Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 7

by Isabelle Stewart

  “I’m working on it. How well do you know the caves?” Kedryn asked as he leaned back in his chair folding his arms across his chest.

  “As a child I explored them and studied the maps that Lord Faolan’s scouts created. I know personally that there are caverns and passageways that they have not yet explored. Last I knew of no one but myself and the seer know about the tunnel opening down from her chambers.”

  “Could these caves be of use to us during the battle?” Aodhan asked.

  “Only for a small scouting party.” Cadmon said.

  “Where should we start? Where have the raids been happening? I really do not want a scouting party to delay us or maybe I do. Especially if Damon is involved.” Lawler said as he flipped a dagger around in his hands.

  “Let us try to avoid any delays. Is there a route you think best?” Eion asked.

  “There is a cave near the village of Fairmore. It is a crevice up in the mountain that a man would pass right by it if he did not know it was there. We will have to leave the horses.” Cadmon said as picked up a stick of black charcoal and marked the spot of entry.

  “The underground cavern runs down a few hundred paces and levels off into a stream. It rises back up to the side of the mountain. That is where I will make my exit.” He circled the spot where the exit was. “The rest of you will take the tunnel here.” Cadmon took the chalk and placed another line that led to the castle and near the seer’s chambers.

  “I still do not like the idea of you heading in there alone.” Kedryn said.

  “I must go in alone. I will find a way to distract Lord Faolan and dispatch of any guards.”

  Kedryn looked around at the group and at his mom who was passing a worry stone through her fingers.

  “When will we leave?” Niall asked.

  “You will leave tomorrow after your match. As warriors and honored guests you are expected, by the people, to participate or attend at least one of the games.” General Ruark said and shifted in his chair as he gave them all a stern look.

  Cadmon looked around the table irritated and stuck his knife into the map on the table and he turned to Kedryn. “We should leave right away, tonight even. Too much time has been wasted.”

  Kedryn stood and pulled the knife out of the table and handed it to Cadmon. “We may or may not come back from this. Let us have this one thing and I would like for you to join us. That way all of us will know we can work together. You, Niall, Lawler and I will all pick one game and just one more day is all we are asking.”

  “Deargionmaiocht. It is the only one that starts in the morning.” Cadmon said resigned and sat back down.

  “Let us eat and after head to the field. I will explain the rules of the game.” Aodhan said.

  Ruark stood and looked at the map. “Now that the matter is settled. Let us eat.”

  They stood and followed Ruark to the great hall. All of the women were seated waiting on the men as they talked. Kedryn took a seat by his mother.

  “Having fun yet?” Lara asked.

  “The game should be interesting.” he said and reached over and pulled a leg off of a turkey.

  “What kind of game is cut throat anyway?” Lara reached over to her goblet.

  “It sounds like it’s a mix of soccer, basketball and football.” Kedryn said giving his goblet of wine to her.

  Lara took a sip of wine. “Really?”

  “Just wait until you see.” Kedryn said and looked to Aodhan who gave him an impatient look. “I suppose I better hurry. We are meeting at the field after we eat.”

  “Don’t want to be late.” Lara said.

  “Never.” Kedryn said and wolfed down his meal.

  After the meal, Aodhan along with Scanlon led Kedryn’s group to an area at the side of the castle keep. Kedryn examined the tall brick walls with stone circles on each corner. He shook his head. It looked to him like the game that he only knew about from his studies of the ancient Mayan culture. Although he was sure that with this game the losers would live. Kedryn thought about his mother and how she must be reeling from seeing most of her lectures come to life. Kedryn looked to the grass, two dirt squares and to the sideways loops two times the size of a basketball hoop. The grass was still wet from the morning dew. Everyone stopped when they reached the middle of the grassy area.

  “This game is called Deargionmaiocht or as others refer to it as “cut throat”. I will go into the rules first. While they are fresh in your heads the rookies can practice first. My team will come back after you are finished to take our turn.”

  “Rookies huh. The only reason you refer to us as rookies is because your team is old.” Niall said and that made Lawler snort a laugh.

