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by Loren, Jennifer

  Chapter 10: Sean

  I am struggling trying to keep my balance up this path, the storm is picking up and the wind is getting more forceful by the minute. I walk into the cabin letting out a deep exhale, relieved that I do not have to face her right now. Although, I wonder why she left the bathroom door open, there is steam rushing across the floor and out into the rest of the cabin. What the hell is she doing? I open the windows so the steam will clear out, grab my now clean clothes and sort them to put them in the chest. I open the smaller drawer on top first to put my socks and underwear in, only to see that it has already been claimed for her small, frilly, girly underwear. I shut it quickly before my male wandering mind gets the best of me. I have been perverted enough for one day. I open the drawer next to it carefully until the emptiness inside is clear. At least she is considerate. While finishing packing the last drawer, I look into the mirror above and sigh at the sight of myself. I am an absolute mess. I thought I got most of it but this stuff is sticking to me like glue.

  “Mmmmmm,” Ava moaned from the bathroom. She obviously didn’t hear me come in. I laugh realizing how embarrassed she is going to be when she realizes I am here. “Ooohhhhhh,” she moaned again.

  In one split, uncontrolled second, my eyes dart to the side of the mirror and I see her. The mirrors are perfectly opposite and perfectly clear now that I opened the windows. I try not to let my eyes slip. Turn away Sean. I close my eyes tight, only to open them to a full sight of her, leaning her head back, letting the water run down her face and catching on her full lips. She turns washing the shampoo from her hair, allowing the soap to run out and down her back and over her ass. Gripping the edge of the dresser and sweating, I watch the soap continue to wash down her body highlighting every curve and soft spot I have not even thought to imagine, yet. She tilts her head from one side and to the other running her fingers through her hair, down her neck and to her chest, cupping her breasts with soft exotic sighs. The lines of her body, gorgeous and wet hold me in place and cause me to breathe heavier as my eyes freely wander down her stomach to her delicately shining diamond and then down. My body begins to shake as I fight my own urges and desires to run away. What is she trying to do to me? She is doing this on purpose, leaving the door open knowing I would put my clothes up in here. I hold my hands tight to my face. “Fucking bitch!”


  “Yes?” If she asks me to come in there, I am definitely not going. Unless she is hurt or needs ... something.

  “Oh, I thought I would hear you come in but I guess I wasn’t paying attention. Sorry about the steam but the light was out in here and ...,” she begins rambling as she steps out of the shower naked and wet. She grabs a towel to rap around her while I dash to the other side of the room and away from the mirror.

  “Take your time.” Thinking quickly I try to calm my erection down, before she sees me. What is with this girl? I pace concentrating, old grandmas, car accidents, fucking mangled bodies by horrible car fucking accidents. Shit, all I can see is her by the fucking mangled bleeding body … naked and wet. This is not helping. She is coming out here. Think Sean. “Ava I will be right back, I need to go … go and … I will be right back.” I dart out the door running out into the rain and up the path trying to breathe in deeply while listening to the rain, the ocean, and the soft sounds that surround me. I need to stay away from her before I cannot control myself anymore. Then I would have to explain to my mother why I fucked her architect. I made a similar mistake once, screwing the daughter of one of my mother’s friends. I never spoke to the girl again, my mother ended up hearing all about it, and therefore, I had to hear all about it for months. It didn’t even help when I innocently explained that I barely remembered any of it because I was too drunk at the time. I offered that girl a picture but she took it happily.

  Darting out of the way of a fast approaching truck I shield my eyes from its blinding lights. “Sean!” Demerae called out.

  Running to his truck, I jump in eagerly. “What are you doing here?”

  “Another storm has formed so my Dad sent me over with some food for you and Ava. He said he didn’t want anyone out with this wind, it’s not safe for anyone to be walking in these conditions. Were you walking over already?”

  “I was, but I guess I’m not now.” I slumped down.

  “Well here is your food, there is enough for a couple of days. Call if you need anything, there is always someone at the main office. Nothing like hurricane season,” he chuckles while I groan.

  Somebody really fucking hates me. “Thanks,” I said taking the packages before getting out of the truck. I wave him off staring at the door to my hell and so as any good devil does I walk up the steps, breath in deeply, drop my head, and accept my fate. This is so NOT good. Upon entering, I put the food on the coffee table as Ava comes into the room. Thank you God, she is fully clothed.

  “Hey, what’s that?” She asked as her cheerful smile begins to diminish.

  “Apparently the wind is too bad for us to be outside wandering around. So they sent us food and told us to stay inside until further notice.” I probably said that too sarcastically but I don’t care.

  “Oh,” Ava said looking down to her feet.

  “Are you done in the bathroom? I have mud and dirt all over me from three wheeling today.”

  “It’s all yours.”

