His Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 5)

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His Curvy Woman (Curvy Women Wanted Book 5) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The doorbell went, and Trixie looked behind her. An entire group of bikers had entered. She could neither say nor do anything. She smiled at Ace, and left the room. She was reeling from what he had just said. He loved her? Did he love her, or was he trying to help the kid on the table?

  She had so many questions, and none of them got answered straight away. The parlor became busy. It was like someone wanted to torture her by making her wait for the answer.

  Chapter Six

  Ace knew she was on edge, and expected the questions the moment he closed the door to the tattoo parlor. They had become so busy that there had been no time for questions after his announcement. Every time he had looked her way, she’d been staring with so many questions in her eyes.

  “Did you mean it?” she asked.

  “I meant everything I said. I don’t tell lies. I never have.”

  “Love is a strong emotion.”

  “And I have felt it every time I am around you. From when we were kids to this very moment.” He moved away from the door. “Don’t you feel it every time that I’m around you? I know I do. I’ve spent the last three years waiting for you to be ready, and I suddenly realized that you didn’t have a clue how I felt.” He reached out, cupping her face. “I love you, Trixie. I have loved you for the longest time, and I will continue to do so.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and he pressed up against the counter. Slamming his lips down on hers, he tasted her tears, and pulled her against him. Her soft body was what he craved. Suddenly, she began to tug at his shirt, tearing it up over his head.


  “I want you, Ace. Please, right here, right now.” She tugged on his jeans, shoving them down his hips.

  Within seconds she was before him, her hand wrapping around his length. The shop was all shut up. They were alone, and no one was going to interrupt them. All day he’d been without her touch, so he didn’t fight her.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this,” she said, staring up the length of his body. She slid her tongue over the tip of his cock then took him between her lips. He watched as she sank several inches of his cock until he hit the back of her throat.

  She pulled up, and slid back down, slowly bobbing her head, and getting his shaft coated in her saliva.

  “Fuck, your mouth is fucking good.”

  He thrust into her mouth, wrapping her shocking red hair around his fist.

  Trixie stared up at him, and her gaze was just so damn tempting. He didn’t want to come in her mouth. Pulling out, he hauled her up, and bent her over the counter. He tugged her jeans down so that they were at her knees. He pulled a condom from his pocket.

  “I’m clean, Ace. You don’t need to wear a condom. I want to feel you inside me.”

  He threw the condom down, aligned his cock, and slammed in hard. They both cried out. He held onto her hips in a strong grip that he was sure were going to leave bruises. Every single mark on her body was made by him.

  “You were made for me, Trixie. You know that.” He pulled out of her, and thrust back inside. “This body has my name written all over it. Not just my ink, but my touch.” He leaned forward, sucking her neck, using his teeth to create just enough pain.

  He slammed into her, once … twice … three times, and paused at the hilt, feeling every pulse of her cunt on his cock.

  “You have not felt this way for anyone else, and you know it’s because of me. Only my cock can make you feel this way. Only my hands, my lips, all of me can make you feel this way, Trixie. You are mine. You know you’re mine, and you know you love me exactly like I do you. There is no one else for us.”

  He moved one hand between her thighs, finding her clit, and stroking it. She pushed back against his cock, and rocked at his hand, needing what only he could give her.

  They were fucking, and it was raw, painful, and yet filled with emotion. Ace thrust inside her, shoving every single emotion that he had felt over the years. He had loved her from afar but knew she was better than he was, had believed there was no way he could ever have her.

  Never again would he back away. Trixie was his, and he would fight her every step of the way.

  “I love you, Trixie. I love you so fucking much.”

  She came, screaming his name, and shaking in his grip. He didn’t stop pounding inside her, feeling his own orgasm beginning to build. His grip on her hips tightened as with one final thrust, he filled her pussy. He pressed his face against her neck, breathing in her scent.

  They were both gasping for breath, and he didn’t release her.

  “You were right,” she said, turning to look at him. “I’ve not been doing this right.”

  He chuckled.

  “I also love you as well, Ace. Very much. You’re not alone in your thoughts. I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Seeing you here that day, you gave me strength to finally fight for what I want.”

  “You love me?” he asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  He sighed, collapsing against her. “Do you know how long I’ve waited to hear that?”

  “You could have asked. We wasted so long, and it seems so crazy now.”

  He kissed her shoulder. “You weren’t ready.”

  Pulling out of her pussy, he turned her around so that she was facing him. This was surreal to him.

  The smile on her face was undoing him. He’d do anything just to see that look on her face. “Why are you crying?” he asked, seeing her tears.

  “Do you have any idea how close I came to not having this? To not knowing what this felt like?”

