A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle)

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A Touch of Passion (boxed set romance bundle) Page 125

by Uvi Poznansky


  There was something wrong. Nellie wanted him, at least her body did. She was very responsive but she acted like a virgin who fears sex. He hadn’t seen that kind of response except in his girls that had been sexually abused. Usually raped, always beaten. For them sex meant pain, not pleasure.

  Was that what was wrong with Nellie? Does she really fear me?


  Later that evening, Nellie put on her best nightgown. She knew Blake would come to her tonight. He’d made that fact perfectly clear. Her nerves wouldn’t let her sleep. She tried to read but couldn’t concentrate. She gave up and paced in front of the window, then sat in the window seat and watched the street, waiting for him to come home.

  That’s where he found her. Asleep on the window seat. He picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest.

  “What am I to do with you, sweet Nellie? Hmm? You fear me, yet you fall asleep waiting for me,” he whispered the words against her temple. “I think for now, you’ll just rest.”

  He laid her on her bed and pulled the coverlet over her. Not able to resist her charms, even when sleeping, he leaned close and gave her a light kiss on the lips. Soft lips. He kissed her harder than he intended, but pulled away, before he woke her.

  Such a temptation.


  Blake was at the table, eating breakfast and reading the morning paper, when Nellie entered the dining room.

  “You’re up early,” she said as she seated herself and signaled for her morning coffee. She’d acquired the taste since coming to San Francisco, just two weeks ago. Had it really only been that long? The time seemed so much longer.

  “I found it hard to sleep.” He cocked an eyebrow. “How about you?”

  She felt her cheeks heat. “You know perfectly well I slept like a baby. As a matter of fact I should thank you for putting me to bed. Either that or I’ve taken up sleepwalking.”

  He chuckled. “Feisty this morning are we?”

  Nellie took a deep, calming breath. “Forgive me. I fell asleep watching for you to come home.”

  “I surmised as much.” He sipped his coffee and held her gaze over the rim. “I don’t want you to lose sleep over this coupling. The act will happen when it does. I will not force you, but I want you to want us to consummate our marriage…and fulfill the contract. To that end, I will start sleeping in your room. When I come home, after I’ve relaxed a bit, I will come to your room and sleep with you.”

  “What?” She jerked and almost spilled her coffee.

  “You’ll wake up with me even though you won’t go to sleep with me. As you know I arrive home anywhere between one o’clock and five o’clock in the morning. I will not make love to you, so you needn’t worry about that. You have to ask me when you’re ready for that, but I will hold you, while I wait.”

  James rushed into the room. “Miss Singer, sir.”

  “Quite the speech, darling,” said the beautiful, sultry woman in a deep burgundy velvet dress. The cut was so low, Nellie thought with a wrong step her breasts may ‘pop’ out.

  “Have you managed to tell your little wife here about us?’

  Blake stood and tossed his napkin to the table. “There is no us. I’m married now, Maddie.”

  “You always said that wouldn’t make a difference.” Her lips narrowed and her blue eyes flashed black.

  “Well, it does.” A muscle clenched in his jaw.

  Pleased by his declaration, Nellie took a deep breath and stood. “Blake, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” Her backbone was as stiff as it would go.

  Blake sighed and motioned between the two women with his hand. “Nellie Malone, meet Madeline Singer.”

  Nellie walked and extended her hand, to the unwanted guest. “Welcome to our home, Miss Singer. Won’t you join us for breakfast?” She signaled for James. “Bring Miss Singer a place setting, please James.”

  “No need Nellie—”, said Maddie.

  “Mrs. Malone,” said Nellie.

  “Very well, Mrs. Malone,” she refused to shake Nellie’s hand. “I won’t be staying.

  “Ah, that’s too bad. James, please show Miss Singer out.”

  “I know the way. Thanks.”

  Maddie turned and left the room with a flounce of her skirts.

  Bracing a hand on the open door, Nellie let out a breath she held longer than she thought possible.

  Blake was beside her, put his hand at her waist and guided her back to her seat directly to his right at the table.

  “Thank you, Nellie. You could have thrown hysterics, meeting my ex-mistress, but you didn’t.”

  “So, she is your mistress.”

  “Was, Nellie.” He covered her hand with his own. “I haven’t been with anyone since we got married…not even you.”

  Anger roiled through her body. “And you won’t either, as long as that woman works for you.”

  “Nellie, that’s unfair. She has to work somewhere. Why not at The Nugget?”

  “Because you’re there more than you are here. Because she was your lover and could be again. Because you won’t let me come to your business. What are you hiding?” She waved her hand across the doorway. “Just…because.”

  “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I?” She lifted her chin. “Why is it so ridiculous that my husband not work day in and day out or in this case night in and night out, with someone who obviously still wants him?”

  “You’re jealous.”

  He grinned.

  “I’m not. I’m simply being reasonable.”

  He shook his head, but his smile didn’t fade.

  “Tell you what. I’ll stop working nights. I’ll trade with Nick. He can work with Maddie and I’ll work days with Trixie.”

  What kind of name is that? “Another one of your lovers’s?”

