Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3)

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Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3) Page 7

by H. H. Fowler

  The Coast Guard member took the chance and shouted in a commanding tone, “Come out with your hands up! We have you surrounded!”

  Nothing moved, but the atmosphere was charged with expectation.

  “I said to come out, or else we are coming in!”

  The tree stem moved again but what immediately followed was the thunderous sounds of bullets being fired. The Coast Guard had been prepared to experience such a volatile move. They were heavily equipped to handle the worst scenario, but they wisely took cover behind the huge tree trunks, awaiting the firing to cease. It was short lived, as they suspected that a single pistol was being used to keep them at bay.

  A moment of silence stretched and the Coast Guard team members geared up to pursue their targets, but they were hindered by a woman walking toward them. Her hands were up, still holding on to a weapon.

  “Don’t shoot! I am surrendering,” she yelled. She flung the gun in the air, away from her. “You see, I am no longer a threat. I am willingly putting myself into your hands.”

  “Get down on the ground!” one of the Coast Guard members shouted. “Where are the others?”

  “It’s only me! I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

  They weren’t buying it. Save for the huge gash on her face, she looked exactly like the woman in the photos the police had been rotating in the media for three years. They were almost certain they were looking at the infamous Ms. V – the sluttish rogue from the House of gods. They moved in swiftly and handcuffed her. Despite her vehement cries that she was acting alone and that the blood on the leaves came from the wound on her face, the Coast Guard team still felt compelled to complete their search of the island.

  So with six of the Guard members pursuing the trail, two remained with Ms. V. One of the guards pulled his radio from his waist and delivered some of the most satisfying news the Bliss Haven Police would ever receive.

  “We have successfully apprehended one of the suspects,” he said, not ashamed to express his excitement. “Send backup. The search continues for the remaining suspects we believe are hiding somewhere on the island.”

  Ms. V detected a level of amateurism in the guard’s voice. He was a young and handsome man who looked no more than twenty-five years old. She smirked devilishly. She could regain control of this operation just by batting her eyelashes. Both men who were detaining her seemed easy enough. Men were men, Ms. V decided. She could seduce them without even touching them. With a pinch of honey in her voice, she subtly pulled the men’s attention toward her ulterior motive.

  “You boys are wasting your time,” she smirked. “You’re not going to find anyone else on this island, except me. So, how about we get a little better acquainted while your friends scout the jungle in vain? In your line of work, I’m sure you have been made aware of my sexual exploits with both men and women. I am that good. Both of you can take me and do whatever your carnal mind tells you. All of your fantasies can be fulfilled right out here in the open. The question is: How quickly can you do it, before anyone catches you?”

  With such a provocative invitation, Ms. V noticed the surge of desire that gradually filled the men’s gazes. She knew right then that the wind was about to shift in her direction. Even though she was handcuffed, she managed to lower her body into a suggestive position.

  “I think it was Oscar Wilde who said that the only way to overcome temptation is to give in to it,” she purred. “Trust me, boys, you won’t be disappointed. I am really that good. Try me and see for yourselves.”

  The men turned to each other and grinned.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Richard got the call that Ms. V had been apprehended, he and Karissa were still in the vicinity of Station 61. It was going on six o’clock in the evening and they’d about had it with the area. The new road theory didn’t give them much of an advancement in the case. As a matter of fact, it appeared to have been a waste of their time because the results were the same. The new road led to a cul-de-sac – just as Richard had discovered earlier in the week. They had been hoping that maybe they’d missed something. Why would someone create a road that looked like it led to nowhere? Right now, it didn’t matter anyway, because Ms. V was finally in police custody.

  “This is big news,” Karissa said with a measure of excitement. “Also a huge burden lifted off of our shoulders. Can you believe we have finally apprehended that witch? I can’t wait to meet her face-to-face – to give her a piece of my mind.”

  Richard chuckled in response. He spun the car around toward the direction of the police station, hoping to beat the drama that was inevitable. “Security is gonna be tight around her. But I have a feeling the feds will have her extradited back to the United States as soon as possible.”

  “Can they do that?” Karissa asked incredulously. “Do they even have such jurisdictional authority? The criminal activities of Ms. V and her men were committed on our soil.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Richard replied. “She is U. S. born and I’m almost certain the Bliss Haven government has an extradition treaty with the U.S. Ms. V is also wanted in three other states, including Mexico. She has been using different aliases for years and we only found that out because of information we confiscated from the compound.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Karissa said with a hint of aversion in her voice. “She has to be controlled by a more powerful source to have been untouchable for over twenty years.”

  “That’s the thing with secret organizations. They will go to great lengths to protect their own. I won’t be surprised if Ms. V gets off on a lesser charge and sinks into obscurity.”

  “We need to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  “What more can we do but do our jobs?” Richard replied. “Frankly, I really don’t care what happens to Ms. V and her men. They will get what’s coming to them. My utmost concern is to make sure Gregory is returned safely to his family.”