  “Older means more experienced. You have Cadmon on your side.” Aodhan said as he looked over the Firbolg standing in front of him.

  “Careful I am your age.” Cadmon said as he looked around at the playing field.

  “You will see how old we really are when we kick your arse. Now, let’s get on with this.” Scanlon said as he flipped a ball from hand to hand and to Aodhan.

  “First of all in the grass that we are standing on you may only pass the ball by foot, knee, shoulder, head and forearm. Touching and carrying the ball with hands is only allowed in the goal area by the blocker. As you can see there are patches of square dirt with the hoop on the side of the wall.”

  “ What about cushioning the ball with my foot?” Kedryn asked.

  “You can do that but only with your foot. If you are talented enough you can balance it on your knee.”

  Aodhan ran his fingers through his hair. He had never had to actually explain how to play the game before. He glanced at Kedryn who was listening intently.

  “The goal of the game is to pass the ball from team mate to team mate and make it through the loop without letting the ball hit the ground. The only time the ball can touch the ground is during the first toss. If the ball hits the ground the Keeper, who is in charge of the match, will decide which team touched it last. If it is unknown who touched the ball last there will be a face off between the team captains at the spot that the ball landed. Everyone with me so far?” Aodhan asked and looked around at everyone as they all nodded.

  “Good. After a team scores or after an attempt at a goal the game continues on with each team fighting for possession. This continues until the Keeper blows a horn. There are three parts to the game and each part lasts a quarter of an hour.”

  “How many points are there?” Kedryn asked as he looked at the sideways loops.

  “One point if the ball makes it through the loop while you are standing in the dirt area. It is two points if you make it through the loop from the grassy area. Which as you can see is more difficult. Anything else?” Aodhan asked looking at Kedryn as he put the ball he was holding onto the ground.

  “What is allowed to stop the other team?” Kedryn asked.

  “Good question. Players may not be tackled unless they have possession of the ball. Shoving, elbowing, tripping and other dirty little

  tactics are allowed against the opposite team. If you tackle a man without a ball it is given to the other team at that spot.” Aodhan looked around at everyone and walked over to the dirt patch.

  “How does the keeper tell the time of the quarters?” Kedryn asked.

  Aodhan set the ball on the ground crossing his arms. “He has a

  small sand hourglass around his neck that runs a quarter of an hour. Anything else?” Aodhan asked.

  “I don’t think so.” Kedryn looked around at the others.

  “This is what we will be using.” Aodhan said as he kicked the ball to Kedryn. “The footbag is made with a few layers of hard leather. It is packed with wood pellets and sand.”

  He motioned for Kedryn to throw the ball back to him. Kedryn picked up the ball and examined it. It was the size of a soccer ball and surprisingly lighter than he thought. Kedryn decided to wipe the smug look off of Aodhan’s face and show off a few of his soccer skills.

  Dropping the ball to his side Kedryn hit it with the outer side of his foot. The ball flew high enough in the air for him to turn and hit it with a knee. Kedryn stopped the ball from hitting the ground by catching and cushioning it with his foot. He swung his leg forward so that his foot flicked the ball back to Aodhan. That gained Kedryn a few whoops from his team. He felt the slap on his shoulder as Lawler appeared by his side.

  “We may not be as outmatched as you thought Aodhan. Does your realm have this game also?” Lawler asked through his laughter.

  “No. But we have a couple that are similar if you mix them together.” Kedryn said.

  Aodhan raised his eyebrow. “This could be interesting. There will be a feast during the noon meal. I would suggest that you stay for that. I will have servants pack food for your journey at that time.” Aodhan said.

  “Do you have a team name or captain? Not that it matters we are going to win.” Scanlon asked crossing his arms in front of him giving them a smug look.

  “My vote is for Kedryn and his symbol. How about team Phoenix?” Niall asked.

  “I am game if you are.” Lawler said turning to Kedryn and Cadmon.

  “Team Phoenix it is.” Cadmon said.

  “What’s yours?” Kedryn asked turning to Aodhan.