  “No, Trixie was never my lover. She happens to be sleeping with Nick. This will cramp their love life for a while.” His gaze narrowed on her mouth and then lifted to her eyes. “At least until you learn you can trust me.”

  How can he be so nonchalant about having lovers? “Trust is earned not given,” she retorted. “We don’t know each other well enough for me to trust you or you me, for that matter.”

  His face suddenly set in stone, he closed upon her.

  “Don’t even think about cheating on me. I won’t be a cuckold.”

  “That never occurred to me. I’m not that kind of person.”

  “Ah, but as you pointed out, I don’t know you well enough to know that. In any case I don’t wish to continue this conversation. It’s doing nothing but irritating me.”

  “Agreed.” She turned to leave, no longer hungry for her breakfast.

  He grabbed her arm.

  “Please sit. I want to discuss something else.”

  She sat back at the table, picked up her cold coffee and sipped.

  He sat as well.

  “James, please bring us both fresh cups of coffee.”

  The butler did as requested and then moved back against the wall where he stood awaiting his next order.

  “We’re hosting a dinner party two weeks from Saturday. I need to make a good impression. These are the people who can grant me the go ahead on my proposal for an amusement emporium.” He flattened a hand on the table. “They are the reason you are here.”

  “How many guests are you expecting?” She took a sip of the fresh coffee.

  “There will be ten men and their wives. I want you to look your best. Have you ordered any dresses that will be suitable for the occasion?”

  “I have but they won’t be ready in time. But I did bring one evening gown with me. It’s in the latest fashion from Paris and is quite suitable for the occasion.”

  “I suppose it’s black. When I look in your dressing room, all I see is an ocean of black.”

  “Well, what do you expect?” Her words were clipped and she struggled to hold on to her irritation. “I w
as in mourning for more than two years. If I was still in New York I’d continue to wear black for another six months. My mother-in-law would have seen to that,” she muttered,

  He chortled. “She sounds like a real dragon.”

  Nellie slowly shook her head. “You have no idea.”

  “So, the dinner party, can you handle it?”

  “Yes, I believe so.” She affirmed the statement with a short nod. “The staff is more than ready for the opportunity to show just what they are capable of. I believe that, except for Violet, we don’t provide much of a challenge.”

  She took a bite of her toast, which made her realize she really was hungry. Even though cold now, she ate some of her scrambled eggs and a bite of sausage.

  “Don’t eat that cold stuff. James, bring Mrs. Malone a fresh plate.”

  “Really, it’s alright. I don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do. No reason exists to eat cold food. Not in this house. You wanted to know more about me…well here is something for you. I spent more days hungry than not when I was young. I always make sure there is plenty of food available for everyone in my house—family and staff alike.”

  James brought her a fresh plate piled high with scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, bacon and fried potatoes.

  “Oh my, I’ll never be able to eat all of this.”

  “Eat what you want. Leave the rest. Now, don’t tell me our sweet Violet can be very much trouble,” said Blake with a laugh.

  As if on cue, the door opened and Violet charged through, followed by Henry, trying to catch her and at a more sedate pace, by Bertha, who had apparently given up the attempt to keep up with the little spitfire.

  Violet ran directly to Blake, totally ignored her mother, and crawled up on his lap.

  “Whatcha doin’?”

  “I’m having breakfast with your mother. Are you hungry?”

  “Yup,” she nodded enthusiastically.

  “Okay, let’s get you in your chair.”

  They had stacked books on one of the chairs, so she would reach the proper height to be able to eat. Blake was having a high chair built, but it hadn’t arrived yet.

  “Are you my daddy?” she asked out of the blue.

  He looked to Nellie, eyebrow raised.

  As she swallowed the bite of potato, she nodded her head.

  “Yes, I guess I am,” he confirmed.

  “Can I call you Daddy? Henry had a daddy, he tells me ‘bout him all the time, but I never got one.”

  Nellie put her fist to her mouth to keep from crying. Though she knew her eyes filled with tears, she refused to shed them.

  “Nothing would make me happier, Sweet Pea.”

  Her baby girl wrapped her arms around Blake’s neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  He hugged her little body to him and kissed her forehead.

  Nellie knew then Blake was completely enamored with her baby. He would make a wonderful father.

  “Will you be home tonight? For dinner?” asked Nellie. She put her hands in her lap so he wouldn’t see her tremble.

  “No. My new schedule won’t start for a few days. I have to talk to Nick and Trixie and yes, to Maddie, too. She has to understand that things are different between us.” He jerked his head toward the doorway. “I don’t want any more scenes like the one this morning.”

  She didn’t like the fact he’d have to interact with Maddie, but knew he was right, and the conversation with her couldn’t be avoided.

  “On that note, I should go, so I can talk to Nick.”

  He stood, then leaned down and gave Nellie a kiss on the cheek.

  “Remember, no Violet tonight,” he whispered before straightening.

  Nellie’s gaze swung to meet his. His eyes twinkled with mischief and his mouth quirked up at the corners, as though he knew she couldn’t argue at that moment.

  “I won’t forget,” she murmured under her breath.

