The Club, Part 2

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The Club, Part 2 Page 2

by James, Clare

  I slowly approach the vehicle feeling equal parts anxious and excited, just as I did last night. Turns out, it is for good reason. Before I know what’s happening, the car door opens and a strong arm swoops around me, yanking me in.

  Gabe has me splayed across the seat within seconds, his body caging mine, and his spicy scent putting me even more off-balance.

  “You look incredible,” his low voice purrs in my ear.

  “Not for long.” I feign disgust, fighting his hold, even though there is no place I’d rather be. “You’re messing me up.”

  “Impossible,” he says, pulling me up with him as he leans back on the seat.

  “So now are you going to tell me where we’re going?” I huff.

  “Why? Nervous?” he asks with unabashed mischief in his eyes.

  “A little,” I admit.

  “Let’s keep it a mystery just a bit longer. This is an adventure, remember?”

  Gabe moves over to the limo bar where there’s chilled champagne. He expertly pops the top and fills our glasses.

  “Let’s enjoy this time together before you have a harem of men to choose from.”

  Okay, where the hell is he taking me?

  “I have a hard time believing that you’d come in second to anyone,” I tell him honestly.

  “You haven’t seen this place,” he says, handing me a glass before raising his in a toast. “To sexual adventures,” he says with a clink to my glass.

  I lift mine in response. “The very best kind.”

  Gabe sits close, drinking his champagne and running a finger along my thigh. I could skip this whole thing and just stay here, with him, all night.

  “Okay, we’re almost there,” he says, and my tummy turns with nerves. “You just have to do one more thing before we go in.”

  “Okay,” I say. “What?”

  Gabe then leans down in front of me and slides his hands up my dress. His touch is warm and rough all at the same time. It’s so fucking good. Better than a hot bath, or ice cream, or even coming home to Max at the end of a hard day. It is lust and comfort tangled together. My hands grip onto his hard shoulders, and my legs turn to jelly. His fingers ghost over my panties, now wet with need. He looks up at me, his eyes hooded, before he hooks his fingers around the tiny strings at my hips. Then he pulls.

  Yep, definitely do NOT want to get out of this limo.

  He slides my panties down my legs and tucks them in in pocket while I pray for car trouble, or gridlock, or anything that will keep us right here.

  “Now you’re ready,” he whispers in my ear before taking a little nibble. And with that, we pull to a stop. Gabe takes my hand, opens the door, and leads me out into the night.

  Toward a building with a small sign, which reads: Venus.

  Chapter 4

  We walk into a grand foyer—elegant really. It’s dimly lit by the sconces on the ivory walls and fragrant white lilies fill the air. Gabe leads me through a dark velvet curtain along the outer wall to a small room, almost like a sanctuary. There are candles everywhere and a large sculpture of a nude woman.

  “It’s Venus,” Gabe says.

  Hence the name, I guess, but weird all the same. Venus watches over us and we approach.


  Then Gabe reaches in his pocket, pulls out my panties, and drops them at the statue’s feet.


  “What the fu—”

  “Don’t freak out, Stevie.” Gabe pulls me in close. “It just a fun tradition. Making an offering to Venus—you know, Goddess of Love, Sex, Beauty.”

  “Yes, I’m somewhat up on my Roman mythology,” I say. “But I don’t know, that’s creepy.”

  Gabe leans in and brushes his lips along my jaw, stopping at my ear. “It’s a place of fantasy, baby. Just go with it. I promise you will not be let down.”

  Go with it, he says. But I wondered: Could I? Should I?

  Then Gabe gives me the eyes. Then the lips, the chest, and the abs. Not to mention the tight bum and impressive bulge behind his zipper. How could I possibly say no to him?

  I follow Gabe down a hallway that opens into a huge room. It could very easily be a nightclub—if it weren’t for the half-naked people and the video screens playing … I don’t know what you’d call it. Roman porn maybe?

