Faith (A Dark Romance Novel)

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Faith (A Dark Romance Novel) Page 8

by Towers, Terry

  Good. Cry for me.

  Tears, screams, fighting…they fed the beast, not looks of affection or moans of pleasure.

  “Master!” she screamed out.

  “Fucking right.”

  I slapped her ass a second time, harder, leaving a palm print on her perfectly round ass. “And who owns you?”

  “You do, Master!”



  Turned away from him, I let the tears flow, streaming down my face and onto him. The tears didn’t come from the pain in my head, which was throbbing, but were from the knife in my heart over the rejection. I’d tried. I’d tried to accept him and my position in this place. What more could I do? I’d thought he’d be happy with me.

  I just don’t understand…

  I’d never given a man oral sex, but I knew the mechanics of the act. Even if I hadn’t known the mechanics, my body seemed to know. With his shaft in my hand, I stroked him as I lowered my head and licked at the tip. A pebble of cum had formed at the tip and I licked it up. The salty taste took me by surprise for a moment, but it wasn’t horrible, so I lowered my head a second time and took the mushroom-shaped head into my mouth and sucked softly.

  His moan told me I must be pleasing him, so I kept going. I had no doubt if I was doing it to his dissatisfaction that he’d tell me, or I’d receive another painful slap to my bottom, or worse. When I ran my tongue down one side of his cock and then back up the other, his fingers dug into my hips and he pulled my pussy down to his mouth.

  The first touch of his tongue on my clit and the pleasure that went with it effectively removed all thoughts of his treatment of me and gave me the drive to satisfy him as he was beginning to do for me. His dick was too big for me to take fully into my mouth, so with my hand at the base of his shaft, I managed to take him in until my mouth reached my fist and the tip of his cock hit the back of my throat. I gagged as his dick hit the back of my throat, but I refused to allow that to sway me.

  As I began to pleasure him, Tanner alternated sucking my pussy lips into his mouth with running his tongue along my slit and teasing my clit. My body felt like it was vibrating as I rocked against his mouth while working his cock. Several times the pleasure rushing through me became too much for me to concentrate, so I was forced to stop what I was doing to bask in the sensations running through me. However, a quick, light reminder slap on my ass spurred me back into action.

  I was climbing the summit of my desire at a rapid pace, and if I didn’t get off Tanner there was no doubt I would release over his face. I attempted to pull away, but he pulled me back, thrusting his tongue deep into my core. I cried out, then took him into my mouth again while gently massaging his balls.

  His groan of satisfaction made me want to work harder to please him. I wanted him to cum as much, if not more, than myself. Maybe I was crazy for wanting to return the pleasure he was giving me, but my mind wasn’t in the past, it didn’t consider the future or who he was or what he was doing to me – all I could focus on was the now and the pleasure and how my body ached for him.

  I was almost there and I didn’t even attempt to cover my moans and whimpers. The closer I came the more frantically I worked his cock. His dick swelled even larger than it had been, throbbing in my mouth, and he began to thrust. I moaned again and the final moan became his undoing. His balls tightened in my hands and his cock exploded, filling my mouth with his warm cum. The amount of cum was more than I’d expected and I attempted to keep up, swallowing as much as I could.

  He pulled my pussy tight to his face and slammed his tongue deep within me, sending me into a state of pure ecstasy. I forgot I needed to be swallowing him and pulled my mouth from his dick and pressed my forehead to his thigh, trying to settle my body from the series of tremors that overtook me.

  “Tanner,” I moaned softly, trying to catch hold of my breath.

  I wanted to curl up next to him. I wanted him to gather me into his arms and tell me it was good and he would care for me. I didn’t get those things. Instead he tossed me off him and got up from the bed.

  “Not bad, but you spilt some on me.” My brow furrowed as I looked up at him through lust-filled eyes. I didn’t know what to say, but the look of disappointment in his expression was upsetting. “We’ll need to work on that.” Not saying another word, Tanner bent, grabbed his jeans from the floor and exited my room, locking the door behind him.

