Nowhere To Run (To Protect And Serve)

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Nowhere To Run (To Protect And Serve) Page 10

by Mary Eason

  “He’s dangerous. And he’s lying to you. He killed your brother, I have no doubt about that.”

  He watched her shut down before his eyes. It was like watching a different person emerge. “Then why haven’t you arrested him.”

  “Because he’s also good. He covers his tracks well. Kills off anyone who might rat him out. Just like he did Jeremy. Just like he’ll do to you when he figures out you know the truth.”

  She broke eye contact first. “I don’t know what you mean. I don’t know anything.”

  He waited until Maya dropped two plates of pancakes and sausage in front of them, refilled their coffee and grumbled away before answering. “You do. You may not realize it yet, but you do know something.”

  She shook her head stubbornly. “Dammit, Jordan, you’re smart. Figure it out.” She didn’t answer. He watched as she picked up a fork and cut into the pancakes. “I can help you if you’ll let me. There are places you can go.”

  The fork clattered against her plate. “You mean witness protection?” Her bitter laughter gave her opinion of that. “You’re kidding, right? If he’s as good as you say then where do you think I could possibly go that he can’t find me? You can’t help me.”

  The desperation radiating from her made him want to prove her wrong. “I can.” He insisted. “I can talk to the state’s attorney handling the case. We’ll work something out.”

  “Even if I did know something, which I don’t, I’d be signing my own death certificate if I cooperated.”

  She needed convincing. He’d have to tell her things that he’d wanted to spare her. Things revealed in his investigation. Confidential things about Santiago’s true dealings. About the other women in his life.

  Maybe she knew already. “Jordan.” Before he could find the right words, somewhere in a distance a car backfired, startling him, and driving her tension level up to the point of breaking.

  She bit back a scream before it escaped. Before she could bolt from the place, he grabbed her hand, hoping to steady her. At least keep her there.

  “It’s only a car. Take a breath. Try to relax.” His thumb massaged her clenched hand until slowly it relaxed.

  She closed her eyes and counted to ten beneath her breath.

  When her focus returned to him again, she appeared somewhat more in control.

  “So where’s this place of yours?” she asked almost wistfully.

  He raised an eyebrow. God she was beautiful. He should take her back. Drop her off with Deb. Take her anywhere but someplace where they’d be alone together. She was a federal witness, after all.

  “Not far from here.” He hesitated only a second before saying the words that sealed his fate. “You want to see it?” She did, he could tell. Before she could answer, Riley got to his feet and took her hand. “It’s not much – the house that is, but it’s got a great view of the lake.”

  The drove the five-plus miles in silence. It felt as if something had shifted between them. She’d begun to believe him. Maybe even trust his intentions toward her a little.

  “This is it.” He stopped the truck in front of the small two-story log cabin and waited for the boiling dust to die down before getting out. He came round to her door and opened it for her.

  Riley tried to get up to the place a couple of times a year and even so the beauty of the area always got to him.

  “Want to go inside?” He wasn’t sure what she needed from him other than time away from the dark reality that her life had become. She stepped onto the porch and turned to him. He stood on the ground. They were almost at eye level. Close enough for him to see the flecks of gold in her eyes. And the uncertainty.

  She drew in a shaky breath. “I’d like that.”

  “What?” he whispered in an equally unsteady voice. One of them moved. Maybe both. They were now inches from one another. He could see every emotion as it passed across her face.

  The gentle breeze from the lake grabbed a strand of her hair and tossed it over her eyes. He lifted his hand and carefully scraped it back into place, his fingers lingering on her cheek. He liked the way her eyes gave so much away. She felt something. Just like him. They were flirting on very dangerous ground.

  “Riley…”She closed her eyes and breathed in his name.

  Dammit, he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted another woman, but he’d made himself a promise. He was not going to act upon that need until this thing was over. At the time he had no idea how impossible that promise was going to be to keep.

