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Photograph ABC Press: p. 129 top; Illustration © Decotype 1989: p. 152; Illustration from Hewes, ‘Lateral dominance’, 1949: p. 155; Illustration from John Gould, The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle, 1838–41: p. 236; Engraving from Wouter Hutschenruyter, Grepen uit de geschiedenis van de piano: p. 91; Illustration from Jensen, Die Schrift in Vergangenheid und Gegenwart, 1969: p. 153; Photograph Reuters: p. 129 bottom; Photograph A. Samagalski: p. 122; Illustration from Steckenfinger & Ghazanfar I, 2009: p. 55; US Library of Congress: p. 285.
Abraham 124, 125
accidents 121–2, 184, 187, 225, 231, 259, 279–80
Adam 40–41, 42, 127
Africa, African 27–8, 33–4, 45, 49, 79, 88, 152, 169
age 7, 88, 201, 217, 228, 253, 278, 280–81
albinism 57, 64–5
Alcibiades 13–14
alcoholism 9, 213
allele 220–23, 234–9
alphabet 101, 148, 152, 154, 156
Altamira 166
ambidextrousness 80–82, 84, 167
America, American 27, 54, 62, 88, 140, 213, 251, 255, 277–81, 284
Anaxagoras 49
angel 41, 116, 127
Angola 28
animals 16, 53, 56, 79, 99–100, 110–14, 222–3, 224, 229
animal experimentation 55, 175–6, 185, 199–202
animals in superstition 38–9, 42, 44
Annett, Marian 217, 223–5, 234
anticlockwise 45, 60, 258 see also clockwise
apes 55, 79–80, 100, 113, 117, 169–70, 200
aphasia 187–8
Aphrodite 261
Apuleius 48
Arabia Felix 25, 26
Arabia, Arab world 20–21, 23, 25–6, 122, 150–52, 156, 157
Arabic 25, 150–52, 152, 154
archer 30–31, 30
Aristotle 19, 159, 175, 177
arithmetic 103, 144, 183, 188, 191, 194, 247
army 30–31, 34, 39, 77–8, 94, 211
Ashanti 81
asthma 9, 213
asymmetry 96, 100–2, 105, 168, 201, 203–9, 245–6
Atalanta 118, 118–19
Atatürk 154
ugustine 36
Australopithecus africanus 166–8
Austria, Austrian 54, 91, 107, 140, 218
autoimmune disease 213, 231–2
babies 102, 136, 138, 139, 140, 145, 173–4, 210, 217, 221
baby clothes 18
baboon skulls 166–7, 168
Baburen, Dirck van 128, 130, 133
Baden-Powell, Lord 81
Baillie, Matthew 161
ballroom dancing 258
Bantu 45, 49
baseball 203, 277, 284
Baskerville, Rachel 201
beauty 96, 143
bedwetting 268
behaviourism 162–5
Benjamin, Benjamite 34, 77
Bible 34
Biervliet, Jules van 86
birds 43–4, 100, 112–14, 181, 200, 235–7
bisexuality 240, 253
Black Death 66
black magic 42, 60
Blau, Abram 9, 159, 162–5, 213, 252,
block letters 149–50, 152
board games 45,
Bond, James 35, 54
Book of Judges 34
brain 102–3, 104–14, 144–7, 161, 171–4, 175–98, 199–200, 246–7
amnion 233, 245
brain damage 228–34, 257,
brain surgery 185, 199
cerebral cortex 103, 110, 178, 182, 185
cerebral hemisphere 9, 106–7, 109, 144–7, 161, 172, 175, 183–9, 193–6, 207, 270, 283
cerebrum 144, 178–80
commissures 144
corpus callosum 103, 107–8, 144–5, 146, 185
motor cortex 181, 182, 183, 193
Briand, Aristide 217
Britain, Britons 25, 54, 74–5, 82, 184, 213, 251, 279–80, 281, 283
Broca, Paul 181–2, 181, 182, 187
Broca’s Law 187
Broca’s area 182–3
Browne, Sir Thomas 159
Buchanan, Andrew 160–61
Burchfield, Geoff 8
Burt, Cyril 213, 252, 255
Bush, George H. W. 284
Bush, George W. 12–13, 284
calligraphy 150–51
Calvin, William H. 168–74, 195, 249
cancer 229, 253
card games 44–5
Carlyle, Thomas 71–2, 167–8
carotid arteries 161
Carroll, Lewis 102
Carter, Jimmy 284
Casals, Pablo 93