The Facility

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The Facility Page 7

by Amy Yao

  "Erika, really think about yourself, are you a selfless person?"

  "No." The word just slipped from her lips, as though it had been prompted by some magical force.

  Erika was tempted to try to grab at the collar again, though she was already certain that the electromagnet would not release her. She had this thing stuck around her neck, and it would remain like that until she found some bolt cutters or something.


  "I know that I'm selfish," she confessed. The color started to drain away from her cheeks, and she wanted to stop, but she couldn't! "I know that I'm a selfish person. I always put myself first. I don't think about other people."

  "What about your husband? Don't you think about him? When you got married, you promised that you would both put one another first."

  "That was just poetry," Erika said. The thought had occurred to her on more than one occasion, but she had always been smart enough to keep it to herself.

  She may have been selfish, but she didn't think she was stupid. Now, all of those social blockades seem to fall away, breaking apart in the face of that strange controller and the wicked piece of leather locked around her neck.

  "Tell us more. If you really have to think about it, who would you care about more? Yourself or your husband?"

  "Myself," Erika said. Suddenly, she felt like she could talk again. "But this isn't fair. Seriously, everyone cares about themselves more than anyone else, at least a little bit of the time."

  "Is there ever a point where you care about your husband more than you care about yourself? Would you be willing to sacrifice for him?"

  "No," Erika said. Apparently, one word could suffice for both questions.

  "Who do you care about most? When you really stop and think about it, who do you want to make sure is happy?"

  "Me," Erika said again. At this point, her fingers started to shake.

  "That's right. I've gone over your file. We do a lot of research on our prospective visitors, and it's very clear that you don't really care about your husband, Erika."

  "That's not true," she insisted.

  "Okay," Miranda said. "Maybe I misspoke." She raised her hands in the placating gesture. "I'm sure you care about your husband. So long as you were happy, you wanted him to be happy as well. But that's not exactly love. So you are here, and we're going to correct your behaviors. From this point forward, you're going to learn to put your husband first. It will be his responsibility to take care of you, and it will be your responsibility to serve him."

  "No way. I'm not going to put up with this!"

  Determined to get off of that island right then and right there, Erika jumped out of her seat again. Neither Miranda nor David seemed particularly perturbed by this. She strode ahead, waiting to hear them shout for her to stop.

  She reached for the door, and her body stopped. For a second, she froze. Distantly, she thought maybe she heard the tap of a button. Her arms fell back to her sides, and then she turned around.

  "Come here," David commanded.

  What? No. She had expected to hear Miranda's voice again. And yet, her husband issued a command, and Erika suddenly realized that she couldn't stop herself. She started to walk back over to the desk. She didn't sit down, however.

  David got up out of his seat, and he looked at her. "I know that this is going to be difficult for you, Erika, and that's okay. I love you, and I want to take care of you. But this doesn't work. Being a bitch doesn't make you happy. Being a selfish brat doesn't make you happy." Erika couldn't tell if he was just trying to sort through his own feelings or if he really wanted to explain this to her.

  Either way, he wasn't about to change his mind. She could see the determination flash on his face.

  "Erika, it's time for your spanking."

  She registered those words, and her lips opened. She wanted to jump away, to run back toward the door and to sprint out into the open air. But escape was impossible, especially when her body simply refused to do what she wished.

  Her husband grabbed her, one hand on her waist, the other at the nape of her neck. He bent her forward, right across that desk.

  Then he positioned himself behind her, and he loosened her pants. He pulled them down, right along with her panties. Suddenly, it felt like she was half naked in front of the stranger.

  "This is all very new for you," Miranda said, "and that's okay. This really is a big adjustment for you. But don't worry. You'll learn how to enjoy this."

  "David, you can't, you can’t spank me," Erika insisted. Her voice was strained, stretching through every syllable as she tried to convince him or herself. She wasn't quite sure.

  David, however, stroked his fingers along the top of her head. He bent down, his lips close to her ear. For a moment, she sincerely hoped that he was going to say something reassuring, something comforting. He was going to tell her that they wouldn't stay here, that they would leave right away.

  Instead, he told her, "I love you, and I'm going to own you."

  Erika didn’t get the chance to question him. Her husband squeezed her ass, his fingers pressing down into her soft skin. Then he cocked his arm back. "Just think about how excited you got the last time I had you helpless," he told her, his voice carrying and reverberating through her body.


  Erika tried to move, only she couldn't. Something about the collar controlled her, paralyzed her in that position, rendering her in movable. Her arms and legs stubbornly refused to obey her mental commands. And then she felt it, her husband's hand against her naked ass.

  Erika heard the clap. Then her body finally registered the shock of sensation. It took longer because she had never been spanked. Even as a child, she had never endured this particular humiliation. Maybe her parents threatened her with the idea of a spanking once or twice, but they never pulled down her pants or lifted up her skirt. They never gave her this kind of discipline.

  Her husband wasn't going to make that same mistake.

