Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4)

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Art of Deception (The Black Diamond Series Book 4) Page 2

by D. Camille

  "Why do you smell like perfume Jordan?" she asked again slowly.

  "I don't smell like perfume Sage." He sniffed his jacket.

  Sage looked at him. "You're lying to me now?" She stood quickly and he stood with her after sitting their daughter on the seat.

  "One minute Jordan, one damn minute and it's a wrap!"

  Jordan reached for her hand and she pulled it back. He sighed.

  "Okay, listen. Let me explain," he began and Sage folded her arms.

  He glanced down at his daughter then back at his wife. "Shana White came to see me..."

  "Shana White!" she cut him off in mid-sentence. "Why in the hell is she coming to see you? Did you make plans to see her?"

  "No Sage! Let me finish."

  Sage's eyes narrowed as he continued.

  "She needed some money and she came to ask me for it."

  "So you hugged her before you put her out on her ass?" she asked confused.

  Jordan looked away. "She hugged me before she left."

  "What did she hug you for Jordan?" Sage questioned.

  He looked back at her. "For giving her the money."

  "I'm certain that I didn't hear you."

  Jordan threw his hands in the air. "I gave her the money Sage!"

  Sage looked more confused. "How much money did you give her Jordan?"

  He paused and she waited. "Twenty thousand," he said waiting for the fireworks.

  Sage calmly reached for Diamond picking her up from the sofa. She turned and walked toward the door.

  "Where are you going?" Jordan demanded.

  She turned back to him. "I'm going to find my husband because I don't know who the hell you are!"

  He rushed over to her blocking her path. "Did you want me to just turn her away?" he asked.


  Jordan sighed. "Sage really, a woman comes to me in need and I'm just supposed to turn her down when I can help her?"

  "So she waltzes her ass in here and you give her twenty grand!" Sage snapped.

  Jordan frowned. "I told her it was this one time and not to come back."

  Sage looked puzzled. "You don't think she's coming back Jordan? She's played you once of course she's coming back."

  "She didn't play me," he said firmly.

  Sage tilted her head. "Did Sean give her money too?" she asked.

  Jordan straightened his tie. "No. He refused to see her."

  Sage laughed. "Wow. Lily has such a smart husband." She turned and walked out into the hall to the elevators with Jordan following.

  "That's not necessary Sage," he told her and she turned to him.

  "No Jordan, what wasn't necessary was for you to give that woman money."

  Sage entered the elevator and he was right behind her.

  "If you needed something Sage, I would want someone to help you."

  She turned to him. "If I needed something Jordan I would work and get it. I wouldn't offer to lie on my back under another woman's husband."

  "I'm not sleeping with her!" he vehemently defended.

  Sage shook her head. "You might as well. You've paid for it." The doors opened and she stepped out. As she walked towards the doors, Shana exited the security office all smiles with the check in her hand. Sage stopped and turned to Jordan with complete anger in her bright brown eyes.

  "Jordan baby, thank you!" Shana shouted waiving the check. Sage started toward her and Jordan responded immediately but Sage was in Shana's face before he could step between them.

  "The only reason I haven't kicked your ass right now is because my baby is here," Sage said in a harsh whisper. "But if I catch you near my husband again... I will kill you."

  Before Shana knew what happened, Sage had snatched the check out of her hand and ripped it in two all while still holding her daughter.

  "Get your ass out of here before I change my mind," Sage told her.

  Shana looked at Jordan who had remained silent to this point. " should get your ass out of here because she's serious," he told her.

  "What about my money?" Shana screamed.

  Jordan motioned for security before his wife really committed murder. The security agents escorted a screaming and cursing Shana out of the building. As they were leading her out, Sean came off the elevators and walked over to Jordan and Sage.

  "Did she make a scene?" he asked Jordan.


  Sean looked confused. "Because I wouldn't see her?"

  Jordan looked at Sage who turned to Sean. "No Sean. It wasn't because you wouldn't see her. Was it Jordan?"

