Bossed Up (Iron Vex MC Book 2)

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Bossed Up (Iron Vex MC Book 2) Page 6

by Elizabeth Knox

  “A what?” He looks at me like I’m speaking a foreign language.

  “Isn’t that what the kings and queens did, way back when?” Horse questions.

  “Yes, it was, and I want to bring it back. Someone from my club will be in Stonewall Mills, and someone from your club will be here at my club. They will act as our regents, ensuring our policies are being followed. Say they’re babysitters or what have it, but, I really feel like this could be a good idea in the long term. I . . . I believe our alliance is stronger than ever now because of Destiny, and because of that, implementing a regency program will be nothing but a success.”

  “My guys aren’t used to women bein’ in the club unless they’re whores.” Stoney mutters, looking around the rooftop, I know he’s already counting how many women we have here.

  “Well, then they should start getting used to it. I have just the girl. She has no family up here, but she’s trustworthy as hell. Fierce as fuck too. She met Iris at an art class up here, but she’s quickly proven herself,” I pause for a moment and look for her, “Ainslee! Come here, will you?”

  Ainslee comes over from where she was chatting with Nikki and Gold, smiling at both Horse and Stoney. “Hey there, I’m Ainslee.” She extends her hand and shakes with them both.

  “Scottish, are ya?” Stoney smirks.

  “Yep,” Ainslee replies.

  “I think Ainslee should stay at Horse’s club, considering he’s closer to some of the universities. I’ll put Ainslee in some classes and she’ll be keeping an eye out for anything unusual.”

  Ainslee’s eyes sparkle with excitement. “You tapping me in, coach?”

  I chuckle lightly. “Yes, just explaining my plan to Stoney and Horse.”

  Stoney rubs his palm over his mouth as he mulls over the idea, “Who am I supposed to send to you?”

  “Whoever you want. There’s no rush, Stoney. Take your time. I just wanna get her down there as soon as possible. She’s exotic, devious, and has a good head on her shoulders.” I say whatever I damn well need to in order for him to agree.

  “Shit, alright. Fine, but the boys at Horse’s club are gonna eat her up.”

  Ainslee cackles, “I highly doubt that. I don’t swim in their waters. She’s more of my type,” Ainslee points to me.

  “Well, damn. You’re sendin’ a firecracker down to us. Aren’t you?” Stoney chuckles.

  “I am, and I know she’s going to come up with something. She always does.”

  “What can I say? I’m resourceful like that.” Ainslee quips with a giggle.

  “Alright. We’ll make it work. When is she gonna come to the club?” Stoney questions me.

  “A month, maybe. Would that work? It gives her time to finish her classes up here and get enrolled down there, all of the logistics.”

  “Yep, sounds good. Horse and I will be leaving in a couple hours to head back home, but I’ll give Tracker an update on what’s going down when we get back tonight.”

  Much to my surprise, I thought they’d be sticking around a little while longer. “Leaving already?”

  Stoney nods, “Yeah, we have lots of shit to be getting done. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I promised a little girl I’d eat a cuppie cake with her.” Stoney doesn’t even wait for a response as he walks by me, and Ainslee takes her leave as well, leaving Horse and I alone.

  “Things will get easier in time between the two of you. I’m sure of it.” Horse comments.

  “I hope you’re right. I really do.”

  “I know I am. You two might be fuckin’ hotheads, but neither of you are dumb. You’ll get this sorted sooner rather than later.” Horse says, patting me once on the back he goes off to where his father’s headed.

  When they walked in the club the other day, I was terrified our entire alliance was going to go up in flames, but, now it looks like somehow we’ve salvaged it, and made it stronger.

  Chapter Eleven

  Somehow I always knew no matter how far we drifted away from each other, that we would find our way back together again.

  ~ The Better Man Project


  I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t glad Stoney and Horse left. Their presence only made me anxious, maybe even pissed if I’m bein’ honest. I know they both had conversations with Tala and made her believe things are gonna be good from this point on, but I’ve been told things that’ve only ended up changing. If she wants me to be optimistic I will, but deep down I’m going to be cautious as fuck.

