Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy)

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Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Page 18

by H. Lee Morgan, Jr

  "Did you eat too?" he asked, seeing as how none of them had blood soaked teeth and fur anymore. They cleaned themselves up quite well.

  Ava hopped closer and said "The aroma was too difficult to resist."

  "Any problems?" Alex asked as his siblings came to rest beside him.

  Shade admitted "A tense moment occurred between the new Shadow Fangs and a temperamental Alpha that I had to intervene on. All is well and no one lost any fur."

  The Furion nodded and then went to inform them on the latest news. When he got to the part of Nightshade both the fiend and commander met and it was the older fiend who said "He will do nicely. I can sense he is willing to be the human most compatible with me."

  The commander seemed joyous to the news that Nightshade felt willing to partner up and vowed to make the transition as smooth as possible.

  By tonight Alex would instruct and interpret the binding process for the new partners.

  The meeting eventually came to an end and the very first thing Alex did was go to his tent that had been erected during the meeting and found a large tub of water and beneath it had a small stack of firewood. A small flame burned nearby and he lit the wood beneath the tub. While the water heated Alex disrobed and cleaned his whole sword until it shined to perfection.

  Lily came in just as he slid into the steaming water. Her mischievous grin preceded the comment "Care to share?"

  His smile was all that she needed.

  She too stripped off her clothes and Alex couldn't help admiring her nearly naked form. Feminine and muscular could be the closest representation to her. She had the ideal figure, shapely yet strong. Her chest, waist and hip ratio made his heart race. Hard work and a unique training had made her an ideal woman. Soft skin, subtle yet powerful muscles, a fair complexion and a height many coveted made Lily irresistible for Alex. Despite removing all her clothes, an item would forever be attached to her body. Defensive in nature, the silver, liquid-like, metal covered her in a V. Her breasts, abdomen and sex remained covered as the item's natural resting place. Though it covered her skin, the item contoured to every bump and curve, leaving little to the imagination. Her exotic appearance had made many stare, but he had been the one to capture her heart as she did to his on their first encounter.

  Lily moaned in pleasure as she slipped into the relaxing warm water with her Alex. There isn't much room in the tub for two adults of their size, but they managed as Lily turned around and rested her backside to his front.

  They rested in the water, allowing the warmth to seep into them and unknot days of riding from tired and aching muscles.

  Alex couldn't help from thinking, A bath is great, but to share it with a woman such as my Lily makes it twice as pleasurable.

  Eventually the confined space became too much and they exited the water, dried off and attired a newly washed set of clothes that laid on their large sleeping pallet that usually contains five sleepers.

  After dressing they stepped outside to find Shade, Crest and Ava resting just outside. Together they walked to get a meal and after such a grueling fight and the use of his abilities had Alex going back for a third plate. Soon his hunger sated and they returned to the tent to retire.

  They all went to the pallet and fell asleep in a warm heap. Cool air from a few covered holes in the tent allowed a comfortable breeze in while if it were to rain, not one droplet would gain entry.

  The day passed far too quickly for Alex's taste as someone knocked on a beam of wood that held a piece of the tent up. "Wakey Wakey!" Marlin announced and said "Time to get up. People are waiting for you Alex."

  "Alright! I'll be there." He grumbled irritably.

  While they walked to the designated location Marlin explained that Niranene has been working continually since they arrived, repairing the damage that her absence had created. Apparently the other healers didn't abide by her specific instructions and many of the injured suffered needlessly when they would have been seen promptly and healed more quickly than those left in charge had allowed. He couldn't help but laugh about how the best healer of all of Freelan could strike fear one moment and be shy the next.

  An hour later they arrived at a cleared area and Alex noted they still had two or three hours of remaining daylight. Rakkian, Beta, Nightshade and his stealth partner commander, Jakz and Crush stood at the head of over a hundred men and several women, separated in two groups. One being designated for fighters while the others were more of a secretive nature. Rakkian announced to Alex and the rest of The Pack that Jakz had agreed to take command of the men who would be chosen by the fiends while Nightshade and his kin would continue to remain under the stealth force commander and his men.

  It wasn't long before Alex had the fiends select a partner and several disappointed soldiers had to leave because they weren't chosen. He worked the Freelan soldiers like he did once before in Alluan only the difficulty became much harder since not only could the fiends not communicate by writing, but those fiends capable of carrying a human counterpart didn't have an easy time being near those whom they feared. The fiend's fear wasn't made in ignorance for many of their families had been hunted down at one time or another and trusting a person to ride on their back and understand commands had been a lot to take in.

  Alex at one time noticed the Twins, as they were commonly known. The identical sisters were both in their middle years and spoke in a peculiar way that only twins could. Back before the siege that nearly killed him the Twins helped him and Shade infiltrate the attacker's camp. Their items are large capes capable of altering into the landscape with such detail it is indistinguishable from nature. He chuckled when he noticed the Twins had been chosen by two male Frox who also turned out to be twins.

  The irony made even Shade laugh.

  Like before Alex had everyone tether themselves to their fiend to develop a bond, but he couldn't afford to send them off into the woods. He knew Allahandra plans to lay siege in two day's time when the last of the defenses were in place.

