The Sin Trilogy Bundle: A Necessary Sin, the Next Sin, One Last Sin

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The Sin Trilogy Bundle: A Necessary Sin, the Next Sin, One Last Sin Page 30

by Georgia Cates

I tap a little more firmly. “You know I’m not going anywhere so you might as well let me in.”

  Still nothing so I jiggle the handle. “We are going to discuss this. I’d prefer we didn’t do it after I break down the door.”

  The lock pops. I turn the knob and let myself in. She’s standing in the middle of her bedroom, hands on hips. “You’re a complete jackass. I’m so damn mad at you right now!” She picks up a picture frame from her bedside table and throws it at me. I narrowly dodge being hit in the head. “You’re such a selfish bastard.”

  Oh hell. She’s really mad.

  We’ve never gone head to head but I’m fully aware that Bleu is no delicate flower. She could probably kick my ass under the right circumstances. Judging by her reaction, it’s probably a good idea for me to be prepared for such.

  “You already knew I was a selfish bastard. This isn’t news for you.”

  “Dammit! You had no right to go to my father without my consent!” she yells.

  “We both know you would’ve never agreed to me seeing him.” This was one of those instances where it was easier to obtain forgiveness than permission. Although right now, I’m questioning the whole forgiveness thing.

  “That’s right. And for good reason.”

  “Aye. You’re right to call me a selfish bastard because I am. I went to your father because I didn’t care for the way it made me feel to know I was taking you as my wife behind his back. But I also did it for the two of you.”

  “How can you claim this was about anything but you? I plainly told you I didn’t want him to know, but you just had to go and be the tyrant you always are and do things your way.”

  She’s so angry, she’s refusing to acknowledge the outcome my visit accomplished. “Your father approved of our marriage, Bonny. Isn’t that what you wanted? Aren’t you happy about that?”

  “It’s what you wanted. Not me. I never wanted him to find out.”

  Oh, she’s going to be a hard-ass on this one. “Aye. I wanted his blessing but don’t you have contentment in him knowing about us and approving of our union before he’s gone?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t feel any kind of satisfaction or happiness because I’m so pissed at you.”

  Did I go too far? “Are you considering backing out?”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  I’m not going to lose her over this. “Think about it. Your father will die knowing I’m taking you and Ellison into my care. He knows you’ll have someone protecting you after he’s gone. It’s a terrible burden lifted from his mind. He can be at peace where you and Ellison are concerned. Can you please try to see the good in what I’ve done?”

  I take a step toward her but she puts her hand up. It’s my cue to not come closer. “It’s hard for me to see the good for all the selfishness involved.”

  My motives weren’t only self-driven. “Your father’s blessing is a gift I wanted you to have. His approval means he and your sister can be part of our wedding ceremony. You get to have your family present when we make our vows.”

  She’s barely made mention of her family not being present at our wedding, but I know how much she longs for them to be a part of it.

  “Dad’s too sick to leave, even for my wedding.”

  “Then we’ll be married in his hospital room. I’m sure we can find an officiant to perform the ceremony at the hospice center.” When I see a change in her expression, I move toward her. She doesn’t stop me this time. “That is if it pleases my wife-to-be.”

  There it is. That smile I’m desperate to see. “Yes. It pleases your wife-to-be very much.”

  What a relief. “I’m very glad.”

  “I love you so I’m going to give you a forewarning. Don’t go behind my back like that ever again. I can promise you with one hundred percent accuracy that it will cause major problems in our marriage if you do.”

  “Got it.” I can’t make a promise to never do it again so I voice my understanding instead of an agreement. I’m certain there will be occasions when I won’t tell Bleu the whole truth, and it will always be with good reason. I will never purposely hurt her. “Know this, Bleu. I will always do what I must for your happiness and well-being. That’s something you can always trust without fail.”

  Chapter Seven

  Bleu MacAllister

  I didn’t like how Sin went behind my back—and although I’ll never admit it to him—he was right about going to my father. Which means I was wrong. I couldn’t see it last night because I was blinded by rage. Everything looked different to me in the light of day, even more so when I walked into the living room this morning and saw Sin crunched up on the sofa.

