Hard Hats

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Hard Hats Page 10

by Neil Plakcy

  “Man, you’re giving me goose bumps.”

  I look down and see that his entire torso is pebbly. I lightly glide my palm down the rocky terrain. On my upward journey, I turn my hand into a rake, the hair flowing between my fingers, from his treasure trail to the thick curls on his chest.

  “Don’t leave any marks,” he says. “My girlfriend would shit if she found out.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Thanks.” He chuckles nervously.

  I pull his T-shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the floor, then step back to fully take in the sight. “You’re, like, beautiful. You know that?” My voice is down to a whisper, the soft and awkward language of lust.

  He laughs like a shy guy not used to receiving compliments from men. “You, too,” he says.

  I reach for his jeans and unfasten them. He’s wearing blue plaid boxers and I can see the promise of a thick shaft through the gaping fly. I push his jeans and underwear all the way down to his work boots. His penis has a helluva curve to it. It points skyward and looks like a true pole of glory from my kneeling vantage point, a cock worthy of worship. It is the darkest part of his body. Thick and cut with a big knob and an equally substantial pisshole. His nuts are smaller than mine, but that could be because they’re pulled up close to his body. He sports a full black bush but his scrotum is shaved. I press my lips against his inner thigh and kiss my way to the ball that hangs the lowest. I touch the tip of my tongue to it before pulling it into my mouth. This elicits a gasp from Scott. What’s the matter, I think, doesn’t your girlfriend give these the attention they deserve? I make sure the other does not feel neglected, and as I do he caresses my cheek with one of his strong hands.

  He’s so tall that I have to come up off my knees to take his dick into my mouth. I’m careful not to rake him with my teeth. No hickeys, no scratches. I’m merely borrowing his body. But I’ll take what I can get. I suck slowly, savoring every inch.

  His head drops back. Through closed eyes, he says, “Man, you’re, like, way good at that.”

  His words encourage my ministrations, making me want to lavish pleasure upon him all the more. The aroma of his manly meat makes me swoon. It’s as if I’ve lost all sense of my surroundings, like I’m elsewhere—experiencing a slice of Heaven? The thought of religion right now seems obscene, but also quite right. I realize I’m groping his ass, big handfuls of luscious butt. He doesn’t seem to mind that my fingers are probing the sensitive entry of his pucker.

  He groans loudly. Then: “Stop, stop.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re gonna make me come.”

  “I know.”

  “Jake, I can’t. My girlfriend. I gotta save it for her.”

  I look down and see his cock throbbing. God, that’s gorgeous. “I’ll stop for a while. I want another taste though.”

  He kisses me and then seems almost surprised. “I’ve only experimented a little with guys. I’ve never gone this far before.” He regards me with eyes slightly squinted and gestures toward my crotch. “Let me…” He kneels in front of me. His lips are ragged with little flecks of dry skin, signs of a lip-biter, but they’re red and plump. His fingers fumble nervously as he undoes my belt, causing me to tremble with anticipation. He pulls my jeans down. I’m so horned up I’m already leaking. His arms are tan, his hands are dirty, and I’m riveted by the contrast of his darkness against my white skin.


  He takes my dick into his hungry mouth and as he does it comes to me that the last time he gave oral sex it was with the flesh of a woman. How forbidden that a straight man—a construction worker, no less—is sucking my cock. He is skilled with his tongue. I resist the urge to rock my hips. I let him take me at his pace. Don’t want to choke the straight boy. He really goes to town on my pole.

  “Scott,” I say through hoarse breath when I can feel that I’m on the brink of flooding his mouth, “you’d better stop.” I grab on to myself to calm the impending surge and successfully delay its arrival. If he’s not going to come, I won’t either.

  “How was I?” he says with a proud smile.

  “You were great,” I say. “Here, lie down.”

  He does and I remove his boots and socks. He has nice feet. I’m a sucker for a man with pretty toes. Boris comes over to say hello to Scott. “Hi kitty,” he says, scratching her behind an ear.

  “Boris, this is no place for a lady.” I pick her up and put her in the living room.

  “Boris is a she?”

  “Tranny cats need love, too.”

  He laughs. “Listen, I can’t stay long.”

  “Ah, I figured.”

