Enticed by the Operative (Doctors in Danger, Book 1)

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Enticed by the Operative (Doctors in Danger, Book 1) Page 14

by Lara Lacombe

  “See that you do,” he said, keeping his thoughts to himself. No sense in triggering panic—he might still have use for this one yet.

  He blocked out the rapid-fire apologies and excuses ringing in his ear, trying to think. Dr. Sandoval was due to arrive back in ten days. That didn’t leave much time for a plan B...

  “Yes, yes, yes,” he said impatiently, cutting the caller off. “Get back to me when you actually have news.” He hung up mid-assurance and placed the phone on the table, next to the bread plate.

  If Olivia Sandoval really did have the drugs, that was good news indeed. But it wasn’t enough. The DEA agent had to be dealt with, and the sooner, the better. El Jefe expected an update soon, and he wanted to have good news to share with the man when they next spoke.

  If not, he wouldn’t be speaking for very long.

  * * *

  Olivia had barely gotten the words out of her mouth before Logan’s lips came down on hers. His arms banded around her torso, locking her in place against him.

  Not that she wanted to move.

  He kissed her fiercely, like a starving man who’d just found a meal. His passion was all-consuming, crashing over her in a wave that was almost overwhelming. She gasped for air and clung to him, fearing that if she let go she’d lose him forever.

  Heat radiated off his body and she melted against him, feeling the edges of her body soften like warm candle wax. She tugged at the hem of his shirt, but their bodies were pressed too tightly together to move the fabric more than an inch or so. A groan of frustration escaped her mouth and Logan captured it in his own.

  He obligingly moved back, keeping his mouth on hers while she pulled his shirt up. Only when the fabric bumped into his chin did he break the kiss, and then only for the split second it took to jerk the shirt over his head. It fell to the floor in a dirty heap and Olivia wasted no time putting her hands on his chest.

  His skin was warm and dusted with dark hair that tickled her fingertips. He made a low sound in his throat, and the vibrations of his approval traveled down her arms and settled in her belly, creating a delicious sensation that complemented her own growing need. She slowly moved her hands up to the broad expanse of his shoulders, pausing here and there to trace the lines of his muscles, so different from her own.

  Logan tugged on her shirt with a few hesitant jerks, silently asking her permission to remove the fabric that separated them. Not wanting to take her hands off him, she broke their kiss long enough to whisper, “Yes.” In one smooth motion he pulled it off her body and she heard the rustle of fabric as it joined its fellow on the ground.

  His hands were large but his touch was gentle when he reached for her. But just as his fingertips grazed her skin, he jerked back, almost as if burned.

  “What’s wrong?” Why was he taking a step back? Had he changed his mind? Oh, God, how was she going to get through the next ten days without dying of embarrassment if he pulled away now?

  Logan held his hands out, fingers spread, and was staring at them as if he’d never seen them before. He turned them over and studied his knuckles, then ran his eyes up his arms. “I’m filthy,” he said, his tone suggesting he was just now realizing this fact.

  “Oh.” Her brain scrambled to make sense of his words. Did this mean he wasn’t about to explain why this was a bad idea? She had the sudden urge to laugh out loud, but she stopped herself, not wanting to seem like a crazy woman. “Is that all?” A little dirt never hurt anyone, and they had other, much more interesting things to focus on...

  “I can’t... Not like this.” His cheeks went pink under the filth and he met her gaze, his green eyes distressed. “You deserve better.”

  Her heart turned over at his thoughtfulness and a wave of affection came over her, washing away her earlier doubts. She smiled up at him. “You’re very sweet.”

  He was already working the button of his pants and toeing off his shoes and socks. “Give me five minutes,” he promised, his expression earnest. “I’ll take the world’s fastest shower and I’ll be right back.” He took a step back, bumped into the side table next to the bed and barely avoided falling down with his pants around his ankles. Wobbling slightly, he regained his balance and made it into the bathroom. He shut the door, then jerked it back open and poked his head out.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” he said. The door shut again and the pipes groaned as he turned the shower on.

