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Page 6

by Margaret McHeyzer

  He must screw everything that walks. And he has to have some serious shares in Trojan to ensure his junk is kept wrapped. Otherwise, he’d be a two-legged STD.

  Jaeger moves his hand up my body. Now it’s sitting between my belly button and my breasts. If he moves it any further up, he’s going to get the shock of a lifetime when I smack him one.

  But my mind blanks out completely and a peaceful darkness descends, allowing me to sleep. I hope to God the people shooting up my farm haven’t followed us to the clubhouse.

  Strong arms envelop me and I hear a delicious, low groan.

  I turn over and snuggle into the warmth. A wisp of chest hair tickles my nose and I swipe it away.

  A hand rests on my butt.

  A kiss lands on my forehead.

  A leg scissors between mine, and the top of a muscular thigh feels exquisite against my sex.

  Hmmm, he’s so warm and feels so right. I’m safe for what seems like the first time in years.

  Am I asleep?

  “Baby,” I hear a deep voice call.

  “Hmmm,” I answer. I must still be dreaming.

  “I’ll be back in a little while.”


  Warm lips brush over mine, and moisture sticks to my mouth.

  That feels awesome. Whoever he is, he must be so damn sexy. What a fantastic dream.

  I never want to wake up.

  I blink my eyes and try to focus on where the hell I am.

  I struggle temporarily to identify my surroundings. I run my hand over my eyes to rub the sleep away and look around the room.

  Oh shit, that’s right. I slept with Jaeger last night. Not with Jaeger, but in Jaeger’s bed.

  He’s gone now and the door to his bedroom is shut.

  I look at the digital clock that sits on the nightstand and big red digits proclaiming it to be 10:18 a.m. stare angrily at me.

  What the hell?

  I haven’t slept this late since I can’t remember when.

  I shoot out of bed, and fling the door open as I pad down the hallway toward the family room, or whatever it is they call it, but only Jason and Lion are there.

  “Morning,” I say, “where’s Jaeger?”

  “Prez is behind closed doors,” Lion says as he points to a door that’s shut.

  “Thanks.” I walk over to it and grab the door handle.

  “Hey, you can’t go in there. It’s club business. You’re not invited,” Lion says as he jumps up off the stool and comes after me.

  I turn the door handle and see Jaeger at the head of the table. “…Ward,” he is saying and stops the moment I come into the room.

  Everyone at the table turns to look at the interruption and suddenly, I feel twelve pairs of eyes burning into me.

  “What the hell were you talking about?” I ask Jaeger as I step further into the room.

  “What the hell are you doing in here?” he scowls at me as he stands and leans his fists on the table in front of him.

  “I heard my name. If you’re talking about my land, then I should be here.”

  All the guys chuckle, and look back to Jaeger.

  “First, you will not walk around looking like that.” He points at me, and I look down to make sure nothing’s slipped off me. “Second, when the door’s closed, you don’t enter.” I put a hand on my hip and give him my best ‘fuck you’ glare. “And third, like I told you last night, don’t worry that pretty little head about it.”

  My blood is beyond the boiling point. I can feel myself just about to snap and rip his God damned head off.

  “Fuck you and the silver horse you rode in on. That is my farm, and if you didn’t hear the first time, I’ll repeat it so your slow brain can keep up. That. Is. My. Land.”

  Jaeger picks up a gavel and slams it down on the table. He’s by my side in three very angry strides, grabs my upper arm and pushes me outside the room.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Nix?” he asks. He pulls me down the hall and into his bedroom.

  “Me?!” I shriek. “What is going on with you?”

  He pushes me into his room and slams the door with so much ferocity the book case holding a few knickknacks bumps up against the wall.

  “You’re a damned pain in the ass,” he yells at me as he pushes me onto the bed. “I’m trying to protect you and all you do is try and fuck it up.”

  “Protect me? How, by taking the only thing I have left away from me?” I shout back as I stand from the bed and take a step closer to him, going head-to-head.