  I walk past her towards the bathroom and flip on the light. “The lights out huh? Funny how it fixed itself!” I shut the damn door and shake my head at the mirror that taunted me earlier. She had to know I could see her. What was she doing moaning and rubbing like she did? I step into the shower still baffled by her actions. She had to know. Why did she leave that damn door open, because of a light that is not broken? So she could trap me with her she-devil body wash that’s why. I pick it up flinging it back down in disgust. She put her clothes up in that same chest she had to know you could see into the bathroom mirror from there. She had to. I am not having sex with her, my mother will kill me. I rub my body with soap, images still passing through my mind making it harder to stay focused on my anger. She did look incredible. I should have walked in there with her and let her watch me undress before fucking her in the shower. Damn that would have been so … wow. My mother put me in this situation, she is the one that encouraged me to be with this girl. It’s not my fault that we crashed and have to sleep next to each other. What does she expect me to do, ignore her? If I get laid tonight then it is her own damn fault. I won’t apologize. In fact, I am going to enjoy the hell out of it. With a renewed spirit I shut the water off and quickly make myself presentable, maybe even a little better than presentable. Checking myself in the mirror and making sure my shave is perfect and my clothes fit nicely, I walk out, finding her sitting in her chair waiting for me, covered head to toe in clothing. What the hell is with this girl, I’m dressed to encourage sex and she is dressed to discourage it and any other kind of contact? I don’t know what the hell to do now. Damn I need a drink, there has to be something around here.

  “Is this what you’re looking for?” She says holding up a bottle of vodka.

  “Where did you find that?”

  “It was in the bottom desk drawer, there is plenty.”

  I grab the bottle from her, “you’re already drinking?” I asked wondering how much time I have before she becomes an undesirable mess.

  “I think I have earned as much right as you.”

  Making myself a drink, I sit across from her while she sorts our dinner in front of us. After some time of silence, she pours herself a small drink and gives me a soft smile. I smile back feeling the uneasiness settling down, “so you live in Atlanta?”

  She looks up seemingly surprised that I am talking to her, “yes. I do.”

  “You said you where a Kentucky girl when did you move to Georgia?”

  “After I went to college in New York and worked there for a while.”

  “So why did you leave New York?” I asked trying to picture her bod
y under those big baggy clothes.

  “Ummm, I needed a change,” she said softly.

  “What kind of change?” She stops eating, sinking into her chair. “What, did you get fired or screw the wrong guy? I asked fantasizing about how I hope the night will end.

  “NO. Well I did have a relationship with my boss but …”

  “You? Figures,” I laugh watching her fidget nervously. “Don’t worry about it, everyone makes mistakes right?”

  “It’s not what you think.”

  I raise my eyebrows at her, “so you weren’t cleaning his desk after hours?”

  “You are so disgusting,” she said getting up.

  Reaching out I grab her wrist, “I’m sorry, come on sit. Tell me about it, seriously”

  “There isn’t much to tell. It wasn’t the best decision on my part and as soon as I realized it, I broke it off and he …” Her mood shifts suddenly as her mind obviously wanders elsewhere.

  “He what? Don’t stop there the story is just getting good.”

  “He left me alone when I needed him the most. But it didn’t matter my best friend Kyle and I wanted to start our own business anyway and there happen to be some opportunities in Atlanta that helped us get started.” Well that story went nowhere good.

  “Aren’t you hot in all that?” I said waving my hand up and down at her body.

  “Ummm yea, a little, but I didn’t know what would be appropriate.”

  “Appropriate? You mean appropriate for sitting in a cabin alone with me?” She nods. “Don’t worry about it, get comfortable. I promise I don’t mind or care”

  “Maybe before we go to bed,” she says nervously.

  “Sleeping with me again tonight are you? Maybe this time you can end up on top.” I joked but her wide eyes nearly come out of her skull. “Only kidding, calm down. Damn.” She curls up in a ball in her chair covering herself even more. “So tell me more about you.” I listen to her sweet voice as I gaze over her body, making mental notes of things I want to do to her, places I want to concentrate on.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She asked suddenly.

  I jump at the sound of her voice. “Nothing why?”

  “You look like you were having a little too much of a good time. Do you need for me to give you some alone time?” She giggled through her held down bottom lip.

  “No. Keep talking.” I huffed.

  “No, it’s your turn to share. Tell me about all those supermodels you have dated,” she asked me with sincere curiosity.

  “Which one in particular, there has been quite a few?” I stick my chest out like the man I am.

  She laughs, “oh my gosh, only wanting some dirt stud. Don’t get too excited about yourself again.”


  “The plane.”

  “The plane?”

  “Yea on the plane, you acted like I should lick your boots or something.”

  “Lick my boots? No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend. Do you go around licking people’s boots very often?”

  “No, it’s a saying.”

  “I haven’t ever heard of it. I think you made it up.”

  “I did not, my grandfather uses it all the time.”

  “Your grandfather, well that makes since then.” I laugh at her while she growls folding her arms and looking away from me. It is comical and cute as hell, especially the growl.

  “Okay I get it, I treated you like an annoying groupie.”

  “Yes,” she said turning towards me again.

