Tempting Temptation [Mackenzie Dominants 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Tempting Temptation [Mackenzie Dominants 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 10

by Mimi Tulane

  “Hmmm, as a matter of fact, I do.”

  * * * *

  Ebony pulled him, walking backward toward his bedroom. The smile that he’d so warmly given her just moments ago was now fading into a look of utter hunger. She reveled in the feeling of knowing he wanted her as much as she wanted him and didn’t deny his hunger or hers. When he woke her up earlier, his tongue drilling into her pussy, he had uttered how good she made him feel and that he’d never deny her his body if that’s what she desired. Well she was putting that to the test. He had delighted in her, worshiped her body, and gave her so much heated pleasure she wanted to return the favor.

  “I’m still hungry, Rasheed. I think you might be my meal of choice.” She stopped at the bed’s edge, then exchanged places, pushing him down lightly. He fell back onto the bed with a chuckle and watched her as she slowly unbuttoned the shirt he’d given her earlier. She left it on then slowly crawled over him, her breasts grazing his chest, the soft fabric of his T-shirt causing her nipples to harden. “You promised me whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Did you mean really mean that?” she asked him while lightly rubbing her fingers over his chest, finding the flat disk of his nipple and rubbing the spot until it peaked.

  “Peaches, I never say things I don’t mean. If you want me, girl, c’mon and take me.” She smiled. His invitation to have her own wicked way was just the prompting she needed. She leaned in to kiss his lips. He parted them so quickly and returned her kiss with such ferocity she wondered if it had been wise to tease the bear! He pushed the shirt off of her shoulders, but took the tails of it to secure her in place, restraining her with the shirt so that she would stay there with him. She loved kissing him and the light way he shared with her what he liked without pressing her to go further.

  She worked her way from his lips down to his neck and collarbone, kissing, nipping, and licking the flesh. His hips were grinding into her, his cock hard through the sweats. She was so wet already, aching to have him fill her, but first she needed a taste. He released her from his makeshift bonds, and she shrugged the shirt off before reaching for his. He rose to a seated position and the play of those powerful abs caused a new river to flow between her thighs. She pulled his shirt over his head, and was treated to his bare chest. Viewing Rasheed nude as he made her breakfast had been the true treat! He was a very decent cook, but the meal paled in comparison to the man that was preparing it. She had found it a difficult choice, to bite her omelets or his ass, but he’d gotten dressed before she could impulsively act on her thought.

  She nibbled his collarbone, then his shoulders, and he wrapped those large hands of his around her waist, pressing them close. He tipped her chin back and stared into her eyes.

  “Ebony, I don’t want this to end. I don’t want this to just become a means to get one off. I want you in my life.”

  She smiled then spoke, “I feel the same. Let’s take our time, get to know each other and our bodies. I want you, Rasheed Mackenzie, and not just in my bed.” Well her plans to suck his cock never materialized because he barrel rolled them over until he was above her. She reached for the edge of his sweats and pushed them down. His large cock sprang out, jutting above the waistband and her pussy demanded that she get a turn. He yanked the pants the rest of the way down, then settled between her legs. She spread herself wide and waited breathlessly for him to enter her. He smiled a dangerous smile and she eyed him suspiciously. “You’re keeping me waiting, why?”

  He chuckled. “You didn’t ask me to please you.” Oh damn, now her pussy was aching anew and her breast felt heavy. Her body trembled. That tone, his voice, his gaze, it was creating such molten desire nearly to the point of agony.

  “Please me, Cub. Take me.” He shook his head no. “Wait, I thought you wanted me to ask you. Oh ok. Will you please, Sir, take me?” Maybe he needed her to ask in a submissive manner? He shook his head no again and now Ebony was growing frantic. It didn’t help that he had slipped his fingers between them and was rubbing his cock against her pussy, teasing them both to distraction. “Okay, Cub I’m not sure what you want me to say!” She arched when he dipped the wide crest of his head inside her opening just a tad, swirled it around, then removed it. He did that a few times more and her body was a quivering pool of gelatin.