  Olivia shook her head, smiling to herself. She’d never met anyone like Logan. He was the perfect combination of silly and serious, sweet and protective. He made her laugh and yet she felt so safe when he was around, like nothing bad could touch her. It was a strange feeling when her rational mind knew she was in the midst of terrible danger. But Logan insulated her from the worst of it, something she appreciated more than words could say.

  She glanced down at her shirt, lying in a sweaty heap at her feet. She could do with some freshening up as well, and there didn’t seem to be any point in waiting for him to vacate the bathroom. If they shared the shower, they’d be conserving water. It was the environmentally responsible thing to do...

  Her mind made up, Olivia shucked off the rest of her clothes as she walked over to the bathroom door. She pushed it open, and Logan hollered from behind the curtain. “Almost done.”

  “Don’t rush on my account.”

  “Just give me—” He stuck his head out and the words died in his throat when he caught sight of her. He swallowed hard. “Um.”

  Olivia raised a brow. “Cat got your tongue?”

  He shook his head, his eyes glued to her body. “More like my brain just exploded.”

  She laughed, and a purely feminine part of her thrilled at his response. “Good thing I’m a doctor.”

  “Are you going to put me back together?”

  “Something like that.” She took a step forward. “Move over. I’m coming in.”

  Logan stepped to the side to make room for her, his muscles growing tense as she approached. She brushed past him and ducked under the warm spray, closing her eyes in bliss as the water cascaded down her body, washing away the feel of the jungle.

  Logan made a low, strangled sound and she opened her eyes to find him staring at her, his gaze filled with desire and something close to reverence. His response made her feel both empowered and cherished, and she blinked back a sudden surge of tears. She hadn’t connected with a man like this since Scott had left, and Logan’s obvious appreciation gave her a sense of completion that she didn’t realize she’d been missing until now.

  She took a moment to look at him, to drink in the view of his strong, toned body, naked and willing. He was a glorious sight, made all the more appealing because she knew what lay beneath all that muscle and bone. Logan had the heart of a guardian, and she felt a little thrill at the knowledge that he had chosen to protect her.

  She lifted her hand and reached out, stopping just before she touched him. He met her eyes and answered her silent question with a nod. She placed her palm over his heart, loving the feel of his pulse against her skin. Strong. Steady. So full of life.

  He brushed his fingertips down her arm in a tentative caress that made her shiver. She stepped closer, pressing herself fully against him. His body was a study in textures, and she reveled in the different sensations. Soft skin. Coarse hair. Solid muscle. Her hypersensitive nerves cataloged each trait, and her need for him grew with every beat of her heart.

  “I’m on the Pill,” she blurted, knowing that in a few moments the part of her brain responsible for thought was going to shut down.

  “Thank God,” he murmured, his breath gusting out in a sigh of relief. “I’m clean. I was tested at my last check up a few months ago.”

  “Me, too,” she said.

  He grinned down at her, and the wicked spark in his eyes made her knees go weak.

  “Then what are we waiting for?”

  They moved together, exploring each other with hands, lips, and tongues. The warm water made her feel almost drugg
ed, but the sensation of Logan’s body against her own was a potent force that demanded her full attention.

  He lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck, his casual display of strength making her insides go liquid. The tile was cold against her back, but then Logan slipped inside her, and she forgot everything but the man in her arms and this perfect moment.

  * * *

  Logan stretched out on the bed, his body so relaxed he felt almost boneless. “That was, without a doubt, the best shower of my life.”

  Olivia put her hand on his stomach and traced a lazy path up, up, up until she reached his breastbone. She pressed her palm to his heart and he put his own hand over hers, anchoring it in place. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this clean before,” she remarked.

  “It was my job to get all the dirt off you. And I take my job very seriously.” His blood warmed at the memory of his hands on her body, touching, caressing, gliding over skin slippery with soap.

  She laughed, a contented, almost dreamy sound. “Let me be the first to compliment you on your...technique.”

  “I’m so glad you appreciated it.”