  “Well I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have acted like that.”

  Her face brightens, “thank you. Okay so tell me.”

  “Which one do you want to know about?” I asked smiling at her with more want than I care to admit at this moment.

  “The last one, she was so beautiful why in the world did you break up with her?”

  “She’s too into herself and she isn’t that smart honestly. She bored me to tears, not much behind the good looks.” And she certainly does not have your body.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t find her sexy enough for it to even matter that she’s boring.”

  I reach for my glass and pour another drink. “Honestly Ava, I haven’t met anyone as sexy as you.” I stop to wink at her before taking a drink. “Ava?”

  “I heard you,” she said folding over herself again.

  “I was joking with you Ava. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You were joking, so you don’t think that about me?”

  “Honestly, I haven’t thought about it.” I ease out the next statement carefully, “I guess, you have sexy qualities about you.”

  “Like what?”

  “Can we change the subject? I do not feel comfortable with this conversation. This happens to me a lot with you I’ve noticed.”

  “Please tell me, I promise I won’t fall in love with you and become an annoying groupie.” She says sitting at the edge of her seat and staring at me fixedly.

  I gaze over her, “that piercing is nice.”

  “My diamond?” She asked lifting her shirt to show it.

  “Yes, what’s the story with that?”

  “It made me feel like I had taken back control of my life.” Not sure, what she means by that but it doesn’t look like she is going to explain it.

  “Why the diamond?”

  “My friend Kyle picked it out, it’s a little too showy for me but he said it would drive guys crazy for some reason,” she said as if she doesn’t believe it herself.

  “Well it does, I would say that’s one thing about you that drives men crazy.” It drives me nuts. I am not even sure why, I hope she doesn’t ask.

  “What else?” She sits up straight eyeing me a little harder. Okay you asked for it.

  Sitting my drink down, I get up to lean down over her while she scoots to the opposite side of her chair. “What are you doing?” I laugh.

  “What are you doing?” She said watching my hands carefully.

  “Sit still for a few seconds please … trust me.” I wait for her to unclench her jaw before caressing her face in my direction and gaze over her face appreciatively. Her breathing becoming heavier as I sweep my fingers gently over her cheek. “Ava you have the sweetest face and the most hypnotizing sapphire eyes and your hair.” Running the backs of my fingers down one side of her face gently and pushing the edges of her hair to one side, I take a soft breath against her neck. “Your hair is more beautiful than any sunset I have ever seen, not to mention your full, soft pink lips,” I said tracing my finger around her chin and grazing the outer edge of her bottom lip. Pleased with myself I sit back in my chair enjoying watching her gasp for breath. “Not to mention your incredibly sex body.” Her eyes widen. “Happy?” Getting up smoothly, I move back to my chair and take a drink, watching her. Now if I did my job right she will be in my lap straddling me in no time. I adjust expectantly, “Ava? Sweetheart, are you okay?” I ask rubbing my smile away so as not to look too obvious.

  “Do you know we met once before?” She whispers.

  “What are you doing?” I ask confused.

  Her shoulders sink with a cock of her head, “I was trying to tell you about when I first met you.”

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about? When you first met me?” Nor why you are talking at all and not over here in my lap.

  “In New York.” I shake my head as she continues to explain her story to me. “We both lived there at the same time. You probably don’t remember, I am sure you don’t remember seeing me since I was so covered up but you rescued me. You pulled me out of the way of a mob of girls trying to get to your brother.” She gulps as my smile disappears and the confusion turns to anger. “I was standing in front of an Italian restaurant,” she pauses looking away from me. “That place always had the most incredible smells,” she said closing her eyes and taking in a breath with a smile. “Silly but we were so poor then, all I had was my fantasy food.” She finds my eyes again and pushes her lips into an
innocent smile. “You don’t remember do you? It was a few minutes but when you pulled me out of the way, you held me so tight and when I looked into your eyes they were so.” She says with a dreamy expression. “Wonderful and warm. I couldn’t believe how incredible one moment could feel,” she looks back at me and pauses to clear her throat. “Anyway I wanted to tell you that,” she shrugs without looking at me.

  “Why?” I asked harshly.

  “Because you said all those nice things about me and I wanted to tell you something nice about you. You made me feel so good that day, I thought you might like to know that it meant something to me. The moment anyway not that I am trying to make it more than what it was but that encounter got me through some really tough times.” She shrugs again looking at me with a wary smile. “And now you carried me off a burning plane. How crazy is that?”

  “What do you want from me?” I seethe at her.


  “Then why are you telling me this … story?” I asked waving my hands at her.

  “I told you. I thought it might make you feel good that you were a part of a special moment for me.”

  “You are such a typical fucking groupie!”

  “I’m not a groupie. I have not seen you since then or even tried to. I barely remembered that it was you until Kyle reminded me. You weren’t that famous then. You were a regular person like me and that’s how I remembered you until I was reminded that it was … you.”

  Huffing, I stand waving off her obvious attempts. “Whatever.”


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