Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 8

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Chapter Seven

  Two years later

  Alexei plopped down on the ground next to the standing stones, disappointment coursing through him. Yet another day had gone by with no luck for his sister.

  Like they’d promised, his lovers sent word through the realm of Eva’s distress. Aided by his parents, Alexei led people to the grove, one by one. He’d seen so many men come to try to free his sister. Even women showed up, much to his parents’ distress. From powerful warlords to peasants, none of them managed to break the icy barrier. Alexei’s lovers had told him that one day, her true love would arrive to rescue her, but Alexei now wondered when it would happen, if it ever did.

  “Don’t despair, lyubimiy moi,” Zimah said as he sat down next to Alexei. “Her time will come. You just have to be patient.”

  Alexei sighed and leaned against Zimah. He felt thankful that at least one of his lovers always made it his business to stay with Alexei when he watched over his sister, even if they had important jobs as earth spirits. Their presence helped him deal with the never-ending frustration.

  “I suppose that’s it for today,” Alexei said as he stole a look toward the darkening sky. People had been warned to stay away from the forest at night. Wolves still presented a problem for mortals, even if they couldn’t hurt Alexei anymore.

  “Do you want to go home?” Zimah asked. “The others will return soon as well.”

  Alexei nodded and got up. His parents had left a little while ago, so any new arrivals would have to wait until tomorrow.

  Just as they headed toward the standing stones, Zimah stopped. “There’s another presence approaching,” he said.

  Surprise gripped Alexei. Who could have come here at this hour, risking an attack from wild animals? They waited next to Eva’s sanctuary until at last, a knight and his squire emerged in the grove. Alexei analyzed the new arrival with a critical eye. He seemed like the proverbial standard for a knight in shining armor. In fact, the armor gleamed even in the dim light. The man looked powerful and foreign, and Alexei felt a small stirring of hope. Could this be Eva’s fated love? “Here she is,” the knight whispered more to himself than to anyone else.

  He approached Eva’s coffin with the squire pulling a white stallion along. At last, he reached the icy sanctuary and placed his hand on the frozen vegetation. Behind him, the squire took in the sight with wide eyes.

  Nothing happened. The knight retrieved his long broadsword and hit the outer shield of ice with it. The weapon recoiled with such force it went flying out of the man’s hand. The knight himself staggered and caught himself on his squire.

  After a few seconds, he managed to gather his wits and went to retrieve his sword. “Oh, well,” he said. “I guess it was a useless journey after all.”

  “But, My Lord, we can’t just leave her,” the squire protested.

  The knight shrugged. “There are many other damsels in distress where this one came from. I’ll just save another to make her my queen. Come on, Vadik. We must get some rest before we leave this damn village tomorrow.”

  The squire—Vadik—turned to look one more time toward Eva, before nodding. “Yes, My Lord.” Together, the two of them disappeared into the night.

  After he watched them go, Alexei turned toward his lover. “What did you think?”

  Zimah smiled at him, his blue eyes shining in the darkness. “I think Eva found her true love.”

  * * * *

  The night signaled a change in Alexei’s routine. The knight never did return, but the next day, the squire, Vadik, came with Igor and Elga.

  Nothing happened when he touched the ice either. He didn’t look surprised, but smiled sadly at Alexei’s parents.

  “Well, I didn’t really expect someone like her would be fated for someone like me.” He paused, then caressed the ice almost absently. “I know this is presumptuous,” he told them, “but I’d like to stay and help you. She… Yesterday, I just… I can’t explain it, but even if I can’t be with her, I don’t want to leave either. I heard you lost your son as well, so if you’d have me, I’d love to help you in whatever way I can.”

  Igor looked shocked. “But, my boy, you can have a brilliant future ahead of you. You can’t just throw all that away to live in a forgotten village.”

  Vadik smiled. “It’s just the way I feel.”

  “Then our house is open to you,” Elga said. “My son is still watching over us and Eva, but you can be our second one.”

  Truth be told, Alexei did indeed come to help his parents from time to time, unseen and unheard by anyone from the outside. The villagers had begun to push his parents away after Eva’s entrapment and his disappearance. They believed Igor and Elga to be cursed. It impressed Alexei that this man would agree to stay here and face their problems, just because he didn’t want to abandon Eva.

