The Heart of the Stars

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The Heart of the Stars Page 11

by Nicole Shay

  “WOW” The rest of the table almost said in unison.

  “Imogen! are you okay?” Lilith asked worriedly.

  “Don’t worry Imogen, We’re going whoop their sorry asses in a few days..No one touches our cap!” Karen declared high fiving Allie.

  “Great” Imogen mumbled unenthusiastically. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to win. She wanted to beat Olivia’s team more than anything. But she had no idea what the game was going to do to her relationship with her own teammates and especially with Olivia.

  Practice was intense the next couple of days as a new feeling overcame Imogen. Her position as captain meant more to her than ever before, and she knew that she couldn’t make the same mistakes she did last time. Olivia never left her thoughts but she knew that there would be a time for them, yet now was not that time. Whenever she was feeling unmotivated on the pitch she looked to one of her teammates who each had the same fire in their eyes. This game was going to be theirs, each girl believed it, and Imogen couldn’t let her relationship get in the way of that.

  Imogen left the locker room to see Ornella waiting by her car for her.

  “How’s it looking cap?” Her freckled friend asked.

  “We’re looking ready out there, that’s for sure” Imogen stated.

  “No I mean how’s it looking?” Ornella repeated.

  “Oh I mean I think the swelling has gone down a bit, don’t you think?”

  “No! Imogen, How’s it looking?” Ornella asked one more time.

  “I’d appreciate it if you could just tell me what we’re talking about right now?” Imogen said getting more and more confused.

  “You and Olivia?” Ornella hissed quietly.

  “Oh” Imogen nodded finally understanding

  “I don’t know, we’re fine, haven’t talked much in the last couple of days but I was hoping to see her before the game..” Imogen let off at the end as if coming to a realization.

  “I’m worried for you” Ornella admitted

  “Me? Why?”

  “I know how you get on the field when McBray is there… but now that you’re dating-” Ornella started

  “Yeah? Nothing’s going to change on the field Nella just because we’re together now.” Imogen said sure of herself.

  “Exactly and that’s what worries me”

  “Being with Olivia doesn't change my responsibilities or allegiance to this don’t have to worry about that.”

  “Okay, just be careful okay? It’s a big game, sure..but there’s a lot more at stake here than just a trophy or a title you know?” Ornella said as she walked back to where her own car was parked.

  Imogen let out a heavy sigh as she got in her car and leaned forward on her steering wheel. Ornella was more than right.

  “Maeve!” Olivia called in the hall the second she saw her teammate in the hallway.

  “Hi Olivia!” she waved, still in her normal, upbeat mood.

  “Don’t ‘Hi Olivia’ me,” Olivia snapped, making her way over. She crossed her arms, staring at the other striker.

  Kerrie had been laughing at something, but it died down along with Justine’s at the tone in Olivia’s voice. Elaine had been calmly typing away at her laptop to finish some last-minute homework, but now looked up seeing a very serious Olivia McBray.

  Maeve raised her eyebrows. “Whoa, what’s gotten you in a mood?”

  “What the hell was the other night?” Olivia asked, glaring at her. “You think what you did was okay?”

  “Aw Ollie it wasn’t that serious,” Maeve reasoned.

  “Wasn’t that serious?” Olivia exclaimed, looking at her best friend in disbelief. “You punched a girl on our rival team. By the look of that punch her face is no doubt messed up!”

  “Well, I was drunk so--”

  “God, you’re so lucky none of us have gone to coach about this!” Olivia added angrier at Maeve for punching her girl than anything. “We need you for the game at the end of this week and it won’t do you any good if she hears about it.”

  Maeve’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t.”

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t,” the captain nodded. “but you need to clean your act up.”

  Kerrie exchanged a look with Justine, who was confused. Olivia had been angry before, but not like this. Not when she was in a captain’s position, scolding a player for misbehaving.