  I looked at him drooling on the pillow beneath his head and it all came full circle for me. I realized that although he pisses me off beyond all recognition at times, this is the man I want to wake next to for the rest of my life—drool and all.

  Now I’m standing here facing Sin in my family’s presence and I couldn’t be happier. This wouldn’t be happening with my dad’s and Ellison’s presence if Sin hadn’t gone against my wishes. I love him all the more for that.

  No gown with a train. No veil. No organ music or church full of flowers surrounded by friends and family. I didn’t think it was possible for this to feel like a wedding but I was wrong. I’m marrying the man I love with my father and sister present. I have everything I need.

  Today’s suit choice is platinum with a cream and lavender pinstriped shirt. Sin’s tie is a paisley print—silver, lavender, and peach. I can’t fathom how in the world he found one in those colors on such short notice.

  His boutonnière on his lapel is a tiny miniature of my bridal bouquet, the spray of flowers the only thing distinguishing him from looking the way he does any other time. And that’s fine by me. He’s handsome every single day.

  “Who gives this woman?” the officiant asks.

  “Her sister and I,” my father answers from his hospital bed. I giggle inside because Ellison insisted my dad include her in the giving of the bride. I’d probably do the same if it were her marrying.

  Vow writing has been the last thing on my mind so Sin and I will be using the ones provided by the chaplain—whatever they are. “Repeat after me.”

  Sin squeezes my hands as he says, “I, Liam Sinclair Breckenridge, take you, Stella Bleu MacAllister, to be my lover and mother of my children.” He stops at the mention of children. He sees me fighting tears and leans over to kiss the side of my face. He whispers in my ear, “No worries, Bonny. I’m going to do everything within my power to give you babies.”

  He straightens and clears his voice to continue his vows. “I love what I know of you and trust what I’ve yet to learn. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together, getting to know the woman you will become, and falling in love a little more every day. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us.”

  I believe what Sin has just said to me. Every. Word.

  I repeat the same vows and nearly lose it again when I get to the part about children. He squeezes and rubs his thumbs over the tops of my hands to reassure me.

  No worries. That’s what he said.

  I finish my vows, truly meaning each and every word. We exchange rings and I’m nearly floored when I see my wedding band for the first time. I can’t believe I didn’t ask to see it before. In combination with my engagement ring, it’s huge—ridiculously so. And I love it. No one will ever mistake me for an unmarried woman. He’s made sure of it.

  “You may kiss your bride.” We lean in and softly brush our lips. No tongue. That would just be weird in front of my dad and sister. I’ve never had a boyfriend so they’ve never witnessed me so much as hold hands with a man.

  “And so it’s done. You’re my wife, Mrs. Breckenridge. No backing out now.”

  I’m in too deep for that but I wouldn’t dare try, even if it were a possibility.

  Elli is all smiles as she claps. That’s because my sister doesn’t know who
Sin is. She has no idea what kind of man I’ve just married.

  She comes to me. “Congratulations. I knew you wouldn’t have a wedding cake so I brought white-on-white cupcakes.”

  She goes to the closet and takes out a Gigi’s cupcake box and a large green bottle. “But more importantly, I brought champagne!”

  “Thank you, Elli. Everything happened so fast, I didn’t consider anything like that.”

  She pops the top and pours for everyone. Even Dad. “A sip won’t hurt.”

  “A sip, hell. I’m having as much as I want, little lady. It’s not every day my girlie girl gets married.”

  Ellison is snapping pictures one after another—she’s my photographer today. “Drink from each other’s glasses.”

  We do as instructed and she gives us a plastic knife from the cafeteria. “Time to cut the cake.”

  “It’s a cupcake. I don’t think it needs cutting.”

  “Humor me.”

  I place the knife on top of the mile-high frosting. Sin wraps his hand around mine and together we glide it downward.

