Acts of Congress

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Acts of Congress Page 23

by Red Snapper

  He paused for a brief second, gazing at the Congresswoman who encouraged him to continue his explanation if the events that took place that evening.

  He sighed and commenced to continuing his story.

  “So we get into the villa and no of the servants were there. Whetstone had already departed while we slowly strolled through the house searching for Caramel. Finally, Mocha heard some splashing in the pool area and we all went down to investigate. When we get to the pool room, there was Caramel Love, bathing in the Jacuzzi, lying back with some soft smooth jazz and her eyes were closed. Well Kevin got really crazy and said that he was gonna go in and fuck with her because he had never had sex with a Transvestite and he want to see what it was like, but before I could stop him from going in, he ran in and pulled her out of the water. One thing led to another and suddenly he was fucking Caramel in the ass. I must admit it looked extremely inviting, so inviting I went in and joined in and we both fuck her in her ass at the same time. Anyway after that, thing started to get out of hand when Kevin started feeling like.. I guess guilty for what he did. He started saying silly things like, you’re gonna die…shit like that. Then he started beating her, beating her really bad. I could get the thought out of my mind about what I did so I went in and begin beating her, too. I don’t know why but it felt good beating on this bitch. Then, Mocha came in and she started kicking her too, right her in the face. Than after about twenty minutes of this, I pulled out my Glock 22C and I pulled her by her hair toward the Jacuzzi. As Mocha turned up the temperature to boiling we were just going to scare her not to do anything else just teach her a lesson. Then suddenly out of nowhere you, Samerra came rushing in with this extremely large hunting knife that I didn’t know you had and you grabbed her hair, pulling her head back exposing her neck and you Samerra cut her throat from ear to ear and allowed her body to fall into the boiling Jacuzzi…YOU DID THAT.”

  Samerra stood there crying while the tears just flowed from her eyes. She tried to replay the scenes in her mind of the events and details in his story. She could see everything unfolding before her eyes as if she was reliving that horrific encounter. She sighed and then before she could speak, Special Agent Decker and three of his colleagues came rushing into the office.

  Congresswoman Lucas frowned while she asked, “Why did you do it, Samerra…why did you kill your own flesh and blood?”

  She sighed, looked around the room at everyone present while she tried to remember if she indeed do what they said she did. She looked down toward the floor and then she raised her head as if she found some instant confidence while she began to lament, “You just don’t understand what it was like trying to get ahead in this political game knowing you have a brother who was sexually confused…he fucked everything up for me being this damn thing from hell. Why’d he have to be this way…why’d he have to be all out in the opened fucking everything in sight, acting like he’s a woman…he’s not a woman…HE WAS NOT A DAMN WOMAN!

  I just wanted him to stop…all I wanted him to do was to stop…stop playing with God’s creation. I wanted him to die….I WANTED HIM TO DIE.”

  Congresswoman Lucas couldn’t believe what she was hearing, especially since she was responsible for setting all of this up. She realized that Samerra really and truly believed that she actually killed her brother that night. Lucas smiled while she asked her, “How much of that night do you remember exactly Samerra?”

  She smiled while looking at her straight in her eyes when she responded, “All of it…I remember taking the knife and placing it square under his fuckin’ neck and slicing his little throat from ear to ear. It felt so good to see his fuckin’ confused blood pouring out in that Jacuzzi…I had an orgasm watching that shit…”

  With that, Decker immediately strolled over toward her, placing the handcuffs on her.

  Congresswoman Lucas gazed at her while she responded, “Then I guess there’s no need to take this any further…please remove this murdering fool out of my sight.”

  While he was about to remove her from the room, Briscoe and Arceneaux came rushing in.

  Samerra immediately shouted out toward the Congresswoman, “Wait…Congresswoman Lucas…if you were me…you’d have done the same thing…were just exactly alike me and you…you want the same things I want for this Country…”

  Lucas just turned away from facing her, motioning for Decker to take her away.

  Briscoe sighed while he spoke, “Where do you think you’re going with this suspect…this is a Metropolitan Police case?”

  Decker smiled while he retorted, “She just confessed to the murder of her own brother in the home of one of our Congressional members Briscoe…she’s gonna be turned over to your jurisdiction after we ensure that no federal laws have been violated.”

  “That could take several months Decker…you know that, especially since your department allowed the body of the victim to just mysteriously be cremated before an autopsy could be continued…how do we know that it was really Caramel that was murdered?”

  Decker smiled while he responded, “Well…I guess that’s something we’ll have to find out, huh Briscoe?”

  Now furious, Detective Arceneaux right away stepped in front of Samerra while she rapidly asked, “Look, woman you’re not going anyway yet…where’s my cousin…what did you do with my cousin you, sick ass bitch?”

