Prairie Storm (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #4)

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Prairie Storm (Cowboys of The Flint Hills #4) Page 5

by Tessa Layne

  “I need to set instruments this afternoon. Can you help?”

  Hell, yes.

  He turned back to his students. “Remember our conversation earlier about income streams?” He nodded over to Coop. “A small side benefit from living in tornado alley.”

  “What are you doing?” Ashleigh, one of his more outgoing students asked Coop.

  She grinned at the young undergrad. “I’m studying the atmosphere before and during severe weather to enhance our prediction of tornadoes.”

  “So you chase tornadoes?” Brad, another student, asked excitedly.

  Coop’s eyes narrowed. “No. We intercept them for scientific purposes.”

  Exclamations of admiration rippled through the group. But Coop shook her head. “Not that exciting, really. Mostly, it’s hurry up and wait.” She leveled a severe look at each of the interns. “And don’t even think about getting in a car and trying to find a tornado. You can injure yourself and others. We’re trained in evasive and emergency tactics. Y’all want to live to see twenty-five.”

  Brad looked crestfallen.


  Hearing Coop speak so strongly against chasing surprised Axel. How many times had he and Coop chased storms when they were these kids’ age? He’d learned from Coop only this week she’d nearly gotten expelled when one of her professors discovered her chasing activities. Recreational chasing was frowned upon in the meteorological community.

  Axel, nodded his head in agreement. “What Coop said. I don’t want to learn that any of you have gone off half-cocked and chased a storm.” He made sure he made eye contact with each student, pausing extra long when he met Brad’s eyes. “I don’t want to have to call any parents or professors because you got yourself killed on my watch. Clear?”

  They all nodded. Brad, reluctantly. He’d have to keep an eye on that one. Last thing he needed was one of the students to turn up injured, or worse.

  “All right, class dismissed. Your assignment for the rest of the day is to shadow one of the operations. Either on the Sinclaire ranch or ours. And remember to ask lots of questions.”

  His students departed, leaving him alone with Coop.

  She cocked her head, studying him. “You’re good with them, you know.”

  “Who? Them?” Axel waved back to where the students had been standing a moment earlier.

  She nodded. “Yeah. You look… excited when you talk to them.”

  Axel shrugged, working to keep a silly grin off his face. Her words set a little fire burning in his belly. “I want them to learn everything I wish someone had told me when I was their age.”

  She laughed quietly. “Funny, isn’t it, that we’re old enough to have a little perspective now?”

  Axel stopped and turned to her. “Do you wish you’d done anything differently? What would you tell your twenty-one year old self?”

  Immediately, her face shuttered.


  He’d pushed too hard again. Gotten too personal. Things were fine between them so long as he kept things light. But he didn’t want to keep things light. He wanted to get inside her head. Ask her all the questions he should have asked years ago, but didn’t.

  “Well?” He wasn’t going to let this go.

  She opened her mouth to speak, and then snapped it shut, mouth firming into a hard line.

  “I know one thing I’d’ve done different,” he offered, voice softening. “I’d’ve turned every building upside down between here and Norman when you bolted. And I wouldn’t have stopped until I found you and reminded you how good we were together.”

  Her face twisted and she shook her head. “Axel, don’t… please.”

  “I mean it.” He reached for her hand, curling his palm around her tiny, slender fingers. “I’ve regretted it every day that I didn’t go right after you. I…” he took a deep breath. “I thought maybe you just needed to blow off steam and you’d be back.”

  “I have a job to do, Axe,” she whispered, staring at their hands.

  Disappointment flooded him. Surely there must be a crack in her defenses? Someplace? He gave her hand a squeeze before dropping it. “Okay, boss. Tell me what we need to do.” He just needed more time with her. Free from distractions.

  “I’ve got five locations where I need to set up instruments for readings. The weather’s changing tomorrow and we’re expecting storms to spring up. I don’t know if we’ll get a supercell, but I want to be ready, and we need to take readings regardless.”

