Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 18

by Isabelle Stewart

  Chapter 32

  A pinpoint of light shown ahead and the little group quickened their pace to the mouth of the cave. They put out their torches as a rotted out door covered in vines and moss came into view. Cadmon moved it aside and took a look outside.

  “All clear.” he said an covered his eyes with his hand looking around. He walked to the edge and looked down. “Fairmore is less than a half days journey from here. Or sooner depending on our pace.”

  Kedryn looked down the mountain and around where they were standing. He could see three overgrown paths leading from where they stood. “Which one leads to the overlook?”

  Cadmon pointed to a path to their right. “It should not take you long to reach it. We will move down this path here. It is possible you may even reach us before we get to the Estate where you left your horses.”

  Looking to Damon. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes. Lets go.” Damon said as he gave Bevin a quick smile and headed down the path with Kedryn following.

  If a couple of hours was not a long time to Cadmon, Kedryn wondered what was. Damon almost slipped of the side when they reached the outcropping. Kedryn let out a low whistle. To their side was a large waterfall and his eyes followed it down to where the castle was carved into the mountain below. Sloping down the side of the mountain were soldiers tents as far as the eye could see.

  “I hope your troops are ready I heard that Faolan was planning on moving forward in around six to eight weeks. That was before Daigh met his end and I do not see why anything would change with Tynan in command.”

  Kedryn sat his pack down and pulled out a notebook and pencil.

  He sketched out the surrounding area and marked where the mountain sloped down into the valley beyond. He knew the formation used during the first battle was not going to work. They would be crazy to use it and march down a mountain.

  “I’ve seen enough. Lets catch up with the others.” Kedryn said as he put the paper and pencil away and shrugged on his frame pack.

  It was around noon when Kedryn and Damon caught up with the rest of the group at the Estate. Cadmon was saddling up a horse and drew his sword when he heard their footsteps. When he saw Kedryn and Damon he placed it back into its scabbard.

  “Where are the others?” Damon asked as he helped Cadmon with the buckles on the saddle.

  “They are checking the pantry while we waited for you two to catch up. How does it look?” Cadmon patted the horse.

  “Bad. I would say there will be three Firbolg to one of our soldiers. Or more” Kedryn said.

  Cadmon let out a curse and led the two horses he had just saddled to the house and tethered them up next to four others.

  “Those are not good odds. It is a good thing the Lady Battle Raven is on our side.” Damon stepped onto the porch.

  Kedryn knew his mother’s power would be of great help but all he could think about was the scar Liam gave her. She was just as vulnerable as the rest of them. He sighed and looked at all of the horses puzzled. “Where did the other two come from?”

  “Strays. Our horses were out roaming the estate and the other two were with them. You should have seen us all trying to round them up. Missed all of the fun.“ he let out a laugh “Since Bevin and Kiara are the two lightest they will share a horse.”

  “Right then.” Kedryn said and looked up as the group started to come out of the front doors of the manor house.

  “Good you are here. Now we can go.” Lawler said as he walked up to a horse and attached his pack to it.

  Lawler held out his hand for Kiara and she took it and glanced Kedryn’s way. With his help she mounted the horse and her shawl fell to the ground. Lawler swooped down and picked it up for her. He kissed her hand and Kedryn felt a flicker of jealously run through him. Kedryn walked up to his horse and attached his frame pack. He mounted and rose his horse up next to Kiara’s.

  “Do you know how to ride?” Kedryn looked her over.

  She looked at him amused. “Of course.”

  Bevin appeared at the side of Kiara’s horse with Damon and he helped her up sitting her behind Kiara.

  “This will be interesting.” Bevin said and Kiara let out a laugh. Niall walked up and patted the horse’s neck. “With the pace set extra weight with a man would wear on the horse. Since you both probably weigh together what one of us does it works.”

  Damon clapped him on the back. “That was the polite way to put it.” he walked over to his chosen horse and mounted.

  Cadmon moved his horse out to the front. “Are we ready? Who would like to lead the way?”

