Damned if I Do

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Damned if I Do Page 22

by Philip Nitschke

  Peter Corris wishes to thank Jean Bedford and Renee Quinn.


  7.30 Report (ABC TV) 92

  Abbott, Tony 126

  Aboriginal rights, support for 38–9, 43–6, 54, 55

  accelerometer inside boxing headgear 71

  activist journalism 160

  Adams, Phillip 112, 170

  advertising, banning of 162, 174, 175

  Albanese, Anthony 100

  Alcorn, Gay 82, 88, 201

  AM (ABC radio) 35

  Andrews Act 104, 105, 170, 205

  Andrews’ Bill 99, 100, 101–4, 105

  Andrews, Kevin 98–9, 101, 110–11

  anti-euthanasia blogs and websites 160, 178

  Arafura Games 71

  Arch-Rowe, Elaine 168

  Ardrossan (SA) 9, 11

  army reserve 56

  Arnold, Peter 78

  ASIO file 54

  Assange, Julian 184


  and inheritance 120–1

  legal cases 116–22, 135

  testing of the law 127, 147

  atheism 25

  Atheist Ireland 188

  Atkinson, Bob 151

  Atkinson, Don 37–8, 41

  Ausdoc Mobile 80–2, 85

  Australian Advertising Standards Bureau 176

  Australian Amateur Boxing Association 71

  The Australian Book of Atheism 96

  Australian Christian Lobby 125, 126, 170

  Australian Customs

  confiscation of COGen 165–6

  Importing Barbiturates: Pentobarbital/Nembutal 211

  Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Agency (AHPRA), inquiries into fitness to practice medicine 126, 127, 159–60, 211

  Australian Medical Association (AMA)

  opposition to euthanasia 4, 86

  personal attacks 149–50

  Baddeley, Steve 68–9, 95, 105, 106

  Baeyer, Adolf 128

  Bankin, Ellis 195–6

  Bankin, Frank 195

  Banshee (yacht) 73

  barbituric acid 128

  Baume, Eric 33

  Baume, Peter 92

  Beadell, Len 61, 62

  Beattie government, legal action against 151

  Beattie, Peter 146, 150

  Beazley, Kim 99, 172

  Beckett, Simeon 169

  Beech, Kathy 185

  Belecciu, Angie 145

  Bell, Max 85–8, 160

  Bellamy, John 184

  Berg, Erin 153–6

  Berg, Norman 153–4

  billboard campaign 175–6

  Biros, Kenneth 209, 210

  Blixen, Karen 192

  Bodor, Peter 117

  Boeing Corporation 27

  Bolt, Andrew 157

  Bowden, Tom 12

  Bowen, Paul 207

  boxing 50, 69–71

  Brennan, Max 34, 35

  Brighthelm Community Church 183, 185

  Brinkworth Area School 14

  British Columbia Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) 186

  British National Party 177

  Brown, Bob 100, 103–4

  Burke, Tony 100

  Buswells Hotel (Dublin) 188

  Callihanna, Andrea 176


  Dying with Dignity legal case 186

  Exit workshops 186

  Canadian Criminal Code 186

  Cape Du Couedic field station (Kangaroo Island) 39–41

  capital punishment 209–10

  carcinoid syndrome 97

  Carmody, Kev 38, 194

  Carne, Des 60, 89, 109

  Carver, - (Professor) 27

  child pornography 172, 173

  Christian Concern (Ireland) 188

  Christian Solidarity Party (Ireland) 187

  Chua, Robert 189

  Chung, Connie 157

  citizen’s arrest, making of 20–2, 144

  City Bible Forum 178

  Clune, Frank 191, 195

  ‘COGen’, confiscation by Australian Customs 165–6

  Coleman, David (Rev.) 183

  collaborative autobiography 217–18

  College of Psychiatrists 90

  Commonwealth Criminal Code 167

  Compass (ABC TV)

  censoring of documentary Mademoiselle and the Doctor 166

  interview with Scott Stephens 25

  Concerned Citizens of Alice Springs 55

  Concordia College 14, 16

  ‘Condolence Books’ 170

  Coniston massacre 33–4

  Connors, Graeme 69

  Conroy, Stephen 172, 173

  Corris, Peter 217–20

  Court, John 30–1

  Crean, Simon 100

  Crews, Bill (Rev.) 158

  Cribb, Reg 86

  Crick, Jimmy 146

  Crick, Nancy 127, 145, 146–51

  Cripps, Robin 69

  Crook, Andrew 158

  Cully, Jean 50

  Curran, Marie 189

  Curran, Tom 188–9

  Curtin Springs station 196

  Customs Act (Cth), voluntary euthanasia items or information amendment 165–7, 168

