His Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 5)

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His Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 5) Page 1

by Sam Crescent



  Copyright© 2017 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-329-2

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Curvy Women Wanted, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Ace Heart watched as Trixie Dean placed a tea beside him. It was late, and he was just going over one of the sketches his clients wanted him to do. It was some kind of superhero thing for a punk ass kid who was more than willing to part with his hard-earned money for a piece of shit tattoo. In years to come he’d regret it, and probably get it removed leaving a big ass scar. There were times Ace wondered why he did what he did.

  “That is going to look tacky,” Trixie said, wrinkling her pretty little nose. “Think he’ll go through with it?”

  “Yeah. He’ll go through with it. Look cool for a while, and then have to live with the fact he looks like a damn adolescent kid.” He put his pen down, grabbing his cup of tea and taking a sip. His love of tea often amused Trixie. He wasn’t a coffee drinker. The damn stuff had him so wired all the time that he stayed away from it. “You can laugh all you want. This is the good stuff.”

  She held her hands up. “I’m not saying a word.”

  “You don’t have to. I can see how you’re laughing at me.”

  “You’re a guy covered in ink, and own a tattoo shop. All of your badass self and you love tea.” She giggled, and he loved the sound. She had been working for him for well over three years. They had both gone to high school together. Neither of them had been close. He’d been the bad boy in school that good girls like Trixie had stayed away from. Throughout the years he’d watched her often. There had been no way that he couldn’t. Her red hair had been like a beacon, calling him.

  Once high school had finished, she had gone away to some fancy college, got a business degree, and then some mega shit happened, and she’d ended at his shop one Saturday night. She had been pristine business woman with tears soaking her face. She’d begged him to ink her back with a tramp stamp, and as he touched her skin, he’d wondered if she remembered him. Every other week after that one time, she’d come to his shop, asking for something else, some new design, or letting him pick what to put on her flesh. Slowly, he’d painted parts of her body. After about a year of visits, she asked if she could apply for his receptionist post. If it had been any other woman, he’d have told them to fuck off.

  When it came to Trixie, he couldn’t turn her away. She’d looked so desperate, and she had been. Caught up in the world of business, she had forgotten who she was. In the three years she’d been working with him, he had found out everything there was to know about her. Considering she was the head of a company, she’d been miserable, close to suicide, and dying inside.

  From the moment she’d left high school, her life had been about following some design, some plan. Once her degree had come, then the job, and her parents tried to find a husband for her—it had all been too much. She’d snapped, and now he was the only family she seemed to have.

  “There’s a lot more to me than a bit of ink,” he said.

  “I know there is. You were always so withdrawn and reserved. No one could touch the precious Ace Heart.” She patted his arm. “You’re not a bad guy. So is your latest bimbo going to be around much longer?”

  “Bimbo?” He’d not been with a woman in a long time. Three years now and counting. Seeing Trixie again had made him incapable of falling for any other woman.

  “You know. Blonde woman, was here earlier with a sandwich for you, and we both know she wants something more.”

  “You mean Kathy?” he asked.

  “If that is her name, then yes.”

  “Kathy is not my bimbo. She’s my cousin, and she’s trying to get me to put some ink across her tits, and that shit is not happening. I don’t do cousins or any relatives. She’s like a sister to me.” Kathy had grown up in the trailer across from his parents, and they had always been close. He didn’t have any feelings for her. Besides their close relation, she was way too skinny for him.

  He liked a woman with juicy thighs, rounded hips, a nice stomach, and a big pair of tits. A woman exactly like Trixie. She appeared in all of his fantasies. Late Friday nights instead of fucking any random woman who wanted him, he was in the shower beating off to images of her. He loved watching Trixie work, especially if she had to reach up for something. Her arms would lift over her head, and the shirt she wore would rise up, and her tits thrust out. His cock was getting hard just thinking about it.

  “Oh, now I feel weird. I was a little mean to her. She’s been around three times this week. I thought she was your girlfriend.”

  Trixie made to pull away, and he caught her hand.

  “When have you known me to have a girlfriend?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. I guess I just assumed.”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend. No special woman is going to come in here and be a problem. That I can promise you.”

  “Just lots of women who want you to mark their skin.” Her shirt had ridden up, and he traced the curve of a stem with the tip of his finger.

  “Just like I marked your skin, Trixie.” He heard her gasp, and he looked up to see her biting her lip. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine. You know. It’s been one of those days.” She rubbed at her temples.

  “You getting a migraine?”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine,” she said.

  “Are you happy?”

  “Of course I’m happy. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I guess I didn’t expect you to be so happy going from the corporate world to just an everyday tattoo parlor.”