  I looked blankly at the door for a long time, my emotions running cold. Eventually I crawled over to the pillow and laid my head on it, pulling the green army blanket over me and up to my chin.

  Bastard. Heartless bastard. Well, fuck him!

  Chapter 9


  I watched her – again – on the computer monitors. Watching her was becoming a bit of a bad habit, keeping me from things I needed to do. I saw the tears, but didn’t feel the satisfaction I ordinarily would have. Mind you, the tears were for an entirely different reason than they normally were from my slaves and that seemed to make a huge difference. That being said, I didn’t feel bad, I just felt nothing.

  This is what you wanted, a voice in the back of my head chimed in.

  The voice was right. This was exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want a mindless drone, I wanted a woman who held on to her passion, while being the obedient slave she was expected to be. I was succeeding, and here I was, sitting staring at her, not sure if my experiment was such as good idea after all.

  After some time she fell asleep. I was about to get up and head to bed myself when I noticed something in the bathroom of her room. The shaving kit. Fuck. I didn’t want to go back in there with her; if I did, I might do something stupid like not leave and instead stay the night lying with her. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d actually slept with a woman. I’d fucked tons, hundreds. But actually slept? Nope.

  But I needed that kit, I needed that razor. If she had hold of that razor she might attempt to kill me, or maybe even herself. I couldn’t believe I’d been so stupid as to leave it behind. It was her fault; she was getting under my skin. The virgin church girl was fucking with my head. I was better than this.

  I’d slip in, grab the kit and then get out.

  Content with my decision to slip in like a bandit in the night while she slept, I made my way downstairs to her room. Unlocking her door, I slowly opened it, taking care not to make a noise, and entered. I didn’t even glance over at Emily, but went directly to the bathroom to retrieve the kit. With my hand grasping the kit I looked up at the mirror and saw my reflection divided into a dozen different pieces.

  Reaching out, I picked at the glass, but none of it had shattered to the point that she’d be able to use it as a weapon against herself or someone else. But still. I couldn’t take chances. I’d have to remove it before going to bed. Sure, she may think suicide was a sin, but once I got her to the point that she didn’t believe in the God shit any longer she might see it as a viable option.

  With the kit in hand I made my way out of the bathroom and into the main room. Taking a glance over at Emily, my body froze; she wasn’t in the bed. With a frown creasing my brow I cautiously walked over to the bed, knelt and looked underneath. She wasn’t there either.

  Turning, I gave the door a look. I rushed across the bedroom and grabbed the door handle; it turned in my hand. Fuckity-fuck-fuck. I’d forgotten to lock the door when I came in. That fucking bitch was making me sloppy.


  But, as I was silently cursing, a rush of adrenaline shot through me. The hunt. The chase. The fight. I didn’t run up the stairs. I took my time, keeping my eyes and ears alert for any type of sound. I heard nothing. As I reached the top of the stairs I immediately went to the front door and swung it open; she wasn’t outside. There had been a light rain earlier and there was a thin coat of water on the front step. There were no footsteps to be seen… She was still in the house.

  “Emily, baby! Come out, come out, wherever you are!” I yelled, a wide smile spre
ading across my lips.

  Game on.


  What a bad idea to remain in the house. I should have run out the front door. I should have tried to run as fast and as hard as I could and gotten hold of the authorities, but I couldn’t leave Victoria. She was going up for sale in less than a week. I couldn’t leave without her. I was at a serious disadvantage not knowing where we were. We could be in the middle of nowhere. If we were in the middle of the woods somewhere, miles from civilization, they could be gone from here before I even got to someone. Victoria’s fate would be sealed and I’d be partially to blame for being so selfish.

  But I also knew my decision to stay meant one thing – I’d have to hurt Tanner to free us both. He’d left me with no choice. However, cowering in the bottom of a bedroom closet as I was doing wasn’t going to get me or Victoria free. I needed to find a weapon.