  Ace stared down at her chest, and sighed. “I, erm, I’ve got a secret.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When I heard the rumors about your upcoming wedding. I was going to come and find you. I’d been talking myself out of it, but then I’d wake up, and talk myself into it. The day you came in here, that was one of the days I’d talked myself out of going to see you.”

  “You were going to find me?” she asked.

  “Yes. I knew we hadn’t talked, or done anything really, but you’d always been there, in my head. It’s completely crazy, but I needed you to know you had more than one option. You had me.”


  Trixie had always thought about Ace. When there had been blank moments in the office, she would look outside of the window, and think about the boy, and wonder what he was doing, if he got what he dreamed about, even if she didn’t know what those dreams were. He was the one person she had always been tempted to look up.

  She had even joined social media under an alias name just to hunt for him, but he hadn’t been on there. It would have been easier to drive back to town, but again, her mother was always there, always lurking.

  It had been three days now since he’d admitted that he loved her, and she once again lay beside him, watching him.

  “You’re doing that watching thing again.”

  “We’re at my apartment, so it only makes it fair that we follow my rules, and I like watching you.”

  “We’re only here because my mom has been staying at my place. I told you she wouldn’t know how to keep her distance.”

  She laughed, thinking about his very crazy and devoted mother. “You’re the one that told her you loved me.”

  “I know. I didn’t want to keep it a secret for much longer, and I thought seeing as she is my very devoted mother, she would be happy for me, and let me, you know, spend some quality time with you.” He reached out, gripping her hip, and she closed her eyes, moaning.

  There were bruises covering her waist and hips from his possession, and she loved it. At work, there was no end to his lovemaking. When it was lunch, he no longer left the main door open. He always closed and locked it so no random customer could just enter. They made a great deal of use of his office. It was not very hygienic having sex in the reception area.

  “You’re going to have to introduce me to your mother.”

  He grumbled. “Not yet. She’s going to be talking abou
t weddings and stuff like that.” Ace opened his eyes, and smiled. “Are you wanting to get married?”

  She burst out laughing. “Is that a proposal?”

  “I’m thinking it might be. Will you marry me, Trixie Dean?”

  Staring into his eyes, she saw he was being totally serious, and her heart started to pound. Happiness poured through every single part of her, threatening to bubble over. “You want to marry me?”

  “I keep making you cry.”

  “No, I’m for real right now, Ace. Do you want to marry me?”

  “I told you I don’t lie, and I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

  “Then yes, a gazillion times yes. I want to marry you.” She was already kneeling on the bed, and she let out a cry of happiness. “This is the craziest moment of my life. We’re going to have to tell your mother.” She reached over him, grabbing his cell phone.

  Within seconds, Ace had the cell phone out of her hands, and pressed her against the bed. “I had planned on a really romantic proposal,” he said.

  “Believe it or not, your proposal is the best one I’ve ever received.”

  “For real?” he asked, frowning. “How did your last proposal happen?”

  “During a business meeting. We were in one of his conference rooms, and aligning our schedules so we could make the right amount of time for one another, planning dinners, and dates like that. He put a ring on the book, and told me to put it on. Our parents were already working out all the details so it wouldn’t interfere with our work.”

  “Holy shit. What a douchebag.”

  “Yep, big douchebag.” She leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips. “You have no ring, but I think it’s amazing. We’re going to get married, Ace.”

  “The bad guy and the nerd!” He winked at her. “It has a nice ring to it.”

  She burst out laughing, and stole his cell phone from him. She had already dialed his mother’s name, and placed the phone next to her ear. “We are not avoiding her anymore.”

  “It’s about time you remember your mother, Ace.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Heart. This is Trixie Dean,” she said.

  Ace began to tickle her, and she struggled to keep her laughter out of her voice.

  “Stop it!”

  “I’m not stopping. Hi, Mom.”

  “Oh my. Hello, Trixie. It is so good to hear from you.”

  This was torture. His fingers were working over her entire body, and she had always been so ticklish. “I want to apologize for Ace’s rudeness. We’re new at all of this,” she said. “Ace, stop!”

  He paused, giving her a few seconds’ reprieve.

  “Ace and I were hoping you’d join us for lunch. Maybe a picnic, would you like it?”

  Ace was already attacking her arms again. “No, no picnic.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful. I am so looking forward to meeting you, Trixie. My son has spoken highly of you.”

  She wished she could say the same, but according to Ace, his mother had been absent from his life until recently.

  “So it’s settled then. This afternoon in the park. We have some exciting news to share with you.”

  “I will be there. Don’t worry about bringing a picnic. I know a good place where they make them, and I will bring it.”

  “It will be lovely to see you, Mrs. Heart.”

  Trixie hung up the phone and dropped his cell over the side of the bed. “It has been arranged. We are having dinner with your mother and then we’re going to start preparing for an awesome wedding.”

  “I love you, Trixie. I know I’m going to be the happiest guy alive.”

