Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3)

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Unexpected Guest--(Behind Closed Doors 3) Page 14

by H. H. Fowler

  “Who asked you anything?” Dana fired back. “You were never really concerned about your father’s disappearance anyway!”

  “I’m not Asia; I won’t argue with you about what I feel,” Candi said. “I love my father, despite all of the stupid decisions he’s made in his life. The signs are written on the wall. Daddy may or may not come back. But I am not going to stand here and pretend that I’m hopeful about the prospect. I’m a realist; mother and I suggest you begin to act like one.”

  “What are you not telling us, detective?” Izaiah spoke up. “You seem discouraged.”

  Knowing that what he was about to say next would ruffle the family, Richard made warm eye contact with everyone before continuing. “Blood samples were taken from the deserted island where Ms. V was arrested. The samples were sent to the lab. I’m sorry we are just mentioning this now, but we were instructed not to share this piece of information until given permission to do so. This is not easy to say…”

  “The blood had been found on some of the leaves and on the ground, smeared in a way as if someone had been dragged,” Karissa helped, seeing how hard it was for Richard to go on. “Yesterday, the lab results came back and revealed that it is a 99.999 percent chance the blood belongs to Mr. Beaufort.”

  Dana heard what Karissa said, but she didn’t believe it. Tears filled her eyes anyway, not knowing how else to respond. “How did you confirm the blood was Gregory’s? Don’t you need something to compare it with? I doubt any of my daughters offered samples of their own DNA, judging by the surprised looks on their faces.”

  “It’s confidential.”

  “Just tell me, Richard! How do you know the blood was Gregory’s?”

  “About four years ago, he went into the hospital to take an HIV test.”

  “Oh my God,” Dana turned her head in disgust. She was sorry she pushed the issue. Why would Gregory need to take an HIV test?

  “I don’t think it’s necessary to worry,” Karissa said. “The test came back negative, but the blood work is stored for several years. We secured a subpoena from a judge, forcing the hospital to hand over all of Mr. Beaufort’s medical records. It was only by sheer luck that we discovered Mr. Beaufort had samples of his blood in storage.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us about this?” Dallis pressed Detective Shelby. “Anwar and I came to the station and begged you to be upfront with us. You’re now telling us our father could be dead when you knew this three weeks ago. That is very cruel of you, Detective Shelby.”

  Richard understood the family’s pain, but he couldn’t go against the inspector’s orders. As a matter of fact, Karissa had suggested that they get DNA samples from Gregory’s daughters, but the inspector was too concerned about keeping up appearances. He wanted to get credit for finding Gregory without the help of the family. A weird way to think, but it was the way the inspector operated. Richard had always believed that it would have been better to tell the truth from the start and not delay it for egocentric reasons.

  “Yes, I agree we should have told you,” he explained to Dallis. “But it was our jobs that were on the line. I am sorry for the way things turned out. I hope that I can be forgiven. But you all know that I am not one who gives up easily. Karissa and I have exhausted every avenue and have followed every possible lead, only to be staring reality hard in the face. It is from this perspective that Mr. Beaufort’s return looks extremely grim.”

  Dana glared angrily at Richard. “So, that’s it? You’re walking away?”

  “I am saying there comes a point when we need to recognize there’s nothing else we can do, except pray. Ms. V and her men are off of the streets and that is something to be grateful about.”

  “All at the expense of my husband,” Dana said. “Excuse me; I think I’ve heard enough sad news to last me for a lifetime.”

  As Dana walked off, the rest of the family became anxious to get out of the house. It appeared everyone would be late for work. Richard reached out and touched Miss Rose before she dashed away to her chores.

  “May I have a word with you for a few minutes,” he asked her.

  “Make it quick; I have a pile of work to get to.”

  Richard subtly glanced around for the young girl who’d come out of the black Escalade. Seeing her nowhere in sight, he turned his attention back to the maid and asked, “Who’s the young woman you were talking to earlier?”

