Ominous Tales

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Ominous Tales Page 7

by Blake Everstone

  Be strong my baby girl.

  Dec 25

  Merry Christmas Alexandria. The Wiccans spell worked. We are free from the demon’s games but once again we don’t know for how long. I am sitting here staring into the space where there should be a Christmas tree, daydreaming of you opening presents and filled with excitement and joy. I want so much to be with you. To hang stockings and ornaments, build gingerbread houses, drink hot cider and hold you by the fireplace. It is killing me that I probably will not have that opportunity. There are two poor souls with me tonight. I don’t think that they can see each other. One is a tall thin man and the other is a young woman. They both are so sad. The man is standing in a corner with his head down. He hasn’t moved since he appeared earlier today. The woman has just joined us recently and is sitting on the loveseat holding a stuffed bear. She is rocking back and forth. Every once in a while she looks up to see me then bows her head again and continues rocking. I think after I finish writing to you, I will go sit with the young women and comfort her.

  You are growing my belly shows my love.

  January 17

  Hello my sweet. It has been almost half a year since I have seen your father. I was hoping after his death he might find his way to me. How selfish of me to want him to be trapped in this world but I miss him terribly. I believe he is in another realm, hopefully the one where the deceased find peace and love. Whether I die or live I want to remain with you so I am sure that I will never see him again. Maybe just maybe, I’ll see a piece of him through you, My sweet Alexandria.

  You kicked my stomach today and I saw the imprint of your foot through my skin. It was the most awe-inspiring experience. You are truly my treasure.

  Sending My Love,


  February 2

  Another demon came to me while I was sleeping. He pinned me on the bed. I was laying on my side and he turned me to where I was on my back. It was very dark and I could not see him other than his eyes. I could feel him though. It was as if a leathery skinned beast was on top of me. Eyes were red with fire blazing from the pupils. His hands became a foggy substance and he put them inside my belly. I was so scared that he was trying to kill you, but instead, he grabbed hold of the demon attached to you and shook him fiercely, until he woke. Then with a hideous snickering he left. I am so sorry sweetie. The awoken demon is causing you much distress today. I believe you are strong enough now to know that he is a malicious entity, there to kill both you and I. Somehow between our communications and your young supernatural foresight, you seem to recognize his deceitfulness. We are less than 2 months from your due date. Please know that, no matter what happens, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, even your father. But it is because you are as much a part of him as you are of me. The ancestors are doing their best to prepare me. In their training, they are teaching to channel my fear into anger. I am trying! I promise I will persevere and not let this evil kill you.

  I Love You Sweet Alexandria

  March 2

  Alexandria! I have amazing news for you. I am so stunned that I don’t know what to think. Why it did not cross my mind as a possibility?! You are different! After the demon awoke, the Wiccans came for a visit. One of them was supernaturally drawn to you. She sat on the floor before me and placed her hands and head on my stomach. Her long brown hair tickled my leg. She is stunningly beautiful. She laid there for, I don’t know how long, before she talked to us of her strange behavior. She is the Wiccan that draws her strength from the stars. She says that you and she are two kindred spirits. You are not only my child but your father’s as well. Remember your father comes from a legacy of witches. You do not only have a sixth sense and ability to see the dead, but you are also a witch. You will find strength, wisdom and guidance from the night sky. The Wiccans have comforted me in the fact that they say should something happen to me that they will raise you and teach you the ways of peace and nature, rather than evil and destruction. Listen to them Alexandria. I trust them.

  I love you sweet girl

  March 29

  The star Wiccan and I have become very close. Her name is Heaven, named after the celestial night sky. She is here often and communicates through me, teaching you Wiccan ways before you are even born. I cannot grasp the concept of how she is able to do that but I believe her when she says to me, that is what she is doing. I am grateful she loves you. The demon hates her. She has taught you to ignore the demon and he is furious. The ancestors are convinced that the demon world desires you greatly. Several of them have had visions. Because of the curse, this is their one chance to possibly steal the soul of a baby witch. I’m so sorry sweet Alexandria but it looks as if there is no chance of me staying with you. The battle over you will be the fiercest of all battles ever experienced by the ancestors. I WILL NOT LET THEM HAVE YOU!! I am so scared my dear child but I take comfort in the fact that Heaven will be with me. They have also enlisted the help of two Wicca midwives. You are very strong as you jump, kick and play inside of me. I can’t wait to see you, if only for a moment. When I pass, I will search for your light till I find you. I will not go into the light of the other dimension no matter how hard it pulls me.

  I love you my little night star.

  April 7

  You are on your way to this world my sweet girl. I am having close contractions and am in extreme pain. To save you, I cannot have anything for it. I am strong. I am no longer fearful but angry. The demon can no longer feed off my fear. I AM PISSED! Heaven and the two midwives are here. Your ancestors are here as well, but must stay in the shadows. If they try to help or intercede they could possibly become a hindrance to me being able to save you. I hope I get to kiss you and feel your soft skin against. Dear sweet Alexandria, I will find you! My water just broke.

  I love you with all my heart.


  This is Heaven. Your mother is pushing and breathing just as she should. She is ready for the battle. Your head is crowning. There is a beautiful glow on your mother’s exhausted face as we tell her. She is pushing so hard. You just popped out! The demon followed you and has grabbed you away from the midwife. Your mother has grabbed a hold of you and I am afraid that they may tear you apart. She warned me not to assist her no matter what happens. I am watching in horror. Writing an account to you of the calamity is all that I can do. A huge black hole is opening in the ceiling. Oh, my God, the demon is pulling both you and your mother towards it! No…. wait...there is something coming out of the black hole………. It is a man! He has grabbed the demon and forced him to let go of you and your mother. He is fighting to keep hold of this riotous creature. He is moving widely within the man’s grasp. He is carrying the demon back into the hole with him. The second they were inside, the hole disappeared. You and your mother dropped back down onto the bed. You both are alive!!! Alexandria, you are both alive!!!

