Ominous Tales

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Ominous Tales Page 2

by Blake Everstone

  Chapter 7

  “Don’t do it Isabell!” the doctor yells as the office door opens. Isabell has a razor blade. Dr. Yong snaps his hand toward his secretary, sending her out of the room. She back outs, closing the door quietly.

  “Shut your mouth or I’ll cut your throat. You should never have done that to her.” Isabell rants while brandishing the razor.

  The doctor furrows his brow, “Did What?”

  “Hypnotize Emma. You know that scares her.”

  “I would never do anything to hurt Emma, Isabell. Now I need to talk to Emma. Will you please get her?”

  “No, she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  “I need to talk to Emma. 1….2..3 wake up.”

  Chapter 7

  “Hello Emma.”

  Emma yawns and stretches her arms. A pain pierces through her hand, blood running down her arm. She looks around, realizing she’s still on her doctor’s couch. She feels as if she has only been asleep for ten minutes. As she looks for the source of the blood, she asks Dr. Yong, “So How did it go, Doc?”

  The doctor answers, “It went well. I got to talk to Isabell today.”

  Emma finds a razor blade in her hand and has cut herself with it. Shocked, she almost drops it on the floor.

  “Emma, please set that on the table beside you.”

  “Who is Isabell?” A strange sensation comes over Emma as if she has heard the name before.

  The doctor responds calmly, “As soon as you put that down Emma, I will tell you what I know.”

  Emma sets the razor down beside her and holds her hand tight to stop the bleeding. The secretary comes back in and tells Dr. Yong that the police will be there soon.” Dr. Yong waves her off again.

  “Police? Why?” Emma’s heart thudding in her chest.

  “Pay no attention, they aren’t coming for you.” Dr. Yong pauses, “Emma, do you remember anything from your last session with me. The one before this one.”

  “Sure, I do. I was sitting right here talking about the assault I endured at the hand of that creep,” Emma says.

  “Yes, Emma was attacked.” the doc says.

  “Why are you saying it like that, in third person, I’m sitting right here across from you.”

  “We talk about this at every session, Emma. I have been seeing you since you were 8 years old. Do you remember now?”

  “That’s not true Dr. Yong.” Panic filling Emma. “You’re really scaring me. I believe my time is up.” Emma stands to leave. “Besides, I need to go clean up this blood.”

  “Sit down Emma, please. If you want to know who Isabell is, you need to sit down. She is one of the people who has been watching you.” Bewildered, Emma sits back down.

  “Emma, you were molested by your uncle for years before he was caught. You started seeing me at 8 years old. You had developed multi-personality disorder because of the abuse. One of the personalities, Olivia, became a huge part of your life. As you grew older, Olivia allowed you to escape from life and become confident in what I believe to be your true sexuality, a lesbian.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Emma says while shaking her head, not quite understanding why she was crying.

  “Emma, we discuss this at every session. I kept trying each time to snap you out of it. At age 18, you developed another personality after aborting a child.”

  “I have never been pregnant and I sure as hell would not abort a baby,” Emma protests.

  In his soft voice, Dr. Yong replies, “You were and you did dear.”

  Emma shakes her head as Dr. Yong continues. “That is when Abigail came on the scene. She is the child you thought you saw in the waiting room earlier. She is a very disturbed little girl and visits me through you at every session.”

  Emma begins to strain as she searches her mind desperately to find what Dr. Yong is talking about. For some reason, she knows he is telling the truth but the thought of it is just too much to bear.

  “Emma, now there is another personality. She came out after you were assaulted.”

  Emma suddenly is overcome with memories of killing men. She feels she knows what the doctor is about to say next. “The new one’s name is Isabell and she is extremely dangerous. She confessed to me that she has committed several murders. Do you know what Isabell is talking about?”

  Emma looks up and meets the doctor’s eyes. She cries as she slowly nods.

  Right then the police walk in the door. “Freeze!”

