Nachos & Hash

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Nachos & Hash Page 10

by Brandon Witt

  “No, that would be you, Darwin. I never dreamed someone like you would want me.”

  “With all of my heart, Cody.” There were no what-ifs in that statement. No worries that threatened to cheapen it. It simply was what it was. He was in love with Cody Russell.

  Cody leaned down and pressed their lips together.

  Darwin reached around, clasping Cody’s hips and forcing him in deeper. When Cody pulled back from the kiss, the hesitant look in his eyes was gone. And as he began to build a rhythm, Darwin watched the change flow through his lover. He didn’t have words for it. But it was beautiful and awe-inspiring. “You’re liking this, huh?”

  “Oh yeah.” Cody’s voice was husky and labored with his thrusts. “We’re going to do this more. A lot more.”

  “Hell yes, we are.”

  AS HE moved inside Darwin, Cody couldn’t quite figure out what was going on with his thoughts or his body. It felt amazing, Darwin’s tightness and heat, but honestly, it didn’t feel as good as the other position. But still, there was something.

  The way Darwin lay beneath him. His muscles flexing as he arched his hips to meet Cody’s thrusts. All of his beauty there for the taking. The look in his eyes as he gazed at Cody—the love, the heat, the… trust.

  That was it.

  Darwin trusted him. Fully. And he was giving every ounce of himself to Cody. Even after everything.

  It didn’t make sense, but it didn’t change the fact that it was pouring out from Darwin. His trust and his love.

  Cody bent down to kiss him, not breaking the rhythm of his thrusts. Before their lips met, Darwin spoke, his words soft and heated. “In another couple of months, we should get tested. I want you in me without the condom. I want to feel all of you, feel you release in me.”

  Cody hesitated a moment, his eyes searching Darwin’s, looking for the catch, the joke. Still, there was only love and trust. He kissed Darwin, feeling happier and more at home than he had in his entire life.

  Even when he came, his body jerking, he didn’t break the kiss but offered up every emotion he had into the connection. Every unspoken promise.

  MANDONNA TOSSED a lock of her long red wig over her shoulder and raised her arm in the air, waving her purple-tipped fingers at Cody from the stage. “I’m thrilled to announce our favorite little twink is back home!” Most of the people filling the tables turned and looked to where Cody was seated with Darwin. They waved at him, and he gave a small, nervous wave back. ManDonna pulled their attention back to her. “He’s not serving tonight, so don’t try to place any orders with him. Unless you have a special request you’d like to watch him and his hunky boyfriend act out.” She paused, tapping a pointed fingernail on her lips. “Actually that’s not a bad idea.” She turned to a muscle boy wearing only a jockstrap standing to the side of the stage. “You, new boy, make a list of the top five positions from the Kama Sutra. I’ll get my camera ready.” She motioned back to where Cody and Darwin sat. “I’ll record that shit, and you two will be the next big gay stars.” ManDonna’s gaze narrowed back in on Cody. “And if you ever try to leave us again, I’ll cut you, you little bitch.”

  Even from across the room, Cody could feel the earnest love from her. Darwin wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled Cody against his chest. “You doing okay?”

  Cody nodded. It was a bit overwhelming. But okay. Good, even. Steven and Pat had wanted to do a welcome-back party, but he’d begged them not to. It would have been too much. There’d have been too many questions.

  Darwin leaned closer again. “If you need to leave or take a break, you just—” He quit talking. Cody craned his neck around so he could see Darwin. Darwin’s eyes were huge. “Oh. My. God.”

  Cody followed his gaze. “What?”

  Darwin snorted out a laugh but kept his voice low. “ManDonna’s new guy? It’s Mark.”

  He watched the nearly naked gorgeous man wander through the crowd, choosing different men for Family Feud. There was something familiar about…. “Oh my God.”

  “Yep.” Darwin laughed again, louder this time. “That is hilarious.”

  Cody wasn’t sure how hilarious it was. The man was the picture of perfection. In every way.

  “Hey, Cody, what is it? What’s wrong?”

