Somebody to Love

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Somebody to Love Page 12

by Danielle Burton

  “Hey Es.”

  “Hey baby doll… you okay?”

  “Yeah. Saige has been working since we got home.” She owned her own travel agency that she ran remotely.

  “What about the wicked witch?”

  “She’s not here. She might not come back.”

  Es kissed her teeth in the phone. “Don’t be over dramatic. Of course she’s coming back. Raina can be a bitch, but she still loves you.”

  “Don’t call her that.” Es knew I hated name calling. It was mean.


  I slid under my blanket and snuggled into it. Rai refused to turn on the heat until the temperature dropped barely above freezing. It was chilly in my room in only pajama shorts and a tank. “Thanks for covering for me. I didn’t think Saige would believe you.”

  “What can I say, I’m a born liar, but forget that, I want to know where you really were. Was it with Keem?”

  I looked at the door as if one of my sisters would come busting through and catch me red handed. I threw the blanket over my head and spoke barely above a whisper. “Yeah.”

  She was silent for a beat. “Did you two…?

  My cheeks heated and then the rest of my body at the thought. “No, we were just watching movies. That part was true. And Savannah is his younger sister, so it wasn’t a complete lie.”

  She giggled. “Look at you, growing up, sneaking out with boys and being bad. I’m so proud.” She sniffled a little and then laughed. “Just call me next time, okay? You’re all I got in this world. I’d go crazy without you.”

  I smiled though the sudden emotion in her voice brought tears to my eyes. “I love you, too, Es.” I blew a kiss at her through the phone and she threw one back then we both laughed.

  “Hey…can I call you back in a little while?”

  Her laughter stopped then she kissed her teeth again. “How you gonna tell me you love me then kick me off the phone for a boy?”

  “I wasn’t…”

  “You can’t lie to me, Kirbsta. I know you’re about to call him.”

  I blushed.

  “Leaving me for a guy. College has changed you.”

  My shoulders sagged a bit. “I’m not leaving you, Es. I’d never.”

  “I know, goofy. Joking. Go ahead and call your friend. I have a lunch…thing with a chocolate cutie anyway.”

  “A lunch thing? Like a date.”

  “Eww, no. You know I don’t date.”

  I did, but I didn’t understand it. She’d talked to a lot of different guys since I met her but if I even mentioned the word boyfriend she acted like I cursed her. Then the boy she’d been talking to would mysteriously disappear.

  I didn’t know what the big deal was about having a boyfriend. I was dying to have one. She said her life was too busy for a relationship. Sometimes she’d also add that she’d probably scare them off anyway. Which also confused me because Es was great.

  “Okay…talk to you later. Love you.”

  “Love you too, Kirb. Tell Keem I said hi.”


  My fingers couldn’t move fast enough to find his number after she hung up. As the phone rung, my heart rate increased. We’d talked on the phone a few times since he’d called that night in my treehouse, but nervousness took over me still. Sweaty palms, shaking all over. I was a mess. If we ever were to move past friendship I wasn’t sure how I’d cope. The few hugs he’d given me were already giving me mini heart attacks. If he did anything more I was likely to have a stroke.

  “Hey, Sunshine. I was just thinking about you.”

  I smiled. “Really?”


  I always think about you too. You’re all I think about. I didn’t say that out loud.

  “So, what happened with your sisters? Were you in trouble?”

  “No…I mean, Saige is okay, I think, but Raina…she’s not here right now so I don’t know. She was really mad though.”

  He sighed softly. “I’m sorry. I should’ve waken you and taken you home. I didn’t mean to get you into any trouble.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “Nothing really. Snuggled in my blanket.”

  “Just having a lazy Sunday, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled at the ease of our conversation. It was getting easier to talk to him.

  “I wish you could’ve stayed here longer. …I miss you.”

  My heart hit my rib cage. “I miss you, too,” I whispered back.

