The Circle: Dayvid

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by Ty Marshall

  The Circle:

  Dayvid’s Story

  Narrated by

  Ty Marshall

  The Circle: Dayvid’s Story

  Copyright © 2014 by Ty Marshall

  The Official Writers League™ and all associated logos are trademarks of The Official Writers League LLC.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except where permitted by law.

  Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Book Layout: Official Designs

  Cover Design: Official Designs


  “Who am I, O Lord and what is my family that you have brought me this far?”

  (Samuel 7:18)

  The lights on the minivan went dark immediately as it bent the corner onto the quiet, secluded street. Slowing to a creep, as it pulled alongside the curb, the minivan finally came to a rest in the middle of the block just before the engine cut off. Positioned in the driver’s seat, behind extremely dark tints, sat Dayvid Porter; King Dayvid to the streets. The only male sibling of the infamous Porter clan, that consisted of two younger sisters; Autumn and Fallon, along with his twin sister Rain. Dayvid was the most feared member of the lawless family that had terrorized the state of Maryland for the past five years. They pulled off bank jobs, jewelry heists and robbing every big money hustler in and around the state. Money was his sole motivation and Dayvid didn’t mind putting his murder game down to get it. There was no 401k in the Porter’s line of work, but as they sat parked in the stolen minivan, Dayvid’s eyes were glued across the street at the closest thing to a retirement package.

  The Brink’s armored truck depot was not just the place where the bullet proof vehicles were parked at night; the building housed a vault that banks and businesses used to store cash and jewelry, and on any given day it could hold a couple million dollars easily.

  Rain, as usual, had masterminded the heist, along with Smitty, their consultant and advisor, who enjoyed an illustrious run of his own robbing banks during the 80’s. Smitty was a vital piece to their intricate operation. He had gotten the inside scoop on the layout of the building, including camera positions and the number of guards on duty from a couple disgruntle employees looking to make a nice piece of change off assisting with the heist. The workers would never see their cut though; Dayvid would make sure the both of them disappeared shortly after the heist. He was what Smitty sometimes referred to as the cleaner; the person who got rid of all the loose ends that could connect the Porters to any job they did. The criminal quartet only trusted a select few who weren’t blood, everyone else were pawns and viewed as expendable.

  Dayvid looked down at his watch, which read 11:50 p.m; it was almost go time. Friday night was the perfect time to hit the facility. The vault was left open due to the large quantity of money being moved throughout the night, preparing to replenish the ATM machines around the city of Baltimore. The Porters were the only crew brave enough to attempt such a brash robbery.

  “You ready to do this shit?” he asked looking over at his twin sister who sat slumped in the passenger seat checking her weapon.

  “Do bears shit in the woods?” Rain sarcastically replied.

  “What about you Fallon, you ready? I need you to be focused when we get in this jawn, no bullshittin’, no fuck ups,” he sternly stated glaring in his rearview mirror at his younger sister in the backseat.

  “I know, I got this, I’m not gonna let y’all down,” Fallon spoke up trying her best not to sound intimidated by her brother. Nothing else needed to be said, they all knew what was at stake. If all went as planned, they will be sipping margaritas on the beaches of Mexico this time tomorrow.

  The three siblings pulled their masks down over their faces and exited the car. Creeping quickly across the street using the darkness as their cover, they pressed up against the wall and waited for the camera on the building to rotate. Dayvid had the timing down of all the cameras they would have to pass on their way through the building. Having rehearsed this dance numerous times in the past few weeks, he felt as though they could have navigated the building blindfolded. Now sure they could move undetected, he pulled out the key that was provided to him by the employee and slid it into the lock. Rain and Fallon pulled out their guns, crouched down and swiftly moved through the open door with Dayvid following close behind.

  The Porters were stealth in their movements as they made their way through the facility until they reached the staff’s cafeteria. Slipping inside the break room, they hid out until they heard the bell signaling break time for the security guards on duty. Lying in wait, they subdued each guard that entered the break room one by one. Making everyone lay face down on the floor, Dayvid held the room at gun point while Rain and Fallon used zip tie cuffs on their hands and feet.

  Rain checked the nametags of each employee before snatching a key card off one of the guards and tossing it to Fallon. They were provided with the last name of the guard, who was in possession of the key card, that would get them into the vault area and so far the information had proven to be right.

  Continuing down the hallway until they came to another door that required the swipe, Fallon quickly swiped the access card on the set of keys and waited to hear the door click, signaling it was open. Dayvid put up his hand, using his fingers he silently counted to three. On three the Porters invaded the vault area with their weapons drawn, pointing directly at the four guards in the room. Caught by surprise, they had the three men and one woman face down on the floor before they were able to hit the button setting off the alarm or go for their weapons.

  “Robbery or homicide, your choice,” Dayvid yelled. “Look straight at the floor and put your hands behind your back,” he barked out instructions. “If you look at me I’ll blow your fuckin head off, we clear?” he said pressing his shotgun against the back of one of the men’s head as his sisters used the zip tie cuffs to restrain the group.