  As it turned out, Zimah’s prediction proved to be correct. As the days and weeks passed, Vadik continued to visit Alexei’s sister. The ice never cracked when he touched it, but Alexei did notice it begin to melt. At times, he almost heard Eva speak, and he swore Vadik could hear her as well.

  His guess was confirmed when, at last, one beautiful autumn day, the shield around Eva shattered and her icy coffin melted. Vadik helped her out of her former sanctuary. They threw their arms around each other, with Vadik whispering endearments in her ear and Eva desperately clinging to him.

  “Thank you for waiting for me,” she said.

  “How could I not, my darling? How could I not?”

  They didn’t see Alexei and his lovers standing there, and when they sat on the grass, Alexei chose not to bother them. However, just as he readied himself to go, a stifled sob from Eva drew his attention. “I wish Alexei could be here, too,” she said. “He’d be so happy for me.”

  Alexei gaped, for the first time understanding she thought him to be dead. Vadik hugged her tight, obviously not knowing how to comfort her and very distressed about it.

  Alexei needed no other sign to make his appearance. “I am happy for you,” he said as he allowed his mortal form to manifest. His lovers had explained Eva’s spirit had never passed through the same transformation as him, so she would not be able to see them unless he willed it.

  In a flash, Eva turned to face him. Her blue eyes turned almost aquamarine with volatile emotion. Physically, she hadn’t changed at all, and yet, she looked nothing like the sister who’d sent him trekking through the freezing cold to gather violets.

  After one moment during which she just stared at him, she shot to her feet and rushed to him. Her slender arms hugged his torso so tight Alexei wouldn’t have thought it possible, not from her. “Alexei, you’re alive. I can’t believe it. But Vadik… Vadik said…”

  “It’s a long and complicated story,” Alexei told his sister. “I am alive, just not like you and Mama.” For all purposes, he had indeed died, but he’d managed to pass to a different level of existence. Eva would remain a human, as she’d never gone beyond into the spirit world. But Alexei no longer feared for her, not now, that she’d found her true level.

  Eva opened her mouth and closed it. “You’re a ghost?” she murmured, her lower lip trembling as if she tried to keep herself from crying.

  Alexei chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Do I look like a ghost?”

  As children, it always irritated Eva to have her hair messy, but now it didn’t seem to bother her. Instead, she hugged him again. “As long as you’re by my side and you’re happy, you can be anything you like.”

  “I’m happy,” Alexei answered. “So very happy.”

  His men chose this moment to materialize. Their appearance served to snap Vadik out of his shock. He hastened to Eva’s side, sword drawn.

  “It’s all right,” Alexei immediately said. “They’re with me.” He didn’t know how to explain all four of them were his lovers.

  Eva frowned at Zimah, and after a few tense seconds, she cried out, “I remember you,” she said. “You’re the one who stuck me inside t
hat awful thing.” She pointed at Lyetah. “And you threw Alexei into the fire.” Her entire stance tense and angry, she glared at Alexei. “What are you doing with them, Alexei?”

  “Eva, they saved us. We were attacked by wolves.” Taking a deep breath, he took the plunge and decided to tell her everything. “You and I had a power deep inside. You felt it that day, didn’t you, the freezing cold?”

  Eva nodded. “How did you know about that?”

  “Well, I had fire. We were granted this power from birth, but during the wolf attack, it burst out too violently and threatened to consume us. What they did needed to be done to keep us from dying.”

  Eva seemed to contemplate his words. She closed her eyes, and Alexei knew she now tested her own body and soul to see if she could still feel the chill. “You’re right,” she said at last. “I don’t understand it, but you’re right.”

  “We’ll explain everything in time,” Zimah piped in. “Don’t worry, your power is nothing to be afraid of as long as you know how to use it.”

  Vadik gaped at him. “Power? Magic? This… This is all so odd.”

  Eva turned to her rescuer. “Does it change anything?” she asked sadly.