  “You don’t own it any more. I do.”

  “No you don’t. Stop trying to snatch it away from me!”

  “I own it.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  Jaeger turns and crashes his fist into the drywall, putting a hole straight through it. “Fuck!” he yells as he quickly turns and looks at me.

  “You’re a crazy person,” I say as I try to step around him and leave.

  “And where do you think you’re goin’?” He tightly grabs my arm before I reach the door.

  “To find a way to get out of here and back to my farm.”

  “Not dressed like that.” He points at my clothes again, well, his clothes.

  “I’ll change, you can have your stupid t-shirt and boxers.”

  “You are by far the most annoying woman I’ve ever had to deal with.” He runs a hand through his hair, and then pulls me further back into the bedroom.

  “I’m not staying here. I’ll call Milina to come get me so she can take me home.”

  “You really don’t understand, do you?”

  There’s a certain reasonable tone to his voice which stops me cold, even if it’s only just for a moment.

  “What don’t I understand?”

  “You already lost your farm to the bank. I called them this mornin’ and told them to start drawing up the papers so I can buy the land from them. They’ll be ready by tomorrow.”

  Jaeger lets my arm go, and I back up a step, not really sure what I just heard.

  I back up another step, and another, until I feel the coolness of the wooden door touch my heated skin.

  With my back against the door, I slide down until my butt is on the floor. I bring my legs up and wrap my arms around them tightly, searching for comfort.

  A whirlwind of emotions swirls around deep inside my head.

  Reality hits hard. The bank foreclosed. He’s legally buying my farm, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. Now I really have nowhere to go.

  “What am I going to do?” I say, rocking back and forth, trying without success to convince myself that everything’s going to be fine.

  “You can stay here as long as you want,” Jaeger says. I snap my eyes up to meet his and I think he surprised himself by saying that.

  “And do what? Be one of those sixty-six percent girls? Sorry, Jaeger, but I’m not going to service your entire crew ‘cause you made one cry and leave last night.”

  “If those lips of yours, or any part of your body, goes anywhere near one of my brothers, I will kill them. Don’t test me, Nix.” His face morphs into anger as his hands become fists. Obviously he’s trying not to lose it again.

  He can’t keep punching the wall every time someone challenges him. I look around and notice, other than the hole he’s just created, the room’s light green walls are relatively unscathed.

  I stand to my feet and look at Jaeger.

  “I’ll call Milina to come get me. I’ll be gone as soon as she gets here.”

  “Phoenix,” Jaeger says as he takes a step toward me.

  My eyes don’t leave his. His steps are cautious. I can see his chest rising and falling rapidly. His mouth parts as his eyes go to my lips.

  “Jaeger,” I let his name roll off my tongue softer than my ordinary voice.

  Jaeger has an uncanny effect on my body, the way he can spark the wildest of emotions in me. One moment I want to slap him, and the next I want nothing more than to have his taut, strong body h
ungrily envelop me.

  “Phoenix,” he says again, stepping into my personal space.

  His mouth lowers and skims my lips lightly, just passing over them, as he leans his arms on the door, trapping me in his human cage.

  “Stop fighting me,” he almost whispers before his wet lips connect with the column of my throat.

  My eyes close on their own. I tilt my neck to the side, giving Jaeger more area to discover, hopefully with his tongue.

  He accepts the invitation. His tongue strokes a fine line from my ear to my jaw, as he pushes his hips into me. My right leg hooks around his waist and Jaeger moves his left arm down so he can grab my leg and lift it higher.

  Jaeger thrusts against me. The lush feeling of wetness as my sex calls for its partner in this sexual tango is beyond anything I’ve experienced before in my life.

  “God, yes,” Jaeger moans as he forcefully grabs my wrist and slams it up against the door I’m leaning on.

  Damn it, why do his cave man ways turn me on so much?

  “I wanna fuck you,” he says, his mouth still discovering the skin of my throat.

