Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 1

by Isabelle Stewart


  The Calm Before the Storm

  Book 2 of the Battle Raven Series

  By: Isabelle Stewart

  Copyright © 2011 by Michelle Graham

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews.

  Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law


  I have written in my journal and field notes about many unbelievable artifacts and people. I would have to say this tops my list. Never in my life did I think I would be where I am today.

  I look at my son and know that there comes a time when a mother must let go even though he has grown into a fine man. He will have trials that will test him ahead in the upcoming mission and I would be a fool not to worry about it. The past few weeks have been an adventure traveling through a portal, of all things, to a distant land, meeting new friends, and fighting in a battle that should never have been. Even though I, the Lady Battle Raven, left behind family and friends along with almost losing my life. I have found as my grandmother would say, “that guy around the corner”, met new friends and I have a feeling that I will have the heart splitting choice of which life I want to live.

  Main Characters

  Descendants of Warrior Goddess Badb

  Lara Eve O’Broin: (Lar-a)

  Kedryn Ashton O’Broin: (Ked-ryn)

  Clan of the Danann:

  Aodhan Mahon MacCionaoith: (Ay-dahn)

  General Ruark Callahan :(Roo-ark)

  Eion McGrath:(I-en)

  Lawler Munsing: (Law-ler)

  Clan of the Milesian:

  Lord Liam Solo O’Cuinn: (Lee-am)

  General Kayne Lynch: (Kay-ne)

  Niall Han O’Connell: (Ni-all

  Bevin McKenna: (Bay-vin)

  Clan of the Firbolg:

  Lord Faolan O’Laighin: (Fow-lan)

  General Gavin Tynan: (Gav-in)

  Lady Paili Deirdre Cillion: (Pahl-ee)

  Cadmon Gallaghan: (Cad-mon

  Damon Cillion: (Day-mon)

  Cyri Gallaghan: (Sear-e)

  Kiara Layman: (Key-ara) The Seer


  A rumbling sounded in the kitchen. Kedryn grabbed his glass that started to topple over as the whole room started to shake. “Sounds like mom took a side trip.”

  He looked from Aodhan to Kiara and stood from his chair. Kedryn ran from the kitchen into the hall heading straight to the throne room guessing that she must have stopped there. Dust was falling from the ceiling and all of the flames in the hall were a bluish white. A stream of blinding blue light was flowing out of the throne room doors. Aodhan passed him and ran straight at the light and landed with a thud letting out a groan. Kiara helped him sit up.

  Desperate Kedryn stuck his hand out and it was able to enter the light.

  “I will be back.” he ran into the hall and looked to the thrones. His mother was standing in front of them looking at the arch.

  The runes were flowing together forming one word. Love. What they thought to be stone shimmered away and a room was revealed. The throne room stood still as the dust settled. Lara looked to Kedryn and the blue light slowly faded.

  “Up to your usual I see.” Kedryn said giving her a lop sided grin and looked back to Kiara who was supporting Aodhan as they walked in.

  She turned to them. “You have no idea.”

  Chapter 1

  As Niall heard the distinct ring of a sword he quickly turned in his bunk. The blade aimed for his heart slashed his arm and sank into his ribs as he turned looking into the face of his assailant

  “Damon.” Niall shuttered out and watched as Damon slumped to the ground surrounded by a dull reddish orange light and he disappeared. Niall felt a jolt and realized the one he felt earlier was not Aodhan.

  Kedryn felt Lawler push by him as he stood stunned with his bloody sword in his hands. His mind was still trying to register what had just happened and he jolted as a flash his him. He watched helplessly as he saw himself raise his sword and slash through the mans flesh. Kedryn jolted back and the claymore fell from his hands hitting the floor with a dull thud.

  Lawler’s shouts slowly brought him out of it and Kedryn watched sick to his stomach as Lawler removed the dagger from Niall’s side. Niall’s muffled scream jolted Kedryn from the daze and he finally understood Lawler was yelling at him.

  “Go get a healer Kedryn. NOW!”

  Kedryn raced out of the tent straight to the healer’s pavilion. He pushed through the front door flap not giving any thought to what the healers might be doing at this hour. He stepped into the first sleeping area and saw Kaylee lay on her pallet fast asleep. Kedryn shook her awake and Kaylee bolted up into a sitting position willing herself to wake and instinctively grabbed for her healers bag.

  “What is it?” she quickly pulled her hair back.

  “Niall’s been attacked. He needs a healer fast!”

  Kedryn held out a hand and helped her up. Without giving Kedryn a second thought Kaylee pulled on her robe, picked up her bag and rushed out. He followed closely behind and almost ran into her when she stopped before the soldiers tents confused as to where to go.

  “Take me to him.” she ordered and followed Kedryn to a tent.

  Pushing past him she ordered Lawler away from Niall’s bunk. Niall was bent over as he sat on his bunk. She helped him off with his shirt.

  “Lay on your side.” Kaylee said as she gently helped him roll over. The rags that Lawler had been holding against Niall’s side slid down onto the bunk in a bloody heap.

