Cheri's New Rules

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Cheri's New Rules Page 9

by Markie Morelli

  Michael was delighted when she followed his instructions to the letter. Soon two fingers were stroking her g-spot lightly while the middle finger of his other hand was nestled firmly between her lips and pressing on her clit. Her body was nearly vibrating with excitement.

  “Baby, you’re being such a good girl,” he said softly. “It’s amazing what a good session over my knees can do for your attitude.” He heard her moan the same time he felt her pussy tighten around his fingers. The next sound he heard was a squeal of pain as the root worked its magic.

  “See what happens when you don’t mind me?” he scolded with a chuckle. “Daddy wants you open and ready when he wants to take you. That’s a lesson you’re going to learn one way or another. I may want to fuck your sweet kitty or your tight little ass, but when I tell you to relax and open, that’s exactly what you’re going to do. If I have to use a root every night for a month, I will. I could enjoy having your bare bottom over my lap while I watch TV and finger you. I’ll have to find a big, fresh root for each day, but that’s not a problem. Soon all I’ll have to do is whisper ‘open’ in my little girl’s ear and you’ll be wet and ready for me, won’t you my sweet?” he asked as he increased the pressure of his fingers.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered back.

  Lord, she was dripping, her hips wiggling slightly as she tried so very hard not to tighten her pussy around his marauding fingers. It was almost a shame to let her come and he didn’t want to, but his cock was so hard he was going to explode soon. Teasing her was the same as teasing himself and she obviously had more incentive to behave with that plug up her ass.

  “Okay, baby,” he said softly. “Daddy is going to let you come now, but you have to do it without squeezing if you can. I don’t want the burning in your ass to ruin it for you, so just stay calm and let Daddy do all the work.” In his mind, he figured the sudden pain in her bottom would do anything but ruin it for her. In fact, he expected it to increase her pleasure. Moving his fingers firmly against her g-spot at the same time he rubbed her clit, sliding his thick finger back and forth across the hard nub was amazing. He literally held her precious pleasure in his hands.

  He could see the struggle she was having and he savored every second of her surrender to his demands. Finally, it was too much for her and she convulsed in his hands, her pussy clamping down on his fingers as her clit quivered against his hand. She screamed, long and loud and he watched her tiny anus spasming around the root over and over as her climax took her somewhere he could not follow.

  When she calmed and was nearly asleep on the table, he brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed his way down her back, paying special attention to her blazing ass. That was not spared his nibbles and she moaned in discomfort. Then he removed the plug, dropped the end of the table and stepped between her still spread legs. Lifting her bottom a bit he pulled her close and opened his pants.

  Chéri lay on her tummy and he whispered one work, “open.” With a slight shift of position, she arched her back offering her pussy up for his pleasure. Michael smiled. Releasing his cock from his pants, he took another step closer and grasping her hips he impaled her, thrusting to the hilt in one move.

  He did not want to come quickly and whispered her command again. Incredibly she obeyed, letting him fuck her with long sure strokes but not clamping down on him in a move sure to send him over the edge. If felt different, lovely, warm and snug, but not so tight he wasn’t able to prolong his pleasure. This was something new and exciting for him. He could fuck her for a long, long time this way and love every silky withdrawal, every inward thrust. It was like walking a tightrope with pleasure awaiting him no matter which way he fell. He angled toward her g-spot again and heard her gasp.

  “Daddy, I’m not going to be able to stop when I come,” she told him. “My body won’t stay open then,” she sighed sadly as though she’d somehow disappointed him.

  “I know, babygirl. It’s all right; Daddy knows how hard you’re trying to be good. Put your hand between your legs and play with your little clitty, honey,” he ordered. “When you’re ready to give it up to me, you can clamp down as hard as you want. Your Daddy will be right behind you, filling you up with his hot come. Daddy knows what you need to be happy, baby,” he growled softly. “You need hard spankings, good fucking and a loving daddy to watch over you and make you be a good girl, don’t you, sweetie?”