  Kedryn nudged his horse forward next to Lawler. “Lead the way Lawler. You led us here so it makes sense that you lead us back.”

  “Let’s go.” Lawler said as he looked at everyone who were patiently waiting for someone to give the word. He started his horse at a gallop and when he saw everyone was keeping up and the women really could handle the horse he quickened their pace.

  When night began to fall Lawler slowed his horse down to a walk. He felt his stomach growl and realized they had not had lunch. Kedryn moved up beside him. “We should look for a place to set up camp.”

  Moving the horses off of the trail they stopped.

  “Niall could you and Damon go and scout around for a campsite?” Kedryn asked

  “Of course. Give us just a few minutes.” Niall said and he jumped off of his horse. He handed the reigns to Kedryn and waved for Damon to follow.

  They walked off into the failing light of the sun and Kedryn look at the others. They were no worse for the wear after the hard ride. Bevin and Kiara had slid off of their horse and were stretching their legs out. The men dismounted and started to check the packs and straps of the saddles.

  A rustling of leaves made Kedryn turn and he saw two orange eyes blink at him and then disappear. Shortly after Niall and Damon appeared.

  “There is a very small waterfall and pond. It is a bit of a jaunt but the easiest path for the horses. There will be fresh water.”

  “Enough for fishing?” asked Kedryn.

  Damon shook his head. “No. It’s not that big.”

  “Bummer. Lead the way.” Kedryn said

  Each grabbed the reigns of their horse and followed Niall and Damon. The pond was the length of two men from all sides. The moonlight gave the splash of wildflowers and trees a silvery cast. A hill sloped down where a tiny waterfall flowed into a small stream lined by a dark green carpet of grass.

  “It is beautiful.” Bevin said and took Damon’s hand. She noticed Lawler glance their way but he did not say or do anything.

  Damon let go of her hand. “There are some dead trees a few paces away. I will gather some wood to start a fire.”

  Tying the reigns of his horse to a tree Lawler took the pack of food off of his horse. He pulled out the salted meat that Kiara had packed and handed it to her. “That was a brilliant idea my lady.”

  She gave him a small grin. “Thank you. We will all be eating well tonight.”

  Cadmon walked up to her “That will go well with the wine you and Bevin gathered.”

  “Oh the wine.” Bevin said and walked back to where the horses were tethered.

  As Bevin was pulling out the wine she heard a twig snap and immediately froze. As quietly as she could she pulled the bottle the rest of the way out of the pack. She listened and heard Kedryn’s horse stomp and quietly neigh. Bevin raised the bottle to her shoulder and quietly gathered up her skirt. She kept to the shadow of her horse knowing the person or thing that was moving her way had to pass by soon. As soon as she saw the shadow Bevin swung out the bottle and it connected.

  A loud crack and the breaking of the bottle sounded through the camp. Niall shouted and they all ran to where the sound was. Kedryn took up a torch and lit it to see Scanlon sprawled on the ground holding his head.

  Bevin screeched. “Scanlon! You could have made your presence known instead of sneaking into our camp!”

  Rubbing his head he looked up at her. �
��Bevin? Is it truly you? We thought you dead along with Dillon.”

  Bevin lowered her head at the thought of Dillon. “I was captured.”

  “Aodhan will want to hear of this miracle right away, everyone will. It is a good thing you did not put your full effort into that.” he looked to Kedryn who was holding out his arm and let Kedryn help him up.

  Kedryn gave Scanlon a lop sided grin and crossed his arms. “I thought you were the best scout around.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to be attacked by friends.” Scanlon rubbed his head and looked at his hand. “No blood.” he turned to Bevin who walked up to him and put her arm around his waist He looked down at her and gave her a hug. “I’ve never been bested by a woman before.”

  “Besides Serena. If you would have made your presence known instead of being sneaky I would not have wasted a perfect bottle of wine.” Bevin said and led him to where they were setting up the camp fire.

  Scanlon squatted down by the fire pit as Damon walked up to the fire. It took Scanlon a couple of seconds to realize who the man was before him. Before anyone could do or say anything Damon was on his back with a sword pointed at his chest. Kedryn kicked sword away and Scanlon glared at him.