  She kneeled by the bunk to examine the wounds. “You removed the knife.”

  “It was impulse.” Lawler said as his face grew pink unsure if he had done the right thing.

  Kaylee opened her bag and pulled out fresh linen. “You removed it clean. Light all of the lamps and pull up the window flaps to let in some fresh air and light.”

  Lawler quickly stepped over to each lantern. Kedryn walked over and opened the window flaps and secured them. They both stood by and watched as she placed the linen on his side and put her hands over the gash.

  “I must do this myself. The wounds can not be healed by normal methods.” Kaylee said as she concentrated and placed one hand over the gash on his arm and the other on his side.

  A faint glow pulsated around Niall and grew until it was a steady bright bluish white. After a few anxious minutes the light faded away and Kaylee collapsed. Lawler quickly knelt by her side and picked her up in his arms. She turned her head into his chest.

  “The wound was deeper than I thought. Punctured his lungs.” Kaylee took in a deep breath. “Should have sent for Fand. Get General Ruark.” she barely got out before passing out.

  Kedryn watched Lawler gently lay her on his cot and walk over to the water barrel. He dipped a mug and cloth into the water. Lawler gently woke her and helped her take a drink. When she lay back down he gently placed the cloth on her forehead. Kaylee smiled up at him and closed her eyes.

  Kedryn took a quick peek at them and smiled. “I will find someone to get Fand.”

  “Get General Ruark and Eion too.” Lawler said

  Kedryn nodded as he glanced at Niall who was in a deep healers sleep and walked out.

  When Kedryn found General Ruark and he explained what had happened the general sent servants out to gather everyone for a meeting.

group gathered in General Ruark’s pavilion. Everyone was seated around a large oak table intently listening to Kedryn. He described what he had seen from turning in his bunk to running out and Kaylee healing Niall.

  “Niall was lucky that I had sensed Damon. We all were. After he went after Niall, who knows, he might have killed us all.”

  General Ruark was up and furiously pacing. “This is all Lord Faolan’s doing. Do you think Damon survived?” Ruark stopped pacing and turned to Kedryn.

  “I’m not sure. There is a lot of blood on the ground where he disappeared. I’m assuming they have healers too right?” Kedryn looked to the door flap as Fand entered.

  The memory of the gash flashed in his mind. He grimaced at the thought of the sight of blood and severed flesh. He was just in a bloody battle after all. Why would this affect him differently?

  “There are some wounds even healers can not mend.” Fand answered.

  “How is Niall? Has the messenger headed out? I do not think it would bode well for the negotiations if Lord Liam hears from anyone else.” Scanlon said as he drummed his fingers.

  “I personally saw that your messenger headed out with Lieutenant Derrick at his side. Lieutenant Kory is with Cadmon.” Eion said.

  “Kedryn just gave his account, which I’m sure you have heard when he fetched you. Did you find anything at the tent?”

  “Nothing that would be of help.” Fand sat down.

  “There is nothing more we can do on the matter. Let us eat. Where is the Lady Battle Raven?” General Ruark asked as he motioned for the servants to bring in breakfast.

  “She will be in shortly. I believe she was looking in on Kaylee.” Eion answered and turned to Kedryn who had his head in his hands.

  Aodhan placed a hand on Kedryn’s shoulder. “Are you alright?”

  “Just a small headache. Thanks.” Kedryn reached for a glass of water and turned to Eion. “It was the weirdest thing. I had a flash of what happened.”

  “Of the attack?” Eion reached up and scratched his head uncertain what to think about it.

  “I saw my sword cutting through his flesh. If it’s as bad as it looked. I would be surprised if he is still alive.” Kedryn put a cloth napkin in his water and pressed it against his head.

  Eion looked Kedryn over wondering what else he didn’t know.

  Chapter 2

  After recovering from the shock of Damon at her feet, Lady Paili kneeled by his side and carefully rolled him onto his stomach. He groaned as she quickly grabbed a dagger from her belt. She cut away his shirt and tossed it aside noticing it was completely blood soaked as it hit the floor. She could sense that the wound was deep cutting into his spine.

  Fortunately for Damon, Lady Paili was born a healer. Lord Faolan had chosen her particularly for that reason, among others. He did not know what he would have done if she had not won the tournament to become his consort. Faolan wanted a healer to test out new methods of torture and used her to heal the creature or person and he would start over. Recycling, as he called it.

  Paili looked him over and placed her hands on his wound. “You will not die on me brother. Stay with me Damon.”

  Damon opened his eyes a crack and whispered. “Cadmon is alive. A prisoner but alive. Tell Kiara.”

  “Hush now.” Paili said and placed him in a deep sleep.

  Blood pooled and soaked her skirt as she placed both of her hands over his back. The whole area started to glow a bright reddish orange and the wound began to heal from the inside. She was in a rage knowing that Lord Faolan must have had something to do with this. Paili concentrated and faded away her anger to be able to fully concentrate. She found her voice and started to scream.

  “Healers! I need the healers NOW!”

  It was only seconds but seemed like an eternity when one of the guards finally ran in her quarters. He rushed back out when he understood what she was screaming.