  He stepped up onto the porch beside her, brushed a quick kiss against her lips, then slowly he let his hand drop from her cheek. Her eyes flew open when his body brushed against hers.


  “It’s okay.” Nothing about the husky strain in his voice was familiar.

  Never had such simple words sounded more like an invitation than they did right now, coming from this very dangerous man standing close to her.

  She shook her head. “Please…” He wasn’t even her type. He was the exact opposite of her type as well as Caesar and the last thing she needed her life entangled with right now. But that didn’t stop her from wishing. If only they’d met at a different time. If only he wasn’t accusing her fiancé of murder. If only…

  “Turn around.” His warm breath brushed across her cheek as soft as a caress.

  “What?” Her confused gaze searched his. The smile he gave her held indulgence as he turned her around.

  From the doorway, the cabin was small and basic, but the view reflected through a pair of picture windows was enough to take her breath away.

  “Oh my God…” Jordan forgot about the man beside her. She moved closer, her breath chilling the window. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Yeah.” He stepped came to stand behind her. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught the faraway expression in his. “Every time I think about selling the place, I come up here and look out at the lake and realize, this place has become part of me.”

  She understood. A place like this could get into your blood. “I can’t imagine ever leaving it.” She hadn’t realized she’d spoken the words aloud until she felt him watching her carefully.

  “That’s the exact way I felt the first time I came here.” He opened the back door and walked out onto the redwood deck. After a moment, Jordan followed.

  The air outside was filled with the scent of pine trees, sunshine, and the lake. She’d rarely been out of the city and yet she’d imagined a place like this so many times in the past. It promised a simpler life to those who accepted it.

  It took everything within her to let that dream go.


  He could stay here forever, pretending to watch the quietness of the lake while stealing little glances her way. She looked the picture of a woman torn. Relaxed and yet ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.

  Riley’d always trusted his gut instinct. That instinct was telling him if he didn’t get through to her now, he wouldn’t have a second chance.

  “He doesn’t love you.” He figured if he hadn’t convinced her yet that Santiago was the one responsible for ordering her brother’s murder, then maybe he could convince her the guy was a slimeball. Another piece of information he’d uncovered on his own.

  “What?” She hadn’t been expecting this approach.

  “Santiago. He doesn’t love you, you know.”

  Caution replaced the girlish excitement he’d seen in her earlier. “You represent the all-American success story to him. The perfect woman. You’ll be a feather in his cap. But you won’t ever be the only woman in his life. You’ll just be one of many.”

  After watching him in astonishment for a second, she surprised him by laughing. The sound of it reverberated with bitterness.

  “You know about that?”

  “Of course. You think that’s going to convince me to confide in you by using that tactic? Sorry to disappoint you, detective, but you’re not telling me anything I don’t know. Or for that matter care about.”

  “It doesn’t bother you to be one of—“

  “That’s none of your business. Are you done here?” Before he could answer, she interrupted. “Because I have to be getting back. I have things to do.”

  She turned on her heel and walked back into the cabin without giving him time to think, leaving a mountain of resentment in her wake. She didn’t slow down until she’d opened the front door. “I’m leaving. Either you can take me back to the hospital or I’ll find my own way, it doesn’t matter. Either way, I’m leaving. Now.”

  Riley was forced to accept he’d struck out. At least out for the moment. He had the trip back to the city to work on her.

  But he’d need to find another approach.

  “Okay. Okay, I’ll take you back if that’s what you want.” She didn’t answer. Just turned and walked out of the cabin. The only answer necessary.

  She sat staring out the window of his truck refusing to look at him as he put the vehicle in drive and headed back toward town.

  “Look, I’m sorry, okay.” She didn’t so much as look his way.

  “You’re not talking, is that it?” She threw him a look that confirmed as much before turning back to the window. Her hands were clinched in her lap again. She was counting the miles along with the hours until they reached the city limits.