  It’s been a week since Destiny’s birthday party and things have been calm, quiet even. Ainslee leaves in about three weeks to head down to Horse’s charter and somethin’ about this just isn’t sitting well with me. Practically begging for trouble.

  “Nikki said she’d watch Destiny tonight, you know, if you wanna take me out or something,” Tala mutters, wiggling her eyebrows.

  I chuckle lightly. She knows damn well I want to take her out tonight, considering I asked her if we could find a babysitter. “Get yourself dressed up, baby. We’re goin’ out to a nice restaurant.”

  “What kinda nice place?” She asks, cocking a brow.

  “The kind where I need to be in a black-tie suit and you need to be dressed up in an evening gown. Now, get yourself ready.”

  Tala draws her brows together, lookin’ at me like I’ve lost my damn mind. “Why would you think I own an evening gown?”

  “Because I bought one for you,” I tell her, walking over to the closet we share I pull the door back and expose the black garment bag. I feel the need to unzip the bag, so I do, pulling the zipper down the side, I delicately grab the dress and pull it from the bag.

  It was incredibly hard buying a dress I thought Tala would like. Since I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her in something remotely close to this. She’s always been in skinny jeans, jeggings, or tight pants in general. Never has she worn a skirt, dress, or something as fancy as the material in my hands.

  It has thin straps, dives down into a deep v and has a slit that’ll go up her right leg. It’s a basic dress if you ask me, black with a glittery sort of shine to it.

  “You picked this out for me?” She questions, coming over she runs her hand against the material.

  I nod, “Yes, I did. Do you like it?”

  Tala stares at the dress, smiling brightly. “I never thought I’d ever wear something so beautiful.”

  “I hope this isn’t the only dress I get you in,” I say, not even thinking about my meaning. At least, I don’t until her cheeks flush with a pink color. Since we reconciled what we had, I’ve felt stronger feelings for her than I ever did before. Maybe our time apart made me realize she’s the woman I’ve always wanted. Maybe it did us some good.

  “I’m going to put this on,” Tala tells me, taking the dress from my hands she heads into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  I head into the closet and grab my suit, stripping out of my typical outfit and get dressed. By the time I’m tying my shoelaces to these Oxfords, Tala comes strutting out. “I think I’ll grab those black strappy heels,” she tells me, and I nod. She usually wears them with her skinny jeans and man they make her ass look amazing.

  “God, you look fuckin’ beautiful.” I can’t keep my thoughts back. She’s a vision, the type of woman I’d give up everything for. By the end of the evening she’s going to think I lost my fuckin’ mind, and I might have . . . but one thing I’m certain of is we’re gonna pull through. Relationships aren’t ever easy, but I’m willin’ to go through the gritty shit with her.

  A smile tugs at her lips and she looks away for a split second. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  “I’d hope not. I tried to fancy my ass up a bit.” I admit, rising from the edge of the bed I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. “You ready to get out of here and have a night you won’t forget?”

  “I don’t know. I think you have something up your sleeve,” Tala teases, making her way to the door of the apartment we have on the fourth f

  I follow quickly behind her, hoping she didn’t notice the bulge I have in my pocket . . . ‘cause it isn’t my dick.

  Chapter Twelve

  You are being presented with two choices: evolve or repeat

  ~ Unknown


  I don’t think Cowboy knew I’ve never been in a joint like that, the type where you usually have to make a reservation weeks out, are served sparkling water versus tap. The waiters had worn black and white outfits, with some sort of towel sorta thing wrapped around their waist. I know it’s not a towel, but it was like a fancy apron.

  “Why are we here?” I ask him, finally allowing my curiosity to get the best of me. After dinner in Manhattan, Cowboy wanted to take a stroll through Central Park. He said he’d never been here and wanted to mark it off his bucket list, so I didn’t oppose the stroll. But as my ankles are getting more sore by the minute, I might be hoping we’ll take a seat on a bench sometime soon.

