Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series)

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Celtic Mist: The Calm Before the Storm (Battle Raven Series) Page 21

by Isabelle Stewart

  She let out a loud “humph” and watched as Tynan carried his unconscious wife back to the table. Cyri walked over to the youngest of the two brothers she had chosen and held out a hand. He took it and looked to his parents walking to her side resigned to his fate. She brought the boy to the front of his table and turned him to look at his family.

  “My dear young Sheehan. I would not dare take the life of one who so graciously praised me.” she looked to the table and at the relief in his parent’s eyes. “You may choose the third from your family.

  The boy did not even pause and pointed to his brother. The brother let out a loud protest as he glared at his younger brother.

  “Guards.” she said and watched as the brother was taken to the third post. Cyri bent down to the boy and whispered. “Wise choice.”

  The young boy whispered back. “Father is ingesting the poison my brother gave him as we speak and I wish to spare my mother. She is no threat to my rise to power.”

  Letting out a joyously wicked laugh she kissed the boy on the cheek and led him back to the table and then walked over to her seat.

  Lord Faolan picked up her hand and kissed it. He turned to Tynan and looked down at Aalia who’s head was still resting on his shoulder. Releasing his grip on Cyri’s hand he turned and placed his hands along side Aalia’s head. Using the healing powers that Paili had given him he healed the deep scratches on her cheek and watched as she slowly woke.

  “Apologies General. I saw this coming but had to make an

  example of Cyri. Lady Paili would not have wished any harm to your wife. I will not let anything happen to your family.”

  Tynan bowed his head. “Her murder will be avenged, my Lord.”

  “I know.” Faolan turned to him. “You may retire with your wife general. She has had a trying night.”

  “Thank you, my lord.” Tynan said as he carefully stood Aalia up and helped her out of the room.

  Lord Faolan grinned to himself as Cyri gave him a smoldering look of defiance. He stood and held a hand out to her. “Please proceed, my lady.”

  She took his hand and stood giving him a side glance. Lord Faolan inwardly smiled at her uncertainty and gave her a nod.

  “Let us eat and be entertained.” Cyri said and gave the entertainment a menacing grin.

  Placing an arm around her waist Faolan glared as he looked to each table. “I would like to thank the lady Cyri for providing the entertainment.”

  As if on cue they all cheered. Although not as whole heartedly as last time. Lord Faolan sat down and the thrashing of the entertainment began.

  Chapter 35

  It had been a week since Aodhan left with Lara, Kedryn and Kiara on their little expedition. Lady Orla impatiently paced the room.

  “You should relax, my lady.” Shanna said as she gently led Orla to a plush chair by the fire.

  “Apologies. There is nothing I can do about this. You are kind to let me stay in the cottage. It is most lovely.”

  “Please my Lady. We are both mothers here. Although yours is grown I can only scarcely imagine what you are going through. Speak of these things or you may grow mad from them.”

  Lady Orla looked at the concern on Shanna’s face. “Thank you for not coddling me. A woman that will speak her mind and not just tell me things will work out for the best is much reassuring.”

  “Tell me. What is on your mind?” Shanna asked giving her a reassuring smile holding out a cup of tea.

  Letting out a bell of a laugh Orla sat up in her chair taking the cup. She let out a long sigh. “It seems I am afraid that if they do find this portal that I may lose my son to them.”

  “Them?” Shanna set down her cup.

  “Lara’s parents and family.” Orla gave her a worried look.

  Shanna took her hand and squeezed. “How so?”

  “I realize this is silly. What if he want’s to stay there. I do not know what Lara will decide. My heart leads me to believe she will want to stay in her realm with her family.”

  “She will do what’s best of course for Kedryn and Aodhan. Do not fret my lady. There are compromises and possibly when they return you can suggest going with them to meet her family. After all they will be your family too.”

  “Oh my, I have not looked at it that way. Thank you Shanna. With Blaine gone. God rest his soul, my heart has been set on Aodhan staying here.” Orla picked up her cup and took a sip.

