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Page 23

by Korry Smith

  Moving my mouth up to his, I cut him off mid-threat. He kissed me back briefly, but it was something else that sprang up that got both of our attention.

  Alex gently pushed me away by my shoulders. “Babe, we’re kind of wrapped up right now.”

  “Ten minutes.” My eyes flickered over towards the king-sized bed. “Okay. Maybe twenty.”

  Alex laughed. “Jesus Christ.”

  Biting my lip, I nearly broke the skin trying to ward off all this pent-up sexual energy. “Please.”


  Sliding my hand down between us, I pressed my palm against the prominent bulge in his jeans. It elicited a hiss. He was mine. We both knew it. Why fight it?

  “Fuck!” Alex groaned, and glanced up at the obvious discomfort of his father, but then shot his eyes towards the bathroom. He grinned up at me. “Here, get up for a second.” Lifting me off his lap, he stood up and put the Colt in his back waistband. Grabbing the arms of the chair his father was sitting in, he pulled it forward, and it rolled. “Excellent. Do we have anything to gag him with?”

  “Yes,” I said, excitedly running around the room, and gathering up the essential supplies.

  Shoving a washcloth in the Senator’s mouth to cut him off in mid-rant, I secured it with a silk tie. We wheeled him into the dark bathroom and closed the door. That was that, and we were alone again.

  Alex set his sights on me.

  No hesitation.

  Zero conversation.

  We moved in sync, and quickly: He pulled off his belt and threw it to the floor. I took off my dress and slipped out of my panties. My nipples hardened on the spot from the chill of the room. Alex licked his lips, and with two quick strides, he was upon me.

  Grabbing my face, he attacked me with his mouth. The kiss was deep and unbroken, but our need for each other was far more chaotic and uncoordinated. I fumbled with the button of his jeans but settled on putting my hands on his stomach. He took off his jacket and shirt to reveal his hardened body and his newest tattoo. I moaned as he gripped my waist and pulled me flush against his chest. The heat of his skin set mine ablaze.

  Alex walked us back, and we fell into the mattress. My legs spread open for him as he reached down and rubbed his fingers along the slit. The pressure was slight, but he never penetrated, just teasing as he caressed my pussy and asshole.

  I was wet, swollen, and aching. “Fuck…me…please.”

  My guy smirked, cockier than ever, as he nipped and kissed me on my jaw. Plunging two fingers into me, he went knuckles deep, curling them upward and touching every inch of me so intimately. Alex slowly pulled out of me just to forcefully push back in. I clenched my fist tightly in his hair, jerking his lips back up to mine, our tongues collided together feverishly.

  Thrusting his hardness into me, I couldn’t take it anymore and cry out for more. I needed him inside. Reaching down, I found my steadiness to get his jeans unbuttoned. Tugging at the fabric, I tried to push them down, but my angle and his weight kept me pinned, and his fingers just kept fucking me.

  Alex felt my struggle, breaking away from our kiss and slipping out of me, just long enough to lift his hips up. The jeans and boxers slid right off him, and his cock sprung free. The tip of the head, slick and moistened with pre-cum, pressed up against my lips. Alex twitched, wanting to crawl right in, and I hungrily chased it, but he refused to hit me raw.

  It didn’t matter how much we both wanted it.

  Propping himself up, he got off the bed and reached down for his pants. Scooting up on the mattress to give him more room, I took this opportunity to unabashedly stare at him, in complete awe of the impressiveness of his anatomy: big, thick, and mine. He pulled out a condom from his wallet and tore open the wrapper with his teeth. I licked my palm, and grasped his cock, stroking him, lubricating the shaft. He bumped my hand away and rolled the condom on.

  Climbing back on to the bed, Alex put his hands on my knees and pushed my legs apart. He smacked his lips and hummed.

  There was a shake of his head, and a whispered, “Damn, baby.”

  Alex dragged me across the bed by the ankles and situated himself between my thighs. Gripping his cock at its base and guiding it towards my entrance, he pushed himself inside, filling me to the hilt.