  He struck again, and Erika growled. "I'm going to make you pay for this! You bastard, I'm going to make you pay for this!" In her mind, she pictured her husband groveling, desperate to win her approval.

  Because really, wasn't that what she deserved? Just for being herself, didn't she deserve total control over their relationship?


  Erika lacked the self-awareness to really consider what those thoughts may have meant. But then, she stopped thinking altogether because his hand came down again, and that sharp stinging drilled into her body. It seemed to echo along her skin, up her back, into her thoughts.

  His hand came down again, harder this time. He struck her other butt cheek. She was jolted forward. A little cry of dismay escaped her lips.

  "This is the kind of punishment you need, Erika," said the counselor. She sat up, walking around her desk. "It's important for you to realize that your husband is in charge. You always need to know that he will never cause you any genuine harm, but he will spank you when it's necessary. This is all about correction. It's for your own good."

  Erika was about to insist that was garbage. There was no way she could deserve a spanking. She had every right to expect to be taken care of.

  Her husband chose that moment to spank her again. His hand flew down, smacking right into her vulnerable skin. Another wave of pain shot through her. Her eyes started to water. This wasn't fair!

  "Tell me you're going to be a good girl, Erika."

  What? There was no way she would do that.

  "Say it," he ordered.

  Miranda chuckled from her spot a few feet away.

  Blushing, Erika realized that the counselor had a perfect view of her buttocks. Her bottom was bright red, practically glowing, and the stranger got to see it!

  This wasn't fair. It wasn't right. But those ideas didn't change anything.

  "No. Never!"

  "Okay," David replied.

  Erika didn't understand, not at first, not until he spanked her one, two, three more times
. They came in quick, sharp and painful. But if she really hated this, then why were her nipples hard? Why was her pussy getting wet all over again?

  She hoped that her husband wasn't going to notice.

  Only then, he slid one foot between her shoes. He forced her legs apart, and she still couldn't stop him. Apparently, he could basically pose her like a doll, and Erika couldn't fight back. With her legs spread, it was easy for David to slide his hand between her thighs, right up toward her pussy. He fingered her gently. "Oh, look at this. She is turned on," David said. "Maybe you can't admit it, but you need this. You need this just as much as I do," he promised.

  "They always do," said the counselor.

  Erika tried to shake her head, but the damned collar made it impossible.

  "Tell me you're going to be a good girl."

  By this point, Erika promised herself that she was going to be stubborn. It didn't matter what happened or what it cost her. She was going to fight. She would resist and show these people that she couldn't be broken or tamed. It had nothing to do with any ideology. Nope. This was all about pride. Erika was the kind of arrogant girl who thought she could win every single time. And if she couldn't, she would throw a tantrum and fight that much harder.

  Then again, she had never faced this kind of technology or a husband who was determined to domesticate her. Just like an animal, she would learn her place one way or another.

  "Say it," he commanded again.

  Erika clenched her eyes shut. He kept spanking her. The pain was bad, certainly, but there is something much worse about this. The humiliation. With every strike of his palm against her naked ass, it felt as though she lost some piece of herself, like he really was taming her.

  The humiliation burned along her body. What if anyone saw her like this?

  The counselor and her husband were doing this to her. David would always know that he'd spanked her, that he had bent her over a desk and punished her like she was just a child.

  The counselor decided to pipe up, "I hope you understand the implications of having your husband spank you. He is asserting his authority over you. He is showing you that you are subordinate to him. That's how this is going to work."

  "Tell me you're a good girl," David ordered again.

  Erika meant to say something about how she would never break. Even if he had to spank her for hours or days, she would always defy him!

  But those aren’t the words that came out of her lips. "Yes! Okay! I, I will be a good girl!" She sputtered through those words, the sound blurring together, but her surrender was obvious. Both Miranda and David can see it.

  "That's very good," Miranda said. "And now to prove it, you should offer your husband oral servitude."

  "What?" Erika said that word, but it fell out of her mouth, hanging there on the air.

  "Tell your husband that you want to get down on your knees and suck him to orgasm."

  "I, I can't do that," Erika insisted. But then, she focused on who she was meant to be. Even if she couldn't get angry, she could at least simulate it, right? "I won't do it!" She growled those words, yet it felt more like acting than anything else.

  David didn't need to be told to spank his wife. He was already hard, and the idea of a blow job sounded incredible. He would show his wife how she was going to behave. Since she insisted on acting like a bitch, a selfish little bitch, he would train her. Besides, she had been given the chance to simply break up with him. She didn't take it, so now she would understand what matrimony really meant.

  He smacked her ass, higher then lower, left and right, back again. Pretty soon, Erika lost all track of thought and reason. She took her spanking, one blow after another. By the time he was done, her skin was bright red. In fact, David almost imagined he could see his handprints along her soft curves.

  "Tell me you're going to be a good girl."

  "I'm going to be a good girl."

  "Tell me you want to get down on your knees and suck me off."