  He wasn’t sure if he was that bad at hiding his thoughts or if Darwin already knew him that well. Cody started to deny anything was bothering him, but he’d been doing that for too long. “I disrupted your date with him. If I hadn’t….” His throat constricted, but Darwin didn’t interrupt, waiting for him to be able to speak again. “I will never look like him. Ever. And you could’ve avoided all of this. You wouldn’t have to worry about… well, worry. I know you do.”

  Darwin pulled him closer, wrapping his arms tighter across Cody’s chest. He kissed Cody’s cheek before responding. “I was already going to leave that date. Mark was about as interesting as… well, I don’t know what. Just not interesting. At all. But I’m glad I met him here that night. It brought you to me. I can’t imagine anything sadder than missing out on you.”

  It didn’t make sense. If you placed Cody and Mark side by side, there wouldn’t be one person who would pick him over Mark. But Darwin had, and somehow still would.

  “I wish you could see how amazing and beautiful you are, Cody.” Darwin kissed him again.

  The strange thing was, sometimes when Darwin kissed him, looked in his eyes, or held his hand, Cody could almost believe it.

  “Fuck, you two. You trying to make ManDonna’s dreams come true and start fucking right here at the bar?”

  They both turned, Darwin still not letting Cody go. Vahin grinned at them from the other side of the bar. “Good to have you back, kid. Not the same without you.”

  Steven walked up from behind Vahin, bumped into him with his hips, and gave him a leering grin. “Quit flirting and get to work.”

  “Don’t be jealous, boss man. Just because I don’t put out for you….”

  Steven scoffed. “The day I find something you won’t put out for is the day I close this place down.”

  Vahin smacked his boss on the ass. “And don’t you forget it.” He walked away, but not before letting the camp fall away, giving Cody a wink.

  Steven rolled his eyes at Vahin’s back, and Cody wondered, not for the first time, if there was anything between the two men. Steven turned back to him and Darwin. “I don’t want to interrupt, I’m sure it’s a bit overwhelming to be back, not to mention ManDonna will kill me if she notices I’m drawing your attention away from her, but I just wanted to tell you that Pat mentioned to me your concern over not being able to continue seeing your therapist after you’ve reached the max of visits your insurance will cover.”

  Cody knew where Steven was going and started to protest.

  “Not a word about it,” Steven cut him off. “And it’s not up for discussion. You’re one of us. An important part of our Mary’s family.” His gaze darted to Darwin. “Do whatever you have to do to make sure our too-proud man here lets us do this for him.” Like Vahin, Steven turned back to Cody with a wink before walking away. “Or you’re fired.”

  It was too much. Too much kindness, too much exposure. Maybe even too much pressure.

  “You okay?”

  Cody nodded in response to Darwin’s question, but his words seemed unable to lie. “I don’t know.”

  Darwin didn’t speak for a bit, but when he did, his tone had a guarded quality. “Is it that you’re uncomfortable with the idea of others paying for you or that you don’t want to be in therapy much longer?”

  Cody pulled away and met Darwin’s gaze, knowing how important this question was. “I want to be in therapy for as long as I need. I don’t plan on being in that space ever again.”

  Darwin’s relief was so palpable, it hurt Cody to see. “Good. I’m glad. And, honestly, I was planning on asking my folks if they’d help out. I don’t have the finances yet, but they do. And I’m sure they would.”

Please don’t do that.” Cody was sure Darwin’s parents would pay for as long as he needed. “Darwin, please don’t ask them.”

  Darwin lifted his hand and cupped Cody’s face, running his thumb across his cheek. “I love you with all of my heart, Cody. And I’m not the only one who does. We’re your family now. Me, my family, and all of Mary’s. Let us treat you like family.” Darwin’s eyes filled with unshed tears. “Let me love you. Please. I promise to let you love me this way too.”

  Cody didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He forced a small nod, then angled himself back the way he’d been and leaned against Darwin’s chest. And when Darwin wrapped his arms around him, Cody crossed his arms over Darwin’s, intertwining their fingers together as he forced his attention back to the stage.