  “Remember they have to come back. There is another battle.” Shanna frowned at the thought.

  “That is what I should be fretting over. Not something as trivial as where they will spend the rest of their life.” Orla set down her cup of tea.

  “I would not consider that trivial. Of course, you are correct the next and hopefully final battle is our main concern.”

  “Thank you for the talk you are a treasured friend. I believe I will rest my weary bones now.”

  “As you wish. I will send a servant when the evening meal is ready. Or do you wish to dine alone tonight?”

  “I believe company would be the best thing for me. I heard that Eion is going to spin a tale. That may cease my worries for a time.”

  Shanna stood. “I will take my leave. Have a lovely nap.”

  “Thank you.” Orla said as she stood and followed Shanna to the door.

  Chapter 36

  Kedryn looked up at the wall of red dirt next to the trail they were following. The recent rain fall had caused a mudslide down the hill into the lake below. He bent down and scooped up some wet mud.

  “Does this remind you of anything?” Kedryn asked as he squished the mud in his hands.

  Lara let out a laugh and looked around. “The path we followed by the stream near Springbrook.” she looked at the mud in his hands. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “But we could always jump in the lake down there after we are done.” Kedryn said as he gave her a crooked grin.

  “What is he talking about?” Aodhan asked.

  “Mud fight. We got into one back home and were covered from head to toe. Thankfully it was still raining and most of the mud washed off of us before we made it to the showers.”

  “I felt sorry for whoever was cleaning the showers that day.” Kedryn said as he laughed.

  “I’m sure they have seen worse.” Lara said as she looked to the lake. “Lets head down and set up for the night. You need to clean that hand anyway.”

  Kedryn pretended to throw the mud at Kiara and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Boys. Do not even think about it.” Kiara said

  Aodhan reached down and grabbed a handful of mud and flung it at Kedryn hitting him in the chest. It splattered onto Kiara’s face. She wiped the mud off with her hands and looked from one to another and felt a rush of air go by her from behind. Aodhan ended up with a splattering of mud on his leg. Kiara looked behind her at Lara who had a huge grin on her face.

  Lara walked up to Kiara and took her hand putting a lump of mud in it. “Join in. It’s good to have some fun every once in a while.”

  Kiara looked at her hand and gave Kedryn a devious grin. She started running at him scooping up more mud as she went and hurled the mud at him as he ran towards the lake.

  Aodhan walked up to Lara. “Truce?”

  She looked down at the mud in her hand and threw it down. “Truce. Besides. I think those two are having enough fun for the both of us.” she said looking on as Kedryn and Kiara flung mud at each other by the lake.

  Lara and Aodhan slowly walked to the lake. His arms circled her waist pulling her close as she leaned against him with her head on his shoulder. The closer they got ruins of an old stone house started to appear. A collapsed chimney and the base of the house stood were visible. The lake the sun was setting and reflected soft pale shades of yellows, reds and oranges across the water.

  “How far away from here do you suppose the ruins of Yule are?” Kiara asked as she wiped some mud off of her hands. “ I believe I should change.”

  “Or take a
dip in the lake.” Kedryn said as he picked her up and ran with her squealing in his arms as he dunked them both into the lake.

  Lara looked to Aodhan. “Now they both will have to change. How far are the ruins of Yule?”

  “About a half days journey is all. Are you sure you want to camp by the lake? There is no place to build a shelter.” Aodhan said as he flicked some mud off of his pants. “I believe we all should change.”

  Lara looked around and up at the night sky. It seemed oddly quiet to her but that may have been because of the lack of trees around the lake. “Grab some wood and lets start a fire in the old fireplace.” Lara stood still for a moment and concentrated. “There is no one around for miles we should be safe enough.”

  “We still need to keep watch. Just because there are no people around does not mean that the wildlife will stay away.”