  It’s probably around ten or so, but his smile is so bright I can’t miss it. “I told you, I wanted to take a walk here. You hear lots of shit about how nice it is, so,” Cowboy shrugs his shoulders, and his Canadian accent slips out a bit with the word ‘about’. If it weren’t for that, and a few other sayings, you’d assume he was American.

  “Mind if we take a seat soon? These heels are killing me.” I tell him.

  He nods, “Sure thing. Did you ever come here, when you were little or whatever?”

  “Eh, my grandfather brought me here once or twice, I think. He always hated coming on this side of the city. Queens was his home, and if he had his way, he would’ve taken me down to Brooklyn. He loved the food over there.” I don’t have many memorable memories of my grandfather, but the few I do have are good ones. He was always so devoted to the club that he barely ever got out, unless it was a rally.

  “You hardly ever talk about him.”

  “Yeah. He . . . I didn’t spend a lot of time with him when I was growing up. Weird since I lived with him and my mom, but it’s the way it was. He was always handling business. Mom and I though. We were the real team.” I smile thinking about my late mother, wishing she was here to see Destiny growing up. She would’ve been the best grandmother in the entire world, and that’s a fact. Though, I suppose I’d have one spoiled child.

  “It’s nice to hear you talking about your family,” Cowboy mutters, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

  “You never talk about yours. Why is that?” I ask, really looking at him. He’s never told me anything about his family. Not one thing. I don’t think it’s something secretive, but I do feel like there’s something dark there. Call it a gut feeling, but it’s never led me astray.

  Cowboy stops where we are and rubs his thumb over the top of my hand, “‘Cause . . . not all families are as tight knit as yours. I have two brothers, but instead of following Rage’s orders and turning a new leaf for the Demons, joining the Iron Vex . . . they decided to split from the club. They’re not like me, Tala. My brothers are dangerous.”

  “You’re dangerous too, you know.” I remind him, “But that doesn’t scare me.”

  Cowboy stares directly into my eyes and shakes his head slowly. “No, they’re not . . . Tala, they’d snap your neck for the hell of it. Being with your dad’s club when there wasn’t any rules was exactly what they wanted. No one who gave a damn who you hurt, what you did, or who you pissed off. I don’t talk about my family ‘cause I don’t wanna talk about them. They never brought joy into my life, and the people who do are the ones I live with.” He comes closer to me, releases my hand, and brushes the back of his knuckles against my cheek. “You and Destiny are my entire world. You both have been since you were pregnant with her. I love you both so fuckin’ much, Tala. And I’m not gonna lose either of you. I want everyone to know how much I care about you both, how you both belong to me, and there isn’t any other way I can do it except this.”

  Cowboy presses his lips to my forehead before dropping down on one knee. He digs a hand into his pocket and pulls out a box. As he opens it, a light shines down on a diamond ring. I have a hard time believing what’s happening right now. Good god. Can this really be happening?

  “I told you I was in this for the long haul, Tala, and God I fuckin’ mean it. I’m yours, baby. Here I am, committing the rest of my fuckin’ life to you, ‘cause I’m not gonna lose more time with you. So, fuck, will you do me the honor of bein’ my wife?”

  I don’t know when I put my hands up over my mouth, but as they shake I realize I’m in shock. This is really happening. I think someone needs to pinch me right now.

  “This is why you took me out tonight?” I ask with widened eyes, staring at the white gold ring in the princess cut with a row of smaller diamonds around it.

  “Fuck, Tala. What does it matter? Answer my question. I’m sweatin’ my damn balls off over here.” He laughs with nervousness evident in his voice.

  I drop down on my knees in front of him, wrap my arms around his neck, and bring my lips against his. I kiss him feverishly, needing to show him how much I fucking care about him. I take my lips away for a second and nod my head, “Yes, yes, I’ll fucking marry you.”

  Screaming sounds ring out from around us, causing me to almost piss myself. I turn my head around and quickly almost everyone from the club comes into view. Glancing back to Cowboy, I can’t hold back my smile.

