More Than One Night

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More Than One Night Page 16

by Nicole Leiren

  Jason smiled and wiped at the tear stains on his cheek. He looked up at his mother, silently asking for permission. At her slight nod and smile, he jumped down from the table, grabbed Annie's hand, and they ran off.

  Once they were out of the room, Marie turned toward them. "Daniel, a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for joining us for dinner. Melodie, I will expect you to not miss another family party. Now, if everyone will excuse me."

  Children's laughter could be heard from the other room. Evelyn laughed. "I think he may be as into Annie as her daddy is into Mel."

  Melodie couldn't believe her ears—Evelyn laughed. By far, the strangest dinner party she'd ever been to at her parent's house. She couldn't leave without saying anything. "Thanks for sticking up for me with Mom earlier, Ev. It means a lot."

  Her older sister's blue eyes darkened for a moment and cut to Daniel before a loud bellow came from the back of the house. "Evelyn!"

  Steven stood. "I'll go." He moved over to Melodie and gave her a hug. "Take your guests and go home. I'll check in with you later." He turned and extended his hand to Daniel. "Pleasure meeting you, son. Amazing little girl you have there—reminds me of Mel at that age."

  "Thank you, sir. It was a pleasure meeting you and the rest of your family."


  "I feel bad leaving you two to deal with her."

  Fatigue and stress she'd never noticed showed in her sister's eyes. A pang of compassion for her archrival throughout life flooded her limbs, weighting them with empathy. Maybe being the apple of Mother's eye carried different burdens, equally as challenging as being the black sheep of the family?

  Jason and Annie appeared with the coats.

  Evelyn secured the garments before they hit the floor and handed them to the adults. "Go. I'll see to Mother."

  Warmth and a sense of comfort settled over Melodie as Daniel's hand came to rest on her lower back, guiding her toward the door. She kissed her father on the cheek and clasped Annie's hand as they made their way to the car. Once on the interstate, she looked over to the man whose presence in her life defied explanation. Equal parts arrogance and compassion, a combination she was slowly learning to appreciate. Though aggravating at times, his ways of dealing with people were proving effective. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from him. Researching Daniel at length possessed the possibility of endless rewards.

  "When we get home, are you going to share how you tamed my sister?"

  His eyes cut in her direction briefly before he shrugged and returned his attention to the road. "Let's just say you're better at hiding secrets than your sister."

  Evelyn has a secret? "You blackmailed her?"

  "I employed a tactical advantage to achieve our mutual goal. You wanted your sister off your back, and I needed to slay a couple of dragons tonight." His rugged jaw, barely visible in the glow of the dash lights, sported a shadow from the outgrowth of his beard, matching the do-what-you-have-to-do mentality he'd demonstrated since she met him. The hard set of his jaw softened, and a small smile appeared. "Did I prove my worth to milady tonight?"

  "Daddy, I'm still hungry." Annie chimed in from the backseat. "A princess should never be hungry, right?"

  Melodie smiled. "Well, we didn't get much dessert, did we? There's a place that has the best frozen yogurt. We can stop when we exit the interstate."

  Daniel took her hand and squeezed. "I think some frozen yogurt sounds good. Let's eat some there, and then we'll grab extra for home. Once the princess is in bed, you and I are going to have the talk we've wanted to have since I arrived."

  Looking out the window as the cars and buildings moved by her line of vision at a rapid pace, Melodie admitted to herself for the first time, in a very long time, the last thing she wanted to do was talk.


  "This coffee fro-yo is amazing. I can't believe I've never had this flavor before." Daniel took another generous bite. A second later his face contorted in pain. Damn! He placed the heel of his hand against his eye socket. He should know better by now. A moment later a glass was placed in his hand.

  "Here, sip some water, it will help. Those ice cream headaches are painful." Melodie's voice soothed the headache and his heart. Her family wasn't perfect. Hell, no one's was. But, he and Annie fit in nicely. He grinned behind the rim of the glass, not wanting Melodie to see. With a bit of persuasion, he might even be able to convince Evelyn not to hate him. That might take a while… Blackmail was never a good way to start a relationship, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

  "Ewww, that's gross." Annie wrinkled her nose before taking another bite of her vanilla yogurt.