  Shit, I want this so much.

  “Jaeger you in there? We got an issue,” someone calls from the other side.

  A bucket of ice water may as well have been thrown on us, because Jaeger lowers my leg and steps away and I’m left up against the door, nearly breathless.

  “Yeah, give me a minute,” Jaeger replies, but doesn’t take his eyes off me. “I’ve got to go, but we’ll finish this tonight. And you’re not going anywhere.”

  “That was a momentarily lapse in judgment. We aren’t finishing anything tonight.” With wobbly knees I step away from the door so he can leave. “And I’ll call Milina to come get me.”

  Jaeger shakes his head as he clears his throat and runs his hand through his shaggy hair. When he opens the door, Aaron is leaning up against the opposite wall with his legs crossed at the ankle and his hands behind his butt.

  “Make sure she doesn’t use the phone,” Jaeger tells him and disappears down the hallway.


  Sexy, fucking hot even, but he’s still a jerk.

  Grit: Chapter 10

  Damn woman, what’s wrong with her? Doesn’t she get how all I’m trying to do is make sure she’s safe?

  Is there a self-preservation gene missing in her make-up which convinces her she’s going to be fine out there with nowhere to go? She’s a hard-ass though, fighting me every moment she can, always trying to show me up.

  Well, fuck her. If she thinks for one minute I’m going to let her walk out of here without so much as a God damned fight, well she certainly has another thing coming.

  And that almost-kiss…I swear I heard her moan. I bet she doesn’t even realize how she grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to her. The heat that radiated off her was so scorching it would have burned my soul. If I had one to burn, that is.

  Her hot, tight body uncontrollably writhing against mine, she was pushing her tits into my chest, making me want her more than I already do. She’s driving me beyond crazy.

  “What’s happenin’?” I ask Aaron as we walk back into the meeting room and I sit at the head of the table. Aaron closes the door and takes his place beside me.

  “We just got a call from Cain. He wants to come visit. Said he has an offer for us.”

  “What sort of offer?”

  “I think it’s the same one as before.”

  I take a huge breath and look around at the members, “I don’t want to start mulin’.”

  A few of the members shake their head, and a few more look like they’re considering the risk of hauling Cain’s drugs around.

  “This is a big risk, boys.”

  “Think of the money,” Aaron says, taking me aback. Up until this point, he’s never really said anything that makes me think he wanted to go down this route.

  “The money would be great, but the guns are enough. This is something that involves big players, and we could easily get wiped out.”

  “But the money makes it worth it,” one of the guys down the other end says.

  There are a few heads nodding, and a few heads shaking ‘no’. Looks like we’re a table split from where I sit.

  “Unanimous or things remains as-is,” I remind the table.

  “Let’s hear Cain out and see where this leads,” Aaron says as he looks around the table.

  Everyone nods their head, willing to at least be open to a discussion.

  “When did he say he was coming?” I ask Aaron.

  “On his way,” he replies as he sits back in his chair and crosses his arms in front of his broad chest.


  He’s on his way now? I don’t want him knowing Phoenix is here, because I’ve seen how he treats the girls. And she’s not to be touched, by anyone, especially him.

  “Anything else on the agenda?” I ask as I look around the table.

  Everyone shakes their head, I pick the gavel up, smack it down once and immediately, eagerly go find Nix. She’s exactly where I left her, in my room lying on the bed.

  “Hey,” I say, announcing myself as I walk through the door.

  Her long legs are out stretched in front of her, her hands beneath her head, just resting as she looks up at the stark white ceiling.

  “Hey,” she responds without turning her head to confirm it’s actually me.

  “What are you doing?”


  “About what?”

  “A plan of action for my fucked-up life.”

  “And what have you come up with?”

  “That at the moment, I’m screwed.” She moves her head to see me leaning against the door jamb, ogling her legs.