  ManDonna smacked the host stand and pointed toward the plywood Family Feud board while giving a death stare to one of the contestants. “No, Sean, a ball gag is not something you use in place of a dildo.” She rolled her eyes dramatically at the crowd. “He’s pretty, folks. We can give him that at least.”

  Cody let out a long breath and sank further into Darwin’s embrace. He was safe. And he was home.

  Acknowledgments and Thanks

  ALTHOUGH HAMBURGER Mary’s is a real restaurant, all characters and events are fictitious. Hamburger Mary’s trade name and images are used with permission.

  First and foremost, I have to thank Hamburger Mary’s International—specifically Ashley and Brandon Wright. When I wrote to Hamburger Mary’s saying I had a series of novellas in mind that I’d like to place at one of your restaurants, I expected I’d never get a reply. Not only did you say yes, but you allowed me to use Mary on the cover of my books and spent so much time giving me the behind-the-scene details, tours, and insight. More than anything, thank you for your kindness and allowing a little-known author to play with your wonderful franchise. Hamburger Mary’s has always had a special place in my heart, and now, even more so.

  Dear Reader: You simply must go to the nearest Hamburger Mary’s! And if you’re in Denver, you have no choice but to visit the one that you just read about. Hell, maybe we can get a Black & Bleu Burger together! If we do, I’m not sharing, but I will split the nachos!

  Christopher Maluck, John Skogstad Jr., Mark Price, Jason Hardin, Dave Zahradnik, Adriana Parkinson, and the rest of the Denver Hamburger Mary’s team, thank you for the tours, letting me see it as you did renovations, and always making time for me. I’ve fallen completely in love with your restaurant!

  Pat Mackley, thank you so much for being a featured character in this series and for supporting a fellow author’s medical needs through Lisa Horan’s The Novel Approach’s (Book Review Blog) generous donation.

  Arshad, Atom, Bryan, and Thomas, thank you all for your willingness to be interviewed about your careers and/or experiences with cultural issues that are a part of this series. I was honored by your time and your trust.

  Elizabeth, as ever, thank you for changing my life. And for challenging me to do something new and give some novellas a try. (They’re so much scarier than novels!)

  AngstyG, thank you for going on this new adventure with me, for your flexibility and creative genius.

  Desi, I don’t want to face any moment involving words without you by my side to keep me from seeming illiterate while still pushing me in my craft. I can’t say how thankful I am for you!

  Exclusive Excerpt

  Vodka & Handcuffs

  A Mary’s Boys Novella

  By Brandon Witt

  Vahin Arora, Hamburger Mary’s sexy bartender, plays the flirtatious role so well even his closest friends—his chosen family at Mary’s—don’t realize Vahin hasn’t had a hookup in months. Then tall, dark, and handsome steps through the door, and Vahin’s libido races back to life.

  Being a black cop on the Denver police force is no easy job—Marlon Barton can’t imagine adding being gay to the equation. And while Marlon loves his work as an officer, his life has taken a turn for the hellish because of his new partner, the nephew of a senator.

  Fleeing his partner’s company one night, Marlon stumbles into Mary’s for the first time… and wakes up with a hangover in the bartender’s bed. The one-night stand heats up into a budding romance, but not without stress as Marlon’s partner’s actions threaten Vahin’s livelihood and Marlon’s future on the force. Can Vahin and Marlon face the challenges and hold on to the love, friendship, and family they’ve found?

  Coming Soon to

  Chapter TWO

  Vahin Arora

  MOST OF the time, the mixture of blaring pop music, sports commentary, and people chattering was a smooth comfort for Vahin. Almost like an enveloping blanket of sound. At the moment, though, it was all a little too much. Too frantic and inescapable. It made him wish he hadn’t given up smoking a year ago; it would be nice to have an excuse to hang out in the parking lot for a few minutes.

  “I know I keep saying it, but you are so fucking hot. You really won’t take off your shirt for me?”

  Actually it wasn’t the music, sports television, or crowd that was getting under his skin. It was the blond twentysomething who was too pretty for his own good and about as interesting as a golf marathon.

  Vahin cut off his pour of vodka, spared a glance at the guy, and winked. Smiles and flirting equaled a welcoming environment for all the customers, not to mention good tips. “This skintight tank top isn’t revealing enough?”