  Dayvid walked over to the operating station and pressed a button on the switchboard. He watched on the closed circuit monitor as the gate opened and a white cargo van sped through. The three siblings waited as the van backed up to the dock and came to a stop. When the two doors flew open, their baby sister, Autumn, stood there waiting to begin loading the empty van up with cash.

  The four of them moved like a well-oiled machine making quick work of the vault. They grabbed close to 3 million in cash and jewelry in seven minutes, not wanting to stay too long. They knew that the trucks would begin pulling up soon to get loaded for their routes.

  “Time,” Rain shouted just as Fallon emerged from a back room holding the security tapes in her hands.

  “Let’s go!” Dayvid shouted jumping in the back of the van as Rain and Fallon followed. He slammed the doors shut as Autumn started up the engine and peeled off.

  A short time later Autumn pulled the cargo van into a garage a few miles away from the armored truck depot. It was one of the many stash spots the Porters had in and around the city of Baltimore. They quickly exited the van and began transferring the take from the van into one of the two waiting cars. The only car they didn’t put money in was the car Dayvid was driving.

  “A’ight y’all know the plan. Straight to the safe house, no stops,” he said to his sisters. “I’ma go tie up these loose ends,” he said cocking his gun. “And I’ll be right there. Then we outta here first thing tomorrow.” Dayvid kissed Autumn and Fallon on the forehead like usual.

  “Mexico here we come,” Fallon said with a smile as she slapped five celebrating with her baby sister, almost able to hear the waves slamming against the beach and feeling the sun on her beautiful brown skin.

  “I can
’t wait,” Autumn sighed relieved at the thought of putting the life behind her and enjoying a normal life with her siblings for a change.

  “Be safe D,” Rain said not ready to celebrate like her younger sisters.

  “C’mon slim, you already know,” he dapped Rain up trying to reassure her, but knew it would do nothing to ease her fears. Dayvid knew Rain would be pacing back and forth at the safe house until he walked through the door. That was how she was when it came to her siblings.

  “Straight to the safe house,” he repeated once more as he pulled the black Challenger out the garage.


  “Yo, I gotta go hit Smitty off before we leave,” Rain said as she picked her gun up off the table and put it in her waist.

  “Damn you didn’t handle that earlier?” Dayvid asked as he took a gulp of champagne.

  “Nah, I got too busy. I was trying to get to the safe house and I forgot to stop by his place.” Rain walked over to the smallest bag that contained close to one hundred thousand dollars in it and threw it over her shoulder.

  “You want me to roll with you?” he asked placing his glass down on the table.

  “Nah, I’m good. Y’all do y’all thing and I’ll be back later. Save me some champagne too nigga,” Rain said as she finished off her glass, dapped her brother up and headed for the back door.

  “Rain,” Dayvid called out. “Smitty’s and back, no extra shit,” knowing she would probably stop by her girlfriend Laura’s house no matter what he said.

  Rain just nodded her head and smiled before disappearing out the door.

  Dayvid picked up the lit blunt from the ashtray, taking a long pull, filling his lungs with OG Kush then slowly exhaled the smoke. He rose to his feet, snatching the open bottle of champagne off the table before walking over to the fire place. Retrieving his clothes from the robbery off the floor, he tossed all the articles of clothing into the burning fire, including the ski mask. Seeing the clothes burning seemed to bring a calming feeling over him as he took another hit of the weed. For as long as he could remember money, murder, and mayhem had consumed his every thought, he had never second guessed it. Protect and provide; Dayvid was the best at both when it came to his siblings. Maybe a little too good if you asked Fallon and Autumn.

  The two of them felt that he could be overprotective at times, even more than Rain. His overbearing ways forced them to keep things from him when it came to certain parts of their lives, mainly their love lives. The loss of their parents, especially their mother, had strained Dayvid more than any of the other Porter siblings. He was the closest to Remy and had become extremely reticent after her death; internalizing the pain and vowing to never let anything happen to someone he loved again. That was why he behaved the way he did with his sisters.

  Fallon knew this all too well after choosing Linx over her siblings, only to have to return with her tail between her legs. While her two sisters were happy to have her back in the fold and welcomed her with open arms, Dayvid had been slow to come around. He had shown a callous indifference towards Fallon since her return and it had affected the relationship negatively. He felt a deep sense of betrayal and hurt by her actions. After all Autumn and Fallon’s well-being was the driving force behind most of the risks he and Rain had taken over the years. So her defection was a spit in his face. Deep in his thoughts, while staring into the burning fire, he hadn’t even noticed Fallon making her way across the room, until she was only a few feet from him. The sound of her heels clicking on the hardwood floor made him turn to face her.

  “Hey D,” she said trying to work up the nerve to say what was on her mind.

  Dayvid’s strong personality and demeanor could be very intimidating to most, he always said less than necessary which left a bit of mystery about him. He stood over six feet tall, with a slim but solid built frame and piercing eyes with a tattoo tear under one of them. The lightest of all the Porters, Dayvid was extremely handsome. His light skinned complexion and deep dish waves on his fade made him appear more puerto rican than black. His neck was fully covered in tattoos, giving him a grimy edge but his flawless set of teeth and deep dimples gave him undeniable sex appeal and boyish charm. His face remained emotionless as he nodded his head in response to her greeting and blew out a cloud smoke from the side of his mouth.

