Alien Warrior's Mate: Sci-fi Alien Military Romance (Brion Brides Book 1)

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Alien Warrior's Mate: Sci-fi Alien Military Romance (Brion Brides Book 1) Page 4

by Vi Voxley

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  His cock, which had been straining against his armor from the moment they sat down in the shuttle, grew even harder. He growled, low and deep, at the sudden surge of lust, now given free reign. His eyes narrowed and his usual smile crept back to his lips as the unmistakable flare of lust flashed in Deliya’s eyes. He gave a small laugh, mostly at himself.

  “Wherever you want,” he said.

  There. Her smile lit up the corridor like no valor square could ever have, directed at him at last. He had to stop himself from grabbing her then and there, pressing her against the first wall he could reach and rubbing himself against her, like he longed to. Suddenly the distance to her room seemed ridiculously far.

  “Come,” she said, her hand brushing against his, sending sparks of pleasure straight to his core.

  He gripped her hand, which still shook a bit. It definitely wasn’t fear. It was pure, unrestrained lust pumped into her blood with every beat of her heart. Lust at him. The thought alone brought another growl to his lips and another smile to hers. Oh, how he wanted to keep that smile there, perhaps to replace it with a look of pleasure very soon.

  They made an effort to walk slowly at first, but as her fingers kept brushing at his, her body started to shake in desire too. It was a bit too much for him. Darien wasn’t a man known for his patience. He’d already had her in his arms once, and the feeling came back to him now. Before he knew it, they were walking as fast as they could without actually running.

  There was no particular reason why anyone would take interest in their business, but Darien liked to keep his relations private as they should be. So he grit his teeth and let her lead him to her room, trying not to see the way her lips were slightly parted and her breathing grew heavier and rapid.

  His emotions were still too high. Now that he was about to set foot in her room, he wasn’t sure he could make it two steps before making a complete fool of himself. The edge of their desire was so close, too close. He had to take them over it in a way that would get him a second try, one that he could savor, could properly enjoy.

  He was shaking as Deliya’s door shut behind them. Instead of ripping her armor off as he’d thought, he found himself staring into her beautiful eyes, suddenly very, very close.

  “You won’t send me away,” he said, suddenly knowing that to be true.

  Deliya smiled. “After the first? Don’t worry. I won’t.”

  He couldn’t help but to grin back, his teasing coming as easily to him as breathing. “I meant today.”

  Her eyes flashed again and with a snarl, he pulled her against him, pressing his lips to hers. Her lips welcomed him this time, kissing him back hungrily. He buried his hands into her soft hair, miraculously so after all the cold and blood and fighting. She answered in kind, giving back all the passion he’d always expected she might feel for him, lighting a fire in his blood. He deepened the kiss even further, to the point where it almost hurt, but neither of them gave any indication of pulling back before they finally had to break for air.

  “Agreed,” Deliya said, stepping away, starting to remove her armor. “I won’t send you away today.”



  She had seldom hated her armor before. It meant life or death in battle and was actually designed with great care. But right then and there, it seemed to Deliya that it was clunky, restricting, and had way too many pieces. Her usual neatness had already been thrown out of the door, with pieces of their armors lying discarded on the floor. The spears rested against the wall, both of them presumably hoping they had placed them right and the weapons would not fall to cut off their feet.

  All of that was completely worth it when Deliya dropped the last piece of her chest armor on the floor and an amazed sigh escaped Darien’s lips. She couldn’t hide her smirk at that. No doubt she made for quite the sight – nothing but a top covering her naked body, her nipples visible under it. His eyes seemed nailed to her.

  To test the theory, she stopped undressing for a moment and ran her hand over her tits, rubbing them together while watching Darien’s eyes grow wider. He growled, tearing his armor away without care to see where it fell or if it was still in one piece when it did. Deliya shivered. She wanted that strength on her, soon.