  “Emily, baby! Come out, come out, wherever you are!” His voice echoed throughout the house and sent a chill through me. There was something sinister in his tone that I’d never heard before.

  Demons in him, baby girl.

  As quietly as I could in the darkened closet, I began to search for some sort of weapon. It was only a matter of time before he found me. He’d rip the house upside down looking for me and I was at a serious disadvantage – he was bigger, faster and this was his house. The only thing I had on my side was the element of surprise. Rummaging, the best I could find was an umbrella – a damned umbrella. I also grabbed a button-down shirt from the hanger, pulled it on and buttoned it up. It was large on me and there was a faint smell of his cologne lingering on it. If we made it outside I wanted to be at least somewhat covered.

  He was much lighter on his feet than I’d expected. It wasn’t until he entered the bedroom that I was hiding in that I heard him.

  “Come on, Emily, I just want to talk. We can work this out. If you come out, all is forgiven. Don’t make me do something you don’t want me to do.”

  I knew what he was getting at. My family and Victoria. But I couldn’t give up. Not when freedom could be mine. I hunkered deep against the back of the closet, covering myself with blankets, my weapon – the umbrella – in my hands. If he opened the closet, I’d jab him with the sharp end and make a run for it. Run to the kitchen, wherever that was, and get a knife. I needed a weapon – a real weapon.

  It was a bad plan. A real bad plan, but the only one I had.

  “Come on out, Emily, let’s talk about this.” His footsteps were getting closer to the closet. He was going to find me, I had no doubt.

  My heart was beating so hard in my chest that it felt like it was going to explode. My breathing, which was next to silent, seemed to sound like trumpets blaring in my ears. Could he hear my breathing? Could he sense me in here?

  He was in front of the closet. His hand turned the knob and he pulled it open. “Don’t make me—”

  He didn’t have the chance to finish his sentence. I leapt from beneath the blankets, ramming the end of the umbrella into his stomach with as much force as I could muster. He exhaled sharply, stumbling backward several steps. I found myself momentarily frozen as our eyes locked and I saw the rage in his dark depths. “Run, Emily. Fucking run!”


  I watched her break out of the trance she was in and rush from my bedroom as quickly as she could, the tail of my blue denim shirt flying up behind her, giving me a glimpse of her bare ass. Her ass would be as red as cherries by the time I was through with her, once I caught her.

  Chucking the umbrella to the floor, I straightened. I had to give her credit – I certainly hadn’t expected to be ambushed with an umbrella. Though in truth, if I hadn’t wanted to continue our little cat-and-mouse game I would have grabbed her before she got two feet away from me…but I was a sick fuck and thoroughly enjoying this. Maybe it was cruel to let her think she had a chance to get away, but what did I care?

  Confident I’d given her enough time to get a little head-start, I went after her. I heard a thump coming from the kitchen. Too fucking easy, Emily. She was really disappointing me. I took my time crossing the house to the kitchen, and as expected she was in there.

  As soon as she saw me in the threshold, she grabbed a cleaver that had been mounted on the wall over the counter. “Don’t come any closer. I’ll kill you, I swear it.”

  A smile spread across my lips. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s not fight. Put down the knife.” Aside from my concern that she might trip and accidentally stab herself, I wasn’t concerned about the knife. I could easily disarm her, especially since her hands were trembling; she barely had a grasp on it.

  She began waving the knife wildly in front of her. “Don’t call me sweetheart! Or love, or darling or anything like that. My name is Emily. Emily! My name is Emily!”

  I advanced on her three steps, spreading my hands out, palms up to show I was unarmed. She took three back, keeping the kitchen island between us.

  “I mean it!” Her eyes grew wild as she frantically looked for an escape. Unfortunately for her, the only way out was through a window or past me. Neither option was too appealing to her, I’d imagine.

  Fuck, this was fun. Perhaps not for her, but I was having a wonderful time.

  “And I believe it,” I assured her. Three more steps forward and she took three more back. “Okay, I admit I was an asshole. Maybe I should have stuck around and cuddled. Is that the issue?”