  “Explain or I will consider you all traitors for having this Firbolg in your company.”

  “That would take more time than we can spare. For now, know he is an ally.” Kedryn said

  Scanlon narrowed his eyes at Kedryn as he sheathed his sword. “You can explain everything to all of us when we reach Tralee.”

  Lawler helped Damon pick up the scattered wood. “Tralee? I thought we were supposed to head to Quenith.”

  Scanlon turned to Kedryn. “Your mother was restless and Aodhan knew Carrick had some old scrolls she might want to look at. It seems she is onto another portal.”

  “Truly?” Kiara asked as she set the pork out to cook. “Another portal.”

  Scanlon walked up to Kiara. “You have grown into a fine woman, my Lady. Your father will be most pleased to see you.”

  She gave him a curtsey. “As will I him.” she felt a tear slip down

  her cheek as she thought of her brother and turned to Kedryn who walked up to her with her shawl in hand.

  “You seem to keep loosing this.” he said as he wrapped the shawl around her. He noticed the tear and placed his hand on her cheek wiping it away. “Your brother died with honor.”

  Kiara gave Kedryn a fierce hug and let go. She returned back to the fire where Bevin was looking over the pork and sat down beside her.

  Clapping Kedryn on the back Niall walked up to Scanlon and held out his arm. Scanlon clasped his arm. “Good to see you again. Liam will be happy to receive word that you are alive and well.” he looked around at the pond and the camp. “It seems Bevin’s bottle of wine didn’t muddle my head up too much. I told Eion and Aodhan that I would bring word of all of you. I shall take my leave and return now.”

  Bevin looked up from the fire. “You are not staying?”

  “No. Stop at Carrick’s estate that is where everyone but Orla is staying.” he looked to Kedryn “The sooner your mother hears you are on your way the better. The road is clear. I scouted around while you were setting up camp. Safe journey and I will see you on the morrow.” he looked to Bevin and winked. “I hope that was not your last bottle of wine.”

  They watched as Scanlon dawned his dark green cloak and disappeared into the night.

  Chapter 33

  The rutted road to Carrick’s estate appeared and Kedryn let out a relieved sigh. He felt a weight lift off of him as the house came into view. A grin spread across his face when he saw Lara running his way. He jumped off his horse and took the reigns.

  Lara ran straight into him almost knocking him over. Letting out a sob she pulled back taking Kedryn’s face in her hands. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you alive and well.”

  “It’s good to be alive and well. How have you been?” Kedryn said as he took the reigns to his horse in one hand and his mothers arm with the other.

  “Much better now that you are here.” Lara said hugging him again.

  “I heard a rumor that you might have found another portal?”

  She stopped as he tied the horse to a railing. “Yes. I believe so. I wanted to leave right away as soon as you got back. Aodhan talked me out of it.”

  “A little rest in between would be nice.” Kedryn said as he turned to see Eion stride up to Kiara and give her a fierce hug.

  Lara pulled him up the steps. “Shanna has prepared a feast to celebrate everyone’s return.”

  At that Kedryn placed a hand over his stomach as it growled. “Thank God. Right now she is my favorite person, besides you of course.” he put his arm around his mother’s shoulders and led her inside.

  Aodhan and Carrick stood by the fire place and walked up to them as soon as they entered. They clasped arms with Kedryn and Aodhan looked to the rest of the group that entered. When he saw Bevin he walked up to her and she hugged him.

  “I am saddened to hear about Dillon.” Aodhan whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you.” Bevin said.

  Kiara walked up to Carrick and he gave her a bear hug and released her. “You have grown.”

  “Has word been sent to my father?” Kiara asked.

  “The moment we heard. He will be overjoyed when he hears you are alive and is in Quenith.” Carrick said.

  “Whether or not he will stay put is the question.” Kiara said knowing that her father would head out as soon as he received the message.

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” Kiara said and gave him a slight curtsey.

  Aodhan crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at Kedryn. “Scanlon tells me you picked up a stray.”