  “To face charges of his own.” Karissa reminded Richard. “Let’s not forget that Bishop Beaufort was heavily involved with the House of gods. His sole mission had been to recruit young, unsuspecting men and then introduce them into a life of perversion. He was supposed to be a man of God, for crying out loud. How could he stoop so low?”

  “We shouldn’t put anyone on a pedestal. Pastors are flesh and blood, just like the rest of us.”

  “But look at what almost happened to Anwar,” Karissa said, trying to hold on to her argument. “He could have been raped by an innumerable bunch of sick men, if he hadn’t escaped. Thanks to Bishop Beaufort and his sadistic desires.”

  Richard cringed at the way his partner was going on about his friend. A lot of it was the truth, but that didn’t mean that Richard wanted to rehash it. “I don’t agree with what Gregory has done at all,” he said. “But he did not kidnap any of those young men against their will. They were drawn away by their own lust for money and recognition. We see it happen all the time. But as to whether Gregory will be indicted for actually being connected to an illegal operation depends on if he is ever found. The Coast Guard was not able to find anyone else on that deserted island, except for Ms. V, of course, but I don’t believe she was acting alone.”

  Richard swung the car into the parking lot of the police station and just as he suspected, it was already teeming with activity. The local news station had been called on site, giving a minute-by-minute countdown, as they awaited the arrival of one of the most wanted criminals in the western hemisphere. Also present was a growing crowd of churchgoers and community activists, eager to put in their two cents about how this case had ruined the island’s peaceful reputation. Richard turned to Karissa with a tight smile. He knew the drama was about to unfold.

  “If I hadn’t any idea what was going on out here,” Richard said solemnly, “I would have sworn Michael Jackson had arisen from the dead.”

  “Well,” Karissa chuckled, “that witch is a celebrity in her own right. I just want to see her suffer for the mess she’s unleashed on
this island.”

  To that, Richard replied, “If these people get their hands on her, you just might get your wish.”


  When the story broke about the arrest of Ms. V, Asia was spending time with Izaiah in the guesthouse, sipping from a mug of Peppermint latte. Her eyes froze over the breaking news headline: Most Wanted Woman Captured by Bliss Haven Police. The live clip showed a female being pulled out of a police cruiser. She was handcuffed and securely corralled by six police officers. A boisterous crowd spat out a slew of foul insults, as the woman was hurriedly led through the entrance of the police station.

  A voiceover said, “Live, from the Bliss Haven Police Station! As you can see on your screen, police have just captured the most wanted woman on this side of the hemisphere. As you may recall three years ago, the devastating scandal that broke out of Crystal Bay, a group of men and women had been detained for a plethora of criminal activities. Including prostitution, sexual abuse of underage girls, possession of illegal drugs, computer crimes and embezzlement. It was all hidden from the public in a secret organization called the House of gods. The operation has since been demolished by the Bliss Haven Police.”

  The voiceover continued strongly, “The woman arrested is believed to be the infamous Ms. V, one of the leading masterminds behind the organization that has managed to elude the police for the past three years. It is presumed that she and several of her men had kidnapped the prominent bishop of St. Donovan’s Chapel. About a week ago, it is believed she reentered the island by inconspicuous means. A damaged yacht was found thirty miles off the coast of Bliss Haven, purporting to belong to Ms. V and her men. Investigation is still ongoing to determine…”

  Asia was so spellbound by what she was hearing that she didn’t feel when Izaiah took the mug from her and placed it on the coffee table. He sat next to her and gently covered her hand with his. He could feel the tension emanating from her body, a sure indication that Asia was not receiving the news with excitement. But what should he expect? Asia was still battling with everything that had happened three years ago, especially with the embarrassing lies and deception of her father.

  The fact that she wanted to keep her father out of her conversations proved to Izaiah that Asia hadn’t fully forgiven him. The news of Ms. V’s arrest meant that it was possible that Gregory was still alive and that he could be returned to his family at any moment. Izaiah could see how this realization could have a disconcerting effect on Asia.

  “Did you notice that they didn’t really say anything about my father? Do you think he is dead?”

  Izaiah assessed Asia’s questions before he attempted to answer them. Her tone could not be easily discerned. “Let us not jump to any conclusions,” he told her. “I think there is a lot more to this story. But you must be relieved that such an evil woman is finally in police custody.”

  “I don’t know what I feel right now. All this does is bring back memories of Jorge and what my father did to him. To all of those young men who’d ever crossed paths with my father. He was such a sick man.” Asia stood to her feet and paced toward the front door. “I am ashamed to even be called his daughter. I am so glad that Jorge had his own mind and was not easily swayed by the slippery words of my father.”

  Izaiah swallowed the lump in his throat. He didn’t feel comfortable with Asia talking about her dead boyfriend as if he were still alive. This was the only major hurdle he knew had potential to create problems in their relationship. It was probably the reason – no, it was the only reason why it took Asia so long to give Izaiah a chance at love. She still was holding on to remnants of whatever life she’d shared with Jorge. Izaiah wondered how he would be able to compete with that.

