Poison Candy - Book 2: Behind Closed Doors Series

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Poison Candy - Book 2: Behind Closed Doors Series Page 16

by H. H. Fowler

  Did she have a motive? Karissa had suggested that maybe Dallis was seeing Jorge behind Asia’s back and that she wanted Jorge all to herself. It was plausible, but highly unlikely. Dallis simply didn’t fit the profile. Richard mentally went down his list of leads from the first day he was called to the scene of Jorge Bentley’s murder. The first person he’d interviewed was Asia Beaufort, who emphatically claimed that her father, Bishop Gregory Beaufort was directly responsible for Jorge’s death. They interviewed Gregory, but didn’t find sufficient evidence to arrest him.

  Then there was the Anwar theory. Jorge had supposedly scribbled Anwar’s name in the dirt before he succumbed to his injuries. Through tracking down and interviewing Anwar’s parents, Richard discovered that Anwar and Jorge were best friends. But Anwar was nowhere to be found. That led Richard to believe that Anwar had maybe killed his friend and was on the run from the police. That theory almost blew up in smoke when Anwar’s parents filed a missing person report. That followed with an anonymous email that claimed that a secret organization were responsible for the taking the lives of not only Jorge Bentley, but also of Chazz Brunswick. Very confusing to say the least.

  ‘Who killed Jorge Bentley?’ was the big mystery surrounding this investigation. Was it the bishop? The daughter? Or some secret organization? Richard believed the murderer could be the person behind the anonymous email, which he was convinced was not Dallis Beaufort. He didn’t care how much she cried and sniveled in that investigation room. He didn’t believe she’d had anything to do with this. Now, maybe there was a possibility she knew who had done it and was trying to take the blame. And that person could only be someone who Dallis really cared about. Richard scratched his head in frustration. Was there a connection somewhere that they were missing?

  “Looks as if this is going to be another long night,” Karissa said, bringing her steps next to Richard. She handed him a cup of coffee. “If she would stop crying for a minute, maybe we could get something out of her.”

  “She’s not the one who sent that anonymous email,” Richard said in response.

  “How can you be so sure? I’ve learned a long time ago that a murderer doesn’t have a certain type of appearance. As innocent as that little face appears, behind it could be a coldblooded killer.”

  Richard turned to Karissa with a tight smile. “I thought you were sticking to your theory about a secret conspiracy going on ‘behind closed doors’, as you’ve so aptly put it.”

  “I am.” Karissa touched the glass, pointing at Dallis. “Maybe she’s a part of it.”

  Richard shook his head disapprovingly.

  “What, Richard? You just never know where this investigation will lead.” Karissa took a sip of her coffee, assessing Dallis as the warm liquid went through her body. “It looks as if Miss Beaufort is holding up a bit. You ready to resume the interview?”

  “In a few minutes. I’m thinking things through.”

  “Well, when we do resume, I think we should threaten to call her father. Maybe then she would spill her guts before she spits out that she wants a lawyer. There has to be a reason why she doesn’t want her father to know that she has been arrested for murder.”


  Evening rolled around and found Dana watching the six o’clock news on the local channel. Though she still had a considerable amount of soreness, her gunshot wound was healing fine. She could sit up in bed for longer periods of time and could get out the bed more easily and go to the bathroom on her own. Her only pet peeve was not being able to recall two months of her memory. She wanted to know what happened between her and Chazz that day at the art gallery. Had he tried contacting her before? What was his purpose for being at the art gallery in the first place?

  She had so many questions, but everyone was tiptoeing around her, as if she would disintegrate into thin air if they told her anything. She even wanted to know more about Jorge’s murder and how the investigation was progressing, for both of the men, actually. Part of Dana felt terribly saddened over the loss of Chazz Brunswick. A young man who’d turned her world upside down. She tried not to think about how she’d allowed him to entice her into cheating on her husband, because she was presently trying to reconnect with Gregory. But every now and again since she’d come home from the hospital, she couldn’t shake Chazz from her thoughts. As immoral as it had been, he had been an excellent lover.

