Wild: Heaven Hill Generations #2

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Wild: Heaven Hill Generations #2 Page 16

by Laramie Briscoe

  “I do too.” She throws her arms around me. “I just get lost and stuck inside my own head, then I figure you don’t want to mess with me. You’ve got Wild…” There’s a wobble in her voice, and I’m glad we’re getting this all out in the open now.

  “You’re right, I do have him, but I need you too. You’re my best friend, Tate. Act like it.”

  “I will.”

  And this time, I truly believe her.


  “Get up, sleepyhead it’s time to hit the road.”

  Beside me, Addie makes a noise of discontent. Reaching out, I grab her sides, tickling lightly.

  “Seriously, if we make good time, we’ll be at the beach tonight.”

  Those words seem to spur her on, as she slowly gets out of bed.

  “I thought you’d be ready to go this morning.” I watch as she shuffles to the bathroom, throwing me a middle finger.

  “I didn’t go to sleep until about an hour ago.” She yawns. “I was too excited to sleep, and now I’m exhausted.”

  “You’ll be fine once we hit the road. It’s still dark out, but if we can get through Nashville before rush hour, we’ll be great.”

  She’s never been this grumpy in the morning, and it’s kind of funny to me. I like seeing all sides of her, even if they aren’t all perfect. The imperfections are what makes her perfect to me.

  “Let me take a really quick shower and get a cup of coffee and I’ll be ready to go,” she shuts the door in my face as I fall back on the bed, chuckling.

  An hour later we’re on the road. The sound of the bike underneath me, the wind whipping by us, and the feel of the warm sun on our skin. It’s still early morning, and we started in the twilight of dawn, but now that we’ve made it past Nashville, the sun is high in the sky.

  She’s hanging on tightly as I do my best to weave in and out of traffic in a way not to scare her. I’ve never had someone ride on the back of my bike for long, and it’s slightly worrying me. Honestly, I’ve never carried such precious cargo in my life.

  A little while later, she pinches my sides. “Can we stop?” she yells so that I can hear her. “I’m hungry.”

  I nod, giving her thigh a tap to let her know I’ve heard. Watching the exit signs, I see one that has a fast food restaurant we both like. Pulling in and parking, we both gratefully get off the bike for a little while.

  “It’s hot out here.” She works to put her hair up in a ponytail as I do an inspection of my tires and the bike itself.

  “You ain’t wrong, Shortcake. Let’s go get some lunch and cool down a little.”

  We hold hands as we cross the parking lot. This is the couple shit I never had before, and I fucking love it. We enter the fast-food joint and I can’t help but notice people look at us. I’ve never been outside of Bowling Green with my cut, and this is a little disconcerting, but I have to admit I like the way people watch. I put my arm around Addie, holding her back to my front, letting anyone know who’s looking that she’s with me.

  “You know what you want?” she asks as she turns her head slightly.

  I take the moment to steal a kiss from her, a light brush of our lips. I’m too nervous to do this stuff at home, afraid her dad or brother will see, but right here, right now, I feel freer than I ever have. It’s all because of the life I was given when I took a chance to leave the only home I’ve ever known.

  “I do.” I kiss her nose as we move forward to order. Little does she know I’m talking about knowing what I want with her. I want it all. The touches, the kisses, the forever kind of shit we see every day at the clubhouse. She may not be ready for it yet, but that’s cool, because I’m not going anywhere, and I can wait forever.

  Thirty minutes later, with full stomachs, we’re back on the road.

  “You good?” She asks as she situates herself behind me.

  I’m waiting for her to get comfortable before I start the bike. She wraps her arms around my waist, and I cover her hands with one of my own. “I’m good,” I answer her, turning my head back slightly. She drops a kiss on my nose. “Right where I should be.” Right where I’ve always wanted to be.



  This beach is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The sound of the waves crashing onto the shore, the smooth lines of the sand. We got here too late last night to actually look at it, but this morning, this is the first stop we’ve made.