  I gasped, feeling the richness of his size as my body conformed to him.

  “Fuck,” Alex grunted, his forehead falling to my shoulder, as he eased in and out of me, driving his hips into mine.

  Hooking his arm under my knee, he lifted my leg up and shifted my ass downward. It hit a place so profound and intense that it caused a loud moan to escape my lips. It echoed off the walls. No doubt penetrating the senator’s ears. Alex shushed me, but when my whimpers continued, he silenced me with a kiss.

  I wrapped my arms around him as his tempo quickened. Each thrust was powerful and frantic and hit all the right places. My body tightened around him as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.

  Dropping my leg, he bolstered himself up and locked out his elbows. Using his strength as leverage, he pounded into me with force and conviction, faster and harder, and with relentless vigor. I reached down between us and took my clit between my fingers, rubbing and kneading it into maddening, pleasurable friction.

  Alex groaned, the sight of me playing with myself set him off; pulling him and me, further and closer to coming apart and undone. Tightly closing his eyes, his brow furrowed in concentration as he tried to hold back, but that turned me on.

  The thought of me making him climax, so quickly and rashly, drove me to extremes.

  “Oh, God, Alex…Please, baby. Please, just...”

  “I’m gonna come,” he grunted, owned now, as he thrust in and out of me, sliding and slipping.

  Arching my back, I kneaded myself more frantically. The waves of painful bliss were washing up on my shores. My thighs trembled, and my pussy clenched around Alex like a vice.

  He lost his shit then.

  Finding my lips in our chaos, he pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our kiss was sloppy, but we moaned and came together. It was glorious, too fast, and fleeting. My guy’s arms shook, weakening as they gave out, and he collapsed on top of me. I shivered as my muscles tightened every time he pulsated and twitched. The tingles were the best and caused immediate relaxation.

  Alex, with much effort, lifted himself back up, trailing his nose along my chin and kissing me softly. He buried his face in my neck and said, “I love you.”

  My heart stopped. I wasn’t even breathing. There were no words. The only sign that I heard his declaration to me was the tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “Baby?” Alex jerked his head up. I felt his heart beating fast against mine. He smiled when he saw me crying. “Why are you upset? You knew.”

  I covered my face with my hands. “I did, but it’s just...”

  He pulled my hands away. “Hearing it?”

  “Yeah.” I sniffed. All those times I wanted to scream those three little words out loud, I could barely manage a whisper now. “I love you.”

  “I know.”

  He lowered his forehead to mine and wrapped me up in his arms. I returned his embrace, hugging him tightly and relishing in the warmth he provided. It was quiet and serene for a long time as we laid there, neither of us bothering to speak as we listened to each other’s breathing. Then out of nowhere, we heard a loud thump against the wall and something crashing on the tile floor.

  “Fuck, I forgot.” Alex’s head snapped up, and he narrowed his eyes down at me. “See what you do to me? You turn my brain into fucking mush.”

  I laughed, feeling fully well-sexed and sated as he shifted his weight off me. “I’m not even sorry.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much.” He looked over at the bathroom as his shoulders slumped. “Well, fun time is over. Let’s get back to work.”

  When we found the senator, he was lying on his side on the bathroom floor. Somehow, he’d managed to flip his chair over, trying to alert someone. In the process,
he’d banged his head against the sink, causing a crystal soap dish to shatter in pieces on the tile. It was a colossal failure, and Alex groaned in frustration as he lifted him up.

  Brushing off his dad’s suit, Alex rolled him back into the main room. I was sitting on the bed with my legs crossed, gun in hand, and a shit-eating grin on my face. I was enjoying myself way too much.

  “I hoped you spent that time in the bathroom reconsidering our offer, Senator,” Alex said, reaching into the inner pocket of his blazer. He pulled out his wallet and tossed it over to me. “Take whatever cash he has in there.”

  I set down my gun and opened the leather billfold. There were about a thousand to two thousand dollars in there. It was enough cash to keep our life afloat for a couple of days. He had a few credit cards, but those were useless to us.

