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The Facility

Page 13

by Amy Yao

  “Don’t bother putting anything on,” he said. That’s when he walked over to one of the dressers. He opened a drawer, and he pulled out a strip of shining, black fabric. All at once, Erika understood what he held up for her to see. It was a leash. It was an actual dog leash, and it would attach to her collar, and he would pull on it, and she would be forced to follow him.

  “Can I at least get dressed first?”

  “No, you don’t need to get dressed,” he replied, smirking, like the idea was somehow funny. “Come here,” he commanded, snapping his fingers and pointing to a spot by his feet.

  “How long was I unconscious?”

  “Just through the night,” he said, making himself seem magnanimous. “I figured that you needed your sleep. I mean, you had such a busy day yesterday.”

  Yesterday. It had only been one day. As Erika realized this, she wanted to shake her head. She wanted to deny the truth of it. In one day, she had been dressed up, stripped, spanked, humiliated. Not only that, she’d been collared and treated like property.

  What was this day going to bring?

  Although she had her questions, Erika didn’t try to force the issue. Instead, she slipped out of the bed, her naked body on display for her husband. She walked over to him, and he attached the leash. He hooked it into place and the spring snapped down. Just like that, she was leashed, like an animal.

  “You’re going to enjoy today,” he said. “Maybe if you are a very good girl, I will even let you decide what happens.”

  “If you let me decide, then I’m going to be out of here so fast,” she said, shaking her head.

  “And for that, I’m going to give you an orgasm.”

  Erika looked at him like he was insane. An orgasm? What? That didn’t make any sense.

  He pulled her back into his arms, her shoulder blades against his chest. David reached down between her legs, fondling her with casual ease. His fingers went up against her opening, and he felt the slick moisture of her body.

  “Are you ready? Are you ready for your orgasm?”

  Erika wanted to shake her head, to ask questions or to tell him to stop. Only then, he pushed into her.

  For some reason, she felt ready. Even though she had just awoken from a long sleep, her body responded to his presence, to his proximity, to the strength he possessed. He pushed into her, sliding his digits into her. He penetrated her, and Erika started to moan. No, she didn’t want an orgasm, not like this!

  More than that, it was going to be fast.

  He rubbed her, stimulating her, penetrating and working her up. It all happened so fast! The seconds ticked by, and Erika soon found herself losing control. She bent forward, yet her husband never gave up. He fingered her until she couldn’t take it anymore. A shudder ran through her body. She cried out, gasping, whimpering and groaning.

  Then it was done.

  “Would you like another one?”

  “No!” Erika answered with a quick gasp.

  “Okay. Now I’m going to take you outside, and you aren’t going to embarrass me, are you? You’re going to show me that you can be a proper, deferential young woman, right?”

  Erika could hardly believe what she was hearing. She was still seated against his body, but he was talking about embarrassing him? How dare he? And yet, Erika couldn’t bring herself to argue or fight. So instead, she gave a quick shake of her head.

  He reached up, casually placing one hand against her breast. He toyed with her nipple, making sure that it was stiff.

  “What was that?” David asked.

  “I promise I’ll be a good girl,” she replied.

  David nudged her away, and he started walking. He pulled on her leash, and she watched as the slack started to disappear between her and him. Before she knew it, she was walking along, moving on her bare feet. He went toward the front door, and past of the small kitchenette, with the dining room table. There was some breakfast on there. Erika’s mouth started to water, and she got hungry.

  “I’m going to feed you later,” he said. He turned it into a casual, offhand remark. He might as well have been talking about feeding a pet.

  Erika still didn’t really understand what was going on, but they soon found themselves back in that one long hallway, the one with the different doors. Without even thinking about it, Erika realized something. Behind one of the doors in particular, there was the classroom.

  As she looked down at her naked body, a leash dangling from the collar around her neck, she almost wished that she could be back in there. At least then, she had been allowed to wear a skirt and top.

  “Do I really have to be naked?”

  “You have a lovely little body,” he told her, turning those words into something of a promise. Erika’s nostrils flared. While she may have been proud of her body, she still didn’t like the idea of being put on display. In fact, with every step, she could feel another swirl of embarrassment run through her.

  It was just nudity. It probably should not have been a big deal. If she had been able to control herself, then she would’ve been able to shut those emotions aside. But she was naked! She was naked and leashed like an animal. Worse, her husband was fully clothed.

  Then he stopped at the door, and he opened it for her.

  “Let’s get you ready,” he said.

  Erika didn’t understand what those words would portend, but she was certain she wasn’t going to like it. Then he placed his hand on her ass and squeezed. For a moment, she thought he was going to spank her. That was enough to send another rush of desire tingling through her body.

  No. She didn’t want to be turned on. No, she didn’t want her husband have that sort of power over her. But he did. And he could use it easily.