  “Indeed. It was just what the doctor ordered.”

  “Only for you,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to the hollow of her shoulder. “I give very personalized attention.”

  “That’s good to hear, because I don’t like to share.”

  “I don’t, either.” A pang of memory pierced the bubble of his good mood and he frowned. She’s not Emma, he told himself again. He took a deep, cleansing breath and pushed thoughts of his former fiancée out of his mind—there wasn’t room in this bed for a third person.

  “You know...” Olivia trailed off, sounding suddenly shy.


  She shifted until she could meet his eyes. “I don’t hop into bed with every guy I meet.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” he assured her solemnly. She thumped him lightly on the arm and he grinned.

  “You know what I’m trying to say,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him.

  He did, but it was fun to tease her. “Can’t say that I do.”

  The mattress shifted as she flopped onto her back and covered her eyes with the back of her hand. “You’re impossible,” she said, sighing dramatically.

  Logan leaned over and pressed a kiss to the inside of her upper arm. “Tell me.”

  She eyed him narrowly. “I’m not sure I want to now.” Her tone was serious but the corners of her mouth twitched, giving her away.

  He rolled fully on top of her and began to tickle her, enjoying the way she squirmed against him. “Tell me,” he repeated.

  She giggled and intensified her struggles, creating some interesting friction between their bodies. Finally she cried out, “Uncle!” between laughs.

  Logan stilled his hands and she went limp beneath him, the pace of her breathing gradually slowing as she relaxed. “I believe you were about to say something,” he teased.

  Olivia laughed again and grinned up at him. “If you must know,” she said, sounding prim, “I was going to say that this was—is—special to me. That you...” She trailed off and looked away, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink.

  “Go ahead,” he said gently.

  She took a deep breath. “I haven’t done this in a long time.”

  “How long?” There was no judgment in his tone. After all, he was in the same boat, relationship-wise. Still, he was surprised she’d been alone...

  “There was someone once... He left just after my parents died.” She was silent for a moment, then cleared her throat. “So that’s why this means so much to me.”

  Her words wrapped around his heart and he felt humbled by her admission. His throat tightened with emotion and he tried to clear it before speaking. “I feel the same way.” It came out a little gruffer than he’d intended, but Olivia didn’t seem bothered. She gave him an impossibly sweet smile and rolled toward him, seeking contact.

  He folded her into his embrace, loving the feel of her body against his. She fit him perfectly—he could practically feel the broken, jagged pieces of his heart coming back together when she was with him. It was almost too good to believe, but if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.

  Olivia let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer. “You know,” she said, her breath warm on his chest. “You were right. I really can’t feel the packages.”

  Her observation was innocent enough, but it made the hairs on the back of his arms rise. She was right, he realized, with a growing sense of horror. He couldn’t feel them, either.

  Logan sat up carefully so as not to knock Olivia off the bed. “What’s wrong?” Alarm entered her voice. “Your muscles are locked tight enough to break a bone.”

  “I just want to double-check the mattress.” He was probably being paranoid, but better to be safe than sorry.

  Olivia obligingly hopped off the bed and helped him flip the mattress over. Logan peeled off the tape and stuck his hand into the stuffing. He groped blindly, his guts turning to water as he realized what he was feeling. Or rather, what he wasn’t feeling.

  The drugs were gone.


  Alejandro darted through the undergrowth, his breath coming fast as he ran along the forest path. His heart was still beating hard from adrenaline and there was a flat, metallic taste in his mouth. He wanted badly to stop for a drink of water, but he didn’t dare take the time. The man was waiting for him, and he was not a patient person.

  Part of him felt bad—the doctor had been really nice to him. She was the only person who had looked at him like he was normal, despite his broken lip. Everyone else stared at him at best, or laughed and pointed at worst. None of the other kids wanted to play with him, but that was okay because he had a job. A real, grown-up job, which was more than the other kids could say.