  “Oh God, yes, Daddy,” she screamed just before she splintered into a million pieces taking him with her.

  He did fill her, over and over as she shuddered around him and lost consciousness.

  He woke her with soft caresses mingled with not so gentle pats to her red fanny. Her sighs pleased him, and as soon as she opened her eyes, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to her bed. Lying beside her, he brushed the hair from her face and kissed her cheek, nibbling his way to her mouth. Chéri turned toward him and cuddled closer.

  “How’s my baby?” he whispered against her lips.

  “Good, but sore, Daddy,” she complained, before opening her mouth to his invading tongue.

  “That’s exactly what my intention was, good and sore,” he teased when he’d stolen her breath away and then relented.

  “I didn’t mean it that way,” she pouted.

  “I know you didn’t, but I did. You needed this, baby, and don’t pretend you didn’t.”

  “What are we going to do for the rest of the day, Daddy?” she asked, clearly trying to change the subject.

  He allowed it.

  “I think the first order of business is to get you cleaned up and dressed in your pretty little outfit. I love how it looks on you. Then we’ll have a discussion in my office. After that, the day is yours, babygirl. We’ll do anything you want to.”

  “Really,” she squealed. “Anything? Wait, what do we have to discuss?” she asked nervously as though just hearing that part.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” he answered, rising and pulling her from the bed. “Let’s get you up on your table and Daddy will tend to you. Then I’ll help you get dressed.”

  “Do I have to wear the panties?” she asked as he towed her toward her changing table.

  “Yes, you certainly do,” he laughed, picking her up and setting her down. “They’re my favorite part.”

  “Ouch,” she yipped as her bottom hit the table. “But, Daddy, they itch where the ruffles are sewn on and my bottom is so sore.”

  “Guess you should have thought of that before you decided to be naughty,” he offered as he gently eased her onto her back. Taking the package of wipes he began to clean her, gently separating her lower lips.

  Chéri huffed and crossed her arms over her chest but she did not fight him as he carefully and thoroughly bathed her slit, paying special attention to her sensitive clit and her red little rosebud. He even pushed the wipe slightly inside her tight hole. Instinctively she tried to keep him out and he barked one stern word.


  Immediately she relaxed and let his finger wash the tender ring.

  “You learn fast, little girl,” he said. “I like that. I hope you learn the rest of your lessons as well, although I do like the idea of punishing you when you’re obstinate,” he sighed as though disappointed. “Now would you look at that? I just washed this sweet little kitty and already it’s leaking again,” he drawled as he took another wipe and cleaned her slit. “I wonder what happened to cause that response?” he teased.

  “Oh, Daddy,” Chéri cried, covering her face with her hands.

  Michael laughed and lifted her down. He helped her get dressed and particularly enjoyed her wiggling and moaning when he pulled her panties up tight between her thighs. Just to add a tiny warning he patted her bottom and toyed with the ruffles for a moment or two.

  “So pretty,” he said. “I think we need several more pairs of these. I’d like a pair made from fabric so sheer I can see your red cheeks glowing through them after I’ve giving you a good licking. Hmm, licking
, I like that word. It’s so old-fashioned, sort of like our relationship. Maybe I’ll build a woodshed out back.”

  “Daddy, no,” she yelled, backing away and covering her bottom.

  “Yes, I like that idea. Not that I’ll hesitate to deal with your misbehavior anywhere and in any way I see fit, but there is a certain nostalgia associated with taking you out to the woodshed for a good licking.”

  “Please, Daddy, no more talk about spanking me. I intend to be perfect for the rest of the day at least,” she insisted.

  Michael laughed and brushed her hair.

  “I’ve heard it all before, little girl. It’s not your intentions that get you into trouble. It’s your actions and, of course, your sassy mouth. I’ll tell you what. If you make it till bedtime without getting your hind end swatted again, I’ll give you a big bowl of chocolate marshmallow ice cream for a bedtime snack.”