  What I would do to have those legs wrapped around my waist, or better still, hooked over my shoulders, digging into my back, urging my mouth closer to her pussy. I really hope she waxes. Nothing better than a smooth pussy.

  I take a step closer to her and see my shirt’s riding high on her belly. There’s a gap showing around her belly button and I can feel my eyes glued to the milky, fair, untainted skin. I wonder if I just lean down and lick her, how she’d react.

  I’m sure she wants me as much as I want her. Maybe if I wrap my hand around her…

  “You really are an ass,” she mumbles, snapping me out of my daydreams about what I want to do to her. She sits up in bed and pushes off with disgust clearly emanating from every pore of her body.

  “Whatever,” I say as I shrug at her stubborn ways. “Where are you going?” I ask before she gets a chance to leave the room.

  “And this is why I call you an ass. You didn’t hear a single thing I was saying. Instead, you were looking at me with that ‘I’m going to screw you hard’ look. If you were listening…”

  Why can I only focus on her lips, and how pouty her mouth is? What is it with her?

  Fuck this, I’m not going to wait.

  She’s only six inches away from me, pointing a finger in my face, saying some shit I really don’t care about.

  I take a step forward. She scrunches her eyebrows together and her mouth stops moving as she starts to take a step back.

  Before she can move, I reach out and weave my fingers hard through the hair at the back of her neck and bring her face to mine. I don’t wait for her to tell me it’s okay, because all she’ll do is argue, which will make me harder and her, most likely, soaking wet.

  I’m not gentle. I crash my mouth against hers and force my tongue inside her mouth.

  But surprisingly, she doesn’t fight me. She’s ready and willing to accept me as she steps into me and smashes her tits against my chest.

  I put my arm around her to bind her body to mine. Phoenix lets out a grumbling noise from the back of her throat. She may believe she doesn’t want me, but her body doesn’t lie.

  The shirt she’s wearing is thin and I can feel her nipples tighten beneath it as she presses into me.

  Lowering my hand, I find the bar
e skin under the t-shirt and trail my fingers up her ribs, gently making my way toward those hot tits of hers. I can’t wait to see and taste them, maybe even fuck them.

  Screw this, I want nothing between us.

  I kick the door shut and without breaking that all-consuming melding of our mouths, I grip her shirt and raise it over her head.

  Phoenix pulls away just enough to let me take it off her and drop it carelessly to the ground.

  I take a small step back and look at her tits. Damn, she’s not wearing a bra. They’re full and they slightly sag. Not much, but my God, they’re such a perfect mouthful.

  “I’m gonna fuck ‘em,” I say loudly, which snaps Phoenix right out of the horny state she was in.

  She pushes me away, takes a step back from me and bends to get the t-shirt, swiftly covering herself up again.

  “Why do you have to look like that,” she says as she waves her hand from my head to toe then back again, “but the moment you open your mouth you screw everything up.” She sits on the bed and looks up at me.

  “I’m a guy.” That’s a defense, isn’t it?

  “How on earth a woman hasn’t killed or severely maimed you yet is beyond me.”

  “’Cause I don’t do the relationship thing,” I answer her honestly. “I like to fuck, and I like to fuck a lot, with many different women, sometimes separately and sometimes together.”

  “But you come in here and jump me the moment the testosterone kicks in, and think I’ll gladly open my legs for you. Why, because you believe I’m one of the sixty-six per cent of women who’ll get wet over you acting like an idiot?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “And your success rate?”

  “Pretty good, because if one slut doesn’t put out, then there’s plenty more to choose from.”

  “So go find one of those, because although you’re incredibly–” She stops herself from saying anything I can use against her.

  “Incredibly what?”

  “You’re wasting your time with me. I’m not a slut.”

  “But your pussy is probably drippin’. And I didn’t say you were a slut.” I take a step forward so I can feel it for myself.

  “No, I’m not and I’m glad you cleared that up. But it’s still not happening.” She closes her legs tight and straightens her back, defiant again. Her arms fold across her chest.


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