  Still not sure if her timing was right, Fallon decided to take the opportunity to clear the air between the two of them once and for all. “I know you feel a way about me Dayvid and I’ve apologized many times, but it seems like you refuse to forgive me. I don’t know what it is that you want from me, but I just want things between us to go back to the way they were.” Fallon stared at him looking for any reaction but received none.

  Dayvid was a hard nut to crack and even harder to read. He was a man of few words who preferred to let his actions speak for him. That worked in the streets but frustrated those closest to him. For years he would shut down refusing to share his thoughts with anybody, not even his twin. Dayvid was truly an alpha male; leader of the Porter pack and he took his role as big brother deathly serious. There was a natural bond between him and Autumn, it was the big brother, baby sister thing. No matter how old she got he will always see her as the little girl jumping up and down on his bed begging him to take her to the candy lady in the neighborhood. But Dayvid’s feelings for Fallon went deeper than anyone knew. Fallon was the mirror image of their mother, Remy, the woman who Dayvid’s love for bordered on worship. So he had always loved Fallon slightly more than the rest because of that. So her defection from the family hit him hard. Although she was back, he remained guarded not willing to allow her all the way back in his heart.

  “I feel like you love me less and that hurts. I’ve always respected what you do and have done for all of us, but you’re my brother not my father and I’m not a little girl anymore. The things I’ve done and seen out in these streets, most times at your behest, is more than most people see in a lifetime. And for the most part I’ve done them all without question. How long will you hold my one mistake over my head?” she wanted to know.

  Dayvid rubbed his hand over his neatly groomed facial hair. He knew Fallon had a valid point. He had placed her in harm’s way plenty of times; using her intoxicating beauty like a weapon, sending her at many of their unsuspecting victims. She would have never come in contact with that bitch nigga Linx if it wasn’t for him trying to line the nigga up as a mark. Maybe it was the weed and liquor or the fact that they had just accomplished what so many before them had failed to do; retire on their own terms at the top of the game. But after hearing her words, Dayvid decided that Fallon had more than redeemed herself and he was just being a stubborn hard ass with his sister.

  “You right Fallon,” he said causing her eyes to widen in shock. “I’ve been too hard on you and you don’t deserve that. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes but you my blood, my lil’ sis, not some nigga in the street.”

  “Hold up, did you just say I was right?” Fallon said jokingly still a little shocked.

  “Yeah, don’t make me regret it tho slim,” he said flashing a smile turning his normally mean mug handsome.

  Fallon just stared at him, she had almost forgotten how good looking her brother was. She had grown so accustomed to his scowl, that the sight of his deep dimples made her smile. “I love you D,” she said wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight, relieved that the tension between them was gone.

  “I love you too sis,” he said hugging her back and kissing her on the forehead. “Porters under God.”

  “Porters under God,” she replied before pulling back and lifting her glass in the air to meet the bottle he was holding. They toasted then both took big gulps.


  Dayvid saw Fallon’s face immediately flood with fear looking as if she had just seen a ghost. The thunderous sound and terrifying look on her face let Dayvid know exactly what was happening. The fuckin’ boys, he thought to himself. But he wasn’t going down without a fight t
hough. He always vowed he would hold court in the streets before he spent a day in jail. He had done so much, that he knew if and when they came for him and his siblings, they would never see another free day alive. How the fuck is this happening? Why now? He asked himself as his mind raced and things seemed to go in slow motion. Before he could reach for his gun sitting on the table, where he and Rain had sat minutes earlier, there was another loud noise followed by a bright flash. Dayvid felt his body jerk forward and crash violently to the hardwood floor, sending a bone chilling pain through his body. Attempting to get to his feet, he was met with a powerful stomp from a large boot to the back, forcing him back onto his stomach.

  “Arrgh,” Dayvid grunted still never dropping the blunt that was dangling out of his mouth.

  “Police! Let me see your fucking hands! Everybody let me see your fucking hands! Nobody fucking move!” one of the officers roared out instructions, while pointing his assault rifle at Dayvid as the ATF swarmed the safe house.

  “Dayvid!” Autumn cried out as an officer threw her face down on the table, spilling a bottle of champagne over the piles of cash in the process.

  “Listen to me,” Dayvid demanded. “Nobody say shit to these ma’fuckas. No matter what they say, they don’t know shit. So don’t fall for it. Keep ya’ll fuckin’ lips shut tight,” he concluded staring directly at Fallon. She nodded her head and nothing else needed to be said.

  “Shut the fuck up,” the officer barked as he dropped a knee into Dayvid’s back, causing the blunt to fall out his mouth as another man cuffed him.

  “Stand him up,” shouted the vanilla gorilla looking officer with the crew cut. It was clear by the way he strutted into the room that he was the one in charge.

  Dayvid watched as the man walked over to him and got right into his face. He could feel his breath on his skin. They were so close their noses were almost touching.


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