  In extreme distress, Emma grabs the razor blade and slits her left wrist. It is a deep gash and blood spews from the cut. The police restrain her before she can cut the other one. She starts losing consciousness and the image of the life flowing out of Jake’s eyes fills her mind.

  Chapter 8

  Emma opens her eyes. As she yawns, she tries to raise her hands to stretch but she can’t. She looks down to see that she has been handcuffed to a hospital bed. Has she tries to free her hands, an awful pain shoots from the left wrist. She looks down to see a bandage soaked with blood and the memory of the events that took place in the doctor’s office flood her. In a panic, she looks around her.

  Olivia is spooning her in the bed, stroking her hair.

  Isabell is leaning back in a chair and has her legs propped up on the bed with ankles crossed. She is filing her nails, talking to herself.

  Poor little Abigail is sitting in the corner with her knees up. Rocking back and forth, she has her arms around her legs and her head down in her lap.

  Emma screams!


  Did I not forbid you my blood?

  Yet you took it cause you could.

  Did I fulfill your blood thirsty need?

  You were excited watching me bleed.

  Your heart as black as coal,

  Did my screams enchant your soul?

  It mixed well with the other maidens’.

  Did I surpass your expectations?

  Your evil obsession cost me my life.

  I bet you're a coward without the knife.

  You climaxed at my every plea.

  You took advantage of the weak in me.

  I will not grieve my spirit haunting you,

  Bearing witness to the heinous things you do.

  No more the object of your pleasure.

  In death, I’m able to escape your terror.

  May your cowardness be realized

  Before the next woman you victimize.

  My Angels

  The mesh of their ebony and ivory skin tantalizes me. They remind me of a thick cream pouring into black coffee. Curved puzzle pieces slipping together perfectly. Though, the puzzle isn’t complete. There is a missing piece. Me. As I watch, it is obvious that they are incomplete without my skill. Women cannot reach full orgasm without the help of a man. This will be my gift to them. Observing, I pay close attention as the white one moves down sucking dark breasts. They stand at attention before she even puts her mouth on them. She continues descending as legs open, her face disappearing between. They touch each other so delicately until their climax, then these beautiful creatures become as animals. It is at that moment they need me. One day I will be with them and they will be completely satisfied.

  They are my angels. Unbeknownst to them, we are as one. I cum with them at that same moment. My life has never been so fulfilling as when I found them. I have been surveilling my angels for so long that I am a part of them and they are a part of me. They consume my thoughts during the day and my dreams at night. They have saved me from an addiction that I have been forced to endure for so many years. I have not engaged in slicing a woman open since I found them. So vivid my fantasy of being sandwiched between them, I can taste, feel and smell their love. They worship me. “Jerry, we need you”, echoes through my brain as one frolics her fingers through my brown hair and the other has her mouth on my manhood. One day it will be a reality! I love Andrea and Tanisha. They are not lesbians as they believe to be. They belong to me and I will bring truth to them.

think of me as pathetic. Keeping my body in perfect condition for them, I look in the mirror and admire my flawless physique. I am an extremely handsome man and well-groomed. Any woman on this planet would be lucky to have me and I choose them. They are my destiny. I knew it the day I drove by their home and caught a glimpse of their lovemaking through the partially opened window treatment. Living across the street, I can be a part of my angels’ lives through my telescope. Sometimes at night, I stand in their yard at the window and watch these beauties sleep. I have a secret way that I get in when they are away at work. Pulling their panties from the hamper, I lay on their bed with them. I rub their scent on my face. They each have distinctive smells and I can now recognize who's is whose. I have taken several pairs to sleep with at home.

  Our spirits are connected. There will come a day that we will be together. They will adore me. I have been planning for quite some time. I will take care of them. They will no longer have to work or engage in any way with this evil world. My angels will live with me in the heaven I have prepared for them.