  He trudged up the hill behind her, enjoying the way her ass swayed as she hiked, and then getting lost in a lovely vision of her slipping off those khakis and baring herself to him.

  “Axe?” Coop’s voice held a note of exasperation. “Did you hear anything I just said?”


  He flashed her his most charming smile.

  She let out a laugh somewhere between amusement and frustration. “You were checking out my ass, weren’t you?”

  He held out his hands in supplication. “Sorry not sorry.”

  “Oh for pity’s sake.” She turned in a huff and stomped to the vehicle, bending in and giving him another unobstructed view of her gorgeous backside. She whirled and scowled at him, thrusting out a map.

  “You’re as beautiful as ever, Coop. Can’t help myself.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re on the job, in case you didn’t remember.”

  Oh he remembered, all right. And so did his frustrated cock. “What’s with the map?” he asked, taking it from her and opening it.

  “So I need to go here, here, and here,” she pointed to three red dots west, north, and northeast of Prairie. Judging from the scale of the map, the points were twenty, maybe thirty miles apart.

  A breeze ruffled her hair, sending a whiff of her perfume his direction. He inhaled slowly, letting her essence fill his head and straightening as her scent registered with a tightening of his balls. He bit back a groan. “Okay, but they’re all along roads outside of town.”

  “Exactly. I can take care of those in a few hours this afternoon. But it’s these,” she pointed to two other points that seemed to be smack dab in the middle of the Hansen and Sinclaire properties. “That I need help with. There aren’t any roads. And the terrain is too much for the T-REX. Can we take your truck?”

  “You want to take my truck?” A brilliant idea formed in his mind. It could be done, but in reality, horses would be better. For all sorts of reasons.

  She nodded once. “Possible?”

  He stepped back and folded his arms. “Nope.”

  “What do you mean, nope?”

  “I mean, nope.”

  “Oh, come on, Axe. Y’all take trucks out all the time.”

  “Not to the middle of the property.” Not if they could avoid it, at least. And it was so much nicer on horseback… and slower. “We’ll have to take the horses.”

  She pinned him with a look full of suspicion and pursed her lips. “Axe… I recognize that look.”

  Axel’s belly flopped. It killed him how the smallest move she made sent heat skittering across his skin. “What look?”

  She crossed her arms. “No funny business. I need to get these probes set before noon tomorrow.”

  “No problem. Why don’t you drop me off at the ranch, and I’ll get the horses ready while you take your stuff down the road.”

  She nodded and motioned for him to take the passenger side. “Don’t touch any equipment.”

  He sat down and buckled in, amazed again at how much equipment was crammed in the vehicle. He pointed to one of the screens as she wheeled the vehicle around and headed down Sinclaire’s road. “What’s this do?”

  Coop glanced over. “That’s my doppler screen. The small satellite on top of the car takes the readings, and I can see it on that screen. I can see a tornado forming practically in real time.”

  “What’s this, then?” He pointed to another screen.

  “That shows wind shear measurements.” She glanced back at him,
a puzzled expression on her face. “Why so curious all of a sudden?”

  A stab of regret knifed through him. In the years they’d been together he’d barely asked a dozen questions about what she was studying. They’d mostly seen each other on weekends, and like most college kids, they’d filled it up with dancing, beer, and sexy times when they’d managed to sneak off alone. Sure, he knew she studied weather, and sometimes, if they were lying in the grass, he remembered her naming off the kinds of clouds for him, but their conversations had never been… deep.

  He shifted in his seat to take her in more fully. She held herself with confidence and an easy grace. She was utterly at home in this vehicle packed with instruments and screens. Regret shifted to admiration. “I don’t think you ever told me why you ended up in this line of work.”

  She looked at him sharply. Suspiciously. “Why do you want to know?”

  “Because maybe I want to get to know you better, Coop.” He blew out an exasperated breath. Her defenses were as high as ever. Maybe today he could make some headway. Make her see that he could be as serious about her work as she was.

  “Oh.” A pink spot bloomed across her face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be…” She shook her head and shrugged.

