who stood over the woman. But she did not argue, curious about what would happen.

  She leaned against the bed and did as Said had asked. He let out a sigh as she settled on his chest.

  The position was different and allowed a splendid view of Louise's body, which certainly was Said's intention.

  This time she did not feel inhibited or try to cover herself. There was no shame, no apprehension. It was just that burning sensation that seemed to come out of every pore of her body and left her ... free to feel.

  "I wish I could paint you this moment, so that I could always see you like this, so beautiful." Said slid his hands down the sides of his body, groaning at the feel of his arm. He continued the caress with one hand, then paying attention to her breasts, gently pressing them, venerating them. "Lower your breasts to my mouth, gazelle.

  Holding on to the sides of the bed, Louise bent over Said's body, bringing her breasts to him. He surprised her by sucking them hard, skirting her nipples with his tongue, alternating between the two. It was a different, pleasurable torture that made her want to rub against Said's body, because there was something she kept searching for.

  - What are you doing? She shouted, trying to get up.

  He held her in place and then did something that shocked her completely. He kissed her there. And it was exactly where she needed it.

  Through the heavens and for all that was most sacred, Louise was trapped in an absurd haze of pleasure, which was sucking her up and down or into the edge of insanity. It was so fast, she was easily transported to something else, carried by a supreme level of pleasure, which astonished her. It was necessary to rest on the bed to withstand the intensity, and when that wave of pleasure was extinguished, she barely had the strength to move.

  It was not the end yet. Said struggled to lead Louise to his hip, urging her to fit him.

  - I can not stand anymore. She let her head fall on the pillow as she felt that, even awkwardly, Louise buried him inside her. "Move, Louise. He offered her a hand, which he leaned on as she began to move his hips.

  "Said," she called, a little frightened by all this, for she barely controlled her body, which seemed to have a life of its own, thirsting for pleasure, seeking more and more, rising and falling, moving. Sheikh pushed against her, increasing contact, rubbing exactly at that magical spot.

  Louise bit her lip so she would not scream as sensations gathered and exploded, taking her to that far-
off place. Said invested within her a few more times and with much effort retired, at the last moment, falling into a wave of mind-boggling pleasure.

  She lay down next to him breathing heavily, and he hugged her feeling the same.

  They were silent because there was nothing that could be said and summed up what they had just done. They also did not want that sensation of everything in the axes to end. For Said, nothing ever seemed so right, so perfect. Never felt as good with a woman in his arms as he was now. He inhaled the scent of her hair and smiled, pleased to have her there.

  "Why did you take care of me, gazelle?" "It was Said who broke the silence, bringing Louise to reality.

  She blinked, looking at him with sensuality, between her bulging lashes.

  "I've only been in your room a few times," she said.

  The Sheikh settled himself on the bed, leading Louise to his chest, to accommodate her better.

  "Do you have the habit of talking to yourself?" He asked, disguising a smile as she realized what he meant.

  He ... He had heard her!

  "I did not think you spoke English," Louise said, confused.

  A mocking smile came to Said's lips.

  Louise sat down suddenly, her back to Said.

  "I do not remember anything I said," she said nervously. I wanted to end this.

  - I remember every word. Can you imagine what it is to hear all that and not be able to respond? Sheik sat down and touched her shoulder. "Stop running from me, Louise.

  "I said I'm not running away from anything!" She exclaimed, getting up and running to the pieces of clothing.

  Said followed her, completely naked.

  "If you are not, answer me. Why he took care of me, when he knew he could flee from this palace at any moment. Why did you choose me to the detriment of your freedom, Louise?

  The rags of clothes fell from her trembling hands. To make matters worse, the damn tears Louise tried so hard to control began to pour into her face.

  "Because I could not see you die!" She cried, falling into a desperate cry. "I want to hate you, but I can not," she muttered, pointing at his chest.


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