  There are people everywhere, music playing, and a blue haze floating in the massive space. There’s a bar at one end of the room and a dance floor at the other, but through the darkness, I can make out a few doors and hallways along the sides and in the back.

  The energy is pulsing all around us. There are couples grinding on the dance floor, people flirting in corner, and others simply watching.

  “This is the meeting room,” Gabe tells me.

  I try not to stare, but rather act casual, like I come to places like this all the time.

  Gabe makes no move to act the same way. He stares, studies, and points things out to me as we walk down to the bar.

  “It’s okay, Stevie. You can look. That’s what we’re here for. It’s what everyone wants.”

  “What is this place?” I ask.

  “It’s a place to get your sexy back, that’s for sure.” Gabe brings my hand to his lips for a kiss, a gesture that both calms and excites me at the same time. “It’s also the perfect place for a sexual adventure. You want that, don’t you?”

  “I do.”

  “And if I recall, you had quite a comprehensive list of things you’ve always wanted to try but were too scared to ask for.”

  I nod, not at all embarrassed that he’s had a look at my most intimate thoughts and fantasies. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so comfortable with someone. I’d have to be considering that list consisted of things like: giving a lap dance, stripping, having sex in a public place, threesome fun. Apparently just a Wednesday night for good ol' Gabe. Of course I was drunk when I made the list, and had Mr. Hot Pants egging me on.

  “Well, this is the place you can get it all done.” Gabe says. His face is serious, but also soft. “Look, I know your first time can be jarring. But lean on me, and I’ll get you through it. After all, we not only worship Venus here, but every woman.”

  Yeah, it sounds cheesy, but I don’t know, there is the sexiest vibe in this room and I am sitting with the sexiest man. That’s saying something because it’s like tryouts for The Bachelor and The Bachelorette in here. Gor-geous. Maybe I just need to get in scene, as they say in the lifestyle.

  Gabe leans over the bar and orders two martinis and we take a seat.

  “So, like I said, this is the meeting room. The place where you can meet people, pair off, or group off—if that’s your thing. Or just talk and watch.”

  “And once you pair up?”

  “There are other rooms and places where you can go and do whatever you’re in the mood for.”


  “If you wish.”

  I do. With Gabe. Back in the limo.

  “What is inside these rooms?”

  “Depends. Over there,” Gabe points down a hall, “there’s the touch room where it’s dark and people touch and fondle each other.”

  I scrunch up my nose and look away.

  “Don’t judge, it can be good for people with anxiety issues,” Gabe says with a grin. “And some people find it exciting. No names. No faces.”

  “Judging by the faces in this room, I don’t know why anyone would want that. Everyone in here is beautiful.”

  “Yes, they are,” Gabe agrees. “This is an exclusive club with some pretty strict requirements.”

  “What? You have to be good looking to get in?” I ask jokingly.

  “Among other things,” Gabe adds with no trace of a smile. He’s serious.

  “Oh-kay. So tell me more about the rooms.”

  “There’s a hot tub and pool area. A room with a stripper pole just waiting for an impromptu show. A massage room. Rooms for watching or being watched, and some other more dramatically-themed areas. Ready to run yet?”

/>   “Not quite yet,” I tell him. I’ve made it this far, I can’t leave without doing something.

  “Now take your time with this,” Gabe says when the bartender delivers our martinis. “It’s a two-drink max here.”

  “What?” That statement is almost as shocking as this environment. “It seems like you’d have to be wasted to do half this stuff.”

  “What would be the fun in that?” Gabe shakes his head. “Trust me, if you choose to participate, you’ll want to remember every second of it. Still, a drink or two doesn’t hurt to get in the mood and take the edge off.”

  We sip our drinks and gawk at the scene. There are several people dressed in white milling about, the men are in pants and V-necks, and the women are wearing little dresses with tall boots. They obviously work here, but they’re not delivering drinks or taking orders. They’re carrying iPads and talking to various people, directing them from room to room.

  “Who are they?”