  “After almost a month, local police have finally been able to make an arrest in the murder of Jorge Bentley…no name has been released as yet, but police are confident that they have arrested the right person.”

  Dana called Gregory’s office extension and told him to come to her room immediately. She then upped the volume at that point.

  “…if you have been following this story, you will remember that the island of Bliss Haven had recorded two murders in two days. Jorge Bentley, as mentioned and Chazz Brunswick, who, along with the wife of a prominent bishop, was shot multiple times on the premises of her business. Fortunately, the bishop’s wife is said to be doing well and is in recovery.”

  Dana struggled to remember that day, but she kept drawing a blank. Why in the world was Chazz at my place? I hadn’t seen him for nearly three years. What did he want? At the moment, she saw Gregory open her bedroom door and stick his head in. She patted the spot next to her as an indication for her husband to join her in watching the news. The anchorman was about to get into the meat of the story.

  “Police received an email with a written confession. The suspect, who was arrested at a web shop just outside of Crystal Bay this afternoon, is said to have basically turned themselves in. No resistance. No drama. The suspect has confessed to only killing Mr. Bentley. So, who killed Chazz Brunswick and nearly took the life of a bishop’s wife? That is the question that is baffling the Bliss Haven police. So far, they aren’t able to make a connection between the two incidences.”

  “Talk about sensationalism,” Dana commented.

  She didn’t see the horrified look that twisted Gregory’s face into a scowl. He recovered just in time to respond to his wife with an unrecognizable grunt. He wondered who in hell could have confessed to Jorge’s murder. Though he had suspected that his men had killed Jorge in cold blood, Gregory seriously doubted that it was they who’d turned themselves in. As a matter of fact, Gregory didn’t think it was any of the organization’s members. A move like that only happened in extreme cases. As in when a fully functioning member was forced to give up their freedom for the survival of the organization. Gregory had been in the organization for twenty years and had recalled that only happening once.

  Viola hadn’t sent out a distress signal, so Gregory assumed this latest tidbit in the news had nothing to do with the organization. This was someone else, possibly with no affiliation to the House of gods. Nevertheless, his nerves would not settle until he found out for sure.

  “Where are you going?” Dana asked him, pressing gently on Gregory’s thigh. “I was hoping you would keep me company tonight.”

  Gregory stared down at his wife’s hand. She hadn’t touched him that intimately in a long time and of course, he was to blame. However, he couldn’t focus on how warm his wife’s hand felt on his thigh and not know who it was who’d confessed to Jorge’s murder. It was complete torture. But when he moved his gaze to Dana’s eyes, he saw a level of raw desire dancing in her pupils. Certainly, Dana didn’t expect to do anything sexual, considering she was still recovering. Moreover, he wasn’t sure he was ready to toss their tumultuous past behind him. There were still a lot of things that needed to be sorted out in their relationship and sex would only complicate the process.

  Dana slowly ran her index finger beneath Gregory’s t-shirt. She paused on the strip of hair, which led to his lower parts. “Should I take your silence as a sign that you’re willing to give this marriage a second shot?”

  Gregory took hold of his wife’s hand and brought it to his lips. He remembered the heartfelt prayer she’d prayed the other night, asking the
Lord to restore the trust in their relationship. But for many reasons, he simply could not let his guard down. “Your body is in no condition to have that kind of workout,” he told her. “I would rather you focus on getting better than to have you shipped back into hospital because I couldn’t control myself.”

  “You’re letting me down easy.” Dana tried not to show her disappointment. After all, it had only been a few days since she had experienced a complete one eighty in her husband’s surly behavior. “Sex is not the only way that we can be intimate. If it is not too much, all I’m asking is that you lay next to me for the rest of the night. I miss you, Gregory and I am not ashamed to say that now.”