  She took a couple of steps forward, moving past the threshold. This room stretched out, just as large as the former classroom. But it was different because there were plastic tubes set along the floor. There were also strange pyramids. Each one was pretty big, like something you might expect to see on a playground.

  “What is this place?”

  David didn’t offer a response. Instead, he walked over toward the closet. He slid the door open, revealing a bunch of different items. Erika didn’t know how any of those worked. She didn’t know what they were for.

  “Erika, I have to tell you something. Through much of our relationship, you’ve been a complete bitch.”

  She glared at him as those words hung on the air.

  “But it’s okay. I understand that this is partially my fault. I should have trained you better.”

  “You never trained me at all,” Erika said, only to grimace as she realized how those words sounded.

  “You’re right. So let’s get started,” he replied with a ready smile.

  Much to her surprise, David took the leash off of her. He disconnected it, wrapping it around his wrist and setting it on one of the closet shelves. After that, he took out a pair of leather something. Erika really didn’t know what she was seeing.

  “Get down on your back. Then raise your arms and legs for me.”

  The commands were clear, but Erika didn’t understand why he would want her to do anything like that.

  “No.” She straightened her back and spat that word. “I’m not to do anything you say.” She crossed her arms over her chest, protecting her nipples.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you want to play, but I’m not going to do this. I’m not going to let you just boss me around.”

  “You had no problem with that when you were in your little schoolgirl uniform,” he said.

  Erika didn’t have a response, but it didn’t matter. Before she knew it, he had the controller out. But this time, he didn’t threaten her, nor did he demand anything. Instead, David just pushed a button. The signal jumped, and her collar came to life. Electricity blasted through her, hot, sharp, all-consuming. Her thoughts vanished, swallowed up in a world of omnidirectional agony.

  Her knees bent. Before she knew it, Erika fell. Strangely
enough, she didn’t remember falling. There was no swish of air or dropping of her stomach. Instead, Erika just found herself on her back, panting, her slit wet, her nipples hard.

  What? No. Erika didn’t want to think about it, but it seemed like some part of her body actually responded. She was turned on by this!

  “Bend your arms and legs.”

  “I won’t do it,” she said. David got down on his knees. He dropped the leather items right there by her head. She could smell the leather. That crisp, clean aroma filled her nostrils. She liked it. She liked it a lot more than she wanted to think about.

  “I see we’re going to need to work on your obedience a lot harder,” he said. “I guess that’s to be expected. I mean, I’ve only been training you for a couple days.”

  Technically, it had been less than two, but Erika wasn’t about to point that sort of fact out.

  He took out the controller again, and he pushed a different button. Erika didn’t know what to expect, but then she lost control of her body. Her muscles relaxed again. It wasn’t quite a trance. She could still blink and think. She opened her mouth. Apparently, she would still be able to talk. And yet, the rest of her body stubbornly refused to acknowledge any of her mental commands.

  It almost seemed like she was floating, trapped there in her own skin.

  He bent her right arm. He pushed her hand closer to her shoulder, and then he grabbed one of the leather binders. Erika had never seen any gear like this before, but she soon felt its snug embrace. He wrapped the leather around her limb, and then he tightened it with a quick buckle.

  From there, he locked it in place, making sure that she wasn’t going to be able to bend her arm again. What was the point?

  Erika didn’t understand exactly what her husband was doing.

  Only then, he repeated the process on her other arm. Okay, so she wasn’t going to be able to move her arms? That didn’t seem like a big deal, not to this young woman. Then again, Erika had no idea how devious her husband could be.

  What did he have in mind?

  Silent and stubborn, Erika watched as her husband went back to the closet again. He came back with another set of leather pieces, only these seemed bigger to her. Why? What was the point?

  Erika was about to find out.

  "Bend," David commanded.

  Although she glared at him for a few seconds, Erika nonetheless complied. For the moment, he had the advantage, and she wasn't going to try to mess with him.

  Silently, she promised herself that there was going to come a moment when he would be vulnerable. Something was going to happen. Even if she doesn’t know what, there would come a time when she would see an opportunity. And Erika was going to grab it. She was going to make sure that she used that opportunity, whatever it happened to be, and she would get away. Then suddenly, everything would be different.

  As those thoughts entertained her, David continued to work. He slipped the leather binders onto her legs, trapping the left, then the right. He connected the buckles, securing them. They were very snug on his wife.

  "Good girl," he said. Then he got up, and he walked back to the closet. He pulled something out. At first, Erika really didn't understand what he was holding. Sure, she recognized the object; it was a rolled up newspaper. But why would he have something like that? What could he possibly want?

  The newspaper looked absolutely antiquated, something she hadn't seen in a very long time.

  "I want you to know that there's a small microchip sewed into the side over here," he said, pointing at the roll. "I would hate to have to give you a little slap on your nose."

  "You think I'm going to be intimidated?"

  "Stop and think about what I'm telling you, Erika."