  "Why don't you like anything but vanilla?" Melodie wiped her mouth and then kept her attention squarely on Annie. Once she had more time to accept the doctor's diagnosis, they'd talk about options if she wanted to have more children. But he hadn't lied. He could see himself content and happy with just Melodie and Annie as his family. And what about the men who can never return to their families?

  "Vanilla is the best, just ask anyone."

  He fought the urge to sigh—she sounded like her mother. Belle never appreciated the finer things in life—fried chicken, barbeque ribs, or even something besides vanilla ice cream. "You've never even tried anything but vanilla, little girl. How can you know you don't like anything else?"

  "I know. When you have the best already, you don't have to try anymore." Annie delivered the lines in a singsong voice as though it were the most simple and logical statement in the world.

  Out of the mouths of babes… He was still going to try to get his daughter to try something besides vanilla someday, but when it came to women he was pretty sure he'd just found the best. No need to keep looking. "You may have a point, but we'll talk more about this subject later. Finish up your boring vanilla. Then it's bath and bed time."

  "Mel, will you read me a bedtime story?"

  Daniel's heart surged as Melodie's fingers tousled through Annie's curls, her smile radiating a tenderness confirming that maybe, just maybe, she was the one for him.

  "How about two since you were such a good girl tonight?"

  "Yay! Thank you. May I be excused to get my bath?" Excitement danced in her blue eyes.

  Daniel smiled at his daughter. She'd handled herself like a true lady tonight. "As long as your belly is full, you may be excused. Grab your pajamas, and I'll be there in a minute to start the water for you."

  The moment the blonde head disappeared, he pulled Melodie's chair closer to him. "Do I get a bedtime story tonight?" He couldn't help himself. He nibbled on her ear, soliciting a small moan of pleasure from her very kissable lips. "The knight would like to claim his treasure for slaying the dragons."

  His eyes closed as her lips, still cool from the frozen treats they'd been eating, smothered his, the pressure releasing his strong need for her—a need he barely kept in check from hour to hour. The tip of his tongue swept across her mouth, his coffee and her chocolate flavors mingling into something far better than vanilla could ever hope to be. The vibration from her hum of pleasure reverberated through his body, ratcheting his desire another level higher.

  "Daddy, I'm ready!" The shout from the back of the apartment doused the flames of his desire with ice cold water.

  "Be right there, princess." He brushed his thumb across her well-kissed lips. "Clothing is not required for my bedtime story, in case you were wondering." He couldn't stop touching her. There was something about her body that called to him like a siren song. "As a matter of fact, I've outlawed bedtime clothes in my kingdom."

  "Oh? I thought only the king could make the laws in the kingdom." She guided his hand under her shirt. Her breast fit perfectly in the palm of his hand. She's perfect. Circling the tip with his thumb, excitement pulsed through his body as the nipple hardened under his touch. He longed to spend hours touching, tasting, and teasing just to hear her gasp with pleasure.

  "The king rewarded me for bravery in battle and slaying not one,
but two dragons."

  His body tightened impossibly farther when her hand slid between his legs to gently stroke his arousal.

  "Far be it from me to disappoint the king or his brave knight."

  This woman represented a vixen, a tormentor, and salvation all wrapped into one. Before this night ended, he would not only have his bedtime story but would try to find the courage to tell her how much he cared for her. He wanted whatever this was—to never end.


  "I won't be long. Make those bedtime stories for Annie short ones, okay?"

  Her smile and the dark intensity of her eyes almost made him forget his daughter. "The shortest ones I can find."

  One quick kiss and he left her to usher in the quickest bath in Annie's eight-year history.


  Melodie indulged herself in gawking after Daniel's backside as he retreated from their all-too-brief make-out session to tend to Annie. Part of her was emotionally exhausted from the bizarre family dinner, the other part hummed with excitement at the thought of sharing Daniel's bed again.