  Kedryn looked to Damon and Bevin “How about we eat first and explanations after?”

  “I’ve been waiting most of the day to eat.” Aodhan said and walked into the kitchen to the dining area where Shanna was setting a platter of meat on the table.

  Annie was jumping up and down asking her mother to help when she saw Kedryn. She ran up to him and hugged his leg. “They were all soooo worried about you!”

  He leaned down. “No need to worry my lady. I came back in one piece.”

  Giving him a huge grin she bowed to him. “Thank you, my lord.”

  Kedryn let out a laugh and felt someone squeeze his shoulder. He turned to see Eion standing behind him.

  “I believe we are a bit in a jam.”

  Kedryn looked behind him and saw that he and Annie were blocking the doorway. “It seems you are.” he said and moved to sit down at the table.

  Shanna looked around as everyone talked and turned to Carrick. Carrick’s voice boomed out so everyone could hear. “If everyone is ready. Let’s eat.”

  The dining room immediately became quiet except for the sound of chairs scooting back and everyone sitting down.

  Carrick remained standing and Shanna walked around filling everyone’s glass with wine. Kedryn looked at his mother and she shrugged. She mouthed to him “It’s ok. When in Rome.”

  Making a face Kedryn gave her his wine and pulled the cup of water to him.

  After Shanna took her place by Carrick both of them sat down and she looked to Kedryn. “Would you like to give the blessing? Eion says that you have one that has been passed down through your family. It would be lovely to hear.”

  “Of course.” Kedryn said and got a little red around the ears with the spotlight on him. He bowed his head.

  “Heavenly father. Thank you for this food, bless it to the nourishment of our bodies. This we ask in Jesus name. A-men.”

  “A-men.” they all said and took a drink of wine. All except Kedryn who passed it up for water and gave his mother a lop sided grin.

  “I would like to hear more about the caves.” Lara said

  “If I told you I would finish my meal by tomorrow.” Kedryn took a bite.

  She nodded. “Eat up.”

  As they ate quite glares an
d curious glances shot in Damon’s direction. He kept his eyes down at the plate picking at his food.

  “Damon eat.” Shanna said

  He looked up startled. “Yes, my lady.”

  Shanna gave him a reassuring grin and stood up clearing the plates away. Lara stood to help but quickly sat as Shanna shook her finger to sit. Shanna and Annie removed the plates and started to prepare dessert. Another woman’s voice came from the kitchen and Orla appeared.

  Aodhan quickly stood and greeted her. “I thought you were not going to make it tonight.”

  “Your father would wish me surrounded by people I love.” Orla said and looked around the room. Her eyes stopped at Kedryn who nodded at her and smiled.

  Lara stood and walked over to Orla and hugged her. “It is good to see you here.”

  Orla squeezed her and turned to Aodhan who took her arm. “Have you eaten?“

  “Yes dear.” Orla’s eyes roamed the room and stopped on Bevin. She lost all sense of propriety and let out a small shout. Orla ran over to Bevin and embraced her. “My dear we thought you dead.”

  Tears ran down both of their faces. Bevin pulled away from her and Orla handed her a kerchief. “It it so good to be home.”

  Eion pulled out a chair in front of Orla. “You made it in time just for desert.” he said and sat down in the seat beside her.

  Bevin sat down and Aodhan took the seat next to his mother as Shanna and Annie served dessert. Lara looked at Annie when a cup of hot chocolate was set in front of her. “I’m surprised you have some left.”

  Annie giggled. “Silly. I told you I would save it.” she skipped away and sat down by her mother.

  “One of the reasons I came tonight was to ask when you are leaving to look for the portal.” Orla said as she looked at Lara.

  Putting his hand over his mothers Aodhan squeezed. “In two days time.” he turned to her “You should stay in the cottage here.”

  Shanna put down the bite she was about to put in her mouth. “You would be most welcome.”

  “Thank you. I would love the company.” Orla looked to Damon. “I heard from Scanlon that you were with the group. What are we going to do about you young man? It seems some things have changed.”


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