  “That demon with the purple Mohawk?” Miss Rose didn’t mince words. “Her name is Della Black, the fifteen-year-old daughter of Montgomery Black. From the moment boss lady invited them into this house, I’ve been gettin’ a bad feelin’ about them. They have no respect for me at all!”

  “Where did Mrs. Beaufort meet them?”

  “At church. They moved here from the United States about a year ago.”

  “Anything else you can tell me about them?”

  “The man brought flowers for boss lady the day after that vixen had been arrested.”

  “By vixen, you mean Ms. V,” Richard wanted to confirm.


  “But what is so strange about Mr. Black bringing flowers for Mrs. Beaufort? He could simply be showing concern on a platonic level.”

  “Detective, you ain’ no fool and I ain’ no fool.” Miss Rose lowered her voice conspiratorially. “That man is desperate for sex with boss lady and is hell bent on doing anythin’ to get it. We had the biggest fight about it the other day.”

  Karissa had to jump in at this juncture. The maid’s account was too surreal to believe. “You fought about the sex part?”

  “Yes,” Miss Rose lied, well, she was only mixing the truth a little. “I slammed the door in his face. You don’t believe me, ask boss lady yourself.”

  With that, Miss Rose turned away swiftly. The detectives shook their heads in a frustrated manner. It seemed like as soon as one case cooled down, there were two more popping up behind it. However, they did feel compelled to look into the backgrounds of Montgomery and Della Black.

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Later that afternoon, Montgomery came to see Dana. He was attractively attired in a burnt orange polo shirt, with matching dark brown cargo pants. His thick head of curls looked as if they had been recently cut and styled, which gave his Eastern Arabian features an impressive glow. Miss Rose could smell his woody cologne before he even rang the doorbell. Through one of the bay windows, she had glimpsed him coming up the driveway.

  Unfazed by the consequences of her actions, Miss Rose ignored Montgomery and continued her strides up the stairs. She was too busy to deal with the wiles of a con artist. If Dana wasn’t concerned about her safety, Miss Rose was brave enough to step in and put up a wall of defense. Because there was no way she was going to let Montgomery slither in and take Gregory’s place as the next man of the house. Miss Rose knew as soon as that happened, she could kiss her sweet job good-bye. Gregory hadn’t been the perfect man, but at least he was no snake in the grass.

  Dana leaned over the rustic railings that overlooked the foyer. She heard the doorbell ringing, but there was no sight of Rose. Instead of wasting her strength calling for the maid – who seemed to have a chip on her shoulder these days – Dana simply descended the steps toward the grand entryway. She peeped through the window and saw Montgomery’s black Escalade out front. She didn’t hesitate to open the door to invite him in. For some unexplained reason, she felt like being in his presence.

  Montgomery immediately pulled Dana into a gentle embrace. “I heard that the search for Gregory has been suspended. I am so sorry to hear that.”

  Dana moved out of Montgomery’s arms and stared at him. She was stunned at the level of comfort she felt when he hugged her. His cologne lingered in her nostrils. “Who told you?”

  “Well, Della, of course. She said she didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but her heart was breaking for your family. She called me to see if I could do something to cheer you up.” Montgomery tried to interpret Dana’s unreadable expression, praying she didn’t catch him
in a lie. “I hope I didn’t get Della into trouble.”

  “It has already been announced on the one o’clock news anyway,” Dana replied. “It’s okay. However, I am in no mood to be cheered up out of my funk. I’ve pretty much been told that my husband is dead and that I need to accept it. I am simply not ready to bury my husband.”

  Montgomery watched Dana walk toward the veranda. He assumed that meant she wanted to be followed. She sat in one of the wicker chairs and then gracefully crossed her legs. Montgomery sensed that Dana was trying hard not lose it in front of him. Even though her eyes were extremely sad and a little puffy around the edges, her appearance otherwise was remarkably intact.