  “Venus’s cupids,” Gabe answers. “They help pair people up and give them the experience they’re looking for. You’ll meet yours soon enough.”

  “I don’t need a cupid,” I tell him, scooting a little closer. “I have you.”

  “Trust me,” he says. “They’ll be able to help you more than I can. But I can take the lead tonight if that makes you feel better.”

  “It does.”

  “Okay then, if I’m in charge, I say we’ve had enough sitting on the sidelines. Let’s dance.”

  Chapter 5

  Gabe takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor—past the half-naked bodies, the cupids, and the various three and four-somes.

  He pulls me in, and we begin to sway to the beat. “There are no rules out here, Stevie. So you have to tell me if you don’t like something, okay?”

  I nod, desperately wondering what he has in mind.

  Gabe inches closer to me and we mold to each other bodies. So close, I can feel his arousal. I take a deep breath and his hand clamps down on my ass, pushing me even tighter to him. Now, as my nipples tighten, I’m sure he feels my arousal as well.

  Leaning away from me, his eyes go to my chest and his thumbs brush across my tight peaks. He is not restrained or shy. I feel all kinds of eyes on us in the moment, and I’m not sure why, but it makes it hotter.

  “God, you have great tits,” Gabe says.

  His crude talk goes right to my core, which is so much more sensitive, exposed and on display under my dress. I am wet and aching for him already.

  After another brush of his thumb against my nipples, I lean into it this time and Gabe growls. His hands move down the front of my dress, tortuously slow. Once they reach the hem, they climb back up, talking the skirt of my dress with them.

  He wouldn’t.

  The skirt continues to slide up my thighs, threatening to expose what’s underneath. I hold my breath the entire time. I’m not sure if I want him to keep going or stop, but I can’t seem to make a single movement.

  He stops just as my rear-end begins to peek out from beneath the fabric. Two girls dancing with each other meet my eyes with a smile. They’ve been watching us.

  I bury my face in Gabe’s neck and relish in the cool air hitting the back of my thighs. He holds my dress in place with one hand and lets his other hand travel over my legs, occasionally dipping under the dress. I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life.

  Snaking his hand between us, it moves underneath the material. Up. Up. Up. Until his fingertips reach my slick entrance. And when they do, Gabe bites down on my neck with a low rumble in his throat.

  I can’t believe he’s doing this right now, in front of everyone. But it amplifies my excitement, by like one thousand percent. It’s like he’s claiming me here for all to see, and I want to be claimed by him. His fingers continue to run along my hot folds, increasing in both speed and pressure. It’s not long until I can feel that familiar build grow low in my center.

  My eyes flutter open and the girls are still watching us with lust in their eyes. Gabe notices, too, and lifts my dress a little higher, before plunging two fingers deep inside of me. And that’s when my brain goes off the clock, leaving me in the hands of my libido.

  I move into each thrust of Gabe’s beautifully skilled fingers, unable to control my body. My nipples strain against the fabric of my dress, my sex clenches in a pool of wet heat, and I become frantic with desire.

  The girls look to Gabe as if asking a silent question. He nods.

  They move closer to us and split up, moving to either side of me. Gabe pulls me in close, and they move together, sandwiching me in the middle of the three of them. The girl with a long dark braid grabs the fabric of my skirt so Gabe can release it. The blonde holds up the other side.

  And then, holy hell … they begin to lift it higher—exposing me to the entire room.

  “Don’t worry,” the blonde whispers in my ear. “Nobody can see but us.”

  She says this like it should be a comfort, when I have no idea who these two women are. Once Gabe works me over with both of his hands, I don’t care who or what they are. All I care about is the pulling sensation deep inside. It’s so intense it makes my vision blur, so I close my eyes and let go.

  I come so hard, Gabe has to hold me up because my legs have apparently stopped working. The trembling and aftershocks go on forever.

  Sometime after, the girls let my dress drop walk away.