  Singing quietly to herself, she put away the leftovers. A small part of her brain vied for attention, wondering how the scenes were unfolding with her parents and Evelyn. Had it been cowardly of her to leave Evelyn to deal with mother alone? Would her father's patience with her mother finally wear thin? Melodie's old friend, guilt, stepped proudly into the spotlight of her emotions, relegating the happier feelings to the shadows.

  A knock on the door stalled the downward spiral of her mood. She checked the peephole to see who'd be visiting at this late hour. The perfectly coiffed blonde hair could belong to only one person—Evelyn.

  Melodie closed her eyes for a moment, summoning strength before opening the door. "Ev? What's wrong?"

  Her sister stepped to the side, revealing the eager young face of her nephew. "Someone wanted a bedtime story and claimed severe disappointment his evening with the princess had ended." Her tired smile mirrored the exhausted sound of her voice. "And I wanted to talk to you."

  "Come on in. You want some frozen yogurt? We brought extra home."

  "No, thank you. Mother insisted on sending some food home with us, and Jason begged for McDonald's ice cream on the way over here. Crazy kid picked a vanilla cone. Personally, I would've gone for the hot fudge sundae."

  Could this be the same sister she'd grown up with? The one who always followed the rules and never colored outside the lines. She looked at Jason. "You and the princess are destined to be best friends. She only likes vanilla too."

  His toothy grin warmed her heart. She couldn't love him any more if he were her own. "Well, duh, vanilla is the best. Where's Annie?"

  "She's getting her bath. Why don't you go back to my room and pick out one story for you and one for her, and then I'll read them both."

  "Yay!" Jason tore off into the back room, and Melodie waited for her sister to yell at him for not asking permission, running in the house…something.


  "Ev, are you alright? How's Mom?" For the second time that night, lines around her sister's eyes and the tension in her jaw displayed prominently on her otherwise perfect visage.

  "Can we sit down?"

  "Sure. Let me ask Daniel to look after the kids for a few minutes."

  "He's a keeper. Don't let this one get away."

  Melodie fought the urge to look outside to see if a full moon hung in the sky. Maybe body snatchers provided an explanation, or some type of weird paranormal occurrence. One of the strangest nights she could remember. Arriving at the bathroom, her heart melted. Daniel was brushing out Annie's hair. He was such a good dad. Another quick stab of pain flashed through her heart. He knew they could never have children, not in the traditional manner anyway, and he'd stood by and supported her. Her heart fluttered, warming her from the inside out. Maybe this is what love feels like.

  "Mel, everything okay?" Daniel's intense gaze held her motionless for a moment. He had such beautiful eyes.

  His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "I think so. Jason and Evelyn are here."

  "My knight?" Annie started bouncing. Did she and Jason have a hidden stash of sugar somewhere?

  She grinned at Daniel. Those two were fast friends. "Yes, he's waiting for you in my room. Pick out some stories, and I'll be in after I talk to Jason's mommy, okay?"

  Annie saddened a bit. "I miss my mommy."

  Daniel pulled her into a hug. "We'll call tomorrow, and you can talk to her."

  "Yay!" Annie tore across the hallway and out of sight.

  "I wish I had their energy." She smiled at Daniel. "Would you mind hanging out with them for a few? Ev wants to talk to me."

  The problems of the world, the problems with her family, and any other concerns that dared trouble her all faded away when Daniel's strong arms surrounded her. His earthy, masculine scent calmed frayed nerves, and the power of his chest provided shelter from the harsh realities of life. She could stay locked away in his embrace forever.

  "I'll stay with the kids. Take as long as you need. If they start complaining about my story reading, though, I'll have to call in the expert."

  She slid her hands up his back and around to circle his neck as she slowly kissed his cheek. The stubble on his jaw heightened the sensations and provided an exciting contrast to the softness of his mouth. Wanting to deepen the connection, she covered his lips with hers, eliciting a murmur of pleasure from him that resonated throughout their bodies. She loved the way his arms tightened and possessively held her body against his. They might not know exactly what "this" was, but she knew she didn't want it to end anytime soon.