  Vadik took her hands and kissed them. “No! Of course not. I’ll get used to it. It’s just a lot to take in.”

  Alexei didn’t blame the man. Now, he didn’t know whether to finish the tale and reveal his relationship with his men. He wasn’t ashamed of it, but Vadik might not understand.

  Eva must have sense his distress and gave him a sidelong glance. “What is it, Alexei? There’s something else, isn’t there? Who are they really?”

  Now that she’d asked, Alexei had no choice but to tell her. Pointing at each of his men, he introduced them. “This is Visnah, Lyetah, Ohsyn, and Zimah. They are my lovers.”

  Vadik looked like he was about to faint, and Eva looked from him to his men, as if analyzing them. “Are you serious, Alexei? Men? And four of them?”

  Alexei nodded, to which Eva said, “Wow. How does that work? Never mind, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” She smiled at him. “As long as you’re happy and safe, I can accept it.”

  “You don’t look all that surprised,” Alexei answered, confused.

  “Well, I’m certainly surprised about the number, but I already suspected you liked other men. And I’m guessing you’re the ones who gave Alexei the violets, berries, and apples.”

  “Indeed, we are,” Zimah answered. “I trust you won’t make such unreasonable requests in the future.”

  Eva’s expression turned shamed, and Visnah gave Zimah a chastising look. “Let’s not think about that now,” he said. “Today is a day of celebration. Let your parents know as they’ve been very worried about you.”

  “There’s nothing quite like being young and in love,” Lyetah continued. “Enjoy it!”

  “And don’t worry, we’ll take care of Alexei,” Ohsyn finished.

  “Thank you,” Eva said. “I… I promise I’ll be a better person from now on. Thank you.”

  Alexei hugged his sister silently telling her he didn’t keep any grudges for the past. How could he? She was his twin, and he loved her. He looked at Vadik and gave the man his best threatening look. “You be good to her.”

  He must’ve put a bit of fire in his eyes as Vadik looked taken aback. Thankfully, the man recovered and nodded. “I will.”

  They said their good-byes, and Alexei watched Vadik lead Eva away toward the main road. “That went well,” Visnah said.

  Tremendous relief swamped Alexei at his lover’s words. All through these years, he’d felt guilty over living his amazing love story, while Eva remained trapped under thick ice. But no longer. Now, they could both be happy, with their true loves, a fairy tale come true for both of them.

  “It did, indeed,” he answered. “Let’s go home.”


  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Upon the priest’s words, Eva and Vadik kissed, sealing their union. Pride and happiness swelled inside Alexei at the sight. She looked so beautiful in her traditional wedding garb, and Vadik clearly worshipped the ground she walked on. They might not be royalty, but they certainly looked more beautiful than any prince and princess in the world. Now, the two had bonded their destinies until death do them apart.

  His parents had prepared quite a lavish feast afterwards, and many of those who’d attempted to rescue Eva had come. Alexei’s lovers helped, providing a lot of the fruit and vegetables needed. It was quite a shock for everyone who’d ever spoken ill of them, but Igor and Elga explained that with their daughter’s freedom came the blessing of the Goddess. Alexei couldn’t have put it better himself.

  He did wish he could have joined in on the rest of celebration, but in the end, it didn’t matter, not when Eva threw a gaze in his direction and smiled. Only she, Vadik, and their parents could see him and his lovers standing there right next to the priest. It was enough.

  The priest spoke some more of the importance of the step they’d taken and the sanctity of their union. When at last the ceremony ended, Alexei felt a bit saddened. He watched his family party and rejoice but could not go to them. But then, Visnah wrapped his arm around Alexei’s waist, and just like that, Alexei’s melancholy began to fade. He had a new family now, and so did Eva.

  He waved at his sister. She discreetly broke away from the guests and made her way toward him. “Are you leaving already?” she asked.

  Alexei chuckled. “There’s no point in staying if I can’t get drunk.” Leaving all jokes aside, he added, “Be happy, Eva. You deserve it.”

  Eva hugged him tightly. “Thank you for everything. I’ll see you soon, all right?”

  Alexei nodded. Eva and Vadik had decided to stay here and build a quiet life, just like Igor and Elga. It would not be the last time they saw each other.