  There is something about this man that I adore, and I can’t quite put my finger on it, but part of me doesn’t want to. I only want to enjoy the surprises he’ll bring me for the rest of our lives.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Who was I before? I don’t want to remember, nor do I want to remember a time without you

  ~ Alicia N Green


  It’s safe to say Tala is still in shock from what I managed to pull off the other day. She thought I was just takin’ her ass to a fancy dinner? Hell. She should’ve known better. Not once have I ever gotten my ass dressed up in a suit like that, but considering I was about to propose to her, I figured I needed to make it special. She deserved for it to be a special, elaborate thing. She might not have any biological family besides Joker and Destiny but, the club is her family even if she doesn’t admit it.

  “Dude, did you see this shit?” Hoodrat’s sitting at a table with Chuckles, and I can’t help but walk over to see what all the fuss is about.

  “Hmm. Interesting.” Chuckles nods, furrowing his brows.

  “Somethin’ goin’ on boys?” I ask, taking a seat next to Chuckles.

  “Yeah, looks like there’s a new club that came outta nowhere. The Beasts of Brutality MC. Gamble called Boss a few minutes ago and told her about them. Looks like they’re some of the leftover Demons of Hell. You recognize any of them?” Hoodrat hands his phone over to me and I swipe through the pictures, stopping as my eyes land on two men I thought went to the edge of the earth. My brothers—Pistol and Duke.

  I nod, “Where they at?”

  “Lewes, Delaware.” Hoodrat responds, surveying my reaction. “They’re trouble, aren’t they?” He asks the question but he isn’t dumb. Of course, they’re fucking trouble.

  Delaware is far enough away from us that I’m hoping they won’t pose much of a problem, but that’ll only happen if we’re lucky. The thing about my brothers is that they never know when to stop. They were some of Rage’s sickest bastards. They loved to cause as much chaos as they could, not giving a damn about what they destroyed.

  “They’re not our concern, yet. Boss said our main priority is dealin’ with the cult.” Chuckles speaks up, lookin’ to Hoodrat.

  “We don’t even have any news about the cult as of yet. Everything ran dry,” Hoodrat grumbles.

  “I know none of us like sittin’ on our asses, and waiting for shit, but Boss is sending Ainslee down to Virginia. She’s gonna come up with somethin’ soon.” I tell Hoodrat, choosing not to refer to Tala by her birth name.

  “What makes you think Ainslee
is gonna get us shit?” Hoodrat rolls his eyes.

  “They were targeting unmarried college girls. We put a ring on her finger, have her dress modest while goin’ to school, and put her in very specific classes . . . she’ll be bound to run in the same crowds as people in the cult. If they’re there that is. And if they are, we’re gonna find out.” I speak up.

  “He’s right, Hoodrat. We just gotta give it some time. The good things come to those who wait.” Chuckles speaks in my defense.

  “Yeah, well I’m tired of waitin’ and not actin’ on shit. It’s infuriating.” Hoodrat grumbles, and I can’t blame him. No one likes sittin’ around and waitin’ for shit to happen.

  “I’m sure you are but complainin’ about shit isn’t gonna make it go by any quicker. Like damn, dude. Calm your shit.” Mug laughs from the other side of the room.

  “In the meantime, just enjoy the peace and quiet. We all know this is a rarity.” Muffler adds in.

  “Shit, I know this is fucked up, but there can’t be a gang comin’ in to keep us busy for a hot minute?” Hoodrat groans, running a hand over his face.

  “We don’t need any more headaches, Hoodrat.” Tala chastises him as she comes in through the doorway, glaring at her outspoken member.

  “Sorry, Boss, but damn I’m bored.” He grumbles.

  “So, go play video games or do something around the club and make yourself useful. We have tons of shit that needs to be fixed up around here. You can get your ass to work any day of the week.” Tala smiles widely, giving him a silent order.

  “Fine, fine. I’ll go check out shit downstairs and see how it’s runnin’,” Hoodrat mutters. Hoodrat rises from his chair and passes Tala, heading downstairs to do as he said.


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