  “What happened that night is never to be brought up again, do you understand?” Olivia asked Kerrie and Maeve carefully. “No more fighting with the enemy. If you see them in public at all this week - or ever - just walk away. Don’t start anything, and if they try to start anything with you just walk away or else I’m going to give you a living hell every damn day at practice.”

  Elaine looked at Olivia, hiding a smile because she was impressed at the younger girl’s words.

  “From now on, all the fighting’s happening on the field,” the forward instructed. “No more bullshit words exchanged. You teach them a lesson with your feet not your god damned mouth. We can beat this team, I know we can. I just need to make sure you’re all focused here. It’s soccer, not a fist fight.”

  Maeve moved away from Olivia a little, surprised at everything that was coming out of the girl’s mouth. For the first time in a long time, she found herself very intimidated at Olivia, who was giving her an unwavering glare as she delivered the speech.

  “Am I clear?” Olivia asked, looking at her teammates.

  Elaine was the only one who wasn’t speechless. “You got it, Captain,” she winked.

  Olivia found it in herself to smile just a little. “Good. Make sure my message gets to the other girls. I’ll see you at practice ladies,” she said before walking away.

  “Aw Willow come on! You should be able to block my shot with ease,” Olivia insisted. She jogged over to the defender who had let Olivia’s shot slip right through her legs and towards Elaine, who of course caught it in time.

  “She’s right,” Coach called out. “Anticipate her moves, Willow!”

  Willow nodded, wiping her face.

  “Are you kidding me?” Elaine called out, the ball safely in her hands. “Maeve Thenard I swear to God your shots are better than that!”

  “Hey! I tried!” Maeve shot back.

  “Try harder,” Elaine told her, throwing the ball back onto the field.

  “What the hell was that?” Coach cried out, looking at the girls. “30 pushups, right now. Go.”

  As the week progressed, each girl was getting pushed harder than they ever had been. This game was make or break for all of them. They weren’t settling for another loss anytime especially not to their rivals. This time, there was going to be a winner and there was going to be a loser. Olivia watched as each of her teammates show a new energy in them that hadn’t been there before.

  Often times, Imogen entered her mind as she went through practice, but she had to do her best to push those thoughts back because thinking about Imogen was her weakness. They were dating, but soccer always came first. She told Imogen neither of them were to hold back, and if she held back the slightest, who knew what could happen. There was a time for Imogen, but it wasn’t during practice and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be at the game. If any of her teammates saw her falter in a step or re-think a shot or having possession just because Imogen was after her, they’d rethink everything. As a captain, she had a duty to carry her team no matter what. It was team before anything and it was a sacrifice Olivia had to make, but it was okay because she knew Imogen was going to make the same sacrifice too.

  The big game was the next day and Imogen had barely spoken to Olivia more than some texts back and forth for the past few days. She wanted to see her girl but wondered if it was too risky to do right before the game. She was in the park sitting under her usual tree. The thought of the night when Olivia plopped down on the other side came back to her and she couldn’t help the growing smile on her face. Despite her original doubts she sent the text anyways.

miss you, want to meet me for some pickup in the park?

  Olivia wasn’t even doing her homework; She was juggling the ball around her room. She was really missing her girlfriend, but she wasn’t even sure if Imogen wanted to meet up the day before the game. She’d planned on asking the girl before now, but time had slipped away from her. When her phone beeped, she stopped her juggling to check who it was. A grin found her face as she read the message, and she immediately typed a reply.

  I miss you more. Yes, meet at your tree in 20?

  Imogen laughed at the notion of the tree being hers but was happier at the first part of the reply.

  Your side or my side? I’d say yours but I think mine gets a little more sun : )

  Olivia was smiling like an idiot when she received the next message from Imogen, her worries all gone.

  Hmm...yours. I like sun :)

  Imogen was resting against the tree with her eyes closed when she felt a coldness on her body. She knew someone was blocking the sun. She looked up to see Olivia standing above her, the sun shining behind her casting rays around her. “Oh hey cap!” Imogen said as she jumped up and looked around before giving Olivia a quick kiss.