  Sean looked at them both then sighed. He shook his head at Jordan.

  "Can we talk about this at home Sage?" Jordan asked pointedly.

  Sage looked at him with brown eyes flashing. "Yeah. We should go there now.”

  "Yeah, we should." Jordan turned to Sean. "Apparently I'm going to be out for the rest of the day, so I'll check in with you later."

  Sean nodded watching Sage. "Do I need to check on you?" he asked Jordan.

  "No! I'm fine," he snapped before turning to Sage. "Let's go."

  Sean watched the angry couple depart and shook his head. He turned and headed into Sage's gallery where his new wife Lily was working today. He found her in the office on the computer. She looked up and smiled as he entered and closed the door behind him. Lily stood and came to take him into her arms.

  "Hello Mrs. Jackson," he greeted her with a kiss.

  "Hello my love. What are you doing down here?"

  He smiled down at her. "I heard there was this incredibly beautiful goddess working in the gallery down here. I understand that her husband is the luckiest man in this world."

  "Hmmm...I heard that there was this really handsome warrior who works on the top floor and that his wife gets all of her desires fulfilled."

  He lowered his head and kissed her again before leading her over to the sofa in the room. Lily sat on his lap linking her arms around his neck.

  "I haven't gotten accustomed to being back yet," she told him.

  "We've only been back two days so that's understandable."

  She smiled at him. "Did you enjoy our honeymoon in Kenya?"

  "Very, very much; I wish we could have stayed longer."

  "We were there for two weeks and everyday was wonderful," she said showing both dimples.

  Sean pulled her closer. "Trent is moving into the apartment this weekend and then we'll have the entire house to ourselves."

  Lily leaned down and kissed him softly. After a short time, Sean pulled back and touched her face.

  "Shana White was here," he told her.

  "Shana White?" Lily sat up.

  Sean nodded. "She asked to see me and I refused. Somehow Jordan became involved and Sage was here."

  Lily's eyes widened. "Did Sage hurt her?"

  "I don't think so."

  "Why was she here?"

  Sean shrugged.

  "You refused to see her?" she asked watching him.

  He took her hand. "There is no reason for Shana to visit me. I promised you that I would not let her interfere in our lives and I meant it."

  Lily smiled and looked into dark brown eyes. "I love you so much Sean Jackson."

  "I want to make sure that you say that every day that we are together." Sean pulled her into his arms and kissed her the way she loved until she was moaning.

  Chapter 2

  Isabelle ended her call with Ray smiling. She loved to hear his voice especially when he said her name, whether it was Isabelle or Belle. The lessons he'd given her to teach her how to be sexy had been one hundred percent successful. When she was with Ray, she felt like the sexiest woman in the world. She was able to say and do things she would have never done in the past.

  Ray had done things to her body that made her blush just thinking about them, but she was yet to experience the joining together of bodies with him. The thought of that experience took her breath away and she anticipated it with every fiber of her being.
/>   There was a knock at her door before the gallery's Director Ralph Benson entered smiling at her. Ralph was a few inches under six feet with glasses and a receding hairline. He was a graduate of a very prestigious university and well versed in all aspects of art.

  "Ralph, hello," Isabelle greeted him standing.

  "Hello Isabelle. May I speak with you for a moment?" he asked.

  "Of course, please take a seat." Isabelle motioned to a chair in front of her desk.

  Ralph took the chair and watched Isabelle closely as she took her seat.

  "What can I do for you Ralph?" she asked.

  He was still watching her before he answered. "Uh, I just wanted to let you know that your name is being circulated around to fill the position in Atlanta vacated by Bernard Pearson."

  Isabelle shook her head. "They still haven't located him?" she asked. "It’s so weird. I had dinner with him the night he went missing."

  Ralph shook his head. "No, and it's such a tragedy down there. Almost like a tornado appeared and destroyed everything."