  Unlike other pairings who had weeks to bond and understand each other, these men and women didn't have such luxury. What worsened matters remained in a language barrier. To help remedy that Beta and Shade asked for volunteers from the Shura Mountain packs to help write out questions since Alex's time couldn't be solely focused on one place for a prolonged period of time. Four packs and their humans volunteered to help in the transition while three Orggian came to help the Frox, seeing as how Allahandra granted their wish.

  By nightfall of the next night Allahandra informed everyone of officer rank or above that at first light they will send a messenger to offer a surrender and if the refusal is quick that the attack will commence immediately.

  The council ended not long after and an idea came to mind that Alex had forgotten all about till just now. He told Lily his plan and she asked if he wanted company, but he shook his head and said Shade and Ava would accompany him.

  Quickly, Alex jumped and mounted while Ava took off to be sure the way is clear. Shade set a reasonable speed and before long they reached the edge of camp and told the guards he would return later.

  Starlight guided them over the deforested land. A waxing moon gave more light to travel by, even though they didn't have much trouble navigating the open landscape. Shade picked up the pace till he ran at his swiftest, freeing the limits that had slowed him down these past weeks. His huge paws tore up the miles of ground and the cooling night air invigorated him to run even faster. There was little Shade liked more than to run, he was born to be this way. Even though Shade's size proved to be daunting and impressive it was his speed and agility that bordered on the supernatural. Run for the simple pleasure of it. Alex had ridden horses before, but nothing compared to riding a Shadow Fang. Their comfort showed quickly in comparison. Once ones legs get accustomed to squeezing bareback, a horse ride will never be the same. It must be the difference between predator and prey. Predators need to be lithe and smooth in action or otherwise their prey will always be one st
ep ahead.

  At the incredible speed Shade set it wasn't long until they reached the southern side. Even from three leagues away Alex could see the gate of Central City and noted all the wooden walls were no longer there and now thick grey stones fortified the upraised drawbridge that had been rebuilt after he and Marlin destroyed it after rescuing Lily.

  He looked away with a smile of pride on his past accomplishment to scan the south for a specific location.

  It wasn't long until he found an irregularity in the area.

  Shade noticed it after being pointed in the right direction.

  They approached a five foot tall tree, but when they got closer Alex knew something had gone wrong.

  Grass and rich earth once stood where he planted a Xeal seed, given to him from the Xeal lord of Ruler's Forest. The area around the Xeal sapling looked by all rights dead in a fifteen foot surrounding area.

  Alex dropped down and felt his voice shift painfully as he asked the sapling "What has happened here?"

  If not for quick reflexes Alex would have been stabbed by a stem that shot from a limb as he approached. "I'm not here to harm you, Sapling. I'm here to help."

  "Likely story, human." The childlike voice said, but Alex could hear the bitter agony in the tone and the nearly empty limbs and sickly leaves showed something had gone terribly wrong.

  Alex stepped back, out of striking range from the young, yet still deadly tree. "You might not believe me, but I am the one who planted you here. Please tell me what has gone wrong. I can see you are sick and won't survive the winter if I do not help."

  The limbs groaned and made swishing sounds to speak and only Alex could understand the only sentient species of plants that were also loosely categorized as fiend. "If you are the one who deposited my acorn here then you chose a bad location for me to grow. At first I had all I could want, direct sunlight and rich earth felt good, but then humans killed my surroundings with something that burns my roots. Already my plant-brothers have perished and do not speak to me."

  Alex had a suspicion on what had happened and knelt down. The Xeal stopped speaking as he grabbed a nearby rock and pressed it to his tongue to slightly recoil at the strong, bitter taste that came from it. "It is salt and quite a bit. Too much, but that is what they want. This ground will not grow for many, many seasons for what they have done." Alex then approached and warily placed a gentle palm to the trunk and felt glad the young one didn't strike at him again. "I cannot heal this piece of land that has been poisoned just to kill you before you become a threat, but if you withdraw your roots and allow me to transplant you somewhere else you may yet have a chance."

  The Xeal balked in its own way. "If you pull me from the ground I'll die."

  "You'll die if you remain." He pointed out.

  Reluctantly Alex watched as the young plant made the ground ripple as it drew its roots closer to the surface. When the movement stopped Alex reached and grasped the rough trunk and pulled. Slowly the tree separated from the ground and suddenly tendrils wrapped around his throat.

  "I'll kill you if you have any ideas of lying."

  He knew that even with a Furion's strength and a razor sharp blade it would still be impossible to cut even the smallest roots of a Xeal. He didn't know if Dominance would work on a tree, but he wasn't in any position to test it. "Do what you wish, I keep my word."

  With an angry tree wrapped threateningly around him, Alex began walking quickly to another open area, far away from the salted earth.

  Several miles away flowed a small stream and the ground looked healthy. "Extend a root and tell me if the ground is to your liking."