  He reached over and caressed her arm with the back of his finger, bracing himself when the shot of awareness zinged through him. “It’s okay.” He took a deep breath. “Look, we can do this, right? Be friendly?”

  God, he wanted so much more than friendly, but friendly was a start. Friendly might get them past the chasm of unspoken words and feelings that seemed to gulf between them.

  Pulling the car to a stop, she bit her lip and slid her eyes over him, heating his skin. God, she could bring him to his knees with a look. His heart thudded a little too hard in his chest as he waited for her to speak.

  Coop nodded, a little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. “Yeah. We can.”


  It was nearly suppertime when Haley parked the T-REX next to the Hansen stable. It had taken the better part of the afternoon to set the equipment on her own, and she regretted not asking Axel to come with her. But she’d hired him as a driver, not a personal assistant. And being in close proximity to him did a number on her concentration, short circuiting her brain cells. All she could think about was how electricity zinged through her when he touched her. Or how much she’d liked kissing him at the Trading Post. But that couldn’t happen again.

  He looked too good in his denims, and probably even better out of them. Her body hummed at the thought of feeling that scruff scrape against her most sensitive parts. Nope. Kissing Axel was definitely off limits. And a sure path straight to heartbreak.

  “C’mon, Coop. Pull yourself together.”

  She popped the hatchback and hopped out to grab the equipment. The team back at headquarters had thought of everything. The telescoping sensors were packed neatly into heavy cases color coded for easy detection. It still amazed her how much equipment they’d crammed into the back. They would be hard pressed to finish tonight, but they could head back out early tomorrow and drop the other sensor. So long as everything was in place by noon, she should be good to go.

  She lugged the boxes through the opening in the barn door and stopped, letting her eyes adjust to the dim interior. Maybe ten feet in front of her, Axel stood, head bent, talking to one of the horses. Her heart clutched at the sight. She’d always admired the ease at which he’d handled himself around the great beasts. He might be loud and funny with friends, but with the animals he turned into a gentle giant. Not to mention when he lifted the saddle over the horse’s back, she could freely salivate over the way his muscles bulged as he moved. Tingles shot down her body, and her nipples hardened uncomfortably. How many times had they snuck up to the loft for a little afternoon loving? She’d lost count. And now, his body was so much harder. Stronger. Surer.

  “Like the view?” He asked before he turned.


  So. Busted.

  “I was just bringing the equipment,” she answered brightly. “Where shall I put these?”

  He gave her a knowing grin, as if to say fine, play it that way if you want, and cocked his chin toward the tack room. “In there for now, I’ve got the other equipment laid out.”

  “What do you mean, other equipment?”

  His eyes twinkled with humor. “You didn’t honestly think we were going to ride out until way after dark, and do it all again at the ass-crack of dawn, did you?”

  “Yes?” Although when he put it that way, the idea did seem a bit ridiculous.

  He laughed. A warm, rich sound that flowed over her and warmed her belly. God, she loved his laugh. It melted her insides. Every. Single. Time.

  “You’re talking about covering an area of fifteen square miles. We’re camping tonight.”

  Her body thrilled at the idea but her head entered full-blown panic mode. Be alone with him? At night? Under the stars? They couldn’t do that. How would she hold out? “I- I need my own tent then.”

  Axel smirked and turned back to check the cinch on the horse. “No can do.”

  “Why not?” She hated the way her voice turned all breathy. Like she was actually looking forward to being alone with him.

  “We’re already taking three horses. You want me to pack a covered wagon?” He patted the horse then approached, stopping so close she had to tilt her head to maintain eye contact.

  Her pulse hammered in her ears. Axel’s eyes glinted with humor and triumph, as if he knew exactly what his proximity was doing to her insides. She made the mistake of taking a deep centering breath, and the scent of him, mixed with hay and horse, made her head spin. He tilted his head, moving a fraction closer. Tingles raced down her spine, and she leaned forward, body humming in anticipation.