  Olivia smiled down at Imogen in return. “Hi Captain, how have you been this week?”

  “The week’s been pretty hard….soccer’s been the easy part, missing you has been torture though” Imogen coolly said with ease as if the weirdness of the weekend had never happened.

  The forward laughed softly. “I feel the same way.” She placed her hands on Imogen’s waist, pulling her closer. “I miss you so much Imogen,” she whispered, looking at Imogen’s lips.

  Imogen leaned in close to Olivia’s face, their lips almost touching before she pulled back clearly confusing the forward. “Score a goal against me and you’ll get your kiss McBray” Imogen cheekily said as she picked up the soccer ball and playfully tossed it to Olivia as she began to run towards the soccer field up the path.

  Olivia gaped at her girlfriend, barely catching the ball as she watched Imogen run off. “Jerk!” she called out, but recomposed herself as she ran after Imogen. “You’ll be kissing me in no time, Sloane!” she promised, dropped the soccer ball at her feet once she caught up.

  “You seem pretty sure of yourself there cap, we’ll see how you do one-on-one” Imogen playfully challenged, her bright smile not escaping her face.

  The forward giggled, rolling her eyes. “It’s on, babe” she smirked as she began to dribble the ball.

  Imogen smirked as Olivia skillfully began to dribble towards her. The striker looked confident but Imogen was also confident in her abilities. Seizing a small opportunity Imogen swiftly managed to gain control of the ball, and began to move towards her goal.

  Olivia frowned when Imogen took the ball from her, but she knew that she was always going to be the faster one. So she took off after Imogen, coming out of nowhere to cut her off and steal the ball. She tried her best not to laugh as she swept the ball away from Imogen’s feet after a second of challenging her and took off once again. She knew she had to be fast enough so that Imogen couldn’t catch her.

  Imogen smiled as Olivia stole the ball back, she turned to try and catch up to the girl but it was no use. A few seconds later and Olivia held up her hands in victory as the ball hit the back of the net.

  Olivia laughed, holding her hands up in success. “What’d I tell you?” she asked Imogen, who was still running up to meet her. “There’s a reason they used to call me baby horse, you know.”

  Imogen ran up to Olivia, grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss not bothering to say anything.

  Noticing the girl was shocked by the forwardness of the move Imogen smiled.

  “Let’s see how fast you can gallop this time” Imogen challenged as she nutmegged the girl and started taking off towards her own goal again.

  Olivia was still trying to recover from the kiss as Imogen took off. After her shock was over, she laughed, running after the girl. “Cheater!”

  Imogen saw Olivia catching up to her fast. She smirked knowing this time she had to be a little bit more tricky to keep possession of the ball. As the girl came up beside her she suddenly stopped and changed direction throwing Olivia off a bit as she regained her bearings. It was all Imogen needed to get past the girl and score her own goal. “There’s a reason they used to call me the nutmeg queen, you know.” Imogen said mimicking Olivia’s words from before.

  As she watched Imogen switch direction it took her a second too long to react, which she knew was a second too long for Imogen to score. She rolled her eyes as Imogen mocked her, but smile anyway as she caught up to the girl, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her towards the striker. “Fine. You win this time,” she admitted leaning in and kissing the girl.

  “Hey 1-1 I don’t win, I was just getting even!” Imogen explained as she kissed the girl back.

  “Just shut up and kiss me,” Olivia laughed, pressing her lips to the midfielder’s again to get her to stop talking.

  Elaine was sitting in the passenger’s seat of Ornella’s car. She knew better than to be with the girl the day before the big game, but she literally hadn’t talked to Ornella all week because of practice. She watched the girl as she sang along to the radio, a smile on the keeper’s face. Moments like these proved why it was worth seeing her girlfriend the day before they played each other. It was worth it; Ornella was worth it. She turned her head to look out the window, noticing a soccer park was in passing. She was just about to turn towards Ornella again when she spotted two people and gasped.