  She smiled, and his cock hardened. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re far more than just a tattoo parlor.”

  He didn’t get a chance to ask what she meant as their door opened, and a gaggle of giggling girls wandered inside.


  Trixie finished dealing with the books, putting everything away as the girls left. One of the girls was crying, and another laughing. Something told her their friendship was going to be put to the test. She watched as Ace flipped the open sign to closed.

  “You’ve had enough for tonight?” she asked.

  “I’ve had enough of them to last a lifetime. I just did that girl a damn shark tattoo because she lost a damn bet.”

  “Were they old enough?”

  “I made sure of that before I even let her in my chair. Asshole kids.”

  She laughed. “We were that once.”

  “No, I was an asshole kid. You were always well behaved, and just knew what you wanted to be and do.”

  The smile on her lips fell. His words had cut her to the core even though they weren’t meant to. She had been the bore. The one that did as she was told. God, thinking about her past it made her cringe at how much she’d become like a damn robot.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, moving toward her.

  “Nothing.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I’m going to get ready to head out. I’ll see you tomorrow.” When sh
e made to leave, Ace grabbed her arm, stopping her from going.

  “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  “There’s nothing wrong, Ace. I just want to get home. It has been a long day, and I’d really like to get some sleep.”

  He didn’t release her. “You can’t lie to me, Trixie. Something is going on, and I’m not going to let you go so you might as well tell me.”

  “It’s nothing, okay? Just stupid.”

  “You were fine until I said what you were like when we were kids. Is that it? You didn’t like me back then?” he asked.

  “No, of course not. I liked you back then.”

  “Then what is the problem?”

  “It’s me! Don’t you see that? All of my life I bounced from one parent’s ideals to another. I had to be a good kid. Check, I did that. I was a really good kid that took out the trash. I had to get the best grades. Check, I did that, too. The college education, the job, and the husband. Everything that was signed up for me I went for, and it only took me one minute staring at my reflection in a damn bridal boutique to have that epiphany.”

  “What epiphany?” he asked.

  She licked her lips. “I was on my break, and I had to fit into my busy schedule a fitting. I didn’t pick the dress. The woman had to go and do something, and I stared at my reflection. For the first time in a long time, I stared, and I realized I didn’t want to get married. I didn’t even like the man they had picked out for me. He was so boring on every single level that every time I was in his company, I wanted to be elsewhere. It’s like I’d been sleeping my entire life, and woke up realizing I did nothing.”

  “That was the day you came here,” he said.

  “Yes. When I did something I always wanted to do, and I wasn’t afraid of what someone else would think of me. I was just me.” She licked her lips. Ace hadn’t let her go, and he was too close. “There have been a lot of things I wished I could have done growing up. Gone to a party, made out, got felt up. Instead I was inside and studying.”

  “You want something radical?” he asked.

  Before she could do or say anything, his lips crashed down on hers. He trapped her between his hard body and the counter. One of his hands sank into her hair, holding her tight as the other touched her hip. His body flush against hers, she felt the hard ridge of his cock next to her stomach.

  For the longest time she stood still, not knowing what the hell to do. Ace was kissing her. The bad guy from her teenage years. The guy every girl fantasized about, and wanted to know what it was like to be his girl, was kissing her. Ever since she had started working for him, all of her old feelings had been returning. It was next to impossible to keep them at bay. She’d been jealous of the women who clearly wanted him, and knew she could never have him.

  No one ever wanted her. It was what her mother had told her many times. Her weight was always a factor. No man wanted a fat woman in his bed.

  Gripping the back of his neck, she returned his kiss, pushing her mother’s vile words away. She was no longer bound by what her parents said or did. This was all her, and as she opened her mouth, Ace plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she tasted him.

  The hand at her waist stroked her hip, and when he made to pull away, she deepened the kiss once again. She didn’t care that he was her boss, or that this could be a big mistake. All she cared about was how good it felt, even if for a few moments she was the most selfish woman in the world.

  The sound of a cell phone interrupted them, and Ace pulled away. This time, she released him, and opened her eyes. His lips were as red as hers felt.

  “You’re not going anywhere, but I’ve got to take that call.”

  Yeah, there was no chance of her waiting around. Grabbing her bag, Trixie was out of there.

  Chapter Two

  Ace wasn’t surprised that she ran. He should have seen it coming, but he’d not let her get far. Trixie didn’t own a car. It was one of the things she had given up since moving back to the small town. He’d closed the shop, and ran in the direction he’d seen her walk every single day.

  It took him a matter of minutes to catch up to her. Grabbing her arms, he pressed her against the wall.

