New Title 1

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New Title 1 Page 30

by Loren, Jennifer

I jump up with a mouthful of food and spit out nothing but indiscernible words that make her laugh. Swallowing and laughing myself, “hi beautiful, how are you feeling?”

  “Fine,” she answered roughly.

  “You’re not fine, you will be though. Right now you need to rest.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Especially now that I know you are going to be okay.”


  “She’s perfectly fine. She is at home with everyone we know and the boys too. All waiting for you to come home.”

  “Can I go home today?”

  “No,” I laughed at her.

  “Sean, I think it will be …”

  “Don’t you say it will be fine, the answer is no. Besides your nurse will have my head if I even consider it.”

  “She’s scary huh?” She asked as I nod with a frightened look that makes her laugh again. “Sean?” She says looking up into my eyes. “Will you hold me?” She asked scooting over in her bed.

  “You’re going to get me in so much trouble.”

  “You know you want to.” She teased.

  “I will as long as you stop talking and rest and eat some when you can.” She nods and I move in carefully beside her, sighing happily, as she curls up into my arms.

  “Oh hell no! You get out of that bed and mind your own business.” Pamela comes in yelling and pointing her angry finger all over the room. Ava pouts and gives Pamela a harsh stare of her own. “Oh, so she is the real stubborn one. Well I am going to tell you what I told him, there are rules here and then there are my rules, and those are the only rules that matter. Do as I say and we will all get along and live happy lives. You can do all that nasty stuff once you are out of my hospital.” Pamela pushes Ava’s food to her, insisting until Ava agrees, giving us her angry finger one last time before leaving.

  “Umm Sean,” Ava asked, staring at her ring on her hand. “Did we get … engaged and I don’t remember?”

  “Not exactly, I mean yes, but that’s not how I planned to do it, it was in-the-moment type of thing.” I said shaking my head, hoping that she will understand. “I do have a plan to do it better, so ignore it for now, if you will.”

  “Do you want it back?”

  “No it’s yours, unless you want to give it back?” I said smirking at her sparkling eyes.

  Turning her hand in the light and smiling enormously at the large brilliance on her finger. “No, I think I’ll hold onto it, I don’t want you to think I don’t want it or anything.”

  “You like it?” She bites her bottom lip, nodding with a shy happiness. “I knew you would. Okay, now eat so you can get out of here and I can propose to you properly,” I said brushing my lips gently against hers. I know I should calm down but it is nearly impossible to keep myself from crawling back into the bed with her again.

  Chapter 34: Ava

  After being released from the hospital, I find out Sean has moved us all into his mother’s house until we can find another place. He is afraid the white fortress memories will be too much for me to handle, but I think the memories are too much for him but I am not going to complain. As far as the other participants in the nightmare interview, they are dealing with their own ordeals. The cameraman is still recovering but is suing the reporter and his studio for forcing him into the situation. Ethan found somebody in the police station to accidently lose the video of my interview. Cole confessed to helping Spencer get bailed out and to helping him get to me. He said he thought Spencer was going to apologize and try to make amends, never imagining he was crazy enough to do what he did. However, the judge was not sympathetic to his pleas and convicted him of assisting Spencer in his crimes. A minor roll but he still got more than enough time to please Sean and that is good enough for me. The media ate up Sean’s hero status, which the police have repeated continuously in interviews but because he still blames himself for not seeing it coming, Sean has refused any interviews to discuss it.

  I am suppose to take it easy for a few weeks but I understood that to mean, do whatever you want until you can’t, that is until Sean caught me running and playing with the boys. Thankfully, he corrected me on my misunderstanding right away. When the doctor finally gave me the okay to return to life as usual, I made him put it in writing because I know Sean will not believe me and as expected his suspicious eyes do not disappoint. “Here,” I said pulling out my doctor’s note for him.

  “What’s this?” He asked taking it from my hand and gazing over my posture with distrust. “What did you do, steal this from his desk and write it yourself?”

  “No smartass. I let him feel me up and look at me naked. Then he was more than happy to do whatever I asked.”

  “Funny,” he said with a soured expression.

  “I think so,” I said happily.

  “So I guess this means we can get a little closer and …” Sean takes hold of me and trails his mouth up my neck.