  “Tomorrow night, as the sun’s going down, when there aren’t so many people here, we’ll ride the bike down to the water. Maybe take a little ride in the shallows? How’s that sound?” Wild asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  “Sounds amazing.” I kiss him hard against the lips, wanting him to know how much this means to me. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “Thank you for coming. I know I wasn’t your first choice, you wanted this to be a girl’s trip, but I’m glad to be here with you.”

  Stopping to look at him, I’m hit with the realization that maybe he’s been going through the same thing I’ve been going through with Tatum, maybe we’re all feeling second-best. “No, don’t think that. You’re first for me.” I give him a smile. “Always. It took me a while to realize it, to understand partially what had Remy and Tatum so wrapped up in each other, but I’m starting to get it.”

  He puts his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly into him. “I’m so damn wrapped up in you I can’t even see straight.”

  No man has ever said words to me like he does, and his tongue has definitely gotten looser since we hit the Kentucky state line. We’ve shed whatever was hanging over us like a dark cloud back there, and we’ve been having fun this morning. We ate breakfast at the hotel we’re staying in, and since then we’ve been trying to find fun stuff to do. Stuff I never thought Wild would be interested in.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I stop for a second to pull it out. A text from Tatum causes me to grin.

  T: I hope y’all are having a great time! Fucked on the beach yet?

  There’s my best friend.

  A: We are having an awesome time, and no! But there’s still time yet.

  T: Get it, girl!

  I put the phone back in my pocket, giving him my undivided attention.

  “Do you want to stay here, or go find something else?” he asks, gazing at the crowded beach.

  “Let’s go over to the boardwalk.” I point to the long pier. “There’s a lot of people here, and I’d rather come back when it’s not so crowded. Do you mind?”

  “Nope, as long as I’m with you, I could give two fucks what we do.”

  The smile doesn’t leave my face as we walk hand-in-hand amongst the crowds. For some reason it cracks me up that he’s wearing flip flops. I’ve never seen him wear anything other than no shoes or a pair of motorcycle boots.

  “Are you laughing at my ugly feet?”

  “No!” I laugh harder. “It’s just funny to see you wearing flip flops.”

  “Yeah, I imagine the great Tyler Blackfoot has never worn a pair.”

  I try to think back in my memory bank. Have I ever seen him wear them? “You know you’re right, but as I think back I’m not even sure I’ve seen his bare toes. He always wears socks.”

  “Maybe he just doesn’t like feet,” Wild takes up for Dad.

  “That’s a possibility, they are pretty nasty.”

  “Hence why I don’t wear flip flops, but when you come to the beach, you have to do as the locals do.”

  As we get onto the pier, I hold his hand tighter, to keep us from getting separated.

  “Ain’t nobody gonna hurt you, Shortcake,” he says the words low, close to my ear.

  “I know, I’m with you, and I know you’ll protect me.”

  “Damn straight, I will.”

  We make one lap of the boardwalk, before coming back to where some carnival games are. “Think you can win me a stuffed animal?”

  He looks at me like I just threatened his manhood. “Can I win you a stuffe
d animal? Move back and let the master work.”

  I roll my eyes at the way he moves his arms out to his sides. He walks up to one of the shooting ranges and gives the man working the booth his money. “Which one do you want?”

  Glancing up at the rows of stuffed animals, I see a sea turtle that for some reason calls my name. “That one.” I point so he knows which one I want.

  “That’s the one you’ll get, Shortcake. Let me work.”

  The way he’s focusing is the same way as when he decides to make a meal out of my body and I love it. Watching him, especially over the last little bit has become my favorite past time, and this right here, is him in his element. He stands strong, shooting the targets, and when he’s done, he’s holding the sea turtle I asked him to get me.

  My smile can’t be wiped off my face, and I’m sure to put this in the memory bank – along with so many Wild’s given me since we met.