  “Why the hell did you run when I told you not to?” he asked, slamming his hand against the wall.

  “Look, we kissed, and you’re my boss. We don’t need to do anything else about that. It was nice.”

  Ace couldn’t believe what he was hearing right now. Nice. That was what she thought of their shared kiss, it was nice? It had been smoking hot to him. His cock was still hard, and he’d just spoken to his damn mom.

  He was the only person left in his mom’s world. All of her friends and previous lovers had fucked off and left her. Now she was making up for years of being the neglectful parent. She had gone to his place, and stocked his fridge. He couldn’t tell her to stop or that he could do his own damn shopping. He wasn’t a cruel man, never had been. If she wanted to make amends, he wasn’t about to tell her to stop.

  “Is this what you’re going to do every time there’s a problem? Are you just going to run away?”

  “What do you want from me, Ace?”

  “I want you to admit that our kiss was more than fucking nice. It was fantastic, and I’ve been wanting to kiss you ever since you came into my shop. If you want to go really honest, I’ve been wanting to kiss you since we were in fucking high school. That is how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you, and the last thing I thought was it was nice!”

  “I don’t know how to do this. I’m not this kind of girl. All of my life everything has been planned. What am I supposed to do with this?” she asked.

  She looked so scared, and Ace sighed. He didn’t do this crap. This woman, she had been turning his head ever since they were kids, and didn’t even know it.

  “You start by thinking about what you want, and then when you know that, you start to think of ways of getting it. What do you want?” The moment she licked her lips, Ace couldn’t contain his groan. “Baby, you’ve got to give me a break here. I can only handle so much.”

  Her hand moved toward his face, and she cupped his cheek. Again, she was biting her lip. “I loved the feel of your lips against mine, Ace. The way you tasted. I hate tea and chocolate, but on your tongue, it was the most amazing thing.”

  His cock was going to blow inside his pants.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said. “I want to know.”

  She hesitated. “I love my job.”

  “Your job is staying right where it is. This has nothing to do with that. Just tell me what you want, what you need.”

  There was only a small space between them, and he hoped that someone was watching down on him and that Trixie wanted the exact same thing as he did.

  “I want you, Ace. I want you to kiss me, and…”

  “Tell me, Trixie. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me,” she finally said after so many seconds had passed.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he pulled her close, and slammed his lips down on hers. After she ran from him, he couldn’t wait another second in tasting her.

  Sliding his tongue inside her mouth, he deepened the kiss. Trixie held onto him, and he ignored the pain as his hand scraped the brick wall when he pressed her against it.

  “You’re coming home with me. Don’t argue with me. For once do something you want to do.”

  “What about the morning?” she asked.

  “Who gives a fuck about what happens in the morning? Let’s have tonight.” He would deal with tomorrow morning when it arrived, just like he’d deal with the next, and the next. It was what he’d been doing for a long time.

  He took her hand, and marched her back toward his car. Opening up the passenger side, he waited for her to climb in, and then he leaned in, securing her in the seatbelt. Closing the door, he moved around to the driver’s side. Once he was in place, he started up his car, and pulled away from the curb heading toward his apartment.

��ve never done anything like this,” she said.

  Taking hold of her hand, he locked their fingers together.

  “Did you really mean everything you said?” she asked. “About wanting me when we were in high school?”

  “Trixie, I have never lied to anyone, and I’m not about to start now.”

  “You wanted me then?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  She was silent, and he glanced toward her.

  “You never said anything. You didn’t even talk to me.”

  “We were different people back then, and I wanted you. You just seemed…”

  “I seemed what?”

  “Out of my league. You were going places, and none of them involved being with a guy like me.”

  She laughed. “This is so surreal. I felt like you were totally out of my league. Still do. I’ve seen some of the women that have come into the shop asking for you. They’re beautiful women, Ace.”

  “They’re not you. You’re a beautiful woman, Trixie. I’ve inked your skin, and I’ve seen a part of you that no one else ever has before. You’re everything inside and out. You don’t put on a false bravado. You have so much more to give than those women. Never sell yourself short.”


  “Be the good woman. The smart woman.”

  “No man wants to be confused by a woman’s demands.”

  “Give him everything he wants, and do it with a smile on your face.”

  Trixie recalled all of her mother’s hints and tips over the years. She couldn’t believe it had been three years since she last saw them. Her mother had looked at her like she was the biggest disappointment in the world.

  Trixie had quit her corporate job for a tattoo parlor, and she had been happy. Being around Ace made her happy. Even his friends, which were a crazy bunch, made her happy. He never had any close friends, but those that visited him were always a hoot.


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