  “We are the Lions and General Ruark is our captain.” Aodhan said.

  Lawler picked up the ball and threw it through a hoop. He looked at his team mates. “I am thinking it is time we get in some practice. Lets win this.” Lawler seriously said. He looked from Niall to Kedryn and steadied his eyes on Cadmon.

  “No pressure.” Kedryn said and watched as Aodhan and Scanlon walked away. “Let’s get started. Wait, Aodhan.”

  Aodhan turned around. “Yes.”

  “Who all are we going up against?” Kedryn asked and saw a huge grin spread across Aodhan’s face.

  “Do you really want to know?” Aodhan asked

  “Yes.” Lawler, Niall, Kedryn and Cadmon said at the same time looking at Aodhan curiously.

  Aodhan laughed and said “Myself, Ruark, Devlyn and Scanlon.”

  “Oh grrrrreeeeattt.” Lawler said grimaced. “Guys, we better get started. This is their game.” he watched as Aodhan walked away with a strut.

  “Not for long.” Kedryn said as he grinned at Lawler and picked up the ball Scanlon had dropped. He neatly kicked the ball through the hoop.

  Chapter 15

  In Laois Lord Faolan needed someone to beat on and Damon was the target. He paused at the door knowing this would infuriate Lady Paili even more. He enhanced the sound in the room and listened as he made his decision.

  “Stop moving about Damon. You will injure what I have healed and it has only been a little over a week. I will retrieve your wine.”

  “Stop nagging.” Damon said but let her help him walk back to his bed.

  Rania walked over to the fireplace placing more logs into the fire. She took a seat by the fireplace and leaned her head back.

  “You need some rest, my lady. Please go.”

  “We are short of healers and help. Especially since almost all of them are with the soldiers. I truly wish Lord Faolan would take a break from the raids.”

  She let out a yawn and watched as he carefully propped himself up on his bed. The door slammed open and Rania jerked up in the chair. She stood as Lord Faolan strode in.

  “I am relieving you.” his eyes turned a fierce black.

  “Thank you my Lord.” Rania said giving a short bow and hurried out of the room. Instead of waiting outside the room or heading home she decided to run straight down the corridor to Faolan and Paili’s chambers where she knew Aalia was also. If he inflicted more wounds she knew help would be needed.

  Faolan strode over to where Damon was sitting and punched him hard in the jaw. Damon’s head jerked back as he fell back onto the bed. Faolan grabbed his arm and pushed him over on his stomach shoving his head down. He struck Damon’s back making him shout out in pain.

  Damon gritted his teeth against the pain. “My sister will hear of this.”

  “Your sister is of no use to me. She gave up her powers to save

  you. The monk is dead because of you and she is displeased with me because of you. I may have sworn not to kill you however that does not mean that I can not make you suffer!”

  Lord Faolan hit him again in the back and turned when the door opened. Tynan stood at the ready.

  Faolan gave him an irritated look. “What is it?”

  “You requested to address the troops. It has been some time since Firnir was sent.” General Tynan said as he looked over the situation thankful that his wife was nowhere to be seen.

  Releasing Damon, Lord Faolan strode by General Tynan and out the door. Damon turned to his side letting out a moan. The General gave him a quick look over and stepped into the corridor. He felt someone push by him and turned to see Aalia and Rainia rush to Damon’s side. Aalia turned giving him a distressed look and walked back over shutting the door in his face.

  Damon was trying to sit back up and Rania helped him sit up removing his blood stained shirt. He tipped forward and Aalia helped Rainia catch him just in time.

  “Back on your stomach.” Aalia said and helped him roll over. She groaned when the wound came into view. “That man has undid a week’s work!”

  “Apologies, my lady.” Damon said and closed his eyes as she put her hands over his back placing him into a healers sleep.

  Chapter 16

  In the morning Kedryn washed up and walked out to the courtyard to the Cut Throat area to examine it yet again. He was starting to get nervous but he loved a challenge. Kedryn jumped as he heard a voice behind him.