  Tonight we’ve come down to the beach a few hours before sunset because there’s something I want to do. Shortcake stands beside me, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. “I know I promised you a ride through the shallows,” I kiss her on the forehead. “But there’s something I have to do first.”

  Letting go of her, I take off the backpack I’m wearing, crouch down and pull out a container. When I stand, I hold it up to her. “When I left Mississippi, this was really the only thing that mattered.”

  “What is that?”

  “My grandfather’s ashes. They were the only thing I cared to keep with me. I’ve debated off and on about what to do with them. Where are they going to go? Am I going to hang onto them forever? Do I want them to be spread in Kentucky, and for a while I kinda though that. But I’m coming to realize something. Kentucky is my home, not his.”

  “You think of Kentucky as home now?” She puts her arms back around me, standing on tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek.

  “Wherever you are is where my home is,” I kiss her back. “But this? This was always his home. He loved coming down here with my grandmother. It was the trip they saved up for every year. Their one chance to get away and have a good time. This is where he would want to be.”

  “I think it’s awesome you’re doing his for him.” She moves around me, putting her arms around my waist, resting her head on my back.

  Together we walk out into the ocean a little and it’s there I let go of everything that’s been holding me back. The loneliness, the fear, and the unknown. None of those things matter anymore, because I have his amazing woman at my side.

  As I finish dumping the ashes, we move away, as the wave pulls them out into the vast body of water. She lets go of my waist, coming to stand in front of me.

  “I’m proud of you,” she twines her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly, fiercely.

  I’m proud of me too.

  “We’ve come a long way, Shortcake. In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to see a soul, and an even greater privilege to show you mine.”

  “Hold on tight,” I caution her after we had a late lunch, and I make my way through the water again, splashing it up on the two of us. The back tire kicks up some sand and the salt spray. I love the sound she makes – complete and pure enjoyment. She laughs loudly and it warms a spot in my heart I don’t think has been warmed – ever.

  We’ve been watching the sunset over the ocean, and as it slips farther beyond into the abyss, nighttime starts to take over. We’re virtually alone as we continue watching, maybe waiting to see if the sun will come back up and give us another peak.

  I park the bike, sitting backwards so that I’m facing her on the bike, and as I see the smile on her face, I’m captivated. Not able to help it, I gather her to me, thrusting my fingers through her hair, pulling her mouth to mine. My tongue tangles with hers, my lips press tightly against the seal of hers as we kiss in the waning daylight. She’s grasping the edge of my shirt, pulling me closer to her. Somehow I situate us so that she’s leaning against the front of the bike, the handlebars holding her up.

  Pushing her back against them, I let my mouth move along the skin that’s been bared between the crop top and jeans she’s wearing. My fingers caress the undersides of her tits as she moans, thrusting up towards me.

  “We can’t do this here,” I warn her. “Someone could come by.”

  She lifts her head up, disoriented. “Where can we go?”

  Immediately we both zero in on the pier. There’s no one underneath it and it’s dark enough that no one would be able to see what we’re doing. We quickly get ourselves situated and ride over. Getting off the bike, I set it up to give us a little bit of privacy as I push her against one of the poles holding it up. My mouth devours her, moving along her jaw, neck, and down her chest, taking a hard nipple in between my teeth, pulling on it through the fabric of her bra and shirt.

  “Wild,” she moans.

  “Shhh, we don’t want people to hear.”

  She pulls back slightly, and I notice something in her eyes as she looks up at me in the dim light.

  “What are you thinking?” I ask, as her fingers go to the button on my jeans. She thumbs it open, causing me to swallow roughly against the moan I want to let loose.

  The smile she gives me is one hundred percent sin, even though half the time she looks innocent as can be. It’s the type of smile women have used since the beginning of time to tempt a man - and fuck if I’m not tempted.