  “But I wanna do this again. That is, if you don’t mind.”

  “You can come over any time you want,” I say, wishing I didn’t have to share him. I’ll have to remind myself not to fall for him. It’s just sex. Don’t get attached.

  We lie naked together kissing and caressing for a few stolen minutes before I put his dirty work clothes back on him and send him on his way. A warm breeze blows through my red pubes while I stand nude at the door, waving to him as his pickup makes its way down the country road. He honks his horn.

  I go back inside and try not to picture him going home to his girlfriend. No doubt he showers when he gets home, which is convenient for him. Otherwise she could possibly smell the distinct aroma of saliva on his cock. Will he look himself over in the mirror to make sure I didn’t scratch him? What does his girlfriend look like? What will they do tonight? Will they make love? All these thoughts run through my mind in an instant, but the worst thing I worry about is that he’ll get a case of the “guilties” and not want to see me again.

  But that is not the case. We see each other every day after he’s finished working. Each afternoon, I wait patiently for the others to leave and for Scott to come walking through the grass to my front door. We ravish one another the instant we’re alone. The powerful way he looks at me often leads me into false hopes that one day we’ll be together. But then I remember that he likes his life as it is. I used to think that there was no such thing as a bisexual man; I always believed they were gay and couldn’t face up to it. But maybe there is a certain somewhere in between. I think of Walt Whitman’s life and his “comrades” and the love letters he wrote to men. He probably loved someone like Scott, too.

  Scott says that he’ll only be at my brother’s site till the end of the week, then he will be on to the next gig. The night he tells me, I wonder if this means good-bye. But when the weekend comes, I receive a surprise phone call.

  “My girlfriend’s out of town. She went to see her mother. So…I kinda wondered, could I come see you?”

  “Yes,” I say. “Come right now. I need you.”

  After I hang up, I scold myself for that last line. Jake, when are you going to learn? I look at the clock. He’ll be here in fifteen minutes. I’m giddy with the possibility that we’ll be able to shower together, a first. We can take as much time as we need to do what has to be done. I’ll, of course, be careful with his body. But it is my hope that with my actions and my love, I’ll find a way to leave my mark.



  It was spring break and I was staying at my parents’ townhouse in South Florida. Over the weekend, I’d been busy fucking and sucking some of the hottest collegiate studs in town but today I decided to take it easy and just lie naked by the pool. Mom and Dad had taken our golden retriever to the vet so I had the place all to myself.

  I could hear the sound of hammering coming from next door. One of those famous Florida storms had hit town the other night. Luckily, we emerged unscathed but our neighbor wasn’t so lucky, so he was having his roof fixed. I tried to see who was working up there but except for an occasional glimpse of golden thigh or brawny bicep the mystery roofers were hidden by the leafy branches of the trees separating our properties.

  Ordinarily, my lust would have been piqued. But right now I wanted to work on my tan
. Maybe later I’d strike up a conversation with them and see where that would lead. I spread a generous amount of oil all over my muscles, put on my shades, and dozed off on the chaise lounge. Some time later, I was awakened by a loud splash. I opened my eyes to see a big hammer sinking to the bottom of the pool.

  Moments later, I heard pounding on the redwood patio door. When I opened the door I saw a gorgeous six-foot-two blond hunk with a dazzling smile on his handsome face. “Howdy,” he said, extending his hand. “The name’s Hank.” Hank’s T-shirt was tucked behind his wide leather belt. I saw that his bronzed muscles were covered in sizzling sweat. Meaty golden brown nipples capped Hank’s firm pecs.

  “Sorry about that,” Hank said casting a glance at the hammer lying on the bottom of the pool.

  But I could have cared less. My eyes were glued to Hank’s body. I loved the way his denim cutoffs exposed his heart-stopping tree-trunk thighs. And I was equally excited to see the thick straps of his jock as it ran over his firm blond-haired butt that peeped lewdly from a big tear in the back of his jeans.

  A wild, devilish grin broke out on Hank’s sensuous lips. His hands groped his bulging crotch. His sexy blue eyes immediately locked on to mine as he reached out to shake my hand. I returned the firm, hearty handshake. I felt my heart skip a beat and a sudden twitch jolt my groin. It was instant lust.