  This time, Erika hesitated. David reached a down, and he stroked her ass. This time, he didn't spank her, yet the sensations slammed into her, just as vivid, just as powerful. Muscles throughout her body clenched, tensing up, locking her in place.

  Even though she tried to move and even though the collar seemed to let her this time, she was paralyzed by the sensations.

  "No, I can't take it!"

  "But you love being petted," he said, lightly grazing his fingertips along her tormented ass.

  Erika knew that he was right, but she still couldn't take this.

  Finally, he tired of teasing her. This time, she didn't hesitate. She scrambled it down onto her knees. She was right in front of her husband, her eyes aimed at his crotch. Timidly, she looked up at him. "Does she need to be in the room?"

  Erika knew that this was going to happen. She was going to suck her husbands cock, and there was nothing she could do about it. But at least this stranger didn't have to watch, right?

  "Miranda, would you like to observe?"

  "Only if you don't mind," replied the counselor.

  "I don't see why it would be a problem. After all, if Erika does anything wrong, I think it would be helpful for you to be here to observe. You know, as a neutral party."

  Erika's eyes widened when she heard those words. Neutral party? No way.

  And yet, he opened up his fly, and he took out his erect member.

  His wife looked at that member. She studied the contours. Of course, she was intimately familiar with his cock, though she never imagined she would serve him under these circumstances.

  "Erika, when was the last time you orally serviced your husband?"

  Erika meant to lie or at least equivocate. She could have said something about how it hadn't been very long. "At least four years."

  "Before you guys even got married?"

  The young wife nodded her head down and up. While they had dated, she had been willing to go down on him. But once they were married, Erika no longer saw the point. Now, with her ass stinging, the choice of been taken away from her.

  David didn't mind.

  Slowly, he reached a down, and he ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp.

  "Look at me," he said. He studied her blue eyes. Her eyes always fascinated him, the contrast between that shade of blue and her wavy brown. Of course, he had always wondered what she would look like as a blonde, not that Erika had ever been willing to entertain the idea. "You're going to go down on me. You're going to suck my cock, and I'm going to come in your mouth. Understand?"

  For some reason, Erika felt the urge to nod her head down and up. Yes, she understood. Yes, she would do as she was told. It felt like she didn't have any choice.

  But if that was true, then why was her pussy wet? Why were her nipples so hard? Even with her pants pulled down around her knees, Erika still felt that arousal shimmer along the edges of her perceptions.

  He still had his fingers woven through the strands of her soft hair. Then he took a firm grip, and he pulled her closer and closer toward his cock.

  Erika wanted to beg; she wanted him to at least let her take over the blow job. But no. He wasn't about to surrender anything to this young woman.

  The counselor said, "I think you'll find that this is very instructive. You see, if you want to correct the behavior, you need to replace one bad set of actions with another, better set of choices. By serving your husband this way, you will begin to really feel your subordination."

  Erika needed to insist that she was not going to subordinate herself to her husband, not ever!

  But then, he touched his cock to her lips. She caught the aroma of his excitement. The tip of his member was already damp with pre-come. No, no. She wasn't going to do this. Again and again, she fought that impulse, but then he pushed forward again, moving his hips toward her face, which pressed his shaft right up to her mouth.

  She could feel the droplet against her bottom lip.

  And then, she surrendered.

nbsp; Opening her mouth, Erika took his cock.

  "Remember, you need to do a good job," said the counselor. With some hint of irony laced through these words, she added, "Marriage is hard work. You need to put in the effort."

  Erika wanted to slap that woman across the face. Hard.

  Unfortunately, she was busy. Closing her eyes, Erika started to lick.

  Pretty soon, she started thinking about something else. She remembered what it was like when she first got together with David, when they were together, and she would have done anything for him. But wasn't that how relationships were supposed to work? In the beginning, everything is selflessness and fun.

  No. All at once, Erika stopped herself. She wasn't going to worry about her husband or his desires. She wasn't going to let these people change her!

  Besides, she needed to focus. She concentrated on his cock. At first, she just moved her lips. But then, she started to lick at the base of his shaft with the tip of her tongue. She flipped those little movements right there, just the way he liked.

  He started to moan.

  "Oh, I forgot you could do that," he said.

  At this point, Erika made the mistake of looking up at her husband. Their eyes met, but she didn't see any doubt or hesitation in his expression. Oh no. He was having fun with her. And now, he pulled her head back, tugging against her scalp. For a second, she made the mistake of trying to fight. That hurt. He pulled on her hair, a little bit more forcefully.

  David closed his eyes for a short time. He enjoyed the feel of her mouth. But really, this was about so much more than a blow job. His wife was more than just a damp hole to be used.

  "Look at me," he ordered.

  Their eyes met, and her vision shimmered as she started to tear up. This was humiliating! Reason may have abandoned her because of the collar around her throat, but other emotions swirled through her chest, making it hard to breathe.

  And yet, she continued to lick, continued to suck, continued to service him as she moved her head forward and back, following the gentle nudges of his hand still in her hair.


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