  She doesn’t say anything as she turns us around, sinking to her knees in the sand, pulling my jeans and boxers down to my knees. As my cock slaps my stomach, she makes a noise deep in her throat. With her hand, she strokes it once, causing me to thrust forward. The skin covering the hardness is tight, and more than anything, I want to feel the heat of her mouth wrap around the length.

  “For tonight, your wish is my command.” Her voice is soft in eerie silence under the boardwalk.

  I cup her cheek in the palm of my hand, biting my bottom lip, because I can’t fucking wait for her lips to wrap around me. “Please, Shortcake, suck me.”

  She breathes heavily through her nose before she leans forward, wrapping her hand around my length.

  “No.” I grab her hands in mine, pulling both of them to rest on my hips, fingers entwined. “Just use this gorgeous mouth of yours to get me off.”

  Her eyes meet mine and the heat there is enough to make me spontaneously combust or come. Right now I’m not sure which I’m closer to. “I’m waiting, Shortcake.”

  The woman winks at me before opening that mouth and taking me deep in one smooth glide.

  “Son of a bitch,” I grit out between clenched teeth. My fingers ache to thrust into her hair and direct her on which way I want her to go, allow how shallow and how deep she takes me. I stop myself, because I want her to do what she’s comfortable with. Instead, I save my thrusting for my hips, pushing my hard dick as deep as she’ll take it. “That’s it,” I encourage her, letting my head fall back against the wood of the pole we’re leaning against. Normally I’m the type of man who enjoys the show, loves to participate, and loves directing when I’m being sucked. Tonight, I’m enjoying the hot warmth of her mouth too much.

  My hand lets go of hers, and I growl deep, feeling it in my chest, as she digs her fingernails into my hips. I can feel the bite of her nails, the desperation with which she’s clinging to me. The tight heat of her mouth is the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt, especially when she comes up higher on her knees, so she leans in and takes me directly down her throat. I feel her gag reflex, and then she swallows roughly, using her tongue to lick against the underside of my length. “God, Addie, that feels fucking amazing.”

  She hums as she lets up before moving down again. My fingers curl against the wood until they ache. I flex them, testing the skin I feel tightening all over my body. Pulling my head from where it’s resting, I look down at her, our eyes meeting. She’s got tears at the corners. I reach down, cupping her cheeks as
she hollows them out, sucking me deeper. The pads of my thumbs brush those tears away. I’m breathing harshly through my mouth, thrusting against her tongue, when I feel her hand reach down to cup my balls. Her gaze becomes more intense as we look at one another, and I can see her desire, can feel how much she wants me. If she were calling the shots right now, she’d pry her mouth off my cock, straddle me, and shove me home. It would only take that one stroke and I’d be letting loose deep inside her body. I know that for a fact.

  Her tongue does something I’ve never felt it do before, and Jesus it’s like a nuclear bomb goes off inside my body, concentrating right on my dick. I lose my rhythm as I spill down her throat. “Oh fuck, Addie, take it all.” I arch off the seat as she swallows against my length.

  My heart is pounding and my hands are shaking. A smirk covers her face, and I know she’s proud of herself. If I were her, I’d be proud of myself, too. Snagging her around the waist, I pull her up against the pole, forcing her legs around my waist, fixing my mouth at her ear.

  “I want nothing more than to move your panties to the side, and slide home. I’m dying to feel the scrape of your nails against my back, the heat of your breath against my throat, and more than anything, the grip of your pussy around my cock. It won’t be long.” The promise is in my voice and sooner, rather than later, I’m going to make damn good on that promise.


  I ache, dear God, I ache so much. I’m up against the pole, my thighs spread wide, pressing myself as close to him as I can, but it does nothing to soothe the burn. My arms wrap around his neck, holding on tightly while I curve my head into where he’s speaking to me in that deep voice, laced with authority, that I love so much. He’s saying something about my pussy gripping his cock, and I can’t help it, I clench on air, moaning in my frustration. I need something, anything.


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