  Chapter 6

  “Here, let’s get you into a booth,” Gabe says, practically carrying me.

  He waves over the cocktail waitress and orders a cranberry juice and water. “You’re going to need to drink lots of fluids tonight. I don’t want you passing out on me.”

  When the drinks arrive, I follow his orders, still too dazed to talk.

  “You’re killing me here,” Gabe says, rubbing my legs in an effort to get them to work again. “How was that for you?”

  “Fucking awesome,” I whisper, unable to find my voice.

  “Yes, it was. Watching you come was about the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed. And as you may have guessed, I’ve witnessed quite a lot.”

  “I could end this whole adventure with that,” I say, slowly beginning to feel my legs again. “I mean it. When I’m ninety years old, I will think back fondly on this moment.”

  “I’m happy to hear it. But I’m afraid I have lots more planned for you.”

  To that, I start to perk up.


  “You enjoyed those ladies watching, didn’t you, Stevie?” Gabe asks after I get through my drinks and can think coherently again.

  Still a little embarrassed I say, “Well, I didn’t not like it.”

  “Okay, good,” he says mysteriously.

  “What’s that mean?”

  “It means, I know what we’re going to do next.”

  “How many times do we do this in a night?”

  “Until you say when, babe. Until you say when.”

  Gabe turns to face me and palms the back of my head before running his lips across mine. And just like that, I’m ready once again. He teases my mouth with his tongue, flicking it across my teeth before plunging in so deep it takes my breath away.

  “I want you so bad,” Gabe says, and I have this incredible need to make him feel good. He’s gotten me off twice already and I’ve done nothing for him.

  I reach under our booth and palm him through his jeans. “I sure hope you followed your own rule of the evening, Mr. Shannon.”

  “And what rule is that?” he asks.

  “No underwear allowed.”


  “Don’t tell me,” I interrupt. “I want to be surprised.”

  I flip his top button open and slide his zipper down, watching his eyes go black. I run my fingers along his impressive length. His tip is already beading with want, knowing what I do to him makes me crazy. I stroke him slowly, imagining he’s in my mouth, inside me.

  “I want you in my mouth, Gabe. I want it so b

  “Ugh,” Gabe groans. “I want that, too. Come on, let’s change locations. Follow me,” he says, holding up three fingers to a cupid walking by.” She nods and types something into her iPad.

  I follow Gabe through a dark hallway; I’m now riddled with curiosity about each room we pass.

  “Here we are,” Gabe says in front of a large wooden door.

  He opens the door, and the first thing I see is a king bed in the middle of the room. It looks like a hotel room, but two of the walls are floor-to-ceiling glass.

  It smells like lilies again, and I let the calming fragrance wash over me, just a tiny bit worried what Gabe has in mind. The room is full of white candles, creating shadows along the walls and ceiling.

  “Now, before we start, I’d like to ask if you’d mind if someone joins us. Not to perform at all, but just to help me with a few things.”

  “What kind of things?” I ask.

  “I can’t tell you because I don’t want to ruin the element of surprise.”

  “Man or woman?” I ask.

  “Woman,” he says with a painful look in his eyes. “I can’t share you with another man. Not tonight.”

  “Okay,” I tell him, trying not to second guess it. “But first, I want to finish what I started out there.”

  “Not yet,” Gabe says in his bossy voice. Strange how I’m already figuring out the nuances in his voice and the little cues to his mood.

  He looks to the glass wall and motions with his hands, inviting a girl no doubt.

  The brunette from the dance floor comes inside. “I’m Brinna, by the way,” she says with a warm smile as she extends her hand.

  “Stevie,” I say doing the same.

  It is the oddest handshake in all of history.

  Brinna walks over to the bureau and pulls a small black bag from one of the drawers. Gabe removes his shirt and sits and the end of the bed. I want to lick every inch of him.

  “Face this way.” Brinna turns me toward the glass wall. “Are you okay being watched?”

  “There are people on the other side of that glass?”


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