  And it did so. A moment later it laughed in delight "It's clean and doesn’t burn!" and began unwrapping itself from Alex, tearing the ground open to slide itself in and find comfort after so long. Something similar to a sigh came from the sapling as it gave gratitude. It explained that it wanted to move away, but the salt, it pronounced acrimoniously, proved to be too painful to push past as its roots burned unbearably and all it could do was send its roots deeper underneath itself. Now it could spread properly. Alex swore the little tree's excitement had made it look better. Soon it became far too tired after suffering for so long and found rest at long last.

  He smiled contently and rubbed the rough bark and sang the song Lily loved, knowing it was the right time to express it. The sapling seemed much more peaceful in its new home. Shade and Ava also approached and sang along until they were sure the tree would be well.

  Pleased that they came to check when they did and help another being they turned around and meandered back.

  Alex and his siblings returned to camp to get a few hours rest before sunrise. A hollowness settled in his stomach, knowing lives were going to be lost in a few hours, but eventually he achieved sleep.

  Chapter 10

  On the last possible day to wait before more problems could arise the herald finally passed a strange barrier that wouldn't allow him breath for a moment. After an inch he passed through the barrier and could took in a lungful, but the air remained stagnant in comparison to the outside. The white flag of truce no longer flapped in the breeze while his trusty Shadow Fang partner watched for any signs of attack and would spirit him away if danger rose. Allahandra picked him for this mission specifically for his skill. Once the they passed the barrier alone his partner came to a stop about fifteen yards from the moat that surrounded the entire city and its fortified wall.

  "Hold there! Another step and the flag will no longer guarantee your safety." Someone upon the battlements ordered while all the herald saw were dozens and dozens of long range item wielding warriors aiming at him.

  His own item was in the specialty category, but the non-item broadsword at his hip gave little comfort. Still he had a task to do. The herald withdrew a plate size disk the size of his face and tossed it beneath his partner and activated it.

  An immense illusion of himself and his partner came into being above them, but it stood at over a hundred feet in height. Daunting and primal fear gripped many as they looked upon a truly gigantic Shadow Fang and rider that looked real. The image forced a startled cry from those on the battlement and inside the city. projectiles immediately fired at the illusion and went clean through. "Be not afraid!" The illusion boomed like a thousand voices. His words reached well into the center of the city. "This figure is merely an image projected by my item.

  "By order of Queen Allahandra of Alluan and Freelan she wishes to resolve this war without needless bloodshed, but those in command of Central City will most likely forfeit innocent lives to keep their own or to keep up the visage that your sacrifice is a needed requirement. Our only goal in this campaign is to remove that biased ideal and show everyone what it is like to live without being forced or raised on one persons corrupted idea.

  "The queen asks to put down your weapons and surrender the city until the original governing system is returned and everyone is shown how they could live a free life of their choosing. If your leaders wisely choose to agree to the surrender then not one person will be harmed. You have her word and more than that you have the word from the true heir of Ra'van, Prince Alex Sheulson."

  Even from the distance the herald heard murmurs from the battlements while he waited. While time progressed he noticed some warriors return to aiming at him as he stood beneath the enormous illusion. He kept it in place so that the whole city could see him.

  Twenty minutes passed until a ranking official approached the battlement and declared "Tell the queen and the imposter prince that we will reject the offer. We do not ally ourselves with beasts and nor will we forget our duty and give up. Our sacrifice will be respected in the afterlife when our time comes."

  "If that is your answer then those of you in power have forfeited the lives of a great many!" The illusion yelled for all to hear the expected result.

  Crossbows fired, but only hit empty space as the Shadow Fang vacated that area after scooping the item in his teeth. Weapons continued lo
osing, but none hit or reached the speed at which they fled.

  "Looks like war it is." Allahandra said glumly and with a deep sigh after seeing the herald flee for their lives.

  "We had to offer them a choice nevertheless." Alex admitted and gave a gentle pat on her shoulder as they stood on a large mound of dirt left over from making trenches.

  They stood together and looked at Central City. Most prominent of the city behind the stone walls were the huge prison and the Royal Guard barracks. Several mansions stood out, but they were inconsequential in comparison.

  With the thick walls and moat protecting and surrounding the entire city it is clear that breaching the walls will be difficult.

  "Come, we must finish preparations." Allahandra stated and began walking down the hill to be greeted by her guards. Lily and the rest of his pack stood near while a mounted Rakkian situated himself besides the queen's horse.

  Huge amounts of activity scrambled to finish up and find their squadrons and form up. Metal and leather armor attired most warriors. Alex alone only wore his sturdy cotton clothes and only used his bracer and sword for defense. He left his black cape back at the tent, no use having fabric that would get in the way or be used to an opponent's advantage.

  Lily and Marlin wore armor and helmets. Chainmail protected their torsos and hid beneath their pants while greaves added leg protection. Gloves with studded knuckles protected their hands. And even Clift had been gifted with a full set of warhorse armor and gladly had it applied, but snorted against being bridled. Most of the metal covered his thick neck, throat, chest and hindquarters. The fiends chose to fight with what they were born with, but some fitted flexible leather over certain weaknesses that are hard to protect.

  The High Alpha, Shade had a large number of Shadow Fangs following him, under Alex's command. They were all excited for the coming fight and so were their partners.


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