  "Thank you for everything tonight. You seem to have won over my big sis."

  "Go talk to her. Be honest, even if it's hard. The truth hurts sometimes, but it's always better than lying to those we love."

  Slowly, she extricated herself from his embrace. Time to face the music. She nodded toward her bedroom, where the kids were giggling as they engaged in a pillow fight. "Never let 'em see you sweat."

  "Ouch!" He'd swatted her on the behind.

  "Ditto." He winked as the normally present cocky grin plastered on his face.

  Evelyn sat on the edge of the couch, a wineglass in her hand. "I opened a bottle. Hope you don't mind."

  "Not as long as you share." She joined her on the couch, one cushion away, and poured herself a generous helping. No sense in prolonging the agony any longer. Might as well dive right in. "Am I still in hot water with Mother?"

  Dull, blue eyes turned in her direction. "Do you really care?"

  Daniel's words of advice rushed through her conscious thought. Be honest, even if it's hard. She chewed on her lower lip for a moment. "Not as much as I used to. Still, maybe more than I should."

  "You always did have to do things your way. I think deep down there's a part of her that admires you."

  The wine provided the only explanation for her sister's comment. "I think you're confusing me with you, big sis. You're the golden child."

  "You really don't get her, do you?" She shook her head in disbelief.

  Melodie took a long sip to buy some time to find the right words. "From my vantage point, she's never really gotten me. I've been one big disappointment after another to her."

  "Mother is a bit of a control freak, if you haven't noticed."

  This time the laughter wouldn't be suppressed. "Oh, I've noticed."

  "She can't control you. No matter what she says or does, you still follow your own path." Evelyn graced her with a small grin. "You drive her crazy."

  Finally! A small crack in Mother's suit of armor revealed. "We finally have something in common then. She keeps me on the edge of crazy. I've been jealous of you and your relationship with her my entire life. You both are so perfect. Hard to keep up."

  Her sister's eyes darkened. "No one has it all together, Mel. I'm sure your boyfriend has filled you in on my imperfections."

  She moved closer, not liki
ng the sadness in her sister's voice. "He hasn't said a word. I asked for his help to slay my proverbial dragons. Though I'm curious, I have no idea what he said to you earlier tonight." She jabbed her sister a little with her elbow. "Mostly, I'm glad he came out unscathed."

  Evelyn leaned back into the cushions, slim fingers holding the stem of her wineglass tightly. "He may be the only one tonight. I'm sorry, Mel. Sorry I wasn't a better big sister to you. Sorry I'm not as perfect as you've always believed."

  A tug of compassion moved Melodie to close the remaining distance between them and pull her into an awkward hug. I haven't been the best little sister either. Time to correct that mistake. "Perfect or not, you're still my big sister, and all I've ever really wanted is to be awesome like you." She paused. "Okay, truth is, I'd love, just once, for Mom to have the same gleam of pride in her eyes when she looks at me. Then maybe I could put my jealousy to rest."

  "Have you ever said that to her?"

  "I…" Had she ever really said those words aloud to her mother? She'd thought it a thousand, maybe even a million times, but did they ever make it past her lips? "Maybe not."

  "Then you should. Be honest with her, and remember why you drive her crazy. Her bark is worse than her bite."

  Melodie raised one eyebrow. "I'd rather not test that theory, or maybe this is your secret plan to becoming an only child."

  Evelyn chuckled. "You've figured out my evil plan."

  Mel sipped some more of her wine, contemplating both Daniel's and Evelyn's advice. "You're right, though. I do need to stand up for myself and be honest with her. With Daniel around, I feel brave and want to share with her how I really feel—not during a screaming match—but in an adult conversation."

  Evelyn sank farther into the couch, her eyes narrowing. "You really met him on a plane?"

  The rich sound of her laughter filled the room. "I did, and to say we got off on the wrong foot is an understatement. I literally fell into him as I tried to let him into his seat."


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