  My Andrea is a fiery redhead. She works in the local dentist office. I see her often for teeth cleaning. She compliments me on my perfect white teeth. As she works on me, face close to mine, I feel her breath on my skin. She bends over and I sneak peeks at her small firm breasts. Her slender milky, white body has many appealing freckles. Smelling her fruity perfume, I desperately try to get past it to smell that luscious fragrance that lingers on the undergarments I sleep with. I do not feel ashamed. Why should I? She is mine, after all.

  Tanesha works at an upscale seafood restaurant. Having always hated seafood, I have now acquired a taste for it to grace my sweet black angel with my presence. I am a regular at the establishment and she knows me by name. Her eyes are as dark as her lovely brown skin. The contrast between their skin tones against each other is breathtaking. Tanesha’s voluptuous hips fit well between Andrea’s legs when she spreads them and pushes herself firmly against her cherry repetitively. Yes, I said cherry. I am convinced that my angels have never been with a man. The thought of it is repulsive. They do not use strap-ons either. After I take their virginity they will forever idolize me and my ability to provide the satisfaction they both so desperately need. As I watch Tanesha work, I smile to myself thinking about how ecstatic they are going to be when I take charge and save them from this slavery.

  “No!” My girls are arguing. At first it was thill imagining a small cat fight turning into steamy, aggressive sex until I realized the seriousness of it. I couldn’t tell what was being said. All I could do was watch as Tanesha packed her bag and left. I did not give her permission to leave!

  Jumping into my car, I followed her to an apartment. A black woman opened the door. She hugged my Tanesha and they went inside. There was no way to see inside the apartment. My anger intensified as the thought crossed my mind that this infiltrator may be in there trying to seduce my angel. I couldn’t sleep and watched until morning. Finally, the door opened and the two left in different cars. Getting a better look at our meddler, I recognized who she was. It was that damn bartender from the restaurant. I’ve seen her talking to my Tanesha many times. I had an inclination that she was flirting with her. Because of the bond between Tanesha, Andrea and me, I didn’t think there was an inkling of a chance that a tramp like this could weasel her way between us. I should have sensed the danger and took care of her long before now. I must protect my angels.

  Exhausted, I go home to rest. My sweet Andrea is not home. I whisper to myself, “Don’t worry sweethearts, I’ll take care of everything.” “I promise I will never let down my guard again.” Falling asleep, I escape into my world with them. Andrea is at my feet, looking up to me with reverence as she massages them. My angel, Tanesha is massaging my shoulders. I assure them both that I will forever take good care of them and not let anyone or anything come between us.

  I awake that evening to find both my angels in bed holding one another. An overwhelming relief comes over me. They are so peaceful snuggling each other as if nothing ever happened. Now, I must protect them as I promised.

  I drive, anticipating the night, to the apartment equipped with Nina, my Smith and Wesson. I’ve never had to kill anyone with Nina because that is what I use Natasha for. She is my sharp switchblade. Although Nina is beautiful and fits perfect in my hand, nothing can compare to Natasha. Her ability to terrorize is heart-stopping, no pun intended. Since finding my angels, I have not used either. I gave up my addiction and made them my obsession. But tonight, I am justified in what I do. This evil bitch must be dealt with.

  I break into her door so easily. Seeing a cross hanging on her wall, I think to myself what a stupid woman she is. She must really believe that her God will protect her because she only had the door knob locked. These silly women don’t realize they need men. Women are the weaker species both mentally and physically. She doesn’t even have a dog. That’s ok because she just made my task much easier. She is sound asleep in her bed and has no idea I’m there. It has been a long time since I have murdered a woman and I am going to have great pleasure in killing this one.

  I put my hand on her mouth and Nina to her head. She wakes so startled that I almost pulled the trigger. That would have been detrimental, robbing me of all the thrill. I stuff a pair of thongs in her mouth, she had laying her floor, and duct tape her lips. As I tie her hands to the headboard, I explain the consequences should she not obey and she quickly submits. Most do. I straddle on top of her not removing her t-shirt and panties. The thought of putting myself in her is sickening. I am loyal to and only desire sex with my angels. Not sluts. The fear in her eyes does excite me though. My dick gets hard as I feel her squirm under me.