  Trixie chuckled. He had already made her the happiest woman.

  Chapter Seven

  Ace knew his mother would love Trixie the moment she met her, and he was right. The two women got on so well, and he loved seeing his woman smile. It was also nice to see his mother seeming so happy.

  Trixie rested between his thighs, laughing at another story his mother told.

  “This is just awful. You guys shouldn’t be talking about me like this, at a picnic no less,” Ace said, taking a swig of his soda.

  “Come on, that was cute. You put a diaper on your head and called yourself Captain Poo. That is just so funny,” Trixie said, and then giggled as she let out a snort.

  His mother hadn’t told anyone else that story, and the look she was giving him right now, he knew she was proud of him.

  “It’s so good to see you both so happy and together.” His mother pressed her hands together. “Have you made any arrangements?”

  “I told you she’d be nagging about this,” Ace said, dropping a kiss to her neck.

  Trixie burst out laughing. “We’re engaged. That is about as much as we have right now. We’re going to take our time. Neither of us are in a rush, or anything.”

  His mother wasn’t happy with that. “I can help with all of this. I know a couple of places that would totally love to have you in a dress.”

  “We’re going to go to Vegas,” Trixie said.

  “We are?” Ace didn’t care at all where they were married.

  “Do you want a long drawn out affair? I want to be married to you, and I don’t need a big church where everyone will stare at us to have it. I love you, Ace. I’m not marrying anyone else but you.”

  He cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her lips. “You know how to say all the right things.”

  “You sound like a girl,” she said, laughing.

  Pressing his lips against hers, he ignored his mother’s tutting, and kissed his woman. He was on cloud nine, and knew that even if he had to have his wedding in the sewers if it was with this woman, he’d do it every single chance he had.

  Staring down at her swollen lips, he watched her eyes open, and the smile filling the whole of her face. “You are beautiful,” he said.

  She giggled, stretched, and stared off to the side. The moment she tensed in his arms, he followed her gaze. There at the edge of the park stood her mother. She wasn’t looking in their direction.

  “Is this the first time you’ve seen her?” he asked.

  Trixie nodded. She didn’t pull out of his arms, and Ace watched as Trixie’s mother finally looked over at him. They were far enough away that he couldn’t make out her facial expression.

  “Is everything okay?” his mother asked.

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I’ve just seen my mother for the first time in years.”

  “In years?” Ace asked. “In this town?”

  “It’s a really big town, and my mother has standards. I make sure I live where she will never venture into.”

  Ace rubbed her arms, trying to offer her comfort, and knowing in his heart he was failing to do so.

  “Do you want to go and talk to her?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I don’t want anything to do with her.”

  “You can’t go on like this. I know her just being there is upsetting you. Just go and tell her how you feel. Let her know that you’re happy, that you have moved on.”

  “Do you think that will help?”

  “You’ll finally know her feelings. You’ve not spoken since you stopped the wedding, quit your job, and did a complete turnaround with your life.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m with you no matter what you decide.”

  He could practically feel her mind working as she stared over at her mother. “I’m going to go and talk to her. I should do this. It has been too long.” She stood up, and when he made to stand, she shook her head. “No. If she’s going to say something bad, I don’t want her to direct it at you.” She leaned down, pressed a kiss to his lips, and began walking away. He watched her go, wanting more than anything to go with her.

  “Are you okay?” his mother asked, drawing his attention back to her.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. More than fine. I worry about her.”

  “You don’t like her mother.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve never met the woman other than in a passing glance.
I know she had high expectations for Trixie.”

  “You’re not worried she’s going to talk her out of marrying you?” she asked.

  Ace shook his head. “No. I know Trixie loves me more than anything. She needs to do this for herself.” He took another long swig, and couldn’t help tensing up as Trixie stood in front of her mother.

  “I’m really proud of you, and everything that you’ve achieved, Ace.”

  “I know you are, Mom.”

  She reached out, and took his hand. “To think of all those times I wasn’t there for you, and you had to fend for yourself. I was such a selfish person.”

  He squeezed her hand. “I’ve forgiven you, Mom. You need to learn to do that yourself. I’m a big boy, and I’m going to get married to the woman I have always loved. You have nothing to be ashamed of. One day, you’ll be a grandma.”

  His mother put a hand to his chest, and he watched tears fill her eyes. “Is she pregnant?”

  “No. We’re not pregnant. Not yet anyway, but I’m hoping one day soon I can convince her to have my babies.”


  Trixie stepped in front of her mother, and instead of fearing the shame and ridicule that her mother had often given her, she felt … nothing. All of her life this woman had dictated everything to her. Where she should go, what she should do, whom she should love. The list went on and on, and now standing in front of her, having taken all of her power from her, Trixie felt nothing.


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