  I giggle. What we’re doing feels silly—but fun—so I can’t resist swiping my finger through the frosting and smearing it across Sin’s face. “I see how you want to play.”

  “Ahh!” I step away and look at Harry. “Daddy. Help.”

  “Don't look at me,” he laughs. It’s the first real smile I’ve seen out of him in weeks.

  Sin prowls toward me until my back is against the wall. “Come here, sweet wife.”

  I’m doomed. I have nowhere to go so I grin and prepare for what comes next.

  Sin doesn’t disappoint. He kisses me, smearing white icing all over the lower portion of my face.

  I grab a napkin and go into the bathroom to survey the damage. “You messed up my makeup,” I call out.

  He comes into the bathroom and stands behind me, looking at my reflection. “You didn’t need it anyway. You’re beautiful without it.”

  “Dad is spent. Today’s events were a lot for him. I think we should go so he can rest.”

  “Whatever you want is fine by me.”

  As we clean our mess, Ellison holds up the box of leftover cupcakes. “Take these with you. You might have some fun with them later.”

  “Fun with cupcakes?” I’m not sure I want her to elaborate on that.

  She laughs and shrugs. “Get a little bit creative and you can have fun with anything.”

  “Sure.” Why not?

  I look at Dad to make sure he isn’t paying attention to us. “He isn’t doing well,” I whisper.

  “He tires easily.” I remember the nature of this beast. It takes and takes without giving anything in return.

  “He won’t last much longer, will he?” I say the words, immediately wishing I hadn’t. “Never mind. I don’t want to know the answer to that.”

  Elli stops and grasps my arm. “You shouldn’t take a long honeymoon if you want to be here when he goes.”

  “Then the end is closer than I thought.”

  “Dad hides a lot from us. I go along with it, pretending I don’t know what he’s doing, but he doesn’t fool me.”

  Sin and I haven’t discussed a honeymoon, but there’s no way I can go anywhere with my dad in this condition. “I’m going to be here for him. We’re not going anywhere.”

  We say our goodbyes and get stopped by congratulators no fewer than a dozen times on the way out. I think Dad’s nurse, Marge, must’ve told every person in the building about our wedding in my dad’s room.

  We get into the black sedan Sin has spent too much time in over the last few weeks. “Sterling. Mrs. Breckenridge and I need a moment of privacy, please.”

  My new husband pulls me close and kisses me like crazy. I’m lightheaded, drunk off his lips. And I want more, so much more. “I’ve been dying to do that since I listened to you say your vows.’”

  “It was a turn-on, huh?”


  “More so than my initiation ceremony?”

  “Absolutely. So much so that I think I want to kiss you like that again.”

  When he’s finished, he holds my face with his hands. “I have a very important call to make.”

  Sin takes his phone from his jacket. With my hand in his, he brings it to his mouth for a kiss as he waits for Abram to answer. “I love you so much, Bonny. Thank you for marrying me.”

  He straightens in his seat and clears his throat. “Aye, Uncle. All is well. I’ve found her.”

  I listen intently to the one-sided conversation. Dammit. I can guess at the things Abram is saying based on Sin’s replies, but I wish I could hear for myself what the psychopath is saying.

  “No. I didn’t kill Bleu. I married her instead, so I’ll be needing you to call off the hit on my wife.”

  I put my hands over my mouth and giggle beneath my breath while imagining the fit that damn evil bastard must be having. “Tell Uncle Abram I said hello,” I say.

  Sin grins and takes the phone away from his mouth. “You’re so bad,” he whispers.

  He places a quick kiss on my lips before returning to his call. “No, Abram. As my wife, Bleu is protected under Fellowship code. ‘You must never violate the wife or children of another member.’ Contravene our code and you will face the consequences.”

  Based on my studies, the ramifications could include anything from a physical penance to the death penalty, depending upon the degree of the offense committed.

  My husband is protecting me. And it’s fucking hot.