  Going through each card slot, I found a picture wedged deep in the wallet. It was an old photo of Alex. He had to be about two or three, and he had a head full of light brown hair. It was as messy of a mane back then as it was now. My guy looked cute in his sailor outfit, and he was smiling up at a woman with the bluest eyes I had ever seen. I assumed that was his mother. She was beautiful.

  Looking up with a guilt-ridden face, I palmed the picture in my hand and quickly stuck it in my purse. Alex was too busy patronizing his father to notice, but the senator saw me take it.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” Alex asked, bending down, and putting his ear to his father’s face. The gag made everything he said come out muffled.

  “Alex.” I laughed. “Stop being a jackass.”

  He looked up at me and smiled. “I’m just having my fun with him.”

  “Yeah, I see that, but we were supposed to be wrapping this shit up, remember?”

  “Right.” He removed the makeshift gag. “You were saying?”

  Yawning and stretching out his mouth, the senator tried to regain some feeling after the misuse. When he spoke, it came out soft and scratchy. “I’ll do it.”

  “Atta boy,” Alex said, patting his dad on the back. He held up an iPhone and waved it at him. “But just in case, I’m taking your phone as an insurance policy.”

  I got up from the bed and stood next to Alex as he scrolled through his dad’s gallery. There were countless images of naked women, documented as nothing more than conquests.

  It was disgusting.

  “How does mom not know about this shit? How are you able to hide it from her?” Alex asked, shoving the phone into his dad’s face, displaying a vulgar picture of a young blonde girl. “What is she? Fifteen?!”

  He looked away, refusing to acknowledge it. “Your mother doesn’t ask questions. All she does is pray.”

  “You better start praying that you’re able to get those charges dropped,” Alex said, slipping the phone into his pocket.

  “And what if I can’t?”

  “You don’t want to find out, pops.” Alex wadded the washrag back up into a ball, and he tried to stuff it into his dad’s mouth.

  The senator fought, jerking his head from Alex, and closing his lips.

  “Don’t make this shit harder than it needs to be.”

  “What are you going to do once you two are cleared?” the senator snapped and glared over at me.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. He was trying to intimidate me, but it wasn’t going to work. He could hate me all he wanted. The feeling was mutual.

  “Go back to Arizona,” Alex said.

  “So, you’re on the run, then?” The senator guessed, a sly smile appearing on his face.

  “I’m always on the run.” Alex grabbed his dad by the hair, forcing him to keep his head straight and shoving the washcloth into his mouth. “Now shut the fuck up.”

  The senator was still struggling, but I grabbed the silk tie and secured it around his head. Alex glanced up at me, smirking and giving me a wink.

  “I figured you could use some help,” I said.

  “Gagging a hostage is a two-person job.”

  I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the arm. His father stared up at us like we were fucking lunatics.

  “All right, dad. Here’s the deal. You’ve got a week to get those charges dropped. If you don’t, I will release everything I have on you to every single news outlet. Everyone will know what kind of sick and perverted adulterous man you are. Nod if you understand.”

  The senator followed with a regretful nod.

  “Now, we’re going to leave, but in an hour, I’ll call the front desk to have someone come up here and release you.” Alex bent down, getting face to face with his dad; he said his words slowly, so it was hard to get confused on the point. “This next part is crucial. You are not to tell anyone that we did this to you. When they ask you, we had masks on, and you didn’t see our faces. If you call the law on our ass for this shit, I swear to you that you’ll live to regret that fucking decision. You got that?”

  The senator grunted.

  Alex looked over at me. “Just to be safe, you should wipe down everything you might have touched.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking another washcloth out of the bathroom.

  I had a little experience from the Lamborghini, but Alex was paranoid about everything. After each hotel we stayed at, he made me clean the room from top to bottom. It was unlikely that they would dust for prints unless a crime happened, but he didn’t care. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

  I wiped down the bedside table, and my eyes landed on the bed. I smiled. My memory was still fresh. The comforter was slightly skewed, and I smoothed it out, making it seem untouched. I even picked my hairs off. After I finished, the room was damn near perfect in cleanliness that even God would be impressed.