  “I brought you something,” he said and then handed her a small red, velvety box.

  “What is it?”

  “Open it and take a look.”

  Dana did as she was told. Gently, she lifted an oval unframed charm from the folds of a silk cloth. There was an inscription on it that read: Courage is grace under pressure. “This is from the Heather Moore collection,” Dana said. “A very expensive piece of jewelry…I can’t accept this.”

  “Oh, it’s not that expensive,” Montgomery joked. “I got it on sale. But seriously Dana, I want you to have it. You are one of the most courageous women I’ve ever met in my life.”

  “I don’t know what it is you see in me,” Dana countered, “but it’s certainly not courage. Right now, it feel as if I’m about to lose my mind. I can’t count the number of days when I didn’t cry for my husband to come home. And it has made me very miserable to be around. Just ask my daughters.”

  Montgomery didn’t see what the big fuss was about Gregory. The man had incessantly cheated on his wife and hid it from her for years. On top of that, Gregory had been one of the House of gods’ leading men, who vigorously recruited unsuspecting young males into a glut of underground corruption. Montgomery was simply being paid to show Gregory how a man should treat his wife. One night with him beneath the satin sheets and Dana would forget that joker she called a husband. According to Montgomery’s sources, Gregory was probably dead anyway.

  “To me, you are very courageous,” he told Dana. “You took on the challenge to help me out with Della. You could have turned me down and said you have your own problems to deal with – which was your God-given right, but you offered yourself and opened up your home to us. And for that, I am eternally grateful.”

  “Anyone with a decent heart would have done what I did.”

  “I am not going to let you wiggle your way out of this one,” Montgomery smiled. “You are an amazing woman and I wish you would embrace what I’m saying to you. In the last couple of weeks, you’ve completely changed my perspective on life. Even Della can’t stop talking about you and how you are becoming a role model for her.”

  Dana looked dubious. “Della said that?”

  “I will summon her and she will tell you herself.”

  “That’s not necessary. It just amazes me that she and Rose can’t get along. Then again, Rose doesn’t get along with you either.”

  Montgomery decided to distract Dana’s trend of thought with a spur-of-the-moment suggestion. “Stand for a second,” he instructed. “I feel led to pray the serenity prayer with you.”

  “Led? You don’t strike me as the type to be so spiritually connected.”

  “Well, I am trying to be all God wants me to be,” Montgomery smiled. With Dana facing him, he took both of her hands into his. “Close your eyes and simply focus on the words of this prayer: God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; courage to change the things we can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as we would have it…”

  When Montgomery completed the prayer, Dana still had her eyes closed, only now, tears were slowly crawling down her cheeks. On cue, Montgomery pulled her to his chest, and began to sooth her with a gentle massage. He then got a little brazen, pressing his lips against Dana’s neck. The gesture was well-received. So he continued to revel in it. Soon, their lips gradually found each other. They kissed long enough for Della’s gaze to find them. She had seen Montgomery’s Escalade on the outside and somehow knew her lying husband had only returned to search for Dana.

  Although she was seething, Della uttered not a word. If she hadn’t been sure her husband was in love with Dana, she was sure now. Montgomery was not being faithful with his love to her. So why should she? Two can play your game, Monty. Things are about to heat up and you won’t be too thrilled with what I’m about to do. But who cares? You’ve toyed with my emotions one time too many. She spun away, unable to control the profanity dominating her thoughts.


  6:11 p.m.

  Asia was pouring out a glass of juice when she saw Candi walk past and make a left turn down the hall. Asia knew Candi saw her and it bothered her that Candi didn’t make any attempt to acknowledge her. They were sisters, but were behaving like archenemies waiting to settle a match. This foolishness has got to stop between us. In a hurried effort to get to the staircase behind Candi, Asia almost ran into Izaiah.

  “Whoa, where are you girls going with all of the speed?” he exclaimed.