  Hank stepped closer to me. He licked his lips as he took in every inch of my hard muscled body. I could resist anything but temptation so I immediately ran my tongue over Hank’s pecs. Hank locked his hands behind my neck. When I saw the golden tufts of hairs glistening inside Hank’s armpits, I began to lick off the salty sweat. I felt my cock twitch and throb, intoxicated by Hank’s raw, pungent aroma.

  I slowly licked my way down over Hank’s wonderfully furrowed abs. I dug the tip of my tongue into each sweaty, fabulously muscled groove. Then I reached Hank’s crotch, where I intended to bury my face.

  Hank quickly popped off the buttons of his denim cutoffs and pulled them down over his magnificent legs. I dropped to my knees and began slurping at Hank’s jockstrap pouch. As I sucked, I grabbed two meaty handfuls of Hank’s gorgeous ass. Then I worked a finger inside Hank’s crack. Hank moaned so much that I was encouraged to dig even farther with my forefinger. This really inflamed Hank’s lust, so much so that he uttered a harsh, guttural “A-h-h-h f-u-c-c-k!” So I figured now was the time for some good old-fashioned butt eating.

  “Turn around, dude, so I can eat your ass,” I said to Hank. Yeah! I wanted more than anything else in the world to press my face into Hank’s hot sweaty butt. When Hank turned around, I started licking down the crack of his ass and lingered to taste the raw sweat at the spot between his ass and balls. Hank was moaning and groaning. He bent over and pushed his butt against my bobbing face. I eagerly wiggled my tongue between Hank’s buttocks.

  Suddenly, Hank blurted out, “That fucker. Look at him. He’s watching us!”

  I pulled off Hank’s meaty buttocks and glanced up toward the neighboring roof. There was the other roofer with his beefy legs spread apart. His cutoffs were pulled down over his thighs. His big, thick cock was pulsing wildly in his fist. A wicked smile creased his handsome face. With his free hand he waved hello.

  I laughed and waved back. I turned to Hank. “Tell your friend to come join us,” I said.

  He shook his head. He reached out and grabbed my left nipple and squeezed it. “I want you all to myself.” He turned around again and playfully shoved me down. Now I was lying on my back, faceup. Hank squatted over my smiling face. “Now eat my fuckin’ ass,” he rasped. Without a moment’s hesitation I drove my hot tongue into Hank’s butthole and started to fist my cock. Fuck, there was nothing better in the world than eating a hot man’s sweaty, ripe butthole.

  Hank must have loved the rough sensation of my expert tongue fluttering on his asshole because he moaned and groaned with pleasure as he fisted his cock until it got good and hard. Then he spun around and jammed it right into my mouth. I sucked hard and long on Hank’s spasming prick. I loved the way his thick cock-veins swelled and thickened inside my mouth. Then he grabbed my neck as he shoved his cock all the way down my sputtering throat. “Take my fuckin’ load, stud,” he screamed as he shot hot gobs of cum all over my face.

  It was right at that moment that the other roofer walked in through the patio door. When he saw the thick streams of cum dribbling down my face, he laughed.

  “Fuck, Hank! Did ya save some for me, buddy?”

  Hank looked at Mike and grinned. “You fucker. You were watching us!”

  “Fuckin’ A!” Mike said.

  “Gotta get back to work,” Hank said, pulling on his cutoffs. He gave my nipples one last playful tug before he left.

  I was a bit disappointed because the prospect of a three-way had excited me ever since I saw Mike on the roof watching us as he masturbated. Maybe later I’d talk Hank into it.

  I gazed at Mike, who was grinning wolfishly at me and squeezing his bulging crotch at the same time. Mike was just as tall as Hank. But where Hank was smooth and golden, Mike was dark. He had deep-set black eyes and furry eyebrows that blended together over the bridge of his thick nose. I found Mike’s square-jawed good looks ferociously exciting. Mike shucked off his grimy T-shirt and cutoffs. His thick cock bolted upright and was throbbing angrily in the air. I was thrilled to see that Mike’s entire body was covered with a thick pelt of fur that fanned all over his thick pecs and ran down to his furrowed abs.

  But where Hank was playful and laid back, Mike was rough, down and dirty. I could tell by the way Mike was glaring down at me that he was a man who liked to take charge.