  Cutler, Trevor 63

  Daguragu/Wattie Creek (NT) 39, 41, 113

  Dalton, Jean 120

  Darken, Bob 54, 55, 194

  Darwin Private Hospital 94

  Day of Shame protest 170

  ‘De-breather’ 136

  Deane, Sir William 105, 106

  death threats 123

  defamation action 139–40

  Deliverance (Exit’s newsletter) 129, 139

  ‘Deliverance Machine’ 89, 93, 97, 109, 142, 181, 185, 207

  Democratic Labor Party 126

  Democrats 167

  Dent, Bob 85, 88–92, 93, 94, 101, 130

  Dent, Judy 90, 91

  Denton, Andrew 90

  depressed teenagers 140–2

  depression 142

  detention, by UK Immigration officials 183–4

  Dignified Departures (TV series) 189

  Dignitas (Zurich) 115–16, 135, 206, 207

  Dignity in Dying (UK) 134, 180–2

  Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund 187

  Do It Yourself with Betty (film) (Hopes) 162–3

  doctor-assisted suicide

  ‘Deliverance Machine’ 89

  in the Netherlands 102

  Doctors for Change 4–5

  Dominguez, James 100

  Doogue, Geraldine 166

  Doyle sisters 154–5

  ‘Dr Death’ 93, 187

  drug addicts

  prescriptions for morphine tablets 80

  provision of clean opiates 80, 81–2

  drug policy of NT government 81–2

  Duckworth, Dick 195–6

  Duffy, Michael 173

  Duffy, Mike 180

  Duncan, George (Dr) 31

  Dying with Dignity NSW 139

  Dying with Dignity Victoria 140

  Eastbourne Riviera Hotel 185

  Eby, David 186

  Eddington, Paul 93

  Edge, John 127–9


  medical studies 58, 59–61, 65, 66–7

  PhD supervisors 33–4

  postgraduate studies 7, 27, 28–36

  primary schooling 11

  secondary schooling 11, 12, 13, 14–16

  undergraduate years 18–27

  Ellard, John 90

  Elliott, John (Dr) 145

  Ellis Matthew
man Bankin: Outback Motorcyclist Who Perished: A Biography (Duckworth) 196

  Ellison, Chris 165


  administrative manager at Wave Hill 42–7, 54

  after-hours general medical practice 80–2, 85

  army reservist 56

  boxing doctor at Arafura Games 71

  doctor-in-attendance at boxing matches 69–71

  gardener at Wave Hill 38–9, 41–2

  holiday employment whilst student 22–3

  lighthouse and field station manager 39–41

  medical intern 67, 68–9, 75–6

  medical photographer 77

  medical student on placement 66

  park ranger in Northern Territory 51, 53–6

  radiation protection officer 77–9

  taxi driver 50

  tram conductor 48, 50

  as voluntary euthanasia activist 108–10, 111, 199–203, 204, 205–6

  End of Life Choice Bill (New Zealand) 205–6

  Enderby, Kep 128

  Enough Rope (ABC TV) 90

  Ensemble Theatre 35

  euthanasia, definition 3

  Euthanasia Laws Bill 1996 (Andrews’ Bill) 99, 100, 101–4, 105

  ‘Euthanasia No’ campaign 100

  Exit bags 162–3, 164–5, 166, 213

  Exit International (formerly VERV)

