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Acts of Congress

Page 18

by Red Snapper

  Briscoe sighed, while he responded, “I think you’re right…I found traces of blood under the bed in the master and a trail of it leading from under the bed into here. It looks like she was being chased but she or the assailant is hurt. We need to get a call into Forensics to get a sample of the blood.”

  Suddenly, they were interrupted when Special Agent Decker chimed into the conversation, “So you were gonna withhold a possible witness from me huh?”

  Briscoe quickly turned to face him while he responded, “No Decker we were just making sure that this lead checked out…we don’t need to have both departments trying to take the same steps to solve this case.”

  Decker chuckled while he responded, “You know Briscoe…for once I agree with you. I think that if we want to solve this case we need to analyze the evidence and then decide who should take what leads and follow up and then we meet up to put our findings together…what do you say?”

  Arceneaux immediately chimed in, “Well in a perfect world that just might work but this is Chocolate City…and you are with the FBI…I just don’t see us working like that…”

  Decker sighed again while he responded, “Since when do we let a newly promoted no experiencing having secretary tell us how to handle this shit Briscoe? I think you need to step back in your lane sister.”

  Arceneaux was extremely furious while she was getting ready to respond, but Briscoe stepped in front of her while he spoke, “Decker…that was foul…you think because you work for the Bureau that your shit don’t stink? Well…this is my partner and I think you better step off before I shove my pistol up your ass.”

  Immediately after Detective Briscoe said this, one of Decker’s FBI goons stepped up and responded, “Let me take him, Sir…he ain’t worth you fuckin’ with.”

  Briscoe got in front of Arceneaux while she sighed and said, “I can take care of myself…I don’t need you to protect me, besides I don’t think his FBI ass wants to fuck with my half Black and Puerto Rican ass.”

  Decker immediately impeded his goon from stepping forward while he responded, “Hey…calm down…believe it or not we are on the same team here…I just want you to inform me when you get leads and I’ll make sure we do the same.”

  Briscoe snickered while he responded, “Yeah right…well…here’s what we’ve got so far…our Vic had a close friend who lives here…her name Renita Arceneaux. There was a sign of a struggle but either her or her aggressor was badly injured during their scuffle. I was just about to call Forensics and have them get a sample of the blood and maybe have some uniforms check around the fire escape and the neighborhood to see if anyone had seen her coming out of this window into the street.”

  “We need to put out an All-Points Bulletin on this Renita Arceneaux…she may be holding the key to finding out what was really going on with the victim.”

  While Decker and his personnel started checking out the apartment, Detective Arceneaux pulled Detective Briscoe aside, “I don’t trust him…that’s one of the reasons I was put on this case…I really think he doesn’t have the Victim’s best interest at heart…he just wants to keep that Congressman from getting caught up.”

  Briscoe smiled while he responded, I think you’re right…we just need make sure we give him some of the evidence not all of it…I want to know what’s really going on.”

  Suddenly, while Decker was in the next room, his cell phone began to ring. He looked at the caller ID and immediately noticed who the caller was and hurriedly answered the call.

  The voice on the other end quickly commenced to converse, “So what do you have so far…I know you’ve almost made this case disappear right?”

  Decker smiled, as he responded, “We’re taking care of it, but I just discovered that our beloved and precious little Tranny had a BFF. The Metropolitan Police had a lead and we followed them to where she lives. She’s got to be on the run because whoever killed the Tranny is probably trying to silence her as well.”

  “Find her…before the local authorities do…if she does have some incriminating evidence against our cause, we need to stop her before she convinces someone to listen…keep me informed.”

  Before Decker could respond to their statement, the caller terminated the phone call.

  Decker frowned while he thought, “I’d got to get my resources on this before Briscoe and his little smart ass bitch get to her first…I can’t let this go on…she must be found.”


  Samerra filled her glass with ice cubes and poured Remy Martin VSOP over them. She would come to grips with her problem now. She told herself, by the time she finished her cocktail and she would have made her decision, once and for all. However, she drank the cocktail, the ice cubes melted and became tepid water, and Samerra continued to sit at the table, her mind vacillating. She certainly tried to remember what happened the night that Caramel died. She was just a total blank on where she was, what she was doing, or who she was with the night it transpired. Part of want to believe she was with Dorena because she remembered being around a woman, but when she woke up the next morning, she had been in bed with Dex.

  Of course, he told her that she was with him the whole night, but for some odd reason she kept having this delusions or reveries that she was with Caramel when she was slain. She’d have nightmares about seeing her laying slump in the Whetstone’s Jacuzzi where she was discovered.

  “Why do these horrifying imageries keep playing in my mind like this,” she thought while she prepared to pour herself another drink. When she was pouring the drink, in came Dex from working out at the gym. He was tremendously sweaty and all he wanted to do was take a quick shower, but before he could put down his gym bag, Samerra began to rant, “Dex…it happened again.”