  Detective Briscoe quickly grabbed Ashley before she could hit Samerra in the face.

  Samerra was so out of it by that time that she didn’t even respond to her question while Decker hurriedly motioned for his agents to take her into their custody.

  While the removed Samerra out of the office Congresswoman Lucas looked at Jake motioned for him to come closer and then whispered in his ear, “You need to inform Whetstone…let him know he’s free and clear…I expect my money within the hour.”

  He smiled while he strolled out to the next room to call him.

  Lauren strolled back over toward the window, gazing out at the Washington skyline as she thought, “The power we have here in this city is astronomical…if people only knew half the shit that we do here…they would go completely insane…yeah it takes a certain type of breed to be here in this world. It’s not for the weary at heart…no you got to know how to play this game…you got to be able to have the power to withstand whatever that’s throw at you.”

  Jake was on the phone talking to Whetstone, “She did it…she got you cleared…you owe her for this one man…you owe her big.”

  “Yeah…I could have went down big time for this, even if I didn’t kill Caramel…because I was sleeping with her…if that would have come out…just tell her thank you and the transaction was successful.”

  After he hung up the phone, Jake immediately strolled back into the room with Lucas who was conversing with Dex.

  “That drug you used was extremely powerful.”

  Dex smiled while he responded, “Yeah…I guess her feelings for her twin to get revenge was so severe that she went over the edge…it was almost demented how she confessed to the murder and she didn’t really do it.”

  Lucas chuckled while she responded, “I know right…well I put your usual amount in your account so I guess, I’ll call you when I need you again. Make sure you tell the others to don’t spend their money to fast.”

  Dex smiled while he strolled toward the door, “I’ll make sure they don’t…we’re headed to Europe for a little hiatus so if you need me…”

  She motioned for him to keep going while he stepped out the door and closed it behind him.

  Jake gently grabbed the Congresswoman by her waist while he spoke, “You know…you are one sexy powerhouse…I know I don’t want to be on the other side of the eight-ball with you.”

  She sighed while she responded, “You know Jake…I love you but don’t cross me or I’ll feed you to the lions myself.”

  Jake laughed while he responded, “For sure…I don’t ever want to be your enemy.”

  He hugged her quickly and then strolled
out of her office. She stepped over toward the window while she thought, “Poor Samerra…she just couldn’t handle it…oh well such is life and I’m hungry.”


  Six Months Later…

  Sitting in her Federal prison cell, Samerra Jefferies was still trying to decipher how she got into her present circumstances, when suddenly a prison guard comes to her cell.

  “Let’s go…you’ve got a visitor here to see you.”

  Puzzled Samerra got up off her bunk while the prison guard motioned for the door to be opened. While they were making their way to the visitor’s room she thought, “Who’s coming here to see me…I can’t imagine who this could be?”

  Finally making it into the room, she immediately looked out the thick plexi-glass window and instantly recognized her visitor. She put her hands up to her mouth as she made her way toward the chair to sit at the table. She continued to gaze out the window at her while she picked up the phone and began to speak, “Dorena…Dorena Gentry…you’re the last person I’d expect to see here visiting me…it’s good to see you, girl.”

  She picked up her phone and immediately responded, “I didn’t want to come but I just wanted you to know something.”

  Samerra quickly responded, “What, that you love me?”

  She frowned while she answered, “Naw…that you were set-up…you didn’t do nothing but fuck up everybody’s lives…yours, mine and your brother’s…you know he’s not dead.”

  “What…what did you say?”

  “Well…he’s not physically dead but changed…the one you knew as Samuel Jefferies or even as Caramel IS in fact dead, but his body and soul live on forever.”

  Samerra stood up while she responded, “Don’t come back here no more…you’re fuckin’ crazy…he’s dead…I killed his ass! I saw him die before me…you are just trying to get back at me you sleazy bitch! GET OUT…GET OUT OF HERE!”

  Dorena stood up laughing while she began to unhurriedly stroll out of the room. Samerra instantaneously went completely berserk, picking up chairs and throwing them toward the glass, trying to hit her. Dorena just laughed while the prison guards escorted her out of the room. Two more guards quickly apprehended Samerra and taking complete control of her. One of the guards immediately took a syringe with a sedative and stuck it in her arm while they drug her down the hall put her back to her jail cell. She now lay on her bunk as she began to put together all the details of that night…but the drug was too strong. She quickly fell into a deep slumber.