  “Deal,” Chéri cheered, accepting the challenge. They shook on it, her small hand engulfed in his large one.

  Michael put a pink bow in her hair and had her sit down on the bed so he could buckle her shoes.

  “Stop wiggling,” he scolded. “I’ll never get them on with you squirming all over the place.”

  “I can’t help it,” she whined, rubbing one cheek and then the other. “It hurts.”

  “It’s about to hurt a lot more if you don’t stop,” he promised. “Plus, you’ll be giving up your favorite ice cream.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said petulantly.

  “You’ll never make it,” he said confidently. “I’m going to have mine and yours too.” Finally getting the last shoe buckled, he rose and took her hand. “Come on, time for us to have a little chat, brat.” Pulling her along beside him, he led her from the room, down the stairs and across the huge living room into his office. He seated her in the leather chair before his desk.

  “I need a cup of coffee,” he stated. “Do you want one?”

  “Can I have one?” she asked surprised.

  “I wouldn’t have asked if you couldn’t,” he replied. “The conversation we’re about to have will be quite adult despite the fact your wearing my favorite pink panties,” he said with a self-deprecating smile.

  “Then yes, I’d like a cup of coffee,” she replied.

  Michael nodded.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  When he returned carrying two cups of coffee, Chéri took note of the serious expression on his face. After handing one to her, he moved behind his big desk and sat with a sigh.

  “What’s this all about, Michael?” she asked before taking a sip.

  He grimaced as though hearing her call him by his name instead of daddy was painful and for a second she wanted to go and crawl onto his lap.

  “First of all, I want to apologize for the way I talked to you yesterday. I was totally out of line and quite cruel. I’m sorry,” he stated simply, looking into her surprised eyes. “While it’s true we had problems in our marriage, it was unfair of me to lay them all at your feet.

  “For years I was a passive observer, unsatisfied with the status quo but unable or unwilling to do anything about it. I’m not sure which,” he admitted. “I should never have allowed things to deteriorate to that point.”

  “Why didn’t you, do something I mean?” Chéri asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe because the boys were still here and I figured it would get ugly, or maybe because I just stopped caring somewhere along the way. It wasn’t until they left for college that it really hit me. It was you and me. This was our life, for better or worse. I couldn’t face another twenty or thirty years of living in this big beautiful house with a woman who barely knew I existed.”

  “Michael, that’s not fair. It wasn’t like you paid a whole lot of attention to me either,” she insisted.

  “I know, in fact, I tried not to,” he admitted. “You see you were a reflection on me. The sweet, funny girl I’d married had become mean-spirited, demanding and cold. I felt responsible. Had I been a better husband, taken more of an interest in what was going on around here I might have been able to change course. Instead I came home, ate dinner and went to my office.

  “It was ironic on so many levels. I was a man who sat in judgment on others, granting divorces to couples who could not seem to work out their differences, and at home, I ignored every issue as though it would disappear on its own. I just want you to know I accept the blame for what happened to us,” he said sadly.

  “It wasn’t entirely your fault,” Chéri stated honestly. “I could have tried harder to make time for you too. When the boys started school full time and I decided to go to work, I sort of lost something in the process. Between my job, taking care of the house, the boys, and school functions, it all became too much. I was exhausted. I remember praying you wouldn’t reach for me in the night,” she whispered, hanging her head.

  “Was I such a lousy lover?” he asked.

  “No, just quick,” she said blushing, “as though it was something for you to check off your list.”

  “Funny, I thought the same thing about you, your Sunday night chore.”

  “We were pretty apathetic, weren’t we?” Chéri laughed bitterly.

  “That’s one word for it,” Michael agreed. “Thank God that’s over.”

  “So why are we having this conversation? It’s not like we’re dredging up memories of happier times.”

  “I wanted to remind the both of us where we came from and what we have now,” he replied seriously, “and I also want to discuss the direction we may take in the future.”