  Gregory swallowed the guilt that was trying to choke the life out of him. How could he commit himself to his wife with so much uncertainty hanging above them? There was no telling when Dana would get her memory back. Those things that Chazz had revealed to her about him and about the secret organization would be too much for Dana to forgive. She would probably die of repulsion. He had hurt her enough and was trying hard not to add to it.

  Dana beseeched her husband. “Stay with me. I can see that you want to, but for some reason you are hesitating. Am I moving too fast?”

  Gregory kissed Dana’s fingers and then let them slip from his hand. “No, it’s not that. I just had some business to attend to.” He paused when he saw the wilt in his wife’s expression. Although she had lost a few pounds while in the hospital, her overall appearance was still radiant. He was particularly fond of her distinct Caucasian features, which had been one of the many reasons that initially drew him to her. “But if you insist, I will spend the night with you.”

  Dana showed her husband a row of nicely-formed teeth. “Thank you. I know the change is not easy for you – for the both of us. But I have been praying for our breakthrough and I believe tonight is the beginning of the great future that lies ahead for us.”

  Oh man, what have I just gotten myself into? Gregory’s stomach was doing all sorts of twisting. His wife continued to talk about healing and restoration and the only thing he could think about was doom and destruction. He did not see any good coming out of this situation. There were just too many variables for him and Dana to have a happy ending. With his thoughts still heavily weighing on what had been reported in the news, Gregory adjusted his body in a way so that Dana could snuggle against his chest. It could be the last time their bodies made such intimate contact.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  6:53 p.m.

  As soon as Candi had gotten off from work, she drove to the Bliss Haven Adventure Park and paid for two passes for that evening for her and Izaiah. There was a kayak competition scheduled for seven thirty and if they left now, they could make it in time before the fanfare got underway. She had already changed into her swim wear. A skimpy two piece that left little to the imagination. But not wanting her father to catch her walking around so indecently, Candi covered her sexy assets with a knee-length dress. She planned on locking down Izaiah’s affection, and what better way to start than by putting him in water with a half-naked woman?

  Candi boldly walked toward the guesthouse, her last encounter with Asia still fresh in her mind. She was not afraid to confront her sister again, if she had to. Asia was only trying her hand at Izaiah now that Jorge was dead. Why hadn’t Asia realized that Izaiah was a great catch before all of this fiasco took place? Asia knew the moment Candi had come back from Cayman and had locked stares on Izaiah, she wanted him. It was no secret that Candi’s intention was to pursue the youth minister. It was the epitome of hypocrisy and Candi refused to let Asia get away with it. She knocked on the door and was pleased to see Izaiah had answered it.

  “You look delicious in that jeans and polo shirt, but you should change into your swim trunks,” she said with a mix of seduction. She then waved the two passes for the park in Izaiah’s face. “Kayak competition tonight is at seven thirty. I know we were scheduled to go this Saturday, but I do not want to miss out on something I know you will enjoy more.”

  Izaiah smirked. “Candi, what are you doing?”

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m inviting you along to the most fun you will ever have in your entire life.”

  “Are you sure you’re not trying to make your sister jealous?”

  “Why would she be jealous if she doesn’t have an interest in you?”

  “I don’t know what Asia feels, but I can tell you are doing this to spite her.”

  Candi didn’t appreciate Izaiah defending Asia, even though he was speaking truth. Her next set of words were delivered with a scowl. “Are you attracted to my sister?”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “It’s just a question, Izaiah, because maybe I am wasting my time putting my feelings out on a limb for you.” When Izaiah didn’t reply, Candi shook her head and scoffed at the answer she saw in his eyes. “You don’t have to admit that you are attracted to Asia. I can see it; she’s gotten to you, just as she’d gotten to Jorge and to every other boy who’s tried to date her. But you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. Asia is a tease. She doesn’t commit to anyone. I’m surprised she allowed Jorge to linger around for as long as he did.”

  “I don’t feel comfortable discussing Asia’s personal life behind her back,” Izaiah said.