  Meanwhile, across the southern Atlantic, the tropical blue sky coupled with the clear Caribbean ocean made this island paradise extremely illustrious. Many tourist were strolling the beaches enjoy the company of their companion while holding hands. The sun was beginning to make it final descent while she just laid there in her beach chair. She sat back in her bikini reminiscing on much happier times when she was with her lover enjoying their limited but priceless times together. Then suddenly she heard a voice speaking down at her. She slowly opened her eyes while she responded, “I’m sorry but could you repeat what you said?”

  The voice replied, “Is this seat taken, Renita?”

  She thought for a brief second and then she immediately sat up gazing up at the figure that stood above her. She sighed and then she asked, “I know that this can’t be true…who are you…how do you know me?”

  The extremely beautiful woman slowly sat down on the chair next to hers and responded to her question, “Well…I am a friend of yours that grew up in Washington D.C. and I knew a woman who was my one true love and her name was Renita…are you her?”

  She smiled while she gazed at her, looking at every detail while she replied, “Yes, my name is Renita…Renita Arceneaux from DuPont Circle in Washington D.C….are you who I think you are?”

  “I don’t know…who do you think I am?”

  “Let’s see…I had a friend that I loved dearly who lived with me in DuPont Circle and her name was Sam but I learned to love her as my beloved Caramel Love…are you Caramel Love?”

  She sat for a few seconds and then she replied, “Yes baby…I’m Caramel…I’m Caramel Love back from the dead.”

  Renita sighed, as she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Caramel had a complete makeover changing his facial features as well as her larger breast size; she was a real woman with a vagina to complete her change. She thought, “How do I know this is really Caramel…I’ll ask her something that only the real Caramel would know.”

  “So, if you’re really my Caramel…there is something I am going to say that only she knows the answer to. If you get this right…then I’ll believe it is really you…if not then I want you to leave and never come back to me again. Agreed?”

  “Agreed…ask away.”

  “Who was so in love with you that they took their on life because they thought you were dead?”

  Caramel sighed while she allowed the tears to begin to roll down her cheeks as she slowly fixed her mouth to utter the answer to that heartfelt question.

  “Although, I didn’t have the same feeling that she did about our relationship, Tamako Watanabe was a great lady…I was sorry that I couldn’t have paid my proper respects to her…but she was the one who loved me that way.”

  Renita immediately responded, “I hope that my love for you will be enough…it’s all I can offer you.”

  With that, Renita immediately hugged Caramel so tight it seemed like they were pasted together. Caramel’s tears really started to flow while she thought, “This is all I ever wanted to be loved for who I am and not be judge for what I am.”

  The old escort from DuPont Circle, Caramel Love was dead but a new improved version of her lives on. This was the plot all along by Congresswoman Lucas who had a heart after all. She arranged for them both to disappear, so that they could live in their own world as free and clear as possible. Caramel’s fake death was all part of the plan to petrify Whetstone into shifting his influence toward Lucas’ interest and to liberate Caramel from her evil twin sister’s discrimination. Not everyone is all bad in this political game, but you have to know how to play to survive the game.

  Because Caramel agreed to help Congresswoman Lucas to get what she wanted she planned for Caramel Love to die so she could be rebirthed as a new reconstructed being in her new body. Renita had to disappear because she couldn’t survive without her lover and in her world as a hermaphrodite. She could now be confortable about her sexuality. In Samerra’s world, she only cared about herself and her ambitions. She didn’t survive in this game because she’d have hurt so much in her quest to become this super-political powerhouse that she dreamed of. She was reaching to high and for many who were watching had to stop her.

  Congressman Whetstone, although he was re-elected for two more terms after this incident occurred, he went on and seeked counseling concerning his strong sexual appetite; reconciling with his wife and finally did some positive things for his state as well as the country.

  Congresswoman Lauren Lucas, continued to be that political prima donna on Capitol Hill and fighting to get her agendas pushed through the political system. She and Jake Towson continued to keep their sexual relationship secret while she continued to move on up Capitol Hill. She’s why all is the way it is…she’s part of a system that is truly why the acts of Congress function.


  Redsnapper has written several short stories and has six novels and one anthology to his credit. Scandalous Motives, Scandalous Motives: Relentless Ambitions, Scandalous Motives: Heartless Reactions, Memoirs of a Creole Crime Cartel: The Origin of Tangie Laurie, Contagious Lust: An Anthology, and a paranormal epic Redsnapper Writing as R. Jay Leonard, Curse of the Nocturnal Seductress. Redsnapper is a native Kansan who was born and raised in Kansas City, Kansas. He has also served his country, spending 22 years in the U.S. Army. He has a Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Missouri, Kansas City, a Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies from Excelsior College in Albany, New York and
a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Saint Mary in Leavenworth, Kansas. He is currently working on his next novel, which is scheduled for release in 2012.

  You can find Redsnapper on the following social networks:

  [email protected]

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