  “Sean I can’t do this in your mother’s house, it’s too uncomfortable.”

  “I promise you, it won’t be the first time I have had sex in my mother’s house.”

  “Is that supposed to encourage me?” I huffed pushing him away.

  “So what I am supposed to do, wait until we have our own place?”

  “Yes, how much longer can that take anyway?”

  “Hmmm, actually I do have a place I wanted to show you when you felt ready. I’m not sure if it’s the right place but ....”

  Eagerly jumping into his arms, “where? Can I see it now, or tomorrow? When can we move in?”

  “Whoa, hold up. Tonight no, tomorrow maybe, I will make a call and then let you know. Let’s look at it first, then we will go from there … okay?” Sighing I reluctantly agree. “Baby, it’s only one day, surely you can wait one day.”


  I wait the one day at work, trying to not think about it but only managing to drive Kyle and Anna crazy until Sean calls. He rambles on about how he cannot be there because of an important party for charity. For that reason, Ethan is going to take me on his way back from a meeting of his and we will meet up with Sean and Abbey at the party, after I see the house. I do not remember Sean telling me anything about a party but when I arrive home, I find a beautiful jade green dress waiting for me with a note:

  Wear this dress tonight for me and I will be sure to find you.

  I love you – Sean

  The dress is sleek and simple as it falls down my body, showing every curve under it. Deciding to keep it simple, I let the dress be the focus and add the jade combs to my hair that Sean had gotten for me in Ireland.

  Ethan arrives right on time as always, and like a perfect gentleman he takes my hand and leads me to his car. The ride to the house though is strangely uncomfortable. Ethan is unusually quiet even for him, luckily, my mind is so filled with anticipation that I can barely concentrate on anything else. We drive into the quiet area of trees and I edge to my seat as a house appears delicately lit up on its edges and the setting sun begins to highlight the grounds surrounding it. Within an instant, I feel at home. Ethan pulls to the front, helps me out of the car, and escorts me through the unlocked door. “The door is unlocked? Is someone here?” Ethan smiles without another word and guides me in until we see candles and hear music. I turn to him in shock and he hands me a key. “What’s this?”

  “You look beautiful Ava, I can’t wait to call you my sister,” he said taking my hand and pressing his lips respectively against the back of my hand before exiting.

  Stunned and confused, I turn my attention to the music outside and follow the sensuous vocals until I come to a trail of rose petals leading out the backdoor. The backyard is lit up with more candles, while gentle sounds of a pouring waterfall flow into a nature driven organic pool of more floating candles and petals. Butterflies begin flying through my body as I take notice of someone coming over the arched wooden bridge. The darken shadow approaches and stops short under the light, leaning against the bridge with one perfect ro
se in his hand and a devilish smile fighting to take form. I am not sure if I should run to him or wait. My body is so overwhelmed with emotions that I am speechless. I watch him in his perfect debonair tux, one hand in his pocket and the other grasping the rose’s stem gently while he focuses his attention entirely on me. Perfect, I think as a tingly sensation begins to work its magic through my body.

  “You’re late,” he said.

  “Am I?”

  “Yes, you were supposed to be here weeks ago.”

  “Something came up.”

  “Sorry to hear that. I hope it worked out alright.”

  “It did. Luckily I was rescued by an incredibly handsome man,” I said watching him move leisurely towards me, licking his lips as he scans my body.

  “You didn’t fall in love with this hero did you? I would hate to think I missed my opportunity.”

  “Well I am sorry to tell you but I am deeply in love with him.” He reaches for me as his eyes and hands touch me so appreciatively, I have to tell myself to breathe.

  “And who is this man?” He whispered against my lips.

  “I think you know already,” I said to his reemerging smile.

  “I might have an idea or at least I hope it’s me, after all I did buy you a house.”

  “You bought this house?” I said suddenly wide-eyed.

  He nods, “do you like it?”

  “You know me well enough to know that I do.” He smiles playing with the strands of my hair against my face, his fingers caressing my cheek as he does so. I feel for the stem in his hand and take hold.

  “No, you can’t have this yet,” he said lifting my chin with one finger. You have to answer a question first. After all I don’t have a ring to offer you since you wouldn’t give it back.”