  “I don’t see why. You two have already slept together. Do you think she would mind if you talked about her previous sex partners? She and Jorge were caught having sex in the toolshed!”

  “Okay, Candi, that’s enough. If you’re going to indulge in that kind of slack behavior, I don’t want any part of it.”

  Candi sneered. “Well, look at you, Mr. High and Mighty. Who died and made you God? You are only in Bliss Haven because my father hired you to come between Jorge and Asia. What a pity you fell for her in the process, because this is not going to end well for you. How much are you being paid?”

  Izaiah’s retort was held in check by a sound he’d heard on the pavement. It was Asia’s luggage being dropped in shock. She’d gone over to the main house to get some changes of clothing so that she could return to the guesthouse. She had agreed with Izaiah that she would stay there temporarily until she found a place of her own. Asia’s eyes were filling with water quickly, but Izaiah sensed that they were not tears of sadness, but of a boiling rage, waiting to explode. His heart felt as if it was slamming at the bottom of his feet. He knew one day that Gregory’s selfish plan would backfire, but he never expected it to come about through Asia’s jealous sister.

  “Is it true what Candi said?” Asia inquired of Izaiah. “Did my father hire you to break up my relationship with Jorge?”

  “Of course he did,” Candi spat sharply. “I had it out with Daddy this morning. He was simply too calm about this little arrangement between you and Izaiah. How would it look to the congregation if it got out that you are sleeping with the youth minister? You should know better than –”

  “Shut up, Candi!” Asia roared. “You did this because you couldn’t stand me spending time with Izaiah. You are just as much a hypocrite as he is!”

  Candi pointed to herself, incredulity controlling her expression. “I’m the hypocrite, Asia? I’m surprised you didn’t bite down on your tongue when you said that. You told me you were not interested in Izaiah, but here you are sleeping with him!”

  “I am not sleeping with Izaiah and you know it! Don’t make me out to be the revolting whore that you are! You are the one sleeping with any man who would drop his pants for you!”

  “You disrespectful goat! All that I did for you and this is how you speak to me?”

  Candi launched forward to strike Asia’s face, but Asia moved out of the way, causing Candi tumbled on the pavement. She pitched up as if she had accidentally sat on fire, careening into Asia. The two sisters fell onto the grass, rolling and pulling at each other’s hair. Izaiah couldn’t allow his shock to prevent him from intervening. The girls looked as if they would claw each other to death. He bo
lted out of his comatose state and tried to pull them apart, only getting his feet caught in the tussle. He tripped and fell alongside them in the grass.

  The girls’ screaming caught Miss Rose’s ears, as she was helping to bring some of Asia’s personal items to the guesthouse. Her stubby legs weren’t moving fast enough. When she finally set eyes on the scene, she panicked. Asia and Candi were attacking the youth minister. Miss Rose dropped everything to the ground, and then squeezed the sides of her head.

  “The devil is a liar!” she cried. “Get up, Asia! Yuh know better…Candi yuh settin’ no example! Get up off that young man for yuh kill him!”

  The girls gave no heed to Miss Rose’s words. Not knowing what else to do to, she spun her square bottom around and peeled down the walkway to the main house. Three minutes later, Gregory was running ahead of Miss Rose, who had been shaken from Dana’s side. By the time he arrived on the scene, the physical brawl had turned into a shouting match between the two sisters. Izaiah sat on the grass, nursing a burning scratch to his face.

  “What the devil is going on out here?” Gregory thundered. He pushed himself between the girls and held them at bay with his hands. “I could hear you two all the way from the veranda!”

  “I hate all of you for ruining my life!” Asia huffed.

  “Oh get over it, Asia,” Candi said. “You are just a spoiled little brat, wanting attention. If something doesn’t go your way, you’re upset with the whole world. It’s about time you got a reality check!”

  Asia launched at Candi, but Gregory pulled her back. “Stop it!” he ordered. “Calm down and tell me why you two are making such fools of yourselves.”


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