  In spite of herself, she did just that. Okay, so there was a microchip on the roll of newspaper, but why would that be important? If it was a microchip, it probably came with a transmitter. If it came with a transmitter, it would probably be connected to some nearby piece of her collar. All at once, Erika started to understand. Her eyes grew larger.

  "Now you're figuring it out, aren't you, little puppy?"

  Little puppy.

  "Or should I just call you a dumb bitch?"


  And just like back, Erika decided that she wasn't going to put up with this. If he was going to tease her and taunt her and humiliate her with those sharp words, Erika would show him just how helpless she really was.

  This was probably the worst mistake she could have made. Straining her muscles, she tried to stand. She tried to flex her arms. The binders were just supposed to be an affectation, she thought. But little by little, Erika began to see the truth. Those restraints didn't tie her to anything. They didn't keep Erika on her back or anything like that. And yet, there are going to make sure she stayed in one position, on her elbows and knees, down on the floor, just like a dog.

  "I had thought about training you as a kitty cat or maybe even a pony, but I think this is going to be good for you," David promised.

  Erika looked up at him. "Get this stuff off of me right now!"

  He simply answered with a slow, deliberate shake of his head.

  "Get it off of me right now!" She practically roared those words.

  And yet, her husband wasn't intimidated.

  In fact, he reached into his pocket, he took out the controller. So now he had a rolled up newspaper in one hand, the device in the other.

  Before Erika could think about what any of this might entail, he tapped a button. What was he going to do? That's what she needed to know. So she decided to ask him. "What is that?" Erika asked. Or rather, she tried to ask. Her brain sent the signal down to her mouth, and her lips started to form the words. Just as importantly, her vocal cords began to vibrate. And that's when the electricity struck. It lanced out from the collar around her neck.

  Pain snapped through her body. It didn't wipe away all conscious thought as some of the other bursts of energy had done. But it stung nonetheless.

  Erika nearly stumbled back. Luckily for her, she was already on her elbows and knees. It was a very stable stance for this puppy girl.

  "You want to try that again?"

  "I'm not going to let you get away with this!" Erika tried to snap back at her husband. She tried to speak quickly, like that would somehow help. But the device detected the vibrations in her throat, and it punished her accordingly. Another, more intense blast of energy raced into her body.

  She yelped, but that second sound didn't provoke any kind of reaction.

  "Are you figuring it out?"

  By this point, her eyes were wet, her vision blurred. She sniffled once, but she hated that little show of vulnerability.

  Her husband was supposed to fear her. He was supposed to think about ways that she could make his life miserable. And yet, that wasn't what was happening here.

  "I think you're starting to figure it out," he said, nodding to himself, almost as though he really was talking to a pet.

  Erika shook her head from side to side, making her hair bounce against the back of her neck. Yes, she understood. Every time she tried to use human speech, the collar punished her, shooting fresh electricity straight into her pain receptors.

  "So that means you're not going to talk, doesn't it?"

  She growled at him. That was the best she could do.

  Then she froze, her eyes wide as she realized something. In less than a minute, he had been able to force her to act like an actual canine. No!

  Erika opened her mouth, parting her lips, yet the programming was working nicely. Erika didn't try to speak again. She was learning, adapting to these new circumstances.

  And in doing so, it made her feel like she was giving up or giving in, surrendering.

  "Now, as my puppy, you have to do tricks for me. Because that's how puppies work. Isn't that right?"

  Erika glared at him hard, her eyes sharp. Other guys would have been intimidated, but not David. He knew his wife. He knew th
at she only wore this kind of expression when she was truly helpless.

  "Were going to start with a very simple trick. It's going to be a hard one for you, but I'm sure you'll be able to master a very, very quickly."

  What? What did he want her to do?

  Erika glanced over her shoulder, looking back toward the door.

  "If you want to try to leave, you can. I'll warn you now, however. There is an invisible fence."

  Erika didn't care.

  If her husband really was going to make the mistake of letting her go, then she would get out as soon as she could. And what about the binders? She would figure out some way to get them off. Or better yet, she would find someone to help her.

  Besides, if she stayed there, with the door partially ajar, wouldn't that be admitting something to her husband? Wouldn’t that be an acknowledgment of her helplessness? This was something Erika would never do, so she ambulated toward the door, awkwardly at first, the quickly gaining confidence with her new limitations.

  After a couple of strides, Erika started to realize that she may have made a mistake. At this point, she could have turned around. She could have walked back over to her husband and glared at him some more. But she refused. Because she wanted to demonstrate just how resolute she could be, she kept crawling, getting closer and closer to the door. Then she came right up to it, and she couldn't push it with her hands. Both of those were bound up near her shoulders.

  So what was this naked little puppy girl going to do?

  She touched to the door with the tip of her nose, and she started to crawl out past the threshold.

  Big mistake.

  Even though Erika had been warned, she wasn't prepared. The collar registered its position in the room; it sensed the invisible fence and the sensors. And then it punished her.


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