  The blond licked his lips. Did that honestly ever work for the guy? “It makes me want you more.”

  “Well, then, sounds like you’re enjoying me clothed.” Vahin licked his own lips, just to see the reaction—a shuddering melting expression—and moved down the curved bar to deliver the drinks to Cody, who was waiting to take them to table six.

  He took a second to glance past the bar area of Mary’s and take in the bright, happy room—part exposed brick wall, part vintage pink wallpaper. He loved this place. Truly. It was more of a home than anywhere else. He simply needed a moment to remember it. The flirting used to be a lot more fun. Still was, most of the time, but his tolerance for those inept with the skill was lessening. He plastered on a smile before returning to the blond. “Another Manhattan?”

  The man shook his head. “Not yet. Thanks, though.” He leaned across the bar, attempting to peer over the other side, as if hoping Vahin might not be wearing pants below his tank top. “You know, I’ve always wanted to be with an Indian. Ever since watching Slumdog Millionaire. Are you from India? Did you, like, ride elephants and shit?”

  Oh God. That again. Probably saw that damn film when he was fourteen and masturbated in his bedroom to the Pussycat Dolls singing “Jai Ho.” “You know, I rode an elephant at a zoo once, close to where I grew up. In Connecticut.”

  “Oh.” His expression fell, and he gave a partial shrug. “There’s only another couple of hours until the bar closes, right? You wanna come over to my place?”

  Vahin almost expected him to end the invitation with an offer to pretend to be an elephant he could ride. “Actually the boss man has me staying extra late to clean up the whole restaurant… by myself. There’s several people out sick tonight.” He made a sweeping gesture. “As you can see, this place is three old houses made into one restaurant. It’ll take me quite a while.” Not waiting for a response, he turned to the guy who was seated two stools down, a regular who Vahin knew loved blonds. “Hey, Aron. Have you met—” Shit, he was normally better at this. “—Joseph? He’s a movie buff.”

  Aron glanced at Joseph, his eyes brightening, and slid over a seat. “Really?”

  Vahin popped open a bottle of Bud Light, Aron’s drink of choice, and set in it front of him. Aron didn’t even notice, already attempting conversation with Joseph.

  Aron was of Latin decent, but Vahin figured Joseph was probably too buzzed to tell the difference. Without looking at them again, he moved down the bar, mentally patting himself on the back. He’d managed to
distract the blond without offense and helped his friend get laid, even if he’d have to perform while listening to the Pussycat Dolls. Two birds, one stone.

  A shoulder shoved into his back, causing him to stumble slightly. Vahin turned around. Steven. “What was that for?”

  “The boss man is making me stay late, everyone is out sick?”

  Vahin’s cheeks heated. “Oh, you heard that?”

  Steven nodded. “Sure did.”

  “Obviously not very well. I didn’t say everyone is out sick.”

  Steven chuckled, but the sound didn’t carry through the noise of the bar. “Pat’s the only one out tonight, and that’s just because she got called in to the hospital.”

  “I know.”

  He looked over Vahin’s shoulder, toward Joseph and Aron. “What’s the matter? He’s pretty hot.”

  Vahin rolled his eyes. “You’re the one who likes them young, Steven, not me.”

  “Since when? I didn’t know there was an age above eighteen you didn’t like.”

  “Shut up. I’m trying to work here, boss man. Unless you’re paying to chat me up.”

  Steven gave him a confused look, seemed like he wanted to say more, then shook his head slightly. He started to turn away but paused and motioned toward the other end of the bar. “That group of women is here for a bachelorette party. They didn’t bother to call ahead, but we’re trying to get some tables cleared up for them really quick. Will you make them a round of shots on the house, please? One of the dirty-sounding ones. You know, Cowboy Cocksuckers or Orgasms, something like that.”

  “Yeah, I think I knew what you meant by dirty sounding.” Vahin glanced at the women. He wasn’t sure how he’d missed their entrance. Each one of them was wearing a veil and squealing like middle schoolers. He glared back at Steven. “You’re trying to kill me.”


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