  He was still impressed at the way the man had known exactly where he should look for the packages. It had taken a few minutes to figure out how he was going to get them—the mattress had been too heavy for him to lift by himself. But he’d fit under the bed easily, and after that, it hadn’t taken long to get the wrapped bundles.

  His stomach cramped as he relived his time under the bed, convinced the doctor was going to walk in the room at any moment. But then he’d heard the noises coming from the bathroom, and his fear was replaced by a sense of awkward embarrassment. He’d heard those sounds before and knew what they meant.

  Still, he hadn’t lingered. He’d shoved the bundles into his bag and crept out of the apartment, his guilt fading as he thought of how happy the man would be to see him. How much would he pay for this job? Enough for him to keep a little for himself, so he could buy a treat?

  He didn’t begrudge giving his earnings to Mama, especially now that his little sister was here. She was a tiny, pink little thing, but she took all of Mama’s attention, which meant it was up to him to provide, at least for now. And he was proud to do it.

  His lungs burned, but he was almost there. Just a few more yards...

  Alejandro burst into the clearing and stopped, bending over to put his hands on his knees. He gulped air for a moment, then lifted his head and glanced around.

  The man stepped out of the trees and beckoned him forward. Alejandro felt a flock of birds take flight in his stomach, but he marched forward, head held high. He knew better than to show fear in front of the boss.

  “Do you have them?” The man puffed on a cigarette, the gray smoke curling up out of his lips when he spoke.

  Alejandro nodded and pulled his bag off his shoulder, then opened it and withdrew the packages.

  The boss nodded. “Good.” He took the bag, but Alejandro didn’t protest the loss. He could buy another with his earnings.

  The man dug into his pocket and withdrew a thick fold of bills. Without really looking, he peeled several off the top and held them out. Alejandro reached for them, but the man didn’t let go right away.

  “You know the rules, y
es?” He stared hard at Alejandro, and the boy fought the urge to squirm.

  “I know nothing,” he said.

  It was the expected response, and the boss released his grip on the money. He reached out and ruffled his hand through Alejandro’s hair. “Good work. Go home now. Tell your mother I will see her again soon.”

  Alejandro nodded and stuffed the bills into his pocket, next to the cell phone the boss had given him. Then he turned and ran, eager to get back to the safety of home.

  * * *

  “Dr. Sandoval?”

  Olivia looked up to see Daniela hovering in the doorway, staring at her in concern. Oh, God. What now? She was barely holding it together today—one more crisis would put her over the edge.

  “Is everything all right? I have been calling you for the past few minutes.” Daniela took a step into the room, and Olivia was filled with the sudden, desperate urge to tell her everything. Maybe Daniela would have some flash of insight that had eluded her and Logan. After all, she knew this area better than anyone—perhaps she could tell them about the local players in the drug trade, give them some idea of who could possibly have stolen the packages. Someone, somewhere had to know something!

  But Olivia knew it was a futile hope. Besides, she couldn’t put another person in danger.

  “I’m sorry,” she replied, squelching her despair lest it show on her face. “I must have drifted off and didn’t hear you.”

  “That’s okay.” Relief passed over Daniela’s features as she accepted the excuse. “I only wanted to know if you were ready for a lunch break.”

  “That sounds nice. I’m almost done here.”

  Daniela nodded. “Very good. Should I bring something for your friend?” she asked delicately.

  “Please do. He’ll be along shortly.” Right now, he was back at the apartment talking to the DEA, but Daniela didn’t need to know that. “Logan had to make a few calls to his business partners this morning.”

  “Ah. Do you know if they are going to fund your trip next year?”

  Olivia was taken aback by the question, and it took a moment for her to remember that was Logan’s cover story for being with her. “I’m not certain,” she stammered, turning back to her patient. “It would certainly be nice.” She fumbled to apply a bandage, wishing Daniela would drop the subject. All the local staff was giddy at the prospect that Logan’s company would donate money and supplies—they were practically counting the number of additional patients they could help. How was Olivia going to tell them that wasn’t going to happen? It was just one more thing for her to worry about, and she felt like the lowest of the low for getting their hopes up in the first place.


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