  “Do you even miss your father? Because I do. Despite all the mistakes he made, I respect him for wanting to change his life around.”

  “That’s easy for you to say,” Asia spat. “He gave you his pulpit. You would feel like you owe him something.”

  “Why are you taking out your anger on me?”

  “I am not taking out my anger on you.”

  “Yes you are.”

  “Don’t tell me what I’m doing or what I’m not doing!”

  Asia hurried through the front door and slammed it. Izaiah would usually go after Asia when she threw these tantrums, but he was too upset over what she’d said. How dare she make his motives seem egocentric and irreverent? He did not ask Gregory to put him charge of the entire church. He had been quite happy with his position as the youth minister. If Gregory came back to his family that evening, Izaiah would have no issue returning the reins of authority over to him.

  That did not mean Izaiah didn’t honor the level of responsibility that had been entrusted to him, but he was not going to let it destroy his relationship with Asia. He was sure God would not punish him for wanting to bring balance to his life. He’d heard too many sad stories of how pastors allowed their ecclesiastical duties to sever their family ties. He was not going to be one of those types of leaders. As his anger began to ebb away into more peaceful thoughts, Izaiah held his head toward the ceiling and shook it in an incredulous manner.

  Lord, why did you make women so hard to figure out? My hair will be grey before I turn thirty.

  For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.

  – Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Chapter Fourteen

  Asia stormed into the living room where everyone was now sitting with their gazes affixed to the flat screen TV. The news stations were continuously showing clips of Ms. V being rushed through the doors of the police station. Della sat next to Candi, while Miss Rose sat opposite them, and from time-to-time kept eyeing Della’s purple Mohawk with nervous suspicion. She wondered why Della’s father had not come to pick her up, as he had said he would three days ago. She did not trust this Goth-looking sprite sitting in on something that should be personally discussed between the family members.

  Dana was the only one standing on her feet, as if the excitement of the news was too much for her to process in a seated position. She hung on to every word of the commentator, waiting to hear the answer to her prayers. She had been the first of the family members to have forgiven Gregory and was now focused on having him returned home, so the family could really begin the healing process.

  “Well, don’t get your hopes up, Mother,” Asia said over the volume of the TV. “Nothing is being mentioned about Daddy being found.”

  Everyone set their attention on Asia, except Dana. She kept her eyes glued to the TV, afraid that she would miss some important detail.

  “Mother!” Asia screamed, finally getting her mother’s gaze to connect with hers. “Look at you. You’re living in a world of delusion.”

  “What are you talking about? Didn’t you hear the police have finally made an arrest in the case? Your father could be coming home any minute.”

  Asia folded her arms sarcastically. “Oh, really? In what part of the report did you hear that?”

  “I don’t like your tone, young lady,” Dana said. “What’s the matter with you all of a sudden? I thought everyone would be excited.”

  “Have you considered the fact that Daddy could be dead?”

  “You shut your mouth about that nonsense,” Dana snapped. “Your father is not dead!”

  “How do you know that for sure? Did Detective Shelby call and say that he is alive? I doubt it! That woman probably killed him a long time ago.”

  With a harsh tone, Dana responded, “You are my youngest child, but you have always been the more difficult one. Always speaking out of a heart of cynicism.”

  “It’s not cynicism, it’s the truth and you need to face it!”

  “You don’t get to stand there and disrespect me like that. Leave at once and don’t come back until you have calmed down. I don’t get why you are so upset about your father coming home.”

  “Because he’s not!”

  Candi suppressed a smirk as her mother’s words replayed in h
er mind. Asia was a cynic and a disrespectful brat. All her life she had wanted to hear her mother confess those words about Asia. Far too long Candi had been looked on as the black sheep of the family. For fear of laughing in Asia’s face, Candi hung her head as Asia flew by in a wind of rage. Ms. Rose’s head hung down too, but it was out of embarrassment. She knew the news of Ms. V’s arrest would create tension amidst the family. All of them were not on the same page with Dana. It was the reason why she didn’t want Della anywhere near them.

  Asia brushed past Izaiah as he cornered the hall. He stopped long enough to see her disappear through the front door. Again, he decided against going after her. He figured she needed time to blow off steam and reorganize her thoughts. Over the years, he had learned to give her breathing room to come to her senses on her own, rather than try to add to her annoyance. He continued on into the living room to where the rest of the family was.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Beaufort,” Izaiah cut in gently. “Do you need me for anything? I have just seen the news of an arrest made in your husband’s case.”

  Dana turned away from the TV, ready to empty her frustrations on Izaiah. But when her fiery gaze connected to the warmth and the tenderness of Izaiah’s expression, her heart melted. How could she be rude to him, when he had been nothing but supportive and loving to her family? Asia deserved her wrath, not Izaiah.

  “I should be relieved,” Dana said. “But Asia has just made me feel as if I don’t have anything to be thankful for.”


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