  And like ordered, she got a taste of her own medicine when Darien thrust the last pieces of his armor away and stood before her with nothing but short pants to cover him. Her eyes ate him up, not even close to being filled. She’d known he was big, but up so close, when she could compare them, he seemed even taller than she’d thought. Oh yes. Her imagination had done him almost no justice at all, and she couldn’t conjure a single shred of disappointment at that.

  Darien was stunning, simply put. Her tongue darted out of her mouth to wet her lips seeing him standing there, huge and mighty, his muscular body toned to perfection. Her staring seemed to be very obvious to him since he flexed, letting her see the powerful muscles play beneath his skin, imagine the strength he wielded. Not that she hadn’t seen it already. Having it around her would be so much different, though, so why was she still bloody standing there?

  They had to take off the initial edge, the painful, desperate…

  “Fuck you’re hot,” Darien murmured, cutting through her line of thinking just like that.

  He stepped away from the pile of clothes and armor and weapons, lifting her up onto his lap as if she weighed nothing. Deliya wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her three steps to the closest horizontal surface, which happened to be her desk, and set her down there. His lips found hers, forcing his way into her mouth as soon as she opened her lips to him even a bit. His hands roamed her body, groping her roughly, mapping every contour of her curves.

  She moaned into the kiss as he pressed his cock against her, rubbing against her in desperate wanting. His entire body was tense, shivering. She wasn’t much better off, her pussy so wet she doubted she needed preparation even though feeling him against her, the size of him made her doubt that for a moment.

  “I want you,” he whispered into her ear, kissing and biting her neck and away that doubt went.

  Only a deep need, a longing remained.

  “Fuck me,” she pleaded, feeling him chuckle against her neck.

  Her hands barely reached around him. Deliya bit her lip not to say anything to embarrass her, anything she couldn’t take back a more thoughtful time. Right now, she spread her legs further apart around his wide frame, an invitation he couldn’t possibly misunderstand.

  “Now,” she urged him on.

  He didn’t need to be told twice, in truth. With a wicked snarl, he ripped her panties and pushed his pants down. The head of his cock rubbed against her pussy, wetting it, brushing maddeningly against her clit. She dragged her nails over his shoulders, moaning at the feeling, welcoming the teasing even if she knew she couldn’t bear it one single second more.

  “This is going to hurt,” Darien warned.

  His voice was so low when he was in passion, almost vibrating when he spoke against her skin. It sent wild, intense shivers down her spine, making her arch against him shamelessly.

  “If you want me like this, you’re going to feel me.”

  Oh yes. She knew that. She’d seen him shirtless in training a couple of times, so it hadn’t been a complete surprise when stripped. She had had a good idea of what she was bargaining for, at least. What was in his pants had been a mystery to her, however, one that had the most mouth-watering solution. His cock was huge and thick, throbbing against her pussy, held back by his concern for her alone. Deliya could have laughed and some of that probably showed in her smirk.

  She looked him in the eye, her hands pulling him even closer. He groaned at the motion, one hand holding her against him, the other in her hair.

  “Yes,” she said, moaned, out of time to be modest. “I want to feel you. Fuck me.”

  He didn’t need to be told that twice. Permission given, Darien’
s eyes clouded over in pleasure. She barely had time to lean back a bit to support her hands on the desk when he pushed in. A sob escaped her lips, relieved and desperate for more. It felt so good, so utterly, blindingly good.

  Darien caught the cry from her lips with his own when he pushed in further, slow and steady. Deliya moaned into the kiss, her nails dragging lines on his mighty shoulders as she felt every inch stretching her wider for him. She could feel him breathe heavily, his breath warm and sweet on her face, their foreheads touching. She knew he was still holding back for her comfort, not wanting to rip her in two, but that was – not literally – just what she wanted.

  “By gods, you’re so tight,” Darien choked out.

  Deliya had to bite her lip not to cry out in desperation as he pushed deeper inside her, his self-control slipping in a few desperate shivers that sent him deeper faster than he wanted. Each brought a cry to her lips, but not a single one of pain. Only the most desirable kind, the one she’d longed to feel with him.