  “It’s not what I want you to say, it’s what I want you to do. I asked you earlier to take…me.” He grinned slowly and leaned down to capture her mouth once more. She got it then. He was letting her take the lead to finish what she initiated. He was going to let her decide how she wanted their play to unfold. Ebony thought that was just too many damn choices! She reached between them and took his cock in her hands, to stroke it from tip to base. The wet tip she circled with her thumb and he moaned into her mouth. As their tongues continued to dance, she knew how she wanted to take him or better still how she hoped he wanted to take her. Suddenly the two became mutual and non-exclusive. Him taking her or her taking him meant the same damn thing in her lexicon!

  “I want you to fuck me from behind. To grab my ass and plunge your dick deep inside of me.” She squirmed her way from beneath him then turned around to present her target. “This is how I want to take you.” He nodded and grabbed a hold of her hips, leaning over her to nip at her shoulder. She leaned forward, her face planted on his sheets as he spread her ass cheeks apart, to expose the plump folds of her wet pussy. She moaned when he placed the head of cock there but he didn’t penetrate her, he remained poised at the brink.

  She got the message without him uttering a word. She backed into him, slowly allowing the muscles of her cunt to suck him inside, flexing and clamping down upon his hard shaft, engulfing his cock. She continued to take him inside of her and once he had finally breached her fully she pulled herself away agonizingly slow, torturing them both.

  “Peaches, damn, girl, quit playing with me now!” he demanded, but that didn’t mean she’d obey. She kept right on with her slow retreat and when she reached the head of his cock she started her descent once more. The fire she stoked within her was all consuming. Her thighs trembled with each retreat and return. She was slowly fucking her man…dare she say that to herself? Her man…

  She had to admit his control amazed her. Despite his growling to her to stop with her teasing he made no moves to change the pace. He kept his hands planted on her hips and it thrilled her to end! Never had she felt this in control of her own sexual fulfillment. She decided to increase the pace, having tortured them both enough. She needed to feel him deeply and strongly. She backed into him, her ass making contact with his thighs. His hand tightened as she moved, the bed now shaking from the urgent pace she set. He moaned again and she turned to look over her shoulder. His eyes were closed tightly and the raw look of sexual heat that was on his face nearly undid her. She rose slightly and her change in position snapped his eyes open. He reached around her for her breast and now she was practically sitting on his thighs, her ass resting on his powerful legs. He moved his hips and thrust upward and damn if he didn’t find her spot.

  “Rasheed, you feel so good, baby…” she crooned softly, panting now from the pleasure they shared. Her ass rose and fell and his hips met her each time. She wrapped her arm around his neck and he buried his face inside the crook she made, placing soft kisses upon her own neck. She rode his cock, moving with him, building upon the heat they created, the pace no longer hurried but in perfect sync. He plucked her nipples and she shivered and moaned, moving her hips. Her orgasm was sweet and radiated all over her, she felt as if every pore on her body was experiencing its own climax. Pitching forward, she placed her face upon the cool sheets and Rasheed began to fuck her in earnest, his own climax fast approaching. The kick and throb of his cock inside of her told her he was there.

  “Come for me, baby. Let me feel you break loose.” He obliged her, roaring out as his release overtook him. His thrusts were choppy as he came and she closed her eyes, smiling. She made him lose control. Her, Ebony, had brought the sexy dominant Rasheed to hi
s knees with her body. She would never look at herself again with self-loathing or deprecation. This man found her beautiful and she was. However she found herself in this moment of bliss and decided that she liked the skin she was in. Rasheed spooned them to their side and just held onto her. She settled inside his embrace before whispering, “Rasheed, there is no place I’d rather be, either, but here in your arms.”

  * * * *

  After another round of hot playing in the bedroom, Rasheed finally took his lady out for a spin on his bike. But his thoughts were angering him. He didn’t want to act the jealous new boyfriend that was threatened by the old but damn if he wasn’t feeling possessive. Ebony was his and he had no time for silly games so why was this joker on the prowl? No doubt he had gotten wind of the successful night she had at U City Books. He had brought in the Sunday paper with her bag and in it was an article detailing the event. Maybe that’s what prompted the sudden look up. He was only guessing but either way he didn’t like the shit at all. That’s why he was spoiling to go downtown and meet this son of bitch himself.