  I was amazed by Mike’s superbly muscled body. Thick curly hairs ran across his huge pecs and traveled down over his washboard abs until they swarmed around the thick root of his uncut cock and massive hanging balls.

  I was equally wide-eyed at the sight of the thick, uncut dick bobbing in front of me. Mike raised an arm and exposed the slimy tufts of hair swirling inside his armpit. “Lick my pits, stud!” he barked.

  I immediately obeyed. I nuzzled my face into the thick hairs that swirled inside Mike’s hot, musky armpits. I wrapped my fist around my spasming cock. I began masturbating while I lapped at the smelly pit hairs. Mike watched me masturbate. Yeah! No doubt about it. I was really getting off on licking Mike’s raunchy armpits.

  Mike groaned. “You love my smell, don’t you?”

  I looked up and said, “Yes, sir! I do!”

  “Then keep licking,” Mike grunted.

  I obeyed, but the sight of Mike’s manly pecs was just too tempting. I stopped masturbating and focused my attention on Mike’s luscious body. Soon, I was running my tongue all over Mike’s hairy pumped-up pecs. I took one of Mike’s thick nipples and drew it in between my lips.

  “Fuck, yeah!” Mike grunted. “Suck my tits, stud!”

  Mike grabbed my head, holding me steady while I chewed on his protruding nipples. Then he guided my head down along his hairy, sweaty abs. He made me stoop lower so I could kiss and lick the washboard ripples of his muscular belly until he finally shoved my face down to his groin.

  Mike thrust his cock and balls against my bobbing face, filling my nose with the strong stench of his manly, sweaty body. My probing tongue slurped noisily at his smelly crotch. I mashed my face into his stinky pubes and worked my tongue up and around his big thighs. I licked the sweat off of his big hairy balls. And I could tell that Mike loved having his balls sucked on because he made big deep bearlike growling sounds of supreme macho satisfaction.

  Then Mike cupped his hands behind my head. His cock quivered violently. The doorknob-like tip of Mike’s precum-oozing cock hovered just an inch away from my trembling lips. My eyes glittered when I saw the piss slit yawn wide open. A huge drop of precum slowly trickled out. Eagerly, I stuck my tongue out. I teasingly brushed my tongue-tip against Mike’s oozing piss slit and let a salty precum drop ooze onto it.

  “Lick it,” Mike sa
id. “Yeah! Stick out that tongue. You’re gonna get a good taste of my fat dick ’cause I’m gonna shove it up your fucking hole!”

  My pucker twitched impatiently at the prospect of Mike’s monster cock flying up my asshole. I opened as wide as I could to allow his sweaty prick to slide into my panting mouth. Now my face was buried in his groin. My nose and lips were lost in the thick, musky nest of Mike’s smelly pubes. When he hunched forward, his big sweaty balls slapped against my chin.

  Hot foaming spit drooled out of the corners of my mouth. I sucked in my cheeks and slurped like mad on Mike’s bull-cock. All the while, my cock was spasming wildly between my thighs. Hot, lusty tingles coursed all over my muscles when I tasted the thick drops of precum oozing from his piss hole.

  I ran my hands up and down Mike’s hairy thighs. I grinned lasciviously as I slipped my fingers in between the crack of Mike’s sweaty buttocks. And when I wiggled my forefinger inside Mike’s hot and sweaty bunghole and churned it around, Mike went berserk.

  “Awww, fuck!” he cried. Mike tossed his head from side to side. His muscles trembled wildly. His eyes glowered as he rammed his cock all the way down my cocksucking throat. “C’mon, stud,” he yelled. “Eat that cock. I’m gonna fuck your face but good!”

  My throat was sore from all that cocksucking. I was gagging and choking on Mike’s huge cock. But I loved every minute of it.

  I sucked so hard on Mike’s cock that for a moment I thought he’d shoot his heavy load down my throat. But at last he slapped my butt and made me turn around. “Bend over!” he barked at me. Good, I thought. Now I was going to get fucked just like he’d promised.

  Mike grabbed my firm buttcheeks and wrenched them wide open. Now my puckered hole was exposed to view. “Fuck,” he grunted. “Your hole looks like two horny lips waiting to suck my big, fat dick!”


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