  He grew silent for a few minutes and I just listened to his breaths. I wondered if it was weird to like the sound of it.

  “You’re lucky you get to laze around the house. I have to go to work in a few hours.”

  I giggled softly. “Poor baby.”

  I wasn’t sure, but I thought I heard his breath hitch slightly. Then he cleared his throat. “You should come by Angelo’s so I can see you.”

  “I’m not sure if I can. Saige said she’s making tacos for dinner.” I wished I could. I missed him so much already.

  “Question…what do you even put in a vegan taco?”

  I laughed. “Lots of stuff. Tofu crumbles, jack fruit, veggies, vegan cheese, av–”

  “Wait. How do you even do that? Make cheese vegan.”

  His incredulous tone made me giggle again. “Some are made from nuts. I don’t know the process, but it’s yummy.”

  “Hmmm, does it melt?”

  “Some kinds do.”

  “I see… Can I ask you another question?”


  I heard him shuffling around and wondered if he were lying in bed too. I wished I could snuggle next to him. I bet he was so warm.

  “What made you become vegan?”

  “I didn’t…become it. I’ve never had meat or any animal products. My parents raised us all this way.”

  “Oh… They ever say why?”

  “Yeah.” I turned so I was on my back, sure to stay covered with my comforter completely. “My mom taught us that all living creatures have spirits, and none have to die to sustain human life. A lot of people don’t know it, but humans aren’t omnivores. We were never meant to eat flesh.”

  “You’re really smart.”

  I blushed at his compliment.

  “Thank you.”

  “I do think about becoming vegan sometimes. Mostly when Savannah glares at me for eating meat.”

  “You should. It’s good for your health, and the environment. Plus, do you have any idea the treatment of those poor animals before their slaughtered?”

  “Actually, yeah. Savannah got me to watch one of those documentaries. I’m man enough to admit I teared up.”

  I think he meant it as a joke, but I kinda hoped he didn’t. It bugged me when guys acted all tough like they didn’t have emotions. “Really?”

  “A little. It was sad.”

  “Yeah, those poor animals.”

  “You know what…you’ve convinced me. I’m gonna do it.”

  I hopped up in bed, maybe a little too excited. “Really?”

  “Yup! Will you help me?”

  “Yes,” I said, cheesing. I wasn’t sure why his decision made me so happy. Maybe because a few less innocent animals would have to die. Or possibly because I’d influenced him somehow. “A vegan lifestyle actually isn’t hard.”

  “Maybe not for you. Your taste buds have never known the pleasure of bacon.”

  I curled up my lips in disgust. “Thank goodness for that. But you’re right, I guess transitioning would be more difficult, so I’ll help. There’s so many more options than everyone thinks. My mom had hundreds of recipes before–” The sudden lump in my throat wouldn’t let my next words escape.

  “Before what?”

  I closed my eyes against the onslaught of memories as if that would do any good.

  “Kirby? You okay?”

  “Yes,” I replied softly.

  “You don’t sound okay.”

  I didn’t reply further. The
memories hurt too bad.

  “You don’t ever talk about your parents. Mind if I ask why?”

  Easing back down onto the bed, I stared at the wall with dry eyes. I could never cry for them. I didn’t know why but my body just wouldn’t let me. That made me feel guilty. They deserved my tears. “Do we have to talk about that?”

  “No, of course not, Sunshine. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t. It’s just…”

  “I wish I was there to hug you.”

  I closed my eyes again, gripping my pillow to my chest, wishing the same.

  Chapter Nineteen

  ~ Haikeem ~

  Kirby and I stayed on the phone for hours. It was the longest conversation we’d ever had. Though we spent a lot of time together, most of it was spent in silence. That was partly to do with our hangout being the library. Kirby took the no talking rule serious. The silence was always the comfortable sort though, where nothing needed to be said.

  Talking to her was pleasant as well though. I loved the way her slight accent would reveal itself when she spoke certain words. I loved even more her light and feathery laugh.