  “Nella! The park!” she exclaimed. hitting Ornella’s arm.

  Ornella was happily singing along when she felt a strong slap from her girlfriend.

  “Ow, what is it?” She asked unsure what could be so urgent.

  “Hey, pull into the park for a second,” Elaine requested, trying to get a good look at what she saw, but they were driving too fast. “I think...I think I saw something.”

  “Okay, fine” Ornella said as she did what Elaine requested.

  “Now what are we looking at?” Ornella asked again as she parked the car.

  Elaine looked around for a moment until her eyes fell on two people. Her jaw dropped when she recognized the pink pre-wrapped-head. She knew that girl anywhere. “That’s….that’s Olivia…” she said slowly, then looked at the other girl. It took the keeper a moment, but she gasped in realization. “Nella, she’s making out with Imogen!”

  Ornella suddenly whipped her head to the direction Elaine was looking. She gulped as she saw her best friend with the girl Elaine considered her little sister. Oh SHIT she thought as she had no idea what Elaine’s reaction might be.

  “Ah nah that’s not Imogen! Look I know my best friend, she would tell me if she was hooking up with McBray..” Ornella offered hoping her girlfriend wouldn’t see right through her.

  “Ornella are you blind?” Elaine exclaimed, turning to the defender. “That right there is basically a repeat of the party, except this time I’m pretty sure they’re both sober!”

  “Maybe not…” Ornella softly mumbled as she began to realize there was no way to get out of telling Elaine what she knew now “Hey let’s go okay, I feel like a creep just sitting here.”

  “Fine,” Elaine mumbled, crossing her arms. “I can’t believe this girl, what is she thinking? And not telling me? Out of all people? Really?”

  “Babe, calm down please” Ornella said as she pulled out of the park not wanting to get into this conversation at all.

  “Wait,” Elaine said suddenly turning to face Ornella. “How are you so calm about this? Last time you were freaking out really bad!”

  “I uh, I don’t know, It’s not a big deal I guess, and well I kind of already knew…” Ornella said, her voice dropping down to almost a whisper by the end.

  “You what?” Elaine never was one to freak out. But there she was, freaking out. She just witnessed Olivia McBray making out with Imogen Sloane...when she was sober.
Now she was to understand that her girlfriend knew about whatever was going on already and didn’t bother telling her? She was definitely freaking out now.

  Ornella pulled the car over to try and explain herself. “Babe, come on. This Imogen/Olivia thing happened like the other day, don’t be mad at me please” Ornella pleaded as she put her hand on Elaine’s very tense arm.

  Elaine jerked away from Ornella’s touch, unable to believe what was happening. “This ‘Imogen/Olivia thing’? Are you trying to tell me it’s been going on longer than just a few seconds ago? And you didn’t bother to say ‘Oh yeah Elaine, Olivia and Imogen are kind of hooking up or something’?”

  Elaine’s voice was rising and Ornella began to feel smaller and smaller.

  “Imogen’s my best friend, what kind of person would I be to go behind her back and tell everyone about her relationship status? Put yourself in my position!” Ornella bit back hoping to make a logical point.

  Elaine gave Ornella a look. “If I was in your position where Olivia told me, I’d tell you because you’re Imogen’s best friend. Oh and you’re my freaking girlfriend, Ornella! How are you supposed to hide things like this from me? You know I care about Olivia!”

  “It wasn’t my secret to tell Elaine..” Ornella sternly stated “If you and Olivia care about each other so much, why didn’t she tell you?”

  “Because it’s Olivia!” Elaine groaned. “She’s not going to tell anyone unless it’s forced out of her and how the hell am I supposed to force it out of her if I have no clue what’s going on?”

  Ornella scoffed in frustration “God, can we move on? Elaine, Imogen and Olivia are secretly together, okay? If you want to be mad at me then be mad, but I’m done!” Ornella said a little winded after not taking a breath through her rant.


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