  administration 110

  advertising 162, 174, 175–6

  billboard campaign 175–6

  cancellation of account by PayPal 163, 177–8

  database 110, 156

  Day of Shame protest 170

  defamation action 139–40

  drug-testing kits 208

  ‘Exit Choices’ television commercial 175

  foundation 107

  fundraising 109, 199–200, 201

  information workshops in Australia 107–8, 111, 125, 164

  information workshops overseas 111, 133, 134, 135, 137, 177, 180, 181, 182–3, 184–90

  membership requirements 156

  ongoing projects and activities 202–3, 208

  as only national voluntary euthanasia member organisation in Australia 138

  philosophical stance on voluntary euthanasia 206

  response to proposed internet filtering 174

  succession planning 204

  YouTube videos 163

  ‘Exit Nembutal Test Kit’ 183, 184–5

  explosives 11–13

  Facebook campaign 215

  Farewell Foundation (Canada) 186

  FATE (Friends at the End) (Scotland) 133

  Festival of Dangerous Ideas 199

  Final Exit (Humphry) 136, 137, 168

  Finch, Fred 81

  Fitzgerald, Ross 215

  Flinders Postgraduate Students’ Association (FPSA) 30

  Flinders University

  funding policy 34–5

  PhD scholarship 27

  Flounders, Don 145

  Flounders, Iris 145

  Flowers, Angelique 109, 145

  foot injury and associated legal action 56–7, 59, 63–5

  Four Corners (ABC TV)

  ‘Access Denied’ 174

  ‘Final Call’ 170

  ‘The Dying Game’ 106

  ‘The Road to Nowhere’ 87–8, 160

  Frances (SA) 11

  Francis, Neal 139, 140

  Franklin, Jay 145

  ‘Free Speech?’ banner 79, 219

  Free TV Australia 175

  ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’ (song) (Carmody & Kelly) 38, 194

  Frommelt, Barry 47

  Garrett, Peter 194

  Georgiou, Petro 100

  Ghan, trip as stow away 67

  Giari, Lupna (‘Captain Major’) 38

  Gillard government 100

  Gillies, Max 218

  Ginsberg, Allen 160

  Golden, Marilyn 187

  Google 163

  Gordon, Hayes 35, 41

  Greens 6, 167

  The Gruen Transfer (ABC TV) 174, 175

  Guest, Steve 145

  Gunbarrel Highway 62

  guns 14, 20–2, 30, 46

  Gurindji people 38, 42, 44, 45, 62, 113

  Hadley, Roy 156

  Hahn, Dirk 8

  Hall, Norma 92–3, 145

  Hamilton Hall Hotel (Bournemouth) 183, 184

  Hardy, Frank 37, 38, 44, 113

  Harman, Jay 49

  Harold and Maude (film) 191

  Harradine, Brian 102

  Harvard step test 205

  Hastings, Bill 171

  Hayes, Len 45

  health and fitness 202, 204–5

  Heffernan, Bill 123

  Heiss, Daniel 75–7

  Hemingway, Ernest 215

  Henderson, Sarah 131

  Henley High (Adelaide) 15, 16

  Hickey, Maggie 79

  Highways Department 23

  Hill, Ernestine 48

  Hinch, Derryn 158

  Hippocratic Oath 125

  Hitler’s speeches from Nuremberg Rallies 31–2

  Hofsess, John 136

  Hollows, Fred 66, 194

  Hollows, Gabi 194

  hologram creation 25–7

  Home on the Range (documentary) (Scrine) 60

  HOPE anti-euthanasia group 159

  Hopes, Steve 162

  Hosking, Janine 133, 166

  How the West was Lost (McLeod) 35

  Howard government 98, 99, 165, 169, 170–1

  Howard, John 98, 99, 100

  Howie, Roderick 118, 121, 122

  Huber, Ted 207

  Humphry, Derek 136, 168

  Humphrys, John 181

  hunting 14

  hypochondria 29, 62–3, 204

  internet, mandatory filtering by ISPs 172–3

  internet radio 192


  Exit workshops 187–8

  voluntary euthanasia debate 188–9

  Irving, David 177

  Irwin, Michael 134, 177

  James Hardie factory (Adelaide) 22

  Jenning, Caren 115–22, 145

  Jenning, Kate 122

  Jones, Alan 156

  Jones, Barry 103

  Jones, Clem 137–40

  Jones, Tony 156

  journalists, relationship with 156–61

  Jupiter Well (Gibson Desert) 61–2

  Kamm, Peter 75, 76

  Kelly, Paul (journalist) 100

  Kelly, Paul (singer/songwriter) 38

  Kennerley, Kerri-Anne 158

  Kennett government 100

  Kennett, Jeff 100

  Kevorkian, Jack 88–9, 167

  Killing Me Softly (Nitschke & Stewart) 92, 104, 126, 146, 148, 154, 156, 218, 219