  Other than the man tied to the chair, it looked as if no one had ever been there.

  As I was fluffing the pillows for the millionth time, Alex came up behind me and smacked my ass. I jumped, my heart pounding out of my chest as I spun around to face him.

  “Don’t do that,” I scolded, slapping him on his chest.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said, glancing around the room. I tilted my head to the side, slightly confused. “Where’s your dad?”

  Alex glowered.

  “Sorry.” I laughed and corrected. “Where’s the senator?”

  “He’s in the bathroom,” Alex said, placing his hands on my hips, and moving them down to my bottom. He squeezed hard, thrusting, and yanking me into him. “You want to?”

  “We can’t,” I said, glancing over my shoulder. “I just made it.”

  “We’ll make it again.” He lowered his head and put his lips along my neck, working his way up towards mine. “Ten minutes, baby. That’s all.”

  Slipping his hand under my dress and between my legs, he rubbed and coaxed my heated flesh. I argued my case, but he kept pushing me further and further until we both fell back onto the mattress.

  Alexander Ryan was a persuasive, a smooth-talking politician in his own right, and had a way with words. The bastard was my undoing. Slowly, and like always, I didn’t put up much of a fight and surrendered to his wants.

  Long story short, we fucked up the bed.

  Alex made good on his word and called the hotel staff to inform them of his father’s perilous situation, but he waited until we were officially out of the state of Missouri. He wasn’t too concerned about his dad’s well-being or state of mind. In fact, he said it would do the senator some good to sit there for a while and think about his life, and how quickly it would fall apart if he didn’t follow our demands.

  Alex was confident that the senator would do as told, but we didn’t go home. We headed northwest and towards the Canadian border. Alex wasn’t ready for the road trip to be over. He knew once we got home he would have to share me again. That’s the last thing he wanted to do.

  Like me, he was selfish. I didn’t care if we ever went back to Arizona.

  It had been a couple of days since Saint Louis, and we were staying at some random hotel in Montan
a. The money from the senator, plus whatever we had before that, was still holding steady, but it wouldn’t last forever. Eventually, we would need to come up with a contingency plan, and going out into the world, robbing a store or even a bank wasn’t out of the question.

  Not for me, at least.

  It was Tuesday, and the birds chirping outside woke me up from a dead sleep. Sitting up in bed, I stretched my arms over my head and glanced over at the open door. The early morning sun was beating in, but the weather wasn’t like Arizona, and the room felt cold, not hot like a broiling oven. The gentle wind was lovely and perfect.

  Throwing the sheets off me, I got up to find Alex. He was outside and sitting on the top of the stairs. He had his back facing me, but clouds of smoke engulfed him. That was odd. My guy didn’t care much for cigarettes, and the only time he smoked was during parties or when he was stressed.

  “They’re still running our story? Yeah, well, I did give him to the end of the week. It’s been four days. Give the prick some time,” Alex said as I inched closer to him.

  He was on the phone with Sawyer, checking up on our situation back home with the Phoenix Police Department. Nothing had changed, and I’d even asked Alex once about Terry. Did the prick die in the hospital or was he released back home? He shrugged his shoulders and said, “As far as I can tell, he’s not dead.”

  Dev was doing her best to exonerate us by breaking the law herself. She was an ex-computer hacker, and she had been trying to break into the department’s computer system to erase our criminal files for weeks now, but they had an extensive firewall, one she’d never seen before. It kept shutting her down. She prided herself on being the best of the best, but now, she wasn’t even able to clear her friends of petty and absurd charges. It frustrated her. She wouldn’t sleep or eat and was driving everyone around her crazy.

  It took Alex to put a stop to the madness. He told her enough was enough.

  I sat behind him on the stairs and wrapped my arms around his body. He took one last puff of his cigarette, flicking the butt of it over the railing, and then interlinked his fingers with mine. I laid my head on his back, listening to the sound of his breathing and the deep rumble of his voice every time he talked.


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