  “Just promise me you’ll call if you need me.” One look told him she wouldn’t. “I’m serious, Jordan. You can call me anytime – day or night. Even if you just need to talk. Okay? Here.” He shoved another one of his business cards into her fisted hands. “Just in case you threw the other one away.”

  She took it reluctantly.

  “Okay.” At least she sounded as if she meant it.


  Another half-hour passed while Riley fought his way through city traffic. Which meant he had too much time on his hands to kill and a silent woman by his side who refused to talk.

  So she knew about Santiago’s little ‘indiscretions’. She didn’t appear to be upset by them the way he’d expected. None of it added up to what he believed he knew about her.

  Which left only one possible conclusion. Maybe Jordan wasn’t as in love with Santiago. Certainly not the way Santiago had betrayed.

  His glance slid to her. He could almost feel her tension growing the closer they’d gotten to the city.

  “What?” She’d caught him staring at her.

  His gaze narrowed as he tried to determine what she might be planning. “Nothing.” After a moment, he shook his head and focused on the traffic ahead once more.

  Riley rounded the final corner and Manhattan General came into view. While he double-parked the truck, his glance automatically went to the rearview mirror. A black, four-door sedan skid into place behind him. Feds. Before he could stop her, Jordan opened her door, ready to jump out the minute the pickup came to a stop. He reached for her door, hoping to drive away before the Feds could get to her. But he’d reacted a little too slowly.

  “Jordan -- wait.” She climbed out of the truck and slammed the door. At the sound of her name, she turned back, but it was too late. Agent Thomas with the FBI was almost on top of her. His partner – Deb’s boyfriend, Agent Ramirez, trailed a little behind.

  “Doctor Scott. Doctor Jordan Scott?” Agent Thomas glanced inside the pickup and stopped dead in his tracks. The expression of disbelief would have seemed comical at any other time.

  “Donovan? What the hell do you think you’re doing interfering in a federal investigation?”

  Riley’s distaste for his former commanding officer grew. “Merely having a conversation.” He hopped out of the truck and rounded it to stand next to Jordan. He could feel her apprehension reverberating around her like a magnetic shield.

  “Federal investigation?” Her question slipped into the air already thick with tension. Her worried glance bounced from Riley’s to the offending Agent.

  “That’s right. Your brother’s murder is now part of a federal investigation. I’m Agent Thomas with the FBI and this is my partner, Agent Ramirez. We’d like to ask you a few questions.”

  “Questions? What questions?” Her gaze went to Riley’s, searching for help.

  “Is there somewhere we can talk in private, Doctor Scott?” Agent Thomas spoke in a nondescript tone giving nothing away. “I’d like to talk about—“

  “She doesn’t know anything,” Riley interrupted.

  “Detective Donovan, unless you’d like to end up riding a desk or worse, I’d suggest you leave. Now. You’re coming dangerously close to interfering with my investigation.”

  “Your investigation? You wouldn’t have an investigation if—“

  “If NYPD hadn’t been incompetent to begin with.” Agent Thomas motioned to his partner who took Jordan’s hand. “Face it, detective, you guys in homicide aren’t qualified to handle a case of this magnitude.” Thomas never missed an opportunity to remind Riley he’d traded down by choosing homicide.

  “Ma’am.” Jordan’s eyes locked with Riley, filled with real panic now.

  Riley stepped forward only to be cut off by Agent Thomas.

  “Detective Donovan, one call to your superior and your ass is suspended. Care to try for fired?”

  “It’s okay. I’ll go with them.” Jordan pushed the agent’s hand from her arm. “We can talk in the doctor’s lounge.” She headed up the steps of the building.

  “I meant what I told you, Jordan.” Riley managed before Agent Thomas turned back to him.

  “Donovan if I so much as hear that you’ve driven by this hospital, I’ll see that you never wear a badge again. Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  Riley knew the man could back his words, but it didn’t matter. He knew exactly the type of intimidation tactics the agents would use. They’d do their best to break her down -- make her believe she was responsible for Jeremy’s death.