  Chapter 5

  The hour was late. He’d talked to Nick, and they’d agreed he needed to try to accommodate Nellie, at least for now. He’d tried talking to Maddie but she was having none of it. She’d screamed, cried and eventually tried to cajole him into her bed. He turned her down. He had to try with Nellie and he’d given her his word the affair with Maddie was over. He never went back on his word. When it came down to it and all the dust blew away, a man’s word was all he had.

  He’d always found Maddie attractive but since Nellie came, he found the other woman’s look, her makeup, harsh. Nellie’s beauty was natural. She needed no embellishment. Now, Maddie was too flamboyant for his tastes. He preferred the quiet beauty of his wife.

  Blake walked into his library, to the sideboard, and poured two fingers of brandy into a snifter. It was the best brandy money could buy. He took a sip, feeling the liquid burn his throat all the way down to his stomach. He’d never really acquired a taste for liquor, but the men he wanted to do business with did, so each night he had a brandy before bed so he wouldn’t choke or otherwise embarrass himself when he was with them. And the practice worked. He didn’t cough or make faces when the burning liquid flowed down his gullet.

  Did Nellie like to drink? He remembered she hadn’t touched her wine until the toast, at their first dinner. He doubted that with two children to raise and try to keep up with, she had much use for drink. That thought made him smile. Violet. What a little hellion she would be. It pleased him that he’d be around to watch her grow into that little hellion.

  Perhaps Nellie had a glass of wine with dinner, when he wasn’t there. Something to relax after a hard day. He hadn’t had dinner with the family since their wedding night. He would surprise her. He and Nick decided he would start his new schedule tomorrow. Actually, when he looked at the clock on his desk, he realized that was today. He would have a few precious hours to hold Nellie before he had to get up and go to work again.

  He was wasting time. Downing the last bit of brandy with a gulp, he set the glass on his desk and headed upstairs to Nellie. To a breath of fresh air.

  Blake undressed in his room and put on his robe. Would she awake? Would she pull away, or welcome him? Would she be shocked by his nudity? Only one way to find out.

  He walked through his dressing room, the bathing room, her dressing room, her sitting room and finally reached her bedroom. The lamp he held high cast a golden glow on her sleeping form. Setting the lamp on the night table, he let the robe fall to the floor, leaving him naked and aroused. Just the thought of Nellie did that to him. Getting an erection while talking to Nick had been damn disconcerting.

  He’d promised her he wouldn’t make love to her until she asked but keeping his word would be damn hard. Turning down the covers, he saw she wore a modest white nightgown. It looked to be made out of the softest lawn material. He’d have to get her some silk ones, though they wouldn’t stay on long. She would sleep nude like he did, so he could make love to her at any time. But, first things first. He had to get her to ask before any of his other fantasies could come true.

  With an easy move, he crawled into the bed and much to his amazement…and concern…she rolled away from as far as the bed would let her.

  “Robert,” she murmured without waking.

  What the hell? He stiffened, his jaw clamping tight. She thought he was her husband. How stupid was it to be angry at a dead man? Why did she fear him? He gently pulled her into his arms, she didn’t resist and for the first time all seemed right with the world.


  She awoke deliciously warm. Cuddled. Robert? He was dead. She knew that. She moved her arm, realized it was on a chest and froze. Chancing to look up, hoping he was sleeping and she could escape before he awoke, she looked into gray eyes sparkling with merriment.

  “Good morning, sleepy head.” His deep baritone washed over her like a gentle breeze, caressing her in all the right places.

  She attempted to scoot away, but he locked the arm he had around her and she was effectively trapped.

  “Blake. What are yo
u doing awake? I thought you’d be still sleeping.”

  “You hoped I’d be sleeping and, more hopefully, in my own bed. Ah, but that’s the rub. I find your bed much more comfortable than mine.”

  “Oh,” She had to admit, the firm muscles under her palm felt nice.

  “Oh, yes. And, I have a delightful surprise. Nick and I worked it out, so that I start working the day shift today, That means you’ll have me all night to cuddle with.”

  “Fine. Would you please let me up?” She tried very hard to show no fear, but she was shaken. She liked the feel of his body next to her and beneath her arm. He was solid and strong. Hard muscles pressed against her legs and sat waiting under her arm. “My…my arm is asleep.”

  “Very well.” He lowered his arm and released her.

  She rolled away and scrambled out of bed before he could change his mind.

  “Whatcha doin’ in Mama’s bed, Daddy?”

  Dear God! When had Violet come into the room?

  “Daddy sleeps here with Mama, now,” Blake answered easily.

  She put her thumb in her mouth and pondered that for a moment.

  “So I can’t seep with Mama anymore?”

  “That’s right, Sweet Pea. Daddy sleeps with Mama now.”

  “Okay.” She popped her thumb back into her mouth and skipped out of the room and hopefully back to the nursery.

  Nellie turned to Blake as she knotted the tie on her robe. “I better go check and make sure she goes back to the nursery. Bertha is obviously not awake yet or Violet wouldn’t have escaped.”

  She smiled. Her little one was an adventurous soul. Henry had never been that way. Of course, Henry had his father to dote on him. And it looked like Violet may have a doting father of her own.


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