  "Well I'm not interested in that position. I'm perfectly happy here in LA." She smiled thinking about Ray.

  Ralph studied her. "Have you changed your hair Isabelle?" he asked.

  Isabelle smiled. "No."

  "There is something different about you. I can't quite put my finger on it." Ralph had noticed a new sexiness in Isabelle that had her starring in his nightly dreams.

  Isabelle blushed. "No, I haven't changed anything."

  Ralph leaned forward. "May I take you out to dinner Isabelle?" he asked.

  "It is very nice of you to offer Ralph, but I have to decline."

  "I've been waiting a long time to ask you out Isabelle, do you have to decline?"

  "I don't have to Ralph but I just don't think it would be a good idea and I don't want to lead you on," Isabelle explained.

  "It's just dinner Isabelle."

  Isabelle shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Thank you for the invitation."

  "Tonight then?" he asked.

  "Yes." Even as she uttered the word, Isabelle felt this was not going to be a good thing, but she told herself that she and Ray were not involved. He was free to see other women and vice versa. However as she looked across her desk at Ralph, something told her this just may turn out to be a mistake.


  Agent Marcus Graham arrived at the office building where Milton Martin's business was located. He rode the elevators to the designated floor then proceeded to the receptionist desk quickly flashing his shield.

  "Agent Marcus Graham to see Milton Martin."

  The receptionist looked up at him and smiled. "One moment please." She dialed into the office and Marc waited. A minute later a beautiful woman with long brown hair and dark brown eyes exited the office closing the door behind her. She walked over to Marc taking in his six foot three frame, tailored suit and dark sunglasses.

  "You're here to see my father?" she questioned.

  Marc stared down at the beauty. "Yes."


  "I believe I asked to see your father."

  Isis' eyes narrowed. "What do you want with my father?" she demanded.

  "I ask the questions Miss Martin. I don't answer them."

  Isis stepped closer. "My father hasn't done anything wrong and you can't just stroll in here and harass him."

  Marc lifted a brow over his sunglasses. "I've hardly harassed him by asking to speak with him."

  "You need to leave," Isis told him.

  "I'm not leaving until I've spoken with your father."

  Isis folded her arms. "Then you'll have to go through me."

  Marc tilted his head toward her. "That's not a problem at all. Did your father send you out here to try to protect him?"

  "My father hasn't done anything that I need to protect him," she snapped.

  Marc stepped closer and Isis smelled his cologne. She stared up at him not seeing his eyes because of the dark sunglasses.

  "It's in your best interest to move out of the way and let me handle my business," he said in a low voice.

  Marc moved to step around her and she moved in front of him. He moved to the other side and so did she.

  "Miss Martin, I understand your concern for your father, but I'm not going to stand here and play games with you."

  "I'm not playing." Her eyes narrowed.

  Marc moved again and so did Isis, however this time he placed both hands on her waist, moved her out of the way and headed to the door.

  "Don't move," he instructed before he opened the door and went inside.

  Isis stood in shock for a moment. No man had touched her like that before, where currents had shot through her entire body. She shook her head and rushed into the office behind him.

  Her father looked up as she entered and Marc stood in the middle of her father's office with his arms crossed.

  "You don't want to have this discussion in front of your daughter," Marc told Milton.

  Isis frowned at him as she turned to her father. "I can stay Daddy."

  "It's fine baby girl. I have nothing to hide." Marc raised a brow.

  "You go on. I'll call you later," Milton told his daughter.

  Isis walked over to Marc. "Don't ever put your hands on me again."

  Marc nodded. "Yes Miss Martin, my apologies."

  She turned to her father and walked over to his desk. "I will talk to you later Daddy." She kissed his cheek. Giving Marc one last stare she exited the office.

  Marc watched her go then turned to Milton. "She's going to be really upset visiting you in prison."

  "Prison? What the hell are you talking about?"

  "Look Mr. Martin I'm not here to play games. Do you want to talk to me now or after I've arrested you?"

