Love on the Dark Side of the City

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Love on the Dark Side of the City Page 21

by Kennedy, Thomas

  “Sure Ivan. We agreed no trouble on the domestics for the moment.”

  George moved rapidly out of the hotel and went the short distance up the road to Jury’s Hotel. There he set himself up at the bar and bought a pint. George settled himself and he smiled into his pint. To his surprise the pint of Guinness was very good in the posh hotel. George felt content. He was excited. He had a lot to look forward to in developing his career as a gangster and he knew he would enjoy supporting Ivan in the coming venture.

  George had a second pint and then decided to go to bed. He had to be up early in the morning to arrange the rental the premises Ivan had located. Ivan had supplied the money in a brown envelope, and he had his cash from Ivan’s contribution for Ann. He did not like to be abroad in town with so much cash on his person.

  Ann… …wait until he got his hands on her. His eyes glazed and then hardened. He would get Ann regardless of what it cost in life or limb or pain or money. She would pay big time.

  Almost exhausted by the ferocity of his emotion he recognized that somehow he had slipped over an edge and had moved from the man he was to some type of driven energy force.

  His heart rejoiced that he had found a new world where he could be a powerful being and dominate women. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew he was embarking on an evil course of events. But his desire was too strong.

  The picture Ivan had painted of a world where he would have power and money and position was too compelling. He wanted it more than anything in his normal world and he was prepared to take the risks. But he intended in time to have his family and his new world. All he needed to do was be patient and it would all come to him. Ivan had explained this and he trusted Ivan.

  Chapter twenty-one

  Housekeeper peered over Cooks shoulder. “Has she touched it yet?”

  “No, stop pushing.”

  Sweeping in the hall, resplendent in her new maids uniform, Megan did not notice the kafuffle at the kitchen door as the Ellen and Cook strained to watch her movements.

  “Come away from the door,” Ivan said, drawing them back into the kitchen.

  “We want to see if she takes it,” Cook said as they reluctantly closed the door to the hall, silently turning the handle.

  “She is the only one in the hall. If the money goes she took it. The trap is set, not to give it away.”

  “What?” Housekeeper said, her sixty plus years had not enhanced her hearing and she sometimes had difficulty in understanding Ivan’s thick Russian accent.

  “He said don’t spoil the trap,” Cook explained.

  “She’ll not take it. She is a good girl,” Housekeeper said, “I had to show her how to use the brush properly and she never saw a Hoover before. Never used one anyway. She is worse than some country girl.”

  “I don’t expect they have Hoovers in caravans. They would need a lot of electricity.” Cook mused as she set out three steaming cups of tea and a plate of scones on the kitchen table.

  Ivan smiled, he loved Cook’s scones, especially early in the morning.

  “We will leave it there for a few days,” Ivan suggested.

  “What if someone else takes it?” Cook asked.

  “We put in the drawer where Housekeeper keeps the polish, no one else will go there. Megan will see it every time she polishes the banisters, because she will have to go to the drawer to get the polish.”

  “Its’ not fair,” Housekeeper said. “Just because she is a Tinker, we expect she will rob us blind. Maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Just a test,” Cook said passing Housekeeper a cup of tea and a scone. “I won’t relax while she is in the house. We will have to watch every thing. What about the girls jewellery?” she added.

  “I will watch her,” Ivan said, “you ladies not to worry. Just treat her as normal. First time there is a problem she is out. Sonia will agree. Then I will take care of her, don’t worry.”

  “When she has finished downstairs she will polish the mirrors in the dance studio. I have been meaning to get around to them for ages. It is wonderful to have help, even if it is a Knacker girl,” Housekeeper said.

  “Just as long as she does her work properly Housekeeper. You should not have to put up with shoddy work. Don’t stand for it.”

  “Don’t worry,” Housekeeper said sipping at her tea. She pushed her scone towards Ivan. Cooks scones always weighed like stones on her stomach, especially early in the morning. “I trained in Carton House, the seat of the Dukes of Leinster. I will have that young thing jumping through hoops. She wants to learn to be a maid, well I’ll show her.”

  “Good” Ivan said through a mouthful of scone. “Don’t go easy, make sure she passes the tests or tell me and I’ll take it over. Just let me know if you have a problem.”

  “Thank you Ivan, but I can handle a young girl. I have trained many and if I say so myself, she seems a nice cooperative type of girl. Not a, well not like a Knacker at all, just like a simple country girl.”