  “Very possible,” she panted, teasing him in turn. “You’re – ah! – so big, oh fuck you’re huge, Darien…”

  No words came out of her after that because Darien’s green eyes suddenly flared brighter than they’d been that entire day. She felt him snarl as he kissed her passionately, painfully, but she welcomed it. Then he thrust himself in completely, holding them in place for a moment while Deliya’s moan still rang in the air.

  And then he moved, and it seemed to Deliya the whole room moved with him. Possibly it did. At least the desk did, rocking under his powerful thrusts as he buried himself to the hilt into her pussy with each, making her scream in pleasure. She clung to him, unable to match or respond to his rhythm, giving herself completely over to him.

  He needed no help from her, after all, not in this. Darien could easily move both of them, his powerful, sculpted chest like warm marble against her body. She sobbed helplessly as her orgasm built, having been so close already. His cock throbbed inside her, brushing against the spots of ecstasy within her. Deliya threw her head back as she screamed again, feeling him kiss her throat, groaning in his deep and sexy voice.

  “Darien…” she moaned. “Oh fuck yes, there, harder – ohhh…”

  She could barely feel her legs, all strength gone out of her and only pleasure remaining. If Darien hadn’t been there to hold her up, she thought she might have slid off the desk, but his hands around her were firm and strong.

  The moment was there too soon and not soon enough, as always. She tried to hold on to the fleeting sensation of the peak of her pleasure, where all she wanted was to come and never leave the lusty high. She thought to tell him she was coming, but he probably understood, and she had no breath left in her lungs anyway. His kisses were wild and brief now, his thrusts picking up pace past the point she’d thought was possible.

  The high she climbed suddenly seemed too much against all reason. It was simply too good, he was huge inside her, his cock pounding exactly the right place and she couldn’t take it anymore, she was going to pass out, was going to be left numb and unfeeling after experiencing everything at once.

  She came, sobbing his name breathlessly, her hands holding on desperately to his wide, powerful shoulders, kissing his chest and his shoulders, aching to taste more of him. Feeling she was sated, Darien lifted her up into his lap again. For the life of her, Deliya couldn’t understand how he still had the strength to do that when she could feel him shaking beneath her, but she didn’t think for a moment he might drop her.

  Burying his face in the crook of her neck, taking a hold of her with both hands, Darien pounded himself into her over and over again while she wrapped her hands around his neck and let him. Even after an orgasm as earth-shattering as the one she’d just experienced, as Darien finally came with a deep groan that made her shiver, Deliya could feel herself grow desperate for him again. As he laid her down on her bed at last, falling to lie beside her, Deliya honestly had no idea if she could still blame the battle hormones or if it was all Darien.

  After several minutes of simply basking in their afterglow, Darien rolled over to claim a lazy kiss from her lips. For some reason, even that made her treacherous body shiver.

  “I believe you no longer hate me, Deliya-the-star,” he said.

  She was way too tired to begin explaining to him that she’d never hated him, so she settled for a playful, “You could say I’m favorably inclined towards you at this moment.”

  Darien laughed, a sound that was becoming irritatingly dearer to her every time she heard it. There were other things she was warming up to as well. Like the way he gently caressed her skin, or the way he pushed up her top to lick and kiss her tits, making her squirm under his tongue. A moment ago he’d seemed too tired to even move, but the sight of her clearly brought out some hidden reserves in him. He pushed himself up and then on top of her, fondling her tits and sucking her nipples into his clever, wicked mouth, rolling them on his tongue.

  I called out his name as he fucked me, she thought. No going back from that.

  Surprisingly, it didn’t bother her as much as she’d thought. He had been good, very good, and he was clearly not done with her yet. She let her eyes flutter closed and moaned at the way his tongue felt on her nipples, sucking at them gently. It was not a moment to explain to this teasing, maddening bastard that women sometimes seemed to hate the guys they desperately desired, simply out of dread of the moment they’d leave.