  "Arrested me for what?" Milton demanded.

  Marc nodded. "Okay Mr. Martin. I will see you soon. Maybe you will be in a talking mood when I return."

  Marc turned and walked out of the office before heading towards the elevators. He really hadn't come to ask Milton any questions; he'd wanted to see how Milton would react to seeing him. Marc already knew Milton was dirty, just how dirty was his job to prove. He entered the elevators and rode down to the main floor. As he was exiting the building, Isis approached him.

  "Miss Martin."

  She looked up at him. "You didn't tell me your name."

  "Agent Marcus Graham, FBI," he supplied.

  "Agent Graham, I apologize for being rude to you upstairs. I was raised better than that."

  Marc nodded. "Apology accepted." He moved to walk around her and she stepped in front of him.

  He raised a brow. "Are we doing this again?" he asked.

  "Is my father in trouble?" she asked quietly.

  "You need to discuss that with your father," he said staring down at her.

  Isis nodded and stepped out his way. Marc took a few steps then turned back to her.

  "Miss Martin?"

  She looked back at him. "Yes?"

  "Tell your father that sending his incredibly beautiful daughter out to distract me won't help him one bit." With that, he turned and walked out of the building. Isis stood and watched him until he was out of sight.


  Jordan and Sage arrived at their home in silence, mirroring the entire ride there. In their kitchen, Sage started pulling items out of the fridge while Jordan placed Diamond in her chair.

  "We can order lunch in Sage."

  She continued retrieving ingredients before slamming them on the counter. Jordan started to speak again until she picked up one of the knives to open a package. He waited until she sat it down before speaking.

  "Let's talk about it Sage."

  Sage glanced over at him, rolled her eyes and went back to her items.


  She continued to ignore him until he came to her and grabbed her hands. "Please, let's talk about it."

  Confused bright brown eyes stared up at him. "What is there to talk about Jordan?"

  "I won't let her in my office again," he conceded.

  "You shouldn't have let her in this time."

  Jordan sighed. "Sage, you know I don't want that damn woman! Why are you acting like this?"

  Sage looked at him. "You know you were wrong Jordan. That's why you didn't want to tell me."

  "No. I knew you'd overreact."

  Sage pulled away. "Overreact? You think I'm overreacting?" she asked astonished.

  Jordan remained silent.

  "So I'm supposed to be cool with my husband giving women tens of thousands of dollars because they ask?"

  "It was one woman Sage."

  Sage lifted a brow. "Did she offer you sex?"

  Jordan turned and took a seat at the counter rubbing the back of his head.

  "Yeah...I thought so," she said sarcastically. "But I'm overreacting."

  Jordan ran a hand down his face. "I don't want to have sex with her Sage. I was just trying to help her out," he said quietly.

  "Fine Jordan, I don't even care," Sage started working on her ingredients.

  "Don't say that."

  Sage moved over to the stove and Jordan continued speaking staring at the countertop.

  "Now that I have you and Diamond, I think what if this was my wife or my daughter? What would I want another man to do for them if I wasn't there? How would I want them to be treated?"

  He placed his head in his hand and sighed. "That's all I was doing Sage. I swear."

  Sage turned to him and leaned against the counter studying him for a few long moments.

  "I much prefer the antagonizing and overly aggressive Jordan," she told him.

  "I know. Me too," he said turning to her.

  She smiled at him and he stood coming to stop in front of her. Jordan touched her face. "I never want to hear you say that you don't care pretty girl."

  "And I never want to hear that you're giving money to women who want to have sex with you, okay?"

  Jordan smiled. "Technically I didn't give her money because you ripped up the check."

  "It was better than ripping her ass."

  Jordan pulled her close holding her tightly staring down at her.

  "Hi Sage." He touched her face gently.

  She stared into dark eyes that always took her breath away. "Hi Jordan."

  "Let's order lunch and you can watch one of your documentaries while Diamond plays with her toys," he suggested.


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