  “Nervous yet?” Aodhan asked

  “Bring it on, MacCionaoith.” Kedryn said as he grinned at him.

  Aodhan clasped him on the back. “Let’s go eat breakfast. We dine with your mother this morning.”

  Kedryn turned and followed him to his mom’s quarters. He found that the table in her sitting area was piled with all kinds of food. He inhaled the scent of the last of her good coffee in the air.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I thought we should have a small family breakfast before you head out this afternoon.” Lara said as she grinned at Kedryn who stepped over and gave her a huge hug.

  “Sounds great. This will give me something to hurry back for, family dinners. Let’s eat I’m starved.” Kedryn said and he took a seat and dug into the food he piled onto his plate.

  After they all finished eating Kedryn left to join his team and Aodhan led Lara to the seating area. She smiled at Lady Orla, Tara and Serina who were already seated for the event. Aodhan kissed her and quickly walked back down to prepare with his team for the match.

  Kedryn was nervous just looking across the field at Ruark’s team. They were an impressive sight. Cadmon, Lawler and Niall soon joined him.

  A short stocky man that looked like he could bowl over them all motioned for both teams to join him in the middle.

  “Keeper?” Kedryn asked.

  “Yes.” Niall said as both groups met in the middle.

  The Keeper looked at both teams and held the ball in the palm of his huge hand.

  “You all know the rules. Team Phoenix and Team Lion are you ready?”

  Both teams shook their heads yes. Without warning the Keeper tossed the footbag high into the air and it turned into chaos as each side ran for the ball.

  Aodhan and Kedryn ran and jumped at the same time crashing into each other. The ball fell beside Aodhan. He cushioned it with his foot passing it to Ruark. Ruark tossed it to Scanlon who kneed the ball past Niall. Aodhan nudged Niall aside as Kedryn ran as the ball fell in the air near Ruark and jumped into the air to kicking the ball down to Cadmon who was waiting by the squared off goal area.

  Devlyn was crouched waiting near the hoop as Cadman hit the ball with his knee in the air and passed it to Niall who head butted the ball to the hoop. It bounced off the inside edge of the ring. Devlyn picked up the
ball and threw it at Ruark who elbowed it straight up in the air looking for someone to hit it to. They all rushed at him as he jumped and punched the ball to Scanlon.

  Niall and Scanlon both sprinted for the ball. Scanlon skidded in the grass and kicked the ball to Aodhan tripping Niall as he went to kick it. Kedryn watched as the ball flew in a straight shot and launched himself in front of Aodhan. He used his forearm and smashed the ball to Cadmon just as the keeper blew his horn. Each team walked over to a bucket of water that was placed on each side of the area.

  “This game is killer.” said Kedryn as he grinned at his team mates. “I love it!”

  “I’m thinking we will leave with a few well earned bruises.” Cadmon said as he handed a ladle of water to Kedryn.

  “We need a plan to get Niall the ball.” Lawler said as he turned to look at their goal.

  “What’s the plan?” Niall asked.

  “How about we go with what we practiced. The screaming banshee.“ Kedryn said.

  “Let’s do this.” Lawler said as he grinned at them all.

  The Keeper blew his horn for the second quarter and the ball was put into play. Kedryn immediately sprinted to their goal. He chanced a glance behind him and saw Aodhan sprinting after him. Cadmon beat Ruark to the ball and passed a long perfectly aimed ball to Kedryn who hit it with his knee to Niall. Aodhan turned to head off Niall and Kedryn stuck his leg out tripping Aodhan. Aodhan landed with a thud on his back and swung his leg around tripping Kedryn down as he started to run.

  Niall Kedryn head butted the ball high in the air and shoved Scanlon out of the way knocking him into Ruark. As the ball fell Cadmon headed in a diagonal line toward goal and Aodhan used Kedryn as leverage pushing him down as he stood and ran to intercept him. Cadmon shoved through Aodhan and Scanlon as they all watched the ball fall. Kedryn leapt just in time to kick the ball to Niall who elbowed it through the loop.


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