  I twist in my seat and move over to straddle Sin. I loosen his tie and open the top of his shirt. I kiss the dip at his throat and move my mouth up his neck until I reach that sensitive spot below his ear.

  He moves his free hand to my lower back and pulls me close. “Dad already knows, Abram, as well as Mum. They are quite fond of Bleu and were very pleased to know she would be their daughter-in-law.”

  He’s quiet for a moment before speaking again. “We’ll discuss all of that when I return to Edinburgh—with my new wife. Goodbye.”

  He ends the call and tosses his phone on the seat next to us. “That went as well as I expected.”

  “I assume the psychopath is unhappy?” I can’t not laugh.

  “Aye. He’s demanding a lot of explanations but he forgets his place. He has no right to challenge anything I say or do.”

  “And yet he does.”

  “My father has put up with his tyrannical behavior for years. He chooses to pacify his brother but I will not tolerate him.” He sighs. “And that, my sweet bonny one, is going to cause problems. Big ones. Especially since I’ve finished my traineeship.”

  “Let me guess. He’s feeling threatened?”

  “Aye.” He runs his hands up my back. “Maybe it’s time I consider taking my rightful place and knocking Abram out of his leadership role.”

  No. It’s too soon. I want to have Sin to myself—if only for a while longer—before I have to share him. “I really need to not talk about this or The Fellowship right now. Can we make tonight about us?”

  “Tonight is about nothing but us.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. He tugs on my bottom lip with his mouth. “And if I’m not mistaken, we have a marriage to consummate.”

  “Yes. I believe you’re right.”

  He taps me on my bottom so I move off his lap to my seat. I straighten my dress while he lowers the window. “Sterling. Please take my wife and I to The Peabody Hotel.”

  * * *

  Memphis isn’t Edinburgh. It’s not spilling over with luxury hotels but The Peabody is a perfect place to spend our wedding night. It’s classic southern elegance at its best.

  Sin opens the door and follows me into the living room of the presidential suite. “Oh wow. This is beautiful.”

  “You’ve never been inside?”

  “No. I’ve lived in Memphis my whole life but I’ve never been any farther than the lobby and convention hall.”

  “They offer a Romeo and Julie
t suite but this one is better.” He takes his jacket off and tosses it across the arm of the sofa. “It came highly recommended by your sister as well as the Brazilian steakhouse on the corner.”

  “Ellison loves that place.”

  “You don’t?”

  “I like the food but I got sick both times I ate there. In their defense, it was probably my meds causing me to feel nauseated, rather than the food.”

  He looks a little miffed. “You’ve not seen a doctor about that yet?”

  “I did but she said the benefits of the medication outweigh the side effects. She increased my dosage.” And it’s made my nausea much worse.

  “What are the benefits?”

  “It helps my body use insulin, which reduces my risk of developing diabetes.”

  He’s frowning. “I don’t like this. You’re going to be evaluated by another doctor as soon as we’re back in Edinburgh.”

  I suppose a second opinion won’t hurt.

  He takes my hand. “Come. I want to have a look at where we’re going to consummate this marriage.”

  He leads me up the staircase. We stand just inside the bedroom doorway. “Not bad.”

  Not bad, hell. It’s gorgeous. Wall-to-wall luxury in tones of aqua and chocolate. The lavish bed linens are calling out to me. “Come. Lie in splendor. Your husband can join us too.”

  “They left something for us.” I walk over and peek inside the basket and ice bucket. “Mmm … champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries.”

  “Do you want to have them now or wait until later?”

  “I don’t know. I suppose it depends on what you have planned for us.”

  “Hmm … it’s technically our wedding afternoon and not yet our wedding night.”

  I hope he’s not suggesting we postpone this until later. “Is there a rule that says a husband has to wait until sundown to have his wife for the first time?”

  “No, but I don’t want to ruin any ideas or dreams you might have about the things you expect.”

  I go to him and slide my hands over his shoulders. “The only expectations I have are us in that bed together with you inside of me as soon as possible. That’s it. All the other stuff is variable.”


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