
Home > Other > Relentless > Page 11
Relentless Page 11

by Leigh, Jo

  “Wait,” he said, sorry as hell he’d spoken at all. “Wait, don’t leave. Don’t go.”

  She’d made it halfway through the kitchen, but her step faltered and finally she stopped. Not turning, she leaned heavily on the counter as if she was going to pass out.

  He put his arm around her waist. “Come on,” he said, keeping his voice low, afraid to spook her. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not,” she said. She was still weeping, but quietly now, the tears dripping down her cheeks. “Nothing’s okay. It’s all gone to hell.”

  “I won’t let you fall,” he said, walking her out of the kitchen and down the hall. She was tall and despite the strength he’d seen in her from the first, she felt frail, tiny. So beaten up. By what? The only time he’d seen this before was from victims of assault. Post-traumatic stress? Maybe. He didn’t think it was because she’d seen Tim get killed, although he wouldn’t completely rule that out. The only thing he knew for sure was that she needed help. He was just the last person in the world who should try to offer it.

  When they got to the bedroom, he threw the covers back and helped her into bed. She put up no struggle. Not even when he took off her shoes, and pulled the blankets over her. All she did was turn over and curl up on herself.

  This wasn’t good. He felt helpless, and he hated that, but what was he supposed to say? Without words, he went around the bed, kicked off his own shoes, and climbed in next to her. She didn’t move. Not to welcome him or push him away.

  When he touched her shoulder, he felt her tremble. “Kate?”

  She sniffed, but said nothing.

  The only thing he could safely offer her was comfort. So he moved closer and wrapped his arm around her. She shifted so that her body pressed against his, so her head was in the crook of his neck.

  He rubbed her back in big, lazy circles. Slowly, she relaxed, and just when he thought she was asleep, he felt her hand on his T-shirt, pulling it out of his jeans.

  He wasn’t at all sure this was a good idea. But he was even less sure that he should stop her. That he wanted to stop her.

  She lifted her head, and her soft lips touched the side of his face. She kissed him as if she wasn’t sure, although her hands had no doubts. His shirt free, she managed to undo the buttons of his jeans, and when they were undone she reached into his shorts to grasp his penis.

  He gasped and arched and she followed him when he fell on his back. A tear fell on his cheek as she kissed him again, hard. Determined.

  He groaned as she pumped his already hard cock, as her tongue skimmed his teeth then plunged deep into his mouth. One last vestige of sanity remained, and he used that to hold her arms still and pull his head away.

  “Vince,” she said, breathless and confused.

  “Slow down, Kate.”


  “Because I need you to.”

  She blinked at him. Her eyes were puffy again, and red-rimmed. She frowned, but he was still watching her eyes, knowing he’d see the truth there.

  Kate sat up, pulling her hand out of his pants. Her head spun from tears she didn’t understand and the physical need that coursed through her whole body. What was her deal? Was she completely losing her mind?

  The only thing that made sense was to escape. To fall into the only safe thing she could find. Looking at him, knowing he was hard and ready, but that he’d put on the brakes anyway, made her more sure than ever. Whatever else he wanted from her, he also wanted her. He hadn’t lied, he wasn’t playing games. This was who he was, and for right now she could be herself. Not Katherine Ashman, because that girl had disappeared in Kosovo, but Kate. Different last names be damned, she was Kate and she needed to be held and kissed and loved, even if it was just for the moment. All she had were moments, most of them so scary she could hardly breathe. But not this one.

  “I want this,” she said. “If you do.”

  He looked at her for a while, looked right into her eyes, and then he smiled. It was a little naughty, but mostly it was kind and welcoming. He pulled her back down, right into a kiss that made everything better.

  He took the lead, which was fine with her. Rolling her over, he undressed her slowly. Sweet man, he teased and touched her with his skillful hands, making a fuss over her poor, plain underwear. When she was naked, he gave her a little show when he stood up on the bed to remove his jeans. There was a breathless minute when he almost fell, but a well-placed foot saved the day.

  His eagerness hadn’t flagged at all. Or maybe it was just that she was more relaxed. The room seemed warmer, the world farther away as he kissed her belly, licking her skin, twining his fingers with hers. Until, that is, he found a better way to use them.

  He urged her to spread her legs with his head. He nudged her inner thigh until he had her just where he wanted her. Then, with a rhythm she didn’t understand, he licked her, tickled her, dipped inside her to rub in that perfect way. With closed eyes and a total willingness to be led wherever he cared to take her, she moaned her pleasure. Lifted her hips to signal her delight.

  When he pulled away, she was very mature and hardly pouted at all. Because she trusted him. God, what a miracle to trust someone.



  “Turn over.”


  He kissed the hollow of her neck. “Come on, do it.”


  “Don’t think, just turn.”

  Hadn’t she just said she trusted this man? She opened her eyes, just to check, and yes, his eyes still looked kind. If just a little naughtier.

  She turned over, slowly, then hugged the pillow wondering what he had in mind. She didn’t have to wait long.

  His hands, broad and warm and surprisingly talented, went to work, starting with her neck. He massaged every muscle, some she hadn’t even realized were tense. She lost track of time, of everything except for the feel of his kneading palms. Well, not everything. He hummed.