  April 8

  My beautiful sweet Alexandria. I can’t stop looking at you. You feel so wonderful in my arms, I may never put you down. You are amazingly gorgeous and look just like your father. Speaking of your father, you should be so very proud of him. He saved us! All that knowledge he obtained from physics about dimensions, he must have used to find us. I even believe that he did not appear before, because he was building his strength to carry out our rescue. The ancestors are convinced because of your abilities and heritage that you will be the one to break the curse. I love you so much. We will spend many Christmas’ and Thanksgivings together. I will never take you for granted. I am convinced that there is a higher being somewhere who sent you to me. You are meant to be. I have faith that you will be the one to end our family’s suffering. I am blessed to have you Alexandria.

  Forever My Love,

  Your Mother

  Read on for a sneak peek of

  Blake Everstone’s new LGBT mystery series

  Jane/John Doe

  Available Summer 2017


  Moving through the living room of the small
cottage she started to contemplate how she felt like a prisoner in her own home. Although it was filled with expensive furniture and extravagant possessions, it didn’t lessen the dungeon reality. Lavish burgundy and gold drapes tarped the windows, keeping her hidden from the world outside. A sliver of sunlight stole through, reflecting brilliantly off a crystal vase, splaying rainbows across the room. Finding no joy in the beauty and gratification her small place once gave her, seemed more like a dark and dreary dungeon. Sighing, she looked around wondering why he hid her now? This wasn’t what he promised her, here she was in what was now her personal torment. Picking up a highball glass off the marble topped coffee table with its hand-carved mahogany legs, she peered into the glass as she drank. Feeling the burn as it flowed down her throat, setting her chest on fire, sending a rush of blood to her head made her feel lightheaded and nostalgic.

  “Am I not worth more to him than this?” she pondered out loud staring through the glass.

  Realizing she was talking to herself again she glanced over at her portrait on the antiqued long wall near the kitchen entrance; she began to touch herself. These moments belonged only to her, in these moments, she reclaimed a piece of herself. Setting the glass ball back down she maneuvered her now free hand over one of her firm breasts, caressing and fondling. Feeling the ache between her legs she slowly slipped her hand down her flat stomach, continuing till she reached her inner thigh. She thrust her head back and closed her eyes tightly, rubbing her thigh getting closer and closer to her sex. Abruptly stopping and glancing back at the photograph thinking of a time when he thought she was beautiful, what he had wanted and desired. Squeezing her eyes tight, she thought of all the promises that he didn’t keep, like the trips to New York, where he said he would proudly parade her through the city as his.

  “Lies all lies,” she screamed shaking her head violently. “Just like he said he would help with my modeling career, LIES!”

  Trying not to burst into tears, she devoured the last of her drink and strolled into the kitchen for another. Catching a glimpse of the back door her thoughts wandered to the one place she could go outside the house; the back porch. Relishing the time, she spent on the porch, wishing the heat would subside so she could once again escape into her fantasy. Her mind ventured to her make-believe paradise in the morning or late in the evening during the hot summer days. It was a secluded yard, backed up to a wooded area that was filled with the sweet sounds of songbirds. When she was there she imagined, there was a radiant rose garden in full bloom surrounding the courtyard, with a white gazebo lit with twinkling lights and vines intertwining their way through the side rails and up the poles; covering every nook and cranny. Vibrant hummingbirds buzzing their majestic beauty, dancing in the glow of the sun. Visualizing herself serving ice cold tea and entertaining friends who had stopped by, awaiting her presence in the shade of the pavilion, as the wind chimes jingled a soft melody from the slight breeze rolling through the yard, wafting across their skin, keeping them cool.

  Shaking her head slightly, she returned to her misery, realizing that there were no friends awaiting her. There were no cheerful chatters, just a blissful dream leaving her just as quickly as it came. She filled her glass, swallowing half of it in one quick gulp, topping it off again while shaking her head and cringing as the alcohol engulfed her. Looking as if she was walking on air she entered the living room; her long red satin robe flowing behind her. She loved to wear it because it made her feel like an elegant movie star from the 1950’s, with her soft wavy brown hair ascending down her back. Glancing down to her hand she admired the emerald green ring he gave her, saying it reminded him of her eyes. Realizing for the first time that she never dressed, but instead stayed naked under her red robe. What was the point of getting dressed when she was used as a sex toy and when he did buy her things it was usually negligees. The few clothes he did buy her were meant for her to wear when he wasn’t around and during those times her confidence was so low what was the point anymore of getting dressed other than to please him in some way. The only thing she did do was keep her hair and makeup done, but that was because he had instructed her that she needed to keep those things done always. Sitting on her couch looking around at the elegant and beautiful things around her she sighed again. They taunted her, reminding her that she was as much of an ornament as her things were. What once allured her like a bewitching spell now took her captive and held onto her with desperation, as if she too would one day fade into the back ground and become just that; an ornament to be forgotten.

  Standing up abruptly she shouted, “I can’t take this anymore!”

  Author Bio

  Blake Everstone is a proud member and author for the LGBT Community. She lives in Texas with her partner and four children. Blake enjoys volunteering and advocating for those in need. In her books you will find suspense, horror, paranormal, LGBT characters and issues. Please look for her on facebook and twitter and stay up to date with her upcoming releases.

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