  “What do you mean?” Chéri asked with a quiver in her voice. “Aren’t you happy?”

  “I’m ecstatic,” he answered honestly, “but I don’t think you are. Yesterday you admitted you fantasize at work about being able to stay home, about being my babygirl all the time. Is that the truth?”

  “Well, I do think about it,” she admitted. “I know it’s not possible, but I have my days when knowing I’ll be taken care of when I get home to you is all that gets me through. It’s silly, isn’t it; a grown woman who wants to be babied by her husband? Who likes calling him daddy?”

  “No sillier than a grown man who wants his wife to be his little girl, even his baby at times. I want you to come to me with your problems so I can make it all better. You giving up control to me, allowing me to touch you in ways that fire my soul…I can’t describe what it does to me. I’ve always loved you, Chéri, even when things were tough, but now I don’t think I could live without you. You make me feel strong and vital. I’m a man again.”

  “And you make me feel loved, protected and cherished. I’ve never been happier, as embarrassing as that is to admit. We’re a fine pair,” she giggled. “Our lives would give a psychiatrist enough material to write a book.”

  “I suppose so, but who are we hurting?”

  “You hurt me when you spank me,” she pointed out.

  “So I do,” he admitted with a grin, “and no little girl ever deserved it more.”

  Chéri snorted and stuck out her tongue.

  “Watch it, it’s still Sunday,” he advised with a wink. “So what do you want to do about this?”

  “About what?”

  “About the way you feel. I never want you to be unhappy, my little love. If working is making you miserable, then you’ll have to give it up. If you need to be my little girl all the time, that’s what you’ll be.”

  “I can’t be all the time,” she said slowly. “I have to be a grown up sometimes.”

  “Yes, there will be times you’ll have to act your age, or as near to it as you can manage,” he teased. “When the boys are home on break, or for certain social engagements we can’t get out of. The rest of the time I’m perfectly willing to take care of my baby.”

  “You’ve been calling me your little girl for a long time now,” Chéri said, twisting her skirt in her hands. “Lately you’ve been calling me your baby. Does that mean something has changed?”

No, nothing has changed and it won’t unless you tell me that’s what you want,” Michael said gently. “Come here, honey,” he encouraged, holding out his arms.

  Chéri moved around behind the desk and climbed onto his lap. Oh, this was so very nice, she thought as she snuggled closer and sniffed his cologne. She loved his strong arms around her. The world could collapse around them and she would be safe.

  “You need to be an adult for a little while longer, sweetie,” he whispered into her hair. “I want you to really think about what you want from me.”

  “What do you want, Michael?” she asked.

  Chapter 10

  “Me? I’m perfectly happy with the way things are now,” he replied carefully. “I figure at your worst you’re about five years old, and a badly spoiled five-year-old at that. I will pamper you, discipline you and examine your body at will, but you already know that. At times I will do things to you you won’t like, but I will adore. I think you already have an idea what some of those things may be. Others you have no clue about.

  “They won’t always be easy to accept, any more than it’s easy to accept my authority at times. You can be quite obstinate, sweets, and I haven’t quite figured out whether you’re doing it because you can’t help yourself, or you’re doing it so I step it up a notch. I suspect at times it may be the latter and that while you’re howling your head off in protest, you’re secretly reveling in it all. In time I will figure it out, rest assured.

  “That being said, I can’t help wondering if you’re truly getting all you desire from our relationship. I often get the sense you’re really much younger than I think and that being a baby, with all that entails would satisfy another need deep inside you.”

  “What would it entail, Daddy?” she asked quietly, hiding her face in his neck.

  “Oh I imagine it would require a serious commitment on both our parts. I’d need to make a number of changes to your room and there would be equipment and supplies I’d need to purchase. I think I’d want a contractor to make our room and the new room into a suite of sorts with a connecting door. It wouldn’t do to have a wall between me and my baby,” he informed her, “and I’d like it if no one could get into the nursery from the hall. It will give us more privacy and you more security.”


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