  “I can give it back … for a moment, if you like?”

  “Not necessary. I got it handled if you let me.” His eyes staring so deep into mine that the best I can do is, a barely motioning nod. “I’m going to do this right Ava.” I bite my lip, fighting my watery eyes as he drops to one knee and takes my hand, nudging me with a tender touch on my palm. My heart speeds while an invisible cloud holds my body up. Oh please breathe, you can’t pass out now. “Ava, you have changed my life in ways I could have never imagined. In ways that I didn’t even know possible. I was in love with you from the first day I met you, I just didn’t know it. You are the smartest, most beautiful, sexiest, athletic, sports fanatic I have ever met.” I laugh, making him smile. “I love every minute of my life with you and I’m miserable every minute without you. You gave me the most beautiful child in the world and I hope that you will give me more. It would be cliché to say that I am lost without you and I am found with you, so I will just say Tá mo chroí istigh ionat … My Heart is Within You and only you Ava.” Concentrating deep on my tear filled eyes. “Ava Kelley … will you marry me?” How does he expect me to respond when I can’t even breathe? My mind continues to race as I look into his waiting eyes, smiling an uninhibited smile.

  “Yes. Yes, I will marry you,” I managed to choke out.

  He stands up handing me the rose and tenderly taking my lips within his. “I love you, Ava.”

  Smiling up into his green eyes, I can feel myself floating into a happiness I never thought possible for me.

  It is all a dream come true, at least, it is my dream come true.

  Preview of Reckless

  With our honeymoon barely behind us, we are off to LA for some events Sean is required to attend. The most important to him a dinner meeting that he is reluctant to tell me everything about.

  “Are you okay? Should I even be going with you to this meeting?” I asked him, trying to bring him out of his trance.

  “I have to tell you something. This is a project with a lot of potential, it’s with an old friend that I haven’t seen for some time.” Sean takes my hand. “I didn’t want to take this one at first but after I talked to Joel and reviewed the script, it is incredible. It is a great opportunity for me and we will be filming near Atlanta, so I can be home every night,” he said with a nervous smile.

  “Why do I feel like you are trying to talk me into something?” I asked warily.

  “I’m not trying to talk you into anything. I am trying to explain why I want this project to work out, why I am so excited about it. It is an unbelievable script Ava and the character is perfect for me. Joel wrote the script about his Uncle, a daredevil of sorts who lived life to its fullest but damaging himself and many others along the way. His father is backing it but only if I play the lead and I will only do it, if you agree. So, it is important that you come with me. There is more to tell you but I want you to hear about the project first, so you can hear it with an open mind before I tell you the rest.”

  “Stop, if it’s what you want to do, then I will support you.” I receive a weak smile from him but he is still not at ease. We arrive at the restaurant before anyone else and still in our honeymoon frame of mind. I barely have time to enjoy the peacefulness before a woman comes from out of nowhere screaming Sean’s name and jerking him from me like he belongs to her. Another man wanders in casually behind her, seemingly unconcerned for her odd approach. Sean introduces them as Joel and Rebecca Castor but I learn quickly that they are actually his ex-best friend and his ex-girlfriend, whom he almost married. Sean apparently was not expecting her and fidgets awkwardly throughout dinner while I sit watching them discuss the details of the screenplay. She, however, ignores the conversations, flipping her hair and giggling at everything he says or does and touching him every chance that becomes available. Whenever I attempt to speak, her cold eyes silence me. Making no attempt to be my friend, she does everything possible to achieve Sean’s attention, above and below the table. With a confident smile, I kick her leg away from his, making sure my heel forces her foot down to the ground, drawing my line deep into her skin. With my position clear, the she-devil wickedly smiles her way across the line and demands to play opposite Sean as his lover in the new movie.

  I spent the rest of that night unsure how to respond. I sat in silence, suspiciously learning everything I can about the two people that are going to invade our peaceful life. The movie is as my husband said, a wonderful opportunity and I had no intention of denying him that opportunity but if I had known that night, what I know now. If I had only known that an ex-girlfriend’s advances towards my husband are nothing, compared to the evil that awaits us during the making of - “Reckless”.




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