  “Cuddle? Are you kidding? Are you insane?”

  I shrugged, clucking my tongue off the roof of my mouth as if I were pondering the question. “Some would say so, yes. I think psychopath would be the correct term, but I suppose I also have a touch of narcissism and maybe a little OCD. They all kinda come as one big old package, really, in most cases.”

  Her eyes widened and her mouth made a large O shape as if she couldn’t believe I was openly admitting those things about myself.

  “You don’t agree?”

  “You’re sick, Tanner. There’s something in you.” She wagged the cleaver at me as I took another step toward her.

  “In me?” I tilted my head to the side, eyeing her. “That’s a curious thing to say. What do you mean?”

  “My father believes people like you have demons in them. He’s right, isn’t he?” Even as she said the words I could see she didn’t believe them. She wanted to believe it, maybe so she could justify my behaviour, hard to say, but she didn’t believe it – not really.

  “Holy shit on a cracker. Are you fucking serious? Have you lost your fucking mind already? Like demons, like I’m possessed? Is that what you’re saying?”

  She scowled at me. “Maybe.”


  She closed her eyes for a moment and gave her head a shake as she opened them. “I don’t know. I don’t—”

  I didn’t even pretend to be stalking her any longer. Instead I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the kitchen counter. “Come on. Let’s get real for a second. You know as well as I do most of what your father preaches is complete bullshit. Heaven and Hell and purgatory and demons and angels. Come on.”

  “No, no.” She actually advanced on me, the knife in front of her. “You’re not turning this around. You’re not making a mockery of my beliefs.”

  “But are they really your beliefs? Or is it just a lifetime of brainwashing?”

  “How dare you talk of brainwashing when you have Victoria in the basement?” She came around the corner of the counter, the knife waving; seemingly in her outrage she’d forgotten she should be scared and running from me. The anger that had flared up in her eyes was fucking sexy, making me want to pull her into my arms and devour every inch of her with my lips and hands. And I had to admit, she looked adorable in my shirt. So adorable I’d have considered having regular old vanilla sex with her.

  I smirked. “Yes, and once I sell Victoria, perhaps your sister can take her place.” The sentence had barely left my lips when she released this ungodly screech and lunged at me,
knife swinging. Either I’d overestimated how quickly I could move or underestimated how quick she could be, because pain shot up my arm as the cleaver sliced a deep, three-inch gash in my arm. It then grazed my chest, making another couple-inch cut before I managed to pry the cleaver from her hands and toss the bloody knife into the sink beside me.

  Grabbing her, I pulled her into my arms, attempting to ignore the pain shooting up my arm and the blood that was running down my arm and beginning to cover her. “I’ll fucking kill you! I’ll kill you if you touch her!” She began beating at my chest, attempting to squirm free, putting every bit of power she had in her into her swings at me.

  “I’m not going to touch her, Emily. Calm down!”

  She looked up into my eyes, her chest heaving as she attempted to gain her breath. “You’re a monster! I hate you!”

  My jaw clenched as I attempted to rein in my anger. “Calm down. I’m not going to tell you again. It’s over.”

  “Say you won’t hurt her. Promise.”

  “I won’t hurt her, Emily. You have my word.” Her breathing slowed and the tension in her body began to drain. “I hate you,” she moaned, allowing me to pull her tight to me.

  “As long as you stay and do as you’re told, your family is safe. I told you I wouldn’t lie to you and I’ll keep that promise.” For once in my life, I meant it. I’d spent my entire life weaving lies and didn’t have a single remorseful thought for those I’d deceived. Fuck, I was such a good liar, I almost believed myself sometimes. I suppose that was what made me so good at what I did – it’s easy when you don’t have a pesky conscience getting in the way.

  Chapter 10


  “I don’t know how to do this, Master,” I said as I accepted the sanitized needle and thread from Tanner. I was so nervous my trembling hands were going to have a bugger of a time trying to thread the needle.

  “That’s why I’m going to instruct you.” He gave me a reassuring smile.


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