  “You know what, Agent Thomas give it your best shot? But if I hear you’ve intimated this witness, you won’t have to worry about the badge getting in the way. We’ll settle this once and for all. Just you and me.” He took his time, trying to reassure Jordan with a look. “I meant what I promised you. You know what to do.” Riley got into the truck and drove away wondering if this would be the last straw that was needed to send Jordan Scott running for her life.

  Chapter Ten

  God, why did it feel as if her last lifeline had just sped away in that beat-up old truck?

  “Doctor Scott?”

  Jordan forced herself to breathe.

  Calm down.

  “Yes. Yes, I’m sorry. This way.” She led the two agents to the doctor’s lounge on the first floor. It would be quieter here. Less passing traffic to overhear their conversation.

  “Doctor Scott, it’s my responsibility to tell you, Detective Donovan is no longer part of this investigation.” Agent Thomas announced abruptly. “I must ask you not to share information about the case with him or any of the detectives you’ve spoken to in the past. By doing so you not only compromise the case, but it might land you in jail.”

  “What are you talking about? Are you threatening me?”

  “Cut the act, Doctor Scott.” Agent Thomas interjected, his voice fused with anger. “We know all about your fiancé. What I want to know is how involved in it are you?”

  Jordan headed for the door. “I’ve heard enough. Obviously you can’t prove any of your accusations against my fiancé. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.”

  For the first time, Agent Ramirez spoke. “We’re not accusing you of anything. We’re simply asking for your cooperation.”

  “Well if you have any other questions, I suggest you contact my attorney.”

  “Doctor Scott, we have reason to believe someone on the NYPD is on Santiago’s payroll.” Agent Ramirez added quietly.

  That stopped Jordan dead. Her thoughts automatically went to Riley and the things Caesar’d said to her earlier that day. Was that the real reason he’d seemed so concerned for her welfare? Had he been trying to
find out how much she knew? She didn’t want to believe it.

  Jordan took a deep breath and tried not to show any reaction. “It sounds like you have more of a problem than what you think I know.”

  She opened the door and walked away, her legs literally trembling from shock. Once she was out of sight of the lounge, Jordan ducked into the stairwell and collapsed against the stairs, giving into the panic and the tears.

  She’d been such a fool to trust Riley. He and Caesar were probably having quite a laugh at her expense. He’d been so convincing. She could almost believe he cared about her. Felt something more than just duty when he touched her. But it had all been a lie.

  The rest of her shift slid by in a succession of tedious decisions. By the time it finally came to an end Caesar was there waiting for her.

  The shock of seeing her brother’s killer made her voice sound breathless. “You didn’t have to pick me up. I could have walked.”

  “Of course I did. I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you, now would I? He took her hand and held it like a vice grip. He seemed to enjoy inflicting pain. “You look tired, my love,” he added innocently.

  She searched his face. What did he know? Had Riley told him about her meeting with Mariah.

  Caesar brought her close. His kiss informal as always whenever they were in public. He didn’t like to draw undo attention. He prided himself in his aristocratic social skills. All lies.

  His arm rested around her shoulders. For anyone watching them together, they would think him the perfect companion. Kind. Considerate.

  But she knew too much. She’d become his prisoner.

  She tried to pull away. Pretend to check the chart for one of her kids, but he reached for her hand once more.

  “I’ll just be a minute. I want to check the medication.” She freed herself from him with difficulty. She needed time to steel her reactions. Dear God, how was she going to get through the next few days without losing it?

  “Of course.”

  Her gaze shifted to Evelyn Potter, the head nurse on call and a dear friend. “Call me later with an update if there are any changes in the Blevins girl.” Evelyn blinked twice then nodded. An odd request for a child who’d successfully gone through an appendectomy. “The next few hours will be touch and go.”


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