  King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mother and Baby Unit 153, 154

  knives 14, 30

  Koetsier, Kay 100

  Koolunga (SA) 12

  Lange, Phillip 12, 13, 14

  Lanhupuy, Wes 6, 103

  Last Cab to Darwin (play) (Cribb & Sims) 86

  Late Night Live (Radio National), ‘There’s no such thing as a new idea’ debate 111–12

  Laurie, Victoria 154

  Laws, John 158

  Lee, John 177

  leprosy 62–3

  Lickiss, Norelle 4

  Light of Christ Covenants Community (NZ) 187

  Lillecrap, Doug 198

  Lindsay, Norman 168

  Lingiari, Vincent 37, 42, 47

  ‘A Little Further North’ (song) (Connors) 69

  ‘locked in’ syndrome

  Lonzer, George 39

  Lopez, Kathryn Jean 140–1

  Lutheranism 14–15

  Lynda Vale station 195

  Lyons, Enid 98

  Lyons Forum 98

  McCann, Corey 210

  McDermott, Quentin 174

  Mackenzie, Robin 180

  McLaughlin, Murray 87, 92–3, 106, 160, 184

  McLeod, Don 35–6, 41

  Macmillan, Kevin 174–5

  McQueen, Peter 63–4

  Mademoiselle and the Doctor (documentary) (Hosking) 133, 166

  Maklin, Jenny 100

  Manning, Brian 44

  Manzie, Daryl 159

  Marcuse, Herbert 30

  Margaret (girlfriend) 18–19

  Martens, Evelyn 164

  Max Dog Brewing nitrogen cylinders 145, 160, 213–14

  Medew, Julia 151–2


  anti-euthanasia internet campaign 160

  coverage of detention at Heathrow 184–5

  coverage of Nancy Crick’s death 146–51

  coverage of voluntary euthanasia 145–6

  harnessing on behalf of voluntary euthanasia 144, 146, 161, 180, 200–1

  personal attacks 145, 148–50, 158

  refusal to publish right-of-reply 153–6

  relationship with journalists 156–61

  report on killing of dog 16

  report on making citizen’s arrest 21, 144

  social media 159

  supportive treatment 158–9

  treatment by Murdoch press 151–3

  Media Watch (ABC TV) 166

  Medical Association for the Prevention of War 77

  Medical Device Regulations 212

  medical registration, inquiries into fitness to practice medicine 125–6, 159–60, 211–15

  medicine, interest in 24, 58

  memorial ceremony for Ellis Bankin 195–6

  ‘Mercitron’ 89

  Message Stick (ABC TV) 194

  Michael, David 183

  Mills, Dave 93–5

  Mills, Janet 93–5

  Mitchell, Neil 157

  model aeroplanes 13–14

  MONA (Museum of Old and New Art) 97

  Moorhouse, Frank 169

  Morton, Cole 184

  Motor Neurone Disease (MND) 211–12

  motorbikes 192–3, 194, 195–8

  Motorcycle News (magazine) 196

  Mudge, Trevor 149

  Murdoch, Rupert 151

  Murray Bridge (SA) 18–19

  mycosis fungoides 93, 94, 95

  national euthanasia movement, attempt to organise 99–100, 107

  National Library, underground storage vaults 173–4

  Neals, Rob 136


  attempt to produce by Peanut Project 127–9

  China as source 208

  deaths from overdose 109, 116, 119, 122, 152

  difficulty of acquiring 152

  Indonesia as source 179

  Mexico as source 116, 118, 119, 134, 137, 152, 154, 179, 180

  right of access to 130, 209


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