  Kedryn and Kiara sloshed up to them and Kedryn looked back to the lake. He was laughing as Kiara slugged him in the arm. Her wet hair was strewn around her.

  “I lost my hair ribbon you lug.” she said trying to straighten out her hair.

  “I think it looks quite stunning.” Kedryn said as she stuck her tongue out at him.

  The suns light faded and the moon rose. Memories of his mom’s favorite camping site flooded Kedryn’s memories. He remembered how she told him that she would not go on or in the lake because at one time she saw a huge shadow in it and refused to. Kedryn tried and tried to convince her that it was probably a big log or a shadow from the trees but Lara wouldn’t budge. There had been no sightings and he told her it was just her imagination. She would always smile at him and shake her head and say I know it’s silly but I will only fish in that lake.

  “The lake seems safe enough. At least we weren’t gobbled up by the lake monster.” Kedryn laughed.

  Lara gave him a look. “Very funny. Lets all change and wash the mud out of these clothes.”

  “Lake monster?” Kiara asked glancing back at the lake concerned.

  “Just teasing. Ladies first” Kedryn said and gestured to the fireplace.

  Lara and Kiara picked up their packs and headed behind the chimney. Lara turned to Aodhan and Kedryn and circled her finger at them. They both turned and waited.

  After changing they all walked down to the lake and washed the mud out of their clothes the best they could.

  Kiara stood. “I will have to say the mud fight was fun.” she turned and grinned at Kedryn “However, the clean up I could do without.”

  Lara stood. “Now that we are clean lets hang the clothes by the fire and get some sleep.”

  “Sleep would be good. Kedryn, would you like to take first watch?” Aodhan asked.

  “Yes.” Kedryn replied and walked away looking for a good spot to keep watch.

  Hours after the others had fallen asleep Kedryn was fighting to stay awake and was just about to walk down to asked Aodhan to relieve him when a loud splash sounded and a spray of water covered all of the camp site. The fire hissed out and they jumped up. Kedryn came running down.

  Everyone backed up with weapons drawn and they saw in the moonlight a huge fish jump into the air and splash down.

  Lara looked behind them and picked up her frame pack. “I believe we should move camp away from the lake.”

  Another splash was heard and Kedryn ran to the edge of the lake. “Holy cow. Did you see the size of that thing?”

  “Get back here. They might think you are lunch.” Lara said and watched as Kedryn slowly backed away.

  Aodhan watched as two giant fish jumped in the moonlight and he laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Lara asked as she pulled at her damp shirt.

  “Salmon. They are giant salmon. I have heard the tales but never in my life have I seen one, even two, so large.”

  “Let’s go fishing then.” Kedryn said as he gave Aodhan a huge grin.

  “No. Lets move camp.” Kiara said.

  Kedryn let out a disappointed groan. “I’ve never caught anything that big.”

  Aodhan clapped him on the back. “Neither have I. Leave them alone. After all, if we catch one it could mean bad luck.”

  “How so?” Kedryn asked.

  Kiara picked up her bag. “Salmon are revered as extremely sacred in the Druid tradition. They are considered the oldest of all the animals.”

  “Seriously? Huh. Then millions of people in my realm are doomed.” Kedryn said.

  Aodhan looked up the hill and to the trees. “I think we should move camp up the hill and change out of these damp clothes before we catch a chill. Kedryn and I will start a fire while you ladies change.”

  Lara tugged at her wet shirt. “This is probably the cleanest I have been on our travels. I suppose camping by the lake was not such a good idea.”

  “It was a good idea up until the fish jumped.” Kedryn said as he put an arm around his mom and squeezed.

  Aodhan led them to a small clearing and they all changed again. Kedryn set up a fire pit to dry them off while they slept.

  “I will keep watch.” Aodhan said as he kissed Lara and walked off.

  When the sun began to rise Aodhan woke them and they started their journey to the ruins of Yule.