  “I’m trying to catch Candi before she goes to her room,” Asia replied. “But I think she’s intentionally trying to avoid me.”

  Izaiah mildly blocked Asia’s movement. “Let her go for now. I want to talk to you for a few minutes about the other night.”

  “Don’t worry about it; it’s fine.”

  “If it’s fine, why can’t you look me in the eyes?”

  Because you are making me weak in the knees just being this close to me, Asia thought, but instead, she replied, “Can we talk about this later? I really need to settle some things with Candi.”

  “I am sorry to have disrespected you like that,” Izaiah said in a softer tone. He knew if he let her go now, the moment would be lost. “I can’t explain what came over me. If you hadn’t pulled away I know for sure I would have gone through with it. I won’t deny it. I wanted you badly that night, so bad that even a cold shower was not enough to cool my flames. But that is not God’s plan for us and I am extremely grateful for His intervention.”

  “However, I can’t promise you that it won’t happen again. I am helplessly in love with you and each day it gets harder for me to see you and not want to touch you, or to hold you, or to do other things with you. I’m rambling, but to cut a long story short, I am longing to make you my wife, Asia. Please don’t make me wait too long. I don’t know how much more of this waiting I can take.”

  Asia finally moved her gaze to meet Izaiah’s desperate expression and was overcome with the care and the deep affection she saw in his eyes. She suddenly felt at peace about the prospect of spending the rest of her life with him. This was the green light – so to speak – that she had been waiting on.

  “Well,” she said in a more relaxed tone. “If my father were here, he would have told us that it is better to marry than to burn.”

  Izaiah stared at Asia with even more intensity. “And you agree?”

  Asia smiled, revealing that she was perfectly okay with the answer she was about to give. “I will marry you, Mr. Cahoon, but I want a formal proposal. You can’t simply corner a girl at a stairwell without an engagement ring.”

  Izaiah’s smirk turned into a big, toothy grin. He pulled Asia into a tight hug. “You’ve just made me the happiest man alive. Did I tell you how much I love you?”

  “Like a hundred times already,” Asia joked. “Now release me so that I can make things right with my sister.”

  Once out of Izaiah’s embrace, Asia proceeded up the stairs. But knowing his eyes were still on her, she stopped midway, turned and looked at him. “I love you, too,” she mouthed, before continuing her climb to the second floor.

  Izaiah turned away in a daze. He knew it would be hard for him to sleep t
hat night.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Asia gave several raps on Candi’s bedroom door and waited to be let in. She usually had a habit of waltzing into her sisters’ rooms without permission, but she did not want to make Candi more annoyed than she already was at her. Asia was attempting to call a truce between her and Candi. Was it possible? Only God knew. Candi could be very obstinate when she wanted to be. A minute passed and Asia decided to knock again.

  “Come on, Candi, unlock the door,” Asia pleaded. “You know we need to talk.”

  “Go away,” Asia heard Candi say.

  “Nope. I’m staying right here until you open the door.”

  “Then suit yourself. I’m going to bed.”

  “I’m not here to fight with you. I simply want us to be friends again – like we were when we were growing up. Nothing could have gotten between me, you and Dallis. We were like the three Musketeers. But ever since you came back from Cayman, things have not ever been the same between us. I miss you and I’m apologizing for all the stupid things I’ve said or done because I want my sister back.”

  Silence ensued. Then, Asia heard the unmistakable click of the knob, which meant Candi had unlocked it. Asia twisted the knob and the door squeaked open. Candi was in the mirror, vigorously rubbing her facial creams into her skin.

  “Don’t get too excited,” she told Asia. “I only let you in because you were embarrassing me. Everyone can hear what you’re saying in that hall.”

  “I’m sure Dallis and Anwar won’t mind. Mom will be thrilled, especially after what Detective Shelby told us about our father this morning. It only means we need to lay our differences aside and come together as a family.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”


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