  “What are you afraid of, Coop?” His voice slid over her seductively.



  Losing myself.

  She swallowed hard. Fine. If he was going to tease her like this, two could play that game. He’d forgotten who he was challenging. She raised an eyebrow and smiled slow, giving an internal fist raise of triumph when she heard his quick intake of breath. “Nothing, big guy. Nothing at all.”

  Axel cleared his throat and stepped back. “Best go change your clothes then. I’ll have the horses ready when you get back.”

  Haley turned and hurried out of the barn, letting out a sigh of relief and frustration. She’d come so close to kissing him just then. She’d have to keep her distance tonight, or she’d give in to the desire roaring through her.

  Coming back to Prairie wasn’t supposed to wake her up like this. She’d moved on. He’d moved on. Right? She was only here for two months. They couldn’t do this, even if the attraction between them was palpable.

  She let herself into the bunkhouse, quickly changed into a pair of jeans, and grabbed her toothbrush and birth control pills. She hadn’t had sex in way too long, but she never wanted to risk missing a dose. She’d always insisted on secondary protection with her partners, but you could never be too careful, and a baby was definitely not in her plans. A flash of melancholy burst in Haley’s chest. One of the many reasons she’d decided to walk away, years ago. Axel had always wanted children. And she… wasn’t so sure. She seemed to have been born without the nurturing instinct. She didn’t even have a goldfish.

  Stuffing her toiletries, portable batteries and chargers for her equipment, and a lightweight jacket into a small sack, she headed back for the barn.

  True to his word, Axel had two horses saddled and tied to the fencing outside the barn and was leading the packhorse out as she reached him. He’d even moved the T-REX back to where the trucks sat.

  He stopped, watching her approach. And even though his eyes were obscured by aviators, she felt his gaze rake over her as she moved. Her pulse kicked into high gear. She’d always enjoyed watching Axe work, but when he stopped and stared at her like that… her mouth went dry from the h
eat that flashed through her.

  “Got room for this?” She held out the small pack. He took it from her, then froze.

  “What the hell is that on your feet?” he growled.

  “Umm, shoes?”

  “You expect to ride in those? Are you nuts, woman? Where are your boots?”

  Heat raced up the back of her neck as she looked down at her lightweight cross trainers. She hadn’t been on a horse since she’d left Prairie. Her heart constricted painfully. “Horseback riding isn’t part of my job description,” she snapped.

  “Now don’t go gettin’ your panties twisted,” Axel snapped back. “I’m just looking out for you.”

  She fisted her hands at her hips. “I still don’t see why we can’t take your truck.”

  Axel’s jaw set. “Do you want to risk getting stuck in the mud? Or getting high centered and not being able to set your equipment?”

  As quickly as he’d riled her up, she deflated. “No. Look, this is all I have.”

  Axel turned, muttering something under his breath about getting her boots. Then he looked back over his shoulder. “Well? What are you waiting for? Saddle up, sweetheart.”

  She stayed rooted to the ground, suddenly unsure of herself. She’d never been the best rider, had only learned when she started dating Axel. He’d only ever picked gentle horses for her, but she looked at the new animal in front of her with unease. It was so… big.

  Why hadn’t she thought to bring her one pair of cowboy boots?

  Because they stood forgotten in the far recesses of her closet. She never wore them. Not anymore. But she’d never been able to get rid of them either. She’d never been able to bring herself to get rid of anything special Axe had given her.

  Axel sighed heavily behind her, only adding to her mortification. His voice grew soft. “You need help?”

  She shut her eyes and swallowed before nodding once. And then he was beside her, big and strong, and – oh man, did he smell good.

  “You remember how to do this?” His voice was smooth and rough all at once, and a delicious shiver ran down her spine. Suddenly her tongue wouldn’t move. He’d shifted behind her, his body pressing against hers. “Put your left hand here.” He moved her left hand to the pommel. His strong, calloused hand encased hers, ensuring it wouldn’t slip. His other hand came to rest on her hip.


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