  Late in the afternoon the ruins of the village came into view. Like the hill of Tara the ruins of Yule were expanded into two hills. Only in this realm one hill sloped down into the other hill below. The wall that once surrounded the village lay crumbling and covered in ivy and moss. As they picked their way through Lara looked around at the city and it’s fallen and decaying houses and central square with what looked to be a large round well.

  Kedryn walked up to the well and sat on the edge. “What now?”

  Lara looked around and then to the upper hill. “We should look around here first. I don’t think we will find it down here.”

  “Follow your gut.” Kedryn said and hopped down off the well. He turned around and peered over the edge.

  Kiara walked over and looked into the well. “Do you suppose the water is any good? We need to replenish our supplies.”

  Aodhan picked up a bucket that was next to the well and tested it out. “Does not seem to have too many holes.”

  Lara looked around at the remains of the houses long since gone with all but their foundations and a few crumbling walls protruding from where they once stood. Along side the houses were over grown ditches that must have once been used for sanitation and drainage ran along the streets.

  “Kedryn do you still have the water filter in your pack?”

  “Yes.” Kedryn said and shrugged off his pack and started to dig through it.

  They lined their water skins and canteens along the well and Aodhan tied some rope to the bucket.

  “We will have to quickly fill them since this bucket will not hold for long.” Aodhan said

  They quickly gathered the water and Kedryn glanced around at that village. “Better get started while we still have light.”

  “Good idea.” Kiara said looking around and headed to the nearest ruin.

  After they rummaged around a few buildings no signs of an underground city was found. Lara took time to study and sketch the inscriptions and relief tablets which were on the buildings and standing stones what would have been the gates to the wealthy houses. Every once in a while they stopped to check and see if anything would lead to where the older remains of the city would be.

  Ending back in the main square Lara looked around satisfied. “To the other hill?”

  Aodhan gave her a bow “Lead the way, my love.”

  A temple on the edge of the next hill came into view and what looked to be a large cemetery. From the temple overgrown terraces made their way up the hill to the estate.

  Lara felt in her gut that the remains of the castle Morrigan were under the ruins of the estate on the hill. When they reached the top of the hill she looked down onto the village below. The streets and aqueducts were perfectly separated in squares along the roads ruins of the homes.

through what would have been the entry gate into an overrun courtyard they followed a path of upturned stones to where the door to the house would have been.

  The estate house’s roof was caved in but much of the walls remained. Wooden remains of steps strewn on the floor indicated that there was at least a second floor to the estate house. Lara picked her way through to the main hall.

  The creaking of a floor board under Lara’s feet turned into a loud crack. Aodhan grabbed for Lara as she fell through the boards and hit dirt. Her relief didn’t last long when falling of stone sounded beneath her. She started to sink and suddenly disappeared into the darkness below.

  Kedryn quickly bent over testing the floor. He lit a torch and threw it down into the hole. Lara caught it as she was sitting up.

  “Wait here.” Kedryn said as he grabbed hold of the ledge and swung down.

  “You have a habit of falling through walls or should I say floors to find what you are looking for.” Kedryn said looking at her concerned.

  Lara sat up checking every part of her body. “No worse for the wear.” she tried to stand and immediately sat down. “I take that back.”

  Kedryn helped her up and looked around where the moonlight was showing through.

  “Everyone ok down there?” Aodhan yelled and he looked over the side of the hole

  “Give us a minute.” Lara yelled up and gave him a quick smile.

  Kedryn took the torch and walked around the rubble. He looked up at the ceiling and took out his sword testing to make sure the rest held. Running the light of the torch and his hand along the wall. He came across a sconce with a stub of a candle in it and lit it with the torch and looked around to see one on each wall.

  Lara looked down and saw blood spreading on the side of her leg and sat down. She ran her hand down her leg and found a gash in her pants and flinched when she put pressure on the wound.

  Aodhan lowered Kiara down and she looked around as he jumped down to Lara’s side. He noticed her holding her leg and immediately examined it. Bluish white light surrounded her leg.


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