  He glanced at her stunned while he responded, “Baby…you’ve just got to relax…you can’t continue to let his passing consume you like this…I know you loved your brother but he’s gone now…and you’ve got to bring to a halt blaming yourself for his demise.”

  “Honey…I know, but it just seems so genuine to me…I really feel like I was there when it happened or I had something to do with his murder…I know it no possible but…”

  Dex promptly interrupted her, “Look baby…I know you feel bad for having your last words to him by negative, but I’m sure he loved you.”

  She sighed while she replied, “Well…I guess you’re right sweetheart, but I just wish I could shake these dreams out of my mind.”

  “You will baby…just relax…I’m gonna take a shower.

  While he strolled into the bathroom, Samerra tried to clear her mind of the thoughts of her being involved in her twin brother’s death, but she felt deep in her soul that she was somehow connected and she was determined to find out.

  Dex quickly turned on the shower, allowing the water to run while he shut the door. He immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed a private number. While he waited for an answer, he sighed as he thought, “She’s starting to get curious and I don’t like that.”

  Suddenly, a voice answered, “What do you want?”

  “I thought you said that she wouldn’t remember anything?”

  “What’s going on…why are you frustrated?”

  “She’s starting to recollect bits and pieces about that night…you ensured me that this was never gonna come out?”

  “Calm down…relax don’t worry…we can speed up things so we can get this right the way we want it but you can’t panic…if you does remember we can fix it so she’ll forget permanently.”

  Dex smiled while he responded, “I’ll keep you posted…the minute she regains anything about that night…I’m gonna put down your ass…”

  “Agreed…keep me informed.”

  He slowly hung up the phone while he thought, “If this bitch starts to remember details from that night…it’ll be her end I swear…”


  The next day when she went to the precinct, Detective Ashley Arceneaux was determined to find out more about Detective
Briscoe. The more she worked on this case, the more intrigued she became. While she sauntered into the office, Captain Parker, who gestured for her to come straight to his office, immediately met her. She sighed when she saw this and made her way toward his direction. She looked over toward Briscoe’s cubicle to see if he had made it in the office, but he was there. Finally, she stepped into Parker’s office and shut the door behind her. She slowly ambled toward his desk while he gestured that she take a seat.

  Parker beamed while he began his dialogue, “So Detective…I know this has been an exciting ride working with one of D.C.’s finest…so whatcha got for me…have you been able to find out anything that can help get this case to literally go away?”

  “Well…we found out that the Vic had a significant other that has suddenly come up missing…we have a APB out to locate her. I think when we find her we can find out a motive. At first, I thought this case was just a robbery attempt gone bad but there’s more to this case and I am trying to get this solved as quickly as possible.”

  Captain Parker smirked while her responded, “Arceneaux…you’ve got three days to get this finished…I need you to reel in Briscoe and get this case solved before Friday.”

  With that, he immediately stood up gazing at her as if he was waiting for her to leave the office.

  She stood up and made her way toward the door. While she was about to open the door he immediately said, “Solve this case…Arceneaux...get it done!”

  She opened the door and strolled out the office. When she sauntered out the door, she immediately noticed that Briscoe was now at his desk. She slowly ambled her way toward him while he glanced up and smiled toward her. When he did this, she immediately felt her pussy pulsate which startled her. She wasn’t expecting to experience a feeling about him, which startled her. She stopped in her tracks for a second closing her eyes while she waited for this feeling to subside. Seconds later, she continued her quest toward him while he stood up as if he was going to catch her. Finally, she stepped up to his desk and he immediately responded, “Are you alright Detective?”

  She smiled while she tried to get her composure when she responded, “I’m fine…just felt a little dizzy but I’m okay…anything pressing right now?”

  “Well we got the results from the semen samples that were found on the Vic and there was no hits in the crime database that links to anyone that we’ve every arrested…so we’re still at square one…what did Parker want?”

  She sighed while she replied, “He just wanted to know where we were on the case…that’s all. So what’s our next move?”

  “I think we need to go back to the Vic’s sister…I think she knows more than she’s letting on…also we need to find a way to communicate with Congressman Whetstone…I know he has something to do with this and I’m gonna prove it.”

  Ashley exhaled while she thought, “I’ve got to find a way to stop him from doing this…he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into…”

  She smiled while she responded, “Let’s go and see if we can talk with the sister again…but as far as Whetstone…I don’t know how we can get pass Special Agent Decker.”

  Briscoe stood up while Arceneaux just observed his swagger. She couldn’t believe the sudden feelings for him while she now followed him out of the office. She couldn’t help trying to visualize what his physique would look like if he were nude while she just stared at him. Suddenly, as they made their way toward the parking lot she thought, “I’ve got to stay focused…how do I get him to slow down and just close the case as a robbery gone bad?”


  In the meantime, Renita was seeking to find a way to be cleaned up after waddling in a pool of human feces; she just needed to find a safe haven to take a break and think about all that had transpired in the last several hours. After walking several blocks, she finally located a pleasant little motel in mid-town, off Georgia Avenue. She sighed and then decided to take her chances and check in. When she ultimately stepped into the motel lobby, she cautiously strolled over toward the front desk, witnessing the desk clerk watching television. After a few seconds, the desk clerk turned around to attend to her. She immediately noticed the foul odor, but she continued to speak to her.