  She had felt better than all his dreams combined.

  Darien was unexpectedly torn between thanking all the gods for setting all of the little things in motion that allowed him to be just there and then with Deliya and thinking it might not have been the best of his ideas. Right there, in the heart of their little adventure, everything was as good and sweet as it could be. Deliya underneath him, arching up to meet every motion of his tongue, her tits fitting into his hands like they were made for him.

  How was he supposed to give all that up when tomorrow came?

  He decided to let that be the problem of his future self. The option of never getting to do it again was no reason not to do it when he had the chance.

  Bringing Deliya out of her obvious bliss seemed like a crime to him, but something even better was forming in his mind.

  “My star,” he said, smiling.

  “You said you’re – favorable towards me right now, correct?”

  Deliya’s answer was the most maddening soft murmur of agreement. She still neglected to look at him, too caught in enjoying the way he kept massaging her tits.

  “While I think that‘s a great improvement from where we were before…” he began, earning a sated smile from Deliya, making her look even more irresistible to him than she usually did.

  “I want more, greedy as I am.”

  Now she looked at him, a smirk on her lips, raising her eyebrow quizzically.

  “I thought I might begin by making myself… more presentable.”

  For a moment, her eyes were incredibly soft and kind.

  “I think you look fine,” she said.

  Fine. Indeed. You said such nice things about me before. If I have to keep you at the edge of your pleasure all the time to hear you say what you really think of me, let it be so.

  He chuckled.

  “Fine is good too, but it sits in the same boat as favorable.”

  Deliya’s answering smile confirmed that he was being teased, but it suited him quite well. If she wanted him to prove himself to her, he was willing to do that. No warrior backed down from a fight and this one had the best prizes. Nothing good ever came easily, all Brions knew that.

  “I want to be on better terms,” he finished.

  “And how do you propose you achieve that?” Deliya asked.

  “I don’t think there’s much you can do to change the way you look.”

  “No,” Darien agreed, “but I could take a shower and not stink of battle and Antanaris.” />
  Deliya made a careful show of being impressed.

  “I think that would improve us both.”

  Oh very much yes, he thought. You are gorgeous however you look, but you wet is something I definitely want to see.

  “As tired as I am from the battle,” he pressed on, “I don’t suppose you’d let me use your shower?”

  He wondered if Deliya knew she bit her lip when she heard something she really liked. Possibly she did it on purpose to drive him insane, but he wasn’t sure. It looked too subconscious. All the more reason to love that little display of desire, a definite step in the right direction.

  “I might be persuaded,” Deliya said.

  Her show of uncaring would have been much more believable if Darien had stopped fondling her for a moment, or she arching against his touches.

  Time to close the deal.

  “Might you also be persuaded to join me in using your shower?”

  Before she could reply, he bent forward to lick her nipple again, slow and gentle, not breaking eye contact with her. Whatever inner barriers she had were clearly tumbling, judging by the lusty look in her eyes.

  “I think that might be wise,” she said. “Conservation of water and all that.”

  He drew back, doing his best to remember and enjoy the look of disappointment that flashed across her features for a moment. Then she sat up and finally removed her top, leaving her sitting naked before him on the bed. He couldn’t have hidden the effect it had on his body even if he’d wanted, and Deliya smiled before getting up and walking past him deliberately closely.

  Her hand brushed against his reawakening erection, nearly making him wince in pleasure. Growling, he caught her from behind, rubbing his cock between her buttocks. Even there, he fit like her body was crafted to suit his. He buried his face in her hair, simply savoring the moment, growing rock hard in moments when she leaned back and pressed her ass against him.

  He started to doubt whether he’d make it to the shower, but Deliya slipped away from his embrace so quickly he almost stumbled forward, bringing forth a ringing laugh from her lips. Before he could react, she’d already slipped to the shower, leaving him once again torn between desperate desire and desperate need to make it all last forever.


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