  I was back at the dorms and should’ve been napping for work since I was working the late shift, but sleep was of little importance, as were most things when it came to her. I told myself it was simply because I enjoyed her company and friendship. I knew that was a lie but wasn’t willing to admit the real reason.

  Her cute ramblings filled my ear now, going on about how much she’d loved Savannah’s butterfly collection. I’d steered the conversation back to a lighter tone. She continued saying that she’d always wanted to collect something but had never found the right thing.

  “Savannah is so nice.”

  “Yeah, she thinks the same about you.”



  I could almost feel her smile through the phone.

  “Your parents are really nice too. Especially Mrs. Lovelace. She was the best teacher. Hey, can I ask you a question?”

  I chuckled a bit. She had a way of jumping from one subject to the next sometimes. I didn’t mind it much, it always seemed to be when she was excited or happy. “What’s up?”

  “That guy this morning…was that your brother?”

  I frowned at the memory from breakfast. Had I known T was there I may not have invited Kirby to stay for breakfast, or to my house at all. He didn’t usually spend the weekends home like I did.

  “Yeah, that was Tobias.”


  “He made you uncomfortable.” It wasn’t a question. I hadn’t missed the way his staring had made her fidget in her seat.

  “Yeah, the way he kept looking at me. What did he mean by work?”

  “The night we first met, at the reggae club, Werk. He was there.”

  “Oh, that kind of Werk.” The line was quiet for a long moment. “Sorry I freaked out that night.”

  “You don’t have to apologize, Sunshine. Like I said before, I get you.”

  “Because of Savannah,” she said matter-of-factly. “She’s like me.”

  “In a way, yeah. She was young when she was diagnosed with Autism. How old were you when…”

  “They told me I had Asperger’s? Ten. Saige says they might not have caught it if I hadn’t been in therapy. It’s harder to diagnose in girls.”

  “You were in therapy?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t really want to talk about that.”

  “Okay.” So much of her was a mystery to me. I couldn’t be upset with her keeping parts of herself hidden away, not when I had my own buried secrets.

  There was a knock at my door, then Tobias entered without invitation. Baz followed close behind and I sighed. Shit.

  “Hey, uh. I have to start getting ready for work. I’ll call you back later.”



  “Bye Keem.”

  I took my time putting my phone on charge before greeting them. “What are ya’ll doing here?” I stood and went to my armoire to prepare my work clothes.

  Baz took up residence in my desk chair and T flopped down on my bed as usual. It was Baz who spoke first. “Our baby brother here tells me you had a special guest for breakfast this morning.”

  His statement wasn’t worth acknowledging, so I didn’t.

  I heard the door open again, but unfortunately it wasn’t for dumb and dumber to leave. I watched as Jayson walked in and gave my brothers a nod. They returned it, then Baz returned his attention to me, disregarding Jayson’s presence.

  “What happened to it just being about pussy? I don’t invite just pussy to breakfast, you T?”

  “Nope. Might eat some for breakfast though.” He laughed.

  Both of them were starting to grate on my nerves about the whole situation. I grabbed my work shirt then tossed it on the bed. “It’s honestly none of your business.”

  “I beg to differ. My little brothers are my business. We all know how things worked out with the last broad you trusted. Forgive me for not trying to see you hurt again.”

  My gaze flickered to Jayson. He sat on his bed quietly scrolling through his phone. He wasn’t here often, thankfully. I could only assume he spent most of his time at Gabi’s dorm.

  With my attention on my task at hand, I spoke to Baz without looking at him. “Appreciate the concern, but I’m good.”

  He scoffed and the chair squeaked as he stood. “You never learn.”

  I was glad to hear the door open for a third time. I lifted my gaze slightly to watch him leave, again Tobias followed.

  “T,” I called.

  He paused to look over his shoulder.

  “You need to quit following behind him before you get yourself in trouble.”

  His face twisted into a frown. “What you mean? He’s our brother.”