  Retrieving Natasha from my pocket, I press the button on her sleek figure, the blade pops out and surprises my victim. I gently run it up and down her face careful not to cut. The sheer terror in eyes is something I’ve always relished. I have seen that look so many times before and just can’t get enough of it. It has been so long since I have engaged in this practice, the sensation is intoxicating. I pull out my hardness and stroke it for her to admire. I am very well endowed. I slice her throat like butter and use her blood as a lubricant. I masturbate to the fear on her face and ejaculate in her eyes just before the life leaves them.

  I sit there, admiring my handy work. She was so homely in life but is quite bewitching in death. She should be grateful that the last thing she saw in this world was my large cock. I realize I have much to do before morning. It is time to take my angels to their new home. I wash up in her bathroom and leave undetected.

  I enter to find my angels still sound asleep, holding one another. I sit for a minute on the vanity chair and watch them. Never in my life have I loved anyone or anything as much as these two. Not even my dynamic duo, Nina and Natasha. I would never hurt them. But I must play the part until I get them to their new secluded home I have bought and designed just for them. They will be so grateful when they see it. Locked inside they will never have to leave. They will spend their forever days, cooking, cleaning and taking care of their master. I already have the closets full of beautiful clothing. Feminine as a woman should wear rather than their usual daily attire. The bathroom is stocked with expensive items that every woman needs. Nothing but the best for my angels. I have place locks on all the doors and windows. It is to keep my angels safe from this cold world. They will be so happy in their new heaven I have created for them. I realize it will be daylight soon and I must get busy.

  I wake my sleeping beauties holding Nina to them. I warn them if they scream, I will kill them. My heart melts as my angels hold one another scared. I tell of my love for them and I will never hurt them if they obey. I have Tanesha tie Andrea’s hands together as I duct tape a sock in her mouth. Wiping tears from her face, I gently kiss her. I bind her feet and explain to the girls that I am there to save them from this torturous life. Just about the time I am to put the gag in Tanesha’s mouth the doorbell rings.

p; A glimmer of hope comes over my angel’s face. I put my finger on her lips as a warning. Then begins relentless knocking and banging. I look out the window to see a large black man on the porch. It is apparent that this nuisance is not going to go away. I ask Tanesha who it is and why he is here. She looks out and whispers to me that it is her cousin, Donovan and that she has no idea why he is here. I explain to her that I will splatter her cousin’s brains everywhere should she tip him off in any way that I am there. Tanesha opens the door as I stand behind it.

  Her cousin grabs hold of her sobbing intensely. He tells her his sister was murdered earlier that evening. Sister? Oh shit. That girl was just Tanesha’s cousin. He hurriedly explains that the family is meeting at the police station. Tanesha looks back to me and then tells Donovan that she will get dressed and be there soon. As he rushes off to his car, Tanesha lingers out on the porch a little too long. She starts to wave him back and he is so lost in the grief of the death of his sister that he doesn’t even notice. Black men are so inferior intellectually. It is apparent in the fact that he not once suspected anything was wrong. She weeps as I close the door. I explain we must hurry because if her cousin returns before we leave, I will be forced to kill him.

  She shakes her head, pleading no, as I put the sock in her mouth. I assure her that I’m not going to hurt her. I allow her to go hug Andrea before I tie her hands together. Usually the terror in a woman’s face excites me but not with my angels. I look forward to seeing how happy they are going to be in our new life together. As I begin to tie Tanesha’s legs together, I notice a surprise on her face at something behind me. Turning to see, a sharp pain permeates through my skull. Feeling blood trickle down my face, I lift Nina to fire. Before I can I fall to the ground. Something strikes my head again.


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