  “Welcome to Motel 6…how may I help you?”

  Renita sighed while she responded to her question, “Well…I need a room for tonight…are there any vacancies?”

  “Sure…we have several rooms available…how many are with your party?”

  “It’s just me…I’m alone.”

  “Smoking or non-smoking?”

  “Smoking would be fine.”

  “Look honey…normally we don’t allow homeless patrons to stay here in the motel.”

  Renita quickly responded, “Oh…I’m not homeless…I was just passing through and I had an accident when my car hit went into a ditch that was connected to the sewage system…I really need to get cleaned up and then on my way in the morning.”

  The desk clerk sighed, while looking at her as if she was in doubt, but after a few seconds, she finally gave her the card.

  “I just need you to completely fill out this card for me, please…”

  Renita was hesitating but she knew she needed a place for a few hours, so she decided to fill out the card. While she was filling out the card, suddenly on the television a breaking news segment was beginning to broadcast.

  “Crime stoppers needs you to be on the lookout for this African-American woman (A photo of Renita flashes across the screen) who goes by the name Renita Arceneaux, 28 years old of DuPont Circle, about 5’2” weighting 110 lbs., caramel skin, with hazel eyes. She is wanted as a person of interest in the recent case involving Congressman Whetstone and the murder that took place in his private villa several days ago…if you have seen this woman please call Crime stoppers at 202-555-CRIME…”

  When Renita saw the broadcast, she instantaneously became panicky, because while her photo was being broadcasted on the television. The desk clerk was slowly turning around to view the television, at that time; she turned to face it, the picture on the screen changed to a photo of Congressman Whetstone. Renita sighed while she continued filling out the card using the aliases “Wendy Tate.”

  Renita glanced at the card again while she thought, “Damn…they’ve got the police out searching for me and not to mention that some crazy killers are out trying to hunt me down…Wonder why the police are investigating for me? Do the police think I killed Caramel? I’ve got to really get out of this mess before I get killed or go to jail for something I didn’t do.”

  The desk clerk smiled while she took the information card, perusing over it and then she inquired, “How will you be paying for this Miss?”

  Renita swiftly removed a large amount of cash from her shoulder bag and immediately paid the desk clerk the total on her invoice. The desk clerk beamed when she saw the large amount of money she paid her and it erased any doubt about her being homeless. As she hurriedly responded, “Well Ma’am here is your key card…Room 110 is your room number and it is located outside and around to the right of this building. Is there anything else I can do for you or anything else you need?”

  Renita smiled when she responded, “No…but thank you anyway.”

  The desk clerk smiled while she acquired the card and then Renita immediately ambled out of the motel lobby onto the parking lot. When she stepped outside, making a right and then going toward the direction of her room, she sighed while she thought, “If I could just get cleaned up and maybe wash my clothes, I could get out to find Congresswoman Watanabe before somebody finds me.”

  Renita rapidly opened the door, entered into the room and hurriedly locked the door behind. Before she could do anything else, she swiftly removed all of her clothing, leaving them scattered all over the floor and strolled into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, allowing the water to come to her desired temperature and then stepped in. While the water was now pouring down her face and her breast she thought, “I really hope
I can see this Congresswoman…I’ve got to tell her what’s really going on so she can find Caramel’s killer…I really hope she’ll see me, because if she doesn’t then I’m screwed.”


  Dorena was absolutely vexed over Samerra plunking her down like a rag doll for Dex. She had always known that Samerra was a cold as ice type bitch, but this…this just took it to another level of extreme. She probably wouldn’t have been so upset if it had been another woman, but she put her down for a man…a fuckin’ lowdown dirty man. This just made her exceedingly furious.

  Earlier that day, Dorena called Samerra to inquire if she would be interested in meeting with her at a local restaurant for lunch and she agreed. While she waited for her to arrive, she sat there at the table contemplating her approach to getting Samerra to at least give her an explanation on why she made her recent decision. The only setback to all of this was she knew Samerra was still feeling distraught about her twin brother’s recent demise, but she still wanted to find out why Samerra dropped her in her time of need.

  It was twelve noon when Samerra finally showed up at the restaurant. She was looking refreshed, wearing a yellow sundress and sandals. Her hair was flawless, looking as if she had just come from the salon with it freely hanging down to her shoulders. Her make-up was unsullied like some movie star getting ready for a scene she smiled while Dorena gazed up at her. Dorena always knew that Samerra was gorgeous, but she never dressed this way before, which meant that she must have been more serious about this guy then she had previously imagined.

  While Samerra sat down in her chair, the waitress instantaneously popped up at their table with her bubbly charm she asked them what they would like to order. After they spent a few minutes perusing the menu, they made their selections and the waitress moved out smartly. Dorena licked her lips and then commenced her dialogue.


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