  “I’m just sayin’, be careful.”

  He kissed his teeth. “Man, you trippin’.” With that he shut the door behind him.

  Pushing out a hard sigh, I took a seat on my bed with my head in my hands. I knew Baz really was only looking out for me, he just had a crappy way of doing it.

  Kirby wasn’t like Gabi though. It was one of the things I liked most about her; I never had to fight for her attention. It didn’t matter either way, because that wasn’t a road I was going down.

  When I lifted my head, Jayson was looking at me. “What?”

  He just shook his head and went back to his phone.


  ~ ♥ ~

  Tuesday, I had to work during my usual library time, but to my pleasant surprise, Kirby had visited me on the job. She sat in a booth looking all cute with a yellow beanie on her head. The level of busyness was moderate, so we’d gotten to speak briefly a couple times.

  I’d only taken her drink order so far then asked her to wait while I grabbed her a special menu. I’d talked Angelo into having a few vegan menus printed up. There seemed to be an increase in the lifestyle’s popularity and I’d convinced him it was a good business move. He was even considering adding even more vegan options since there weren’t many available now.

  When I’d presented the menu to Kirby, her smile was so bright you’d think I’d just handed her a million bucks. “Keem, this is so awesome!”

  “So, what would my favorite customer like?”

  Her little dimple peeked out. “Umm, I’ll have the plain garlic sticks with a side of marinara sauce, and the meatless spaghetti.”

  “Excellent choice, ma’am.” I jotted down her selection then tucked my pen away. “Your order will be right up,”

  Kirby giggled behind her hand. “You’re silly.”

  “You are.” I tugged the front of her beanie down over her eyes.

  “Hey!” She swatted my hand away and corrected it.

  I stuck my tongue out as I left, and she laughed some more.

  As I turned, I noticed a new customer in my section. The smile slid from my face and I paused, waiting for the
sack of bricks to sink to the pit of my stomach. They never came.

  I resumed my walk to the kitchen to turn in Kirby’s order, stopping long enough at the table to say, “I’ll be right with you.”

  She nodded, brushing one side of her frizzy red hair behind her ear. Hair I’d once adored. Looking at her, I found that I now preferred silky black curls and the pretty brown face they framed perfectly.

  After dropping off Kirby’s order, I returned to Gabi’s table. It was diagonal to Kirby’s, across the aisle. I pulled out my notepad and pen, all business.

  Gabi leaned back in her seat and smiled up at me. “Hey.”

  I let my grip loosen on my pen and lifted a curious brow. “Hey.” It wasn’t that I had a problem talking to Gabi. Being around her without my heart ready to explode proved I was over her. I was however surprised to see her here, especially without her BFF turned BF by her side. “Haven’t seen you here in a while.”

  “Yeah…” she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, a nervous habit of hers. “Been going to Perry’s Pizza. Their food isn’t nearly as good.” She let out a short laugh then grew serious. “Jay and I thought it was best we didn’t come here after…”

  I nodded in understanding. “So, what brings you back?”

  She sat up straight, smiling again. “Honestly…I really missed the breadsticks.”

  We both laughed at that. Angelo’s did have the best breadsticks in town. I’d tasted Perry’s and they didn’t come close to comparing.

  “Want some?”

  “Yes, please!”

  Laughing again, I wrote it down on my pad.

  Gabi glanced to the right of me. “She’s cute.”

  I looked over my shoulder to where Kirby was sitting, trying not to look this way.

  I faced Gabi as she spoke again. “I’ve seen you two around. Is she your girlfriend?”

  “You’ve seen us?”

  Gabi nodded. “A couple times, at the library.”

  “Oh…” I twirled my pen, curious about Gabi’s questioning and the whole conversation really. “We’re friends.”

  She lifted a brow at me, her gaze again flickering to the right. “I’m pretty sure she likes you.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Well, she’s staring over here, and I think she might want to punch me.”


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