  It was a tune she didn’t recognize, but it was hypnotically soft and wonderfully dreamy. By the time he hit her lower back, she was goo.



  He continued to work his wonders as he whispered, “Do you know what I am?”

  “What?” she said, although she doubted he could understand her as her mouth was pressed into the pillow.

  “I’m a detective. I live to uncover mysteries. And you…I don’t know the first thing about you.”

  She stiffened. Please, not now. Not when she was so happy.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “This isn’t an interrogation. But there’s something you need to know.”

  His hand ran up her spine so softly she shivered. “I don’t suppose that I’ll ever get my answers,” he said, and he was closer, leaning over her. His lips came still closer to her ear. “But here’s the weird part. I don’t think I give a damn.”

  She breathed out, a sigh of gratitude and thanks. She couldn’t stay on her stomach a moment longer. Turning over, she opened her arms, and he came to her. For a while, they didn’t do anything but hug. With their bodies touching all the way down. Him so hard and big, and safe and safe and safe.

  When she moved, it was in invitation. She pulled him close with her legs, centered him with a shift of her hips. He entered her with the same patience he’d used on her muscles. In this, there was no mystery. None at all.

  * * * * *

  She found herself humming the tune while she was in the kitchen. She wasn’t making anything special—tuna fish salad, but with grapes and walnuts. She wished the knife was better, but it did feel good in her hand. It was an easy kitchen to work in. Small, tidy. And it was really nice to make a meal for someone she cared about.

  Yes, she knew that it was over tomorrow, but she didn’t care. Tonight, she would enjoy whatever she could. Wallow in her feelings, let her imagination go. Not too far, because that would make her crazy, but she could think about the rest of the night. How they’d eat,
and talk a little and maybe laugh. She hadn’t laughed in a long time, and, like his massage, she knew it would do her wonders.

  She went to the fridge and got out the bottle of white wine. What the hell, right? She debated bringing a glass to Vince, but he was probably still sleeping, and she guessed he needed it.

  So she just poured herself a little and went on chopping and humming.

  * * * * *

  Vince stared at the ceiling, debating his next move. He should get up, find out what Kate was doing, grab a quick shower. But he couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d seen. She’d really lost it, and while he liked to think having sex with him could cure anything, he wasn’t quite that vain. She was in trouble, and it was bad.

  He got out of bed and put on his jeans. When he opened the door, he heard her humming in the kitchen. She must be making food, which was a really good thing. He was starving. But…

  He closed the door again, not at all sure he should be doing this. But, dammit, she needed someone’s help, and it didn’t appear that anyone else was raising his hand.

  He went to the closet, and there was the box. From the first, he knew there was something important in it, something she would protect to the end. Whatever was going on in that beautiful head was connected to that damn box, and he needed to know what it contained. Maybe it was about a stalker, although he doubted it. There was something more, an immediate threat, and it was big.

  He took off the top of the box, and there were papers, copies, and not good ones. Crouching down, he picked up a stack and saw they were financial books. Ledgers. Blurred numbers in columns. On the far left, he saw listed subjects. Transportation, fuel, emergency preparation, which was broken down into a number of other columns. All the pages were like the first. The subjects were strange, though, and when he looked at the top of the page he saw the logo for the United Nations.

  What the hell?

  Moving more quickly, he went down deeper into the box, but there was nothing but more of the same. He had no idea what the ledgers represented, or why Kate would have them. The U.N.? It made absolutely no sense.

  He put the papers back, realizing it would take a hell of a lot longer than he had to figure this out. After covering the box, he closed the closet, then grabbed his shirt and his shoes.

  He left the bedroom, thinking about what he’d seen, trying to get a handle on any part of it, when Kate came into the hallway with a smile that knocked him on his ass.

  When was the last time anyone was so happy to see him? Jeez, he couldn’t recall. She wore an oversized white T-shirt and her jeans, but her feet were bare, and he got that hitch inside that made him want to take her right back to bed. The knife in her hand dissuaded him, but at least he got a great kiss.

  “Dinner’s almost ready. You want to shower first?”

  He nodded. “I could sure use somebody to wash my back.”

  She laughed. “Sorry, buddy. That’s what you get for being so lazy.”

  “You’re a cruel, cruel woman.”

  She kissed him again. “Go. Be clean.”

  “There’s not enough water in the world.”

  With a flick of that glorious hair, she went back to the kitchen, and he watched her until she vanished behind the door.

  He headed to the bathroom, but he heard his cell ringing in the living room. Hustling, he got it just before it switched to voice mail. “Yarrow.”


  It was Jeff. He didn’t sound happy. “What now?”

  “Hold on a sec.”

  Vince listened as Jeff told someone a file was already in the archives, then nothing for almost a full minute. He was about to hang up, when Jeff said, “It’s Baker.”


  “That article in tomorrow’s Times? The Captain got a copy, and he’s fuming.”

  “What’s it say?”

  “That the department is conspiring against his suit by announcing your suspension, when they knew that you were holding the only witness to Tim’s murder.”



  “Did he go into detail?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see the whole thing, just the first paragraph. Emerson kicked me out when the brass called.”