  After saying good night to his parents, they headed out. The horses took them back to the forest with accustomed speed, and soon they reached the grove. They went through the portal beyond the standing stones and at last reached the spirit world.

  “Home at last,” Lyetah said. His hands went around Alexei’s waist and he nibbled on Alexei’s ear. “Weddings always make me horny,” he whispered.

  Alexei broke away from Lyetah and threw a spark of fire at him. “Don’t be crass. It’s my sister we’re talking about.”

  “Well, your sister is happy with her new husband. Perhaps we should get happy, too?”

  Lyetah wiggled his eyebrows. Secretly, Alexei wanted what his lover offered. But truth be told, Alexei felt a bit jealous of Eva. He’d have liked a marriage ceremony as well to bind them together.

  “What is it, Alexei?” Lyetah asked, now sounding serious. “You’ve grown silent all of a sudden.”

  Alexei realized they were all giving him concerned looks, and he offered them a smile. “I suppose I wanted something like that for myself.”

  Visnah blinked in confusion while Zimah visibly tensed. “A wife?” he asked.

  Alexei almost burst into laughter. “No! A wedding.”

  “Oh, miliy moi,” Ohsyn said. He hugged Alexei and kissed his forehead. “We don’t need a wedding. Don’t you know? We already have our destinies united.”

  Alexei knew that, of course, but in his heart, he sensed the need to mark it somehow. As if guessing his thoughts, Visnah clapped his hands together and said, “Perhaps we should hold one, too, just for us, here.”

  In the blink of an eye, Alexei found himself in the garden, his lovers by his side. Out of nowhere, beautiful adornments materialized, delicate snowflakes somehow managing to coexist with the sunny rays coming from above. Flowers bloomed everywhere, filling the garden with their intoxicating perfume. Heavy fruit hung from the trees, begging to be plucked out and bitten into. It was simply perfect, everything his lovers meant and represented molded into one.

  In the center of the garden lay the altar where they all said their prayers to the God
dess. “Come,” Ohsyn said.

  Lost in awe, Alexei knelt in front of the altar with his lovers. Hand in hand, they bowed their heads. Visnah spoke first. “I love these men with all my heart. Please, Goddess, bless our union.”

  Each of his men prayed to the Goddess for the same thing, until at last, Alexei’s turn came. “I do not know what I’ve done to deserve this gift, but I am forever thankful for it. Please, Goddess, bless our union.”

  A cone of white light seemed to engulf them, and Alexei felt the power flow over him. Through it, he actually saw in his men’s minds, experienced their emotions, their love for each other and for him. He didn’t know how long they just knelt there, but when at last the light faded, Alexei knew he’d been given the blessing he’d yearned for.

  For a little while, they remained in the garden, thanking the Goddess for their gift. Then they got up, and birds appeared around them, singing a cheerful symphony.

  They danced, and laughed, and ate sweet-tasting fruit. Alexei felt happier than he’d ever been. Perhaps he couldn’t party with the villagers, but a private celebration with just him and his men ended up so much better.

  The garden faded around them, and they emerged into their bedroom. None wasted any time with clothing. Alexei couldn’t have been more grateful for it. He had no idea how this day ended up his wedding day as well as Eva’s, but it meant so much to him. The emotion fueled his desire for his men, and he ached to bring their bodies together.

  They fell together onto the bed, five pairs of hands roaming fiercely on every inch of naked skin they could reach. Alexei ended up sandwiched between Zimah and Lyetah with Ohsyn behind Lyetah and Visnah next to Zimah. Lyetah’s slick finger penetrated his passage while Zimah’s tongue invaded his mouth. As Lyetah mercilessly rubbed his prostate, Alexei moaned at the dual assault, his body hot and needing more.

  Zimah’s mouth abandoned his far too soon, and at the same time, Lyetah’s fingers left his body. Alexei felt bereft, left without an anchor, but he didn’t get the chance to protest. Lyetah’s cock nudged at his hole and, in one single, almost brutal thrust, his lover impaled him. The delicious burn spread all throughout him, awakening the blaze inside his heart.


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