  “Don’t let her fool you,” Cook admonished. She always held the view that Housekeeper was too soft and did not assert herself enough. Took on too much.

  In the hall, oblivious to the conversation in the kitchen, Megan stood back and admired her handiwork. There was a large teak coat stand in the hall with presses and drawers. She had been surprised to see a pile of five-euro notes in the drawer with the polish, but had ignored it when she got over her initial shock. She decided she would report the sum of money to Housekeeper when she saw her later.

  “Find out what you can steal,” her father Joe had said when he told him she was starting a job.

  Joe had been hostile and astounded all in one emotion when she had told them at first.

  “But it is to do with the Social Welfare,” she had lied, “it is a new FAS scheme for the under eighteens. I have to do it if I am to get my dole at eighteen. They said it was random selection.”

  Finally they had bought it. But only because she said it was a four-week training course and then she would finish.

  “Time you married and had some babies,” Molly had said shaking her head, but she had not objected.

  “Its’ live in. A Russian lady runs the home.”

  Megan waited until Joe came home drunk and presented the application for a passport and asked him to sign. “Wanted for the Social Welfare,” she suggested as he put his drunken scrawl where she pointed. Molly was a push over. She was used to letting Megan sign things for her and Megan just signed on her behalf.

  Megan began to polish the banisters. In her view it gleamed with polish already, but Housekeeper had explained that there was a cleaning program and she had to adhere to it. After the first hour of explanation Housekeeper had departed to cover her own chores and left Megan to get on with it.

  Sonia had been satisfied with the passport form and said she would take care of it. She took a photo of Megan with her digital camera. Then she had called Housekeeper and handed her over. “Talk to Housekeeper if you have problems” she had said gracefully, “but remember my door is always open.”

  “Find the alarms and the cameras and let me know,” Joe had suggested with a gleam in his eye when he had finally accepted that Megan was going to work in Morehampton road. “And make a note of where the valuables are, jewels, cash and the like.”

  “Yes daddy,” she had said, the easier to get his consent. But she had no intention. Any policeman with half a brain would connect her presence in the house to a burglary. Anyway she was changing her life and she had no intention of robbing her new benefactors.

  The only shock had been her assumption that she would be able to stay in Morehampton road.

  No, no” Sonia had said, “you must find your own accommodation. This address is only for your passport. You can’t stay here. We have no room prepared. If you pass your probation in six months we will take you in, but not until then. We will pay you a rent allowance in the meantime.”

  Megan had no way of getting from the hal
ting site where she lived to the house in Morehampton road on time every day. Even with buses it would take her two hours each way. She had brought her stuff in a heavy suitcase and that was sitting in the kitchen. When she got off work at ten that evening she would have to sort herself out.

  Her friend Maureen had been the most difficult. Megan got her alone and explained her plans. Maureen had started dating with Ivan and was perturbed to find Megan would be staying in the same house. “There is no FAS scheme,” she had said instantly and Megan knew she had to take her into her confidence.

  “You are my best friend,” she had said pleading to Maureen. “I want to try a job. Just don’t tell my parents. They will stop me.”

  “All right.” Maureen had agreed, “but you have to bring Adizua on a double date with me and Ivan. Ivan keeps asking me and I promised him I would arrange it. Nobody in the house need know.”

  “My dad would kill me if he knew about Adizua”

  “And probably kill Adizua.” Maureen had added. “But you and me have our secrets now Megan. You don’t tell on me and I won’t tell on you. Nobody, especially Molly, must know about me dating Ivan.”

  “All right.” Megan had agreed. If Maureen’s family or her Fiancée’s family found out she was dating while her boyfriend was in jail there would be trouble. Maureen was expected to stick by her man even if he was turning into a drug addict in jail. If she sparked a family feud it would boil over into violence.

  With loving care Megan continued her polishing. She loved it. She loved the opulence and glamour of the house. It was as if the house was a real person to her. She had never experienced being part of such a set up. She loved the brasses around the fireplace, the light through the stain class windows in the fanlight over the front door, the sweep of the staircase to the landing, and she loved the brass castors securing the stair carpet. Everything seemed so fine. To her, cleaning was not a chore, being part of the house was such a different experience. She loved to touch everything, all the fine things in the house.

  Sonia, when she came down the stairs on her way out to see Samuel was pleased with what she saw. Megan looked very pretty in her new maid’s uniform and she seemed so absorbed in her work. Instinctively Sonia knew she had made a good choice. Hope the dedication lasts, she