  Paili could feel her power start to fade and drain her completely. She would die if the healers did not arrive at her chambers soon. Outside

  her door she heard running of footsteps. Her head begun to feel like lead and her vision started to fade. Through a haze she glanced over as two healers shoved their way in past the guards she released her power.

  “Rainia, Aalia, please save my brother.” Paili barely whispered out as they ran over to his side.

  Aalia caught Paili before she toppled over. The other healer examined Damon as the reddish orange light faded. Rainia placed her hands over the wound and closed her eyes as she concentrated. The fading glow became brighter as she spoke a few whispered words over him. She called for the guards and asked them to bring a stretcher to move him to his chambers.

  Rainia scooted over to Aalia and helped her move Paili to a chair. She reached over and pulled the healers bag that was dropped by Damon. Pulling out a tiny vile Aalia poured Paili a glass of wine and mixed a draft into it.

  “Please, my Lady. Drink this.” Rainia said and watched as Paili sipped from the goblet she held for her.

  “Thank you. Will he live?” Paili asked as she leaned back heavily in the chair.

  “He will live and will sleep for some time.” Rainia said as she moved back to Damon’s side and placed a on his forehead.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you? Would you like help to your bed?” Aalia asked with a worried look on her face.

  “No. Thank you. Please see to my brother.” Paili said as she leaned her head on the cushioned back of the chair and drifted off into a troubled sleep.

  A loud thud was heard as the guards brought in a stretcher. Under close observation by the healers they placed Damon carefully onto it. Aalia and Rainia followed them out of the room and when Aalia made certain Damon was safe with Rainia she made her way to the throne room.

  Hours passed and Lady Paili jerked out of a deep sleep. Her whole body felt numb. She relaxed her tense muscles and sunk down further into the down mattress underneath her. Pulling the satin sheets tucked in around her tighter she let out a sigh. As her head cleared she realized that someone had moved her from the chair to the bed. A fire was lit and the chill in the air from earlier had disappeared.

  Hearing a creak she forced open her eyes and turned her head. Slowly Lord Faolan’s face came into focus. He was lounging in a cushioned chair facing her. Surprisingly Paili saw a look of concern on his face that he quickly hid when he saw that she was awake. He stood and walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead.

  “You had a number of people worried, my lady. The healers informed me you almost drained all your life force. I am pleased to see that you are recovered.”

  Lord Faolan straightened up, reached over to a side table and held out a goblet of water. He watched as she struggled to sit up to take a sip and moved to the edge of the bed. Faolan used one arm to steady her and held the goblet up helping her take a drink.

  “Thank you. Where is my brother?” she asked as she took another sip from the goblet. She nodded when she was done and watched as he set it back down.

  “He is in his quarters. The healer Aalia came to the throne room in quite a huff. You need to inform your healer to hold her tongue lest I take it from her. Only because she is dear to you is why she is still alive.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You were correct not to. I will have a talk with her. What of Damon?”

  “It will take time for him to be completely whole again. The healers must concentrate on the soldiers. Not Damon.” Faolan said as he stroked his beard and gave her an irritated look. “It is unknown whether or not he completed his mission. I believe my scouts will find out soon enough.”

  Paili’s eyes flashed and her returning rage gave her a burst of energy . She gave Lord Faolan the best slap she could manage and slumped back against her pillows. Her eyes turned a steel gray as she glared at him trying to keep them open.

  “Mission? It must not have been a raid. What did you do?” Paili tried to sit up and sighed when she couldn’t.

; “We will talk about it after you have regained all of your strength. All of that rage will only drain you.” Faolan pulled the covers to her chin.

  Knowing he was right she shifted and sunk into the silken fluffy pillows. Paili stretched out as she looked him over. Her mind was racing with concern for her brother, anger towards Faolan, and confusion when she saw that he actually cared. Faolan hid it well but she knew what she saw.

  Paili took in slow breaths to calm herself. “I do have a request with regards to the next raid.”

  “Request?” Faolan brushed her hair behind her ear.

  “The healers do not have the time or energy to completely tend to my brother. I have duties myself where I can not look in on him all hours.

  I only ask that a woman be brought back from the next raid in order to care for him fully.” She looked at his skeptical face.

  “Are you confident you can trust a woman that is captured to care for your bother?”

  “No. That is why a guard will be in the room at all times watching her every move. It is also my request that Kiara keep an eye on the woman to give the guards a rest.” Paili let out a sigh trying to keep herself from falling back asleep.

  “All I ask is that your new General send out an order to keep at least three women alive. I will choose one or all that are suitable. The ones that are not, you can do with them as you please.” she turned her head and her eyes fluttered shut.

  “As you wish, sleep. The healers informed me that it will take time for your energy to return. Do not use your power on Damon he will heal in time.”

  “Thank you.” Paili whispered and let herself fall asleep.

  Faolan bent over and kissed her forehead. He buried his face in her hair and inhaled. At that moment he realized how much he needed her. He would not admit to Paili that the possibility of the loss of her gave him a tremendous scare. He would not make that same mistake again.


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