  “Well, there’s nothing I can do about it now.” He walked into the bathroom and closed the door, not wanting Kate to overhear. She had enough to worry about. “Did Emerson say what he was going to do about it?”

  “Other than fire your ass?”

  “Yeah, other than that.”

  “Nope. But he wanted everything we had on Kate Rydell.”

  “Can you stall him?” Vince asked.

  “I’ll see what I can do, but, Vince, if he tells you to bring her in, you’d better. The mood he’s in, he’ll lock you both away.”

  “Right. Keep me informed, would ya?”

  “Yeah. You gonna stay at your mom’s place?”

  “For tonight, at least.”

  “Okay. Stay safe.”

  “Thanks.” He hung up, and started the shower. Things were going to get worse before they got a lot worse.

  Chapter 11

  The wind picked up outside, blustery and cold, but Kate felt warm all over as Vince finished up his dinner. He’d never had tuna with grapes before, and even though it was one of the simplest things she made, she felt inordinately pleased. The wine didn’t hurt, either, but she stopped after one and a half glasses. She had no desire to be tipsy, not when she was having such a nice time right here.

  She wouldn’t let herself think about tomorrow, although she did steal thoughts of later on, when they went back to the bedroom. No tears, no angst, this time she would just enjoy him and how he made her tummy do flip-flops, among other things.

  “She used to make German apple pancakes,” Vince said, leaning back in his chair. “Man, they were good. Huge, too, with lots of honey butter on the side.”

  “It must have been nice to have a mother who knew how to cook.”

  “Yours didn’t?”

  “Not very well.” Kate shook her head. “She didn’t enjoy it, so she made a lot of frozen stuff. And chicken. Dried out chicken.”

  “So you became a cook in self-defense.”

  “Basically. I took some classes at an extension university. And I had some friends who showed me a thing or two.”

  “Where’d you learn this?” he nodded at the crumbs left over from the meal.

  “A magazine. It’s really nothing. I just wanted something simple tonight.”

  “Well, maybe tomorrow we can delve deeper into your repertoire.”

  She smiled and gave him a brief nod, not wanting to lie out loud. “You know what I’d like to do tonight?”


  “Watch a movie. I saw a whole bunch of DVDs in the living room. I haven’t been to a movie in ages.”

  “Not a problem. Pick out anything you’d like.”

  Her smile was genuine as she got up to clear the table. Together, they finished the dishes in no time.

  Vince touched her a lot, little brushes of his hand or his shoulder. A kiss to her neck, a palm on the small of her back. She reciprocated, although she felt shy about it, which didn’t make a whole lot of sense. She wasn’t a totally touchy-feely kind of person, but she appreciated what it meant to connect skin to skin. With Vince, though, maybe because she knew this was the last night, every gesture felt magnified. Just below her contentment there was that small buzz of anxiety that he’d figure out she was planning to leave, or that she’d let something slip that would put him in danger.

  Thankfully, he didn’t bring up Tim’s name, not even once. She found a movie that had been hugely popular, one she could tell he’d seen before, but he didn’t seem to mind a repeat viewing.

  The only DVD player was in the living room, so they cuddled together on the couch. He had a beer, she had a cup of tea, and the movie was funny and sweet, but not half as wonderful as just being there. Leaning against his shoulder. Fold
ing her hand in his. She felt normal. Well, as normal as she could.

  When the movie ended, she excused herself. “Give me a bit,” she said, leaning over to kiss his forehead. “I have girly things to do.”

  He grinned. “Half an hour’s about all I can take.”

  “I’ll be done.” She headed to the bedroom, wishing like crazy that she had some sexy negligee to wear. Or any negligee, for that matter. Her clothes were not exactly the stuff dreams were made of. On the other hand, she probably wouldn’t be wearing them for long.

  So she got out her sleep shirt and her toiletries. There were parts to wash, to shave, to rub with lotion. All those things that were a chore without a totally delicious man in the living room.

  She had it all together when she glanced at the closet. Her heart stood still as she saw the door ajar. Not much, but enough. She’d left it closed all the way.

  Dropping her stuff on the bed, she pushed the sliding door open far enough for her to see the box. Her pulse raced and she hoped with all her heart she was wrong but she didn’t even have to take off the lid to realize he’d been there. Her tell, the small piece of tape she put on the edge of the box, was now only connected to the box top. He hadn’t noticed. But then, that was the point.

  Seth had taught her this little trick, and she’d seen everyone on the team mark windows, doors, anything that shouldn’t be disturbed with a marker, practically invisible to any intruder. Like Vince.

  Oddly, she didn’t cry this time. She just got pissed. Really, really pissed. And then, she got busy.

  Five minutes later, she was packed. Luckily, information had a taxi company listed in Tujunga, and she’d memorized the address. She hung up, then dialed Nate.

  He’d been sleeping, she could hear it in his voice.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I need help.”

  “What happened?”

  “I’ll explain later. I’m not in danger, but I need to get out tonight, not tomorrow. Can you do it?”

  “Yeah, sure. Where?”

  “Not here. I’ve called a taxi. Do you have a place to meet?”


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