  The thing was, he didn’t want Ebony to know that it rattled him that her ex had called her up. He was a lot more secure in himself normally but where she was concerned he discovered he ran a full gamut of emotions. Yet he told her he trusted her to handle her own business without his interference. How would it look if he did that behind her back like she wasn’t capable of meeting the man and not end up back with him? That was the crux of the matter. He had just found her. He didn’t want to lose her and especially not to a sorry son of a bitch that had nearly ruined the sweet woman he was falling for.

  Then again Ebony herself had said in no uncertain terms she wasn’t interested in shit the joker had to say, even called him a bad penny that turned up. Rasheed admitted to himself why he really wanted to see the chump and that was to berate him for breaking his woman’s heart. Maybe even knock his block off—that’s what he wanted to do! But in the end he let his level head win out, that, and the fact that Ebony wasn’t blind.

  When they got to the park by the fountain and parked, she pursed her lips at him.

  “Mr. Mackenzie, are you going to tell me what is going on with you or am I going to have to take a stab at this and guess?” He felt silly. She didn’t wait for him to tell her she told his ass. “You want to go see Tremaine, don’t you? Rasheed! Baby, he’s not worth the time it takes to piss, let alone your anger. I know you want to defend my honor and it thrills me to know you care about me that much, but, Cub, let it go…because I have. He was a part of my past, one I had to heal up and move on from. You think there weren’t times when I wanted to hunt him up and blast him, rub my success in his face? Baby what would that say about me if I had? No, we’re better than that. I can tell you with my full heart I don’t give a damn about what that man wants! The man I care about, the one I’m falling in love with, is with me now, looking like he wants to take a bite out of somebody’s ass!”

  He started to laugh, then it hit him dead in the center of his gut, knocking the wind from him. “Wait, did you just say you’re falling in love with me?” She smiled at him shyly and looked down. He cupped her chin and gazed into her eyes. “Ebony? Are you sure? Because I am so with that, right now. I feel myself taking that same leap, baby, and I just want to be sure we’re on the same page.” His heart was in his throat and he was having a hard time trying to swallow it down.

  She reached up and cupped his head and their lips met in the middle—of his lean in and hers. They kissed slowly, unhurried, the dawning of a new love embracing them. It was a young burgeoning love, but it was their love. The happily ever after had yet to be written, but they were writing the opening lines together and for now that was good enough.


  “With this ring, I thee wed…”

  Ebony stood among the other bridesmaids at the altar, holding back her tears of joy as her sister took her vows with the man she loved. As the couple stood pledging their troth, she peered across from her. Standing up with the other groomsmen stood the man that she loved, Rasheed Mackenzie. They hadn’t reached the point that Mac and Imani had or even Jocelyn and Ahmad but were finding their way none the less. Speaking of Jocelyn, that woman threatened to fly with Ahmad to Hawaii and elope. She could only guess Jocelyn was trying to avoid the pomp and circumstances of another huge wedding but Ebony thought the woman could just save her breath.

  The Fates, Jocelyn’s mother, Mac’s mother, and Rasheed’s mother, were already in cahoots and had even reached out to include she and Imani’s own mother for good measure—especially in light of she and Rasheed’s newly cemented relationship. Another Stuart woman had landed a Mackenzie male. The families were buzzing from the news.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may…ah well, ladies and gentlemen may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Mackenzie!” Mac hadn’t waited for the reverend to give him the go ahead before he claimed his new bride in a sizzling kiss.

  Ebony laughed with the rest and stole another loving gaze at Rasheed. The procession from the alter amid the well wishes, hand claps, and cheers were for her sister and her new husband but as she and Rasheed met up and walked side by side in the processional, she thought that it wouldn’t be so bad if there was yet another Mackenzie wedding in the future.

  His look of acknowledgement only confirmed that they were, indeed, still on the same page.




  Mimi Tulane is a dreamer of dreams and loves to write. Born in St. Louis, Missouri where she spent most of her life, she now resides and works in Phoenix, Arizona. She is a former member of the United States Army and has traveled most of the U.S. and lived three years in Germany. Mimi is a wife and mother of three and self-proclaimed Grand-Diva of one. She loves to spend time with her family which now includes a terrier mix named Nefertiti. She enjoys cooking, role-playing, bartending, DIY projects, and music. If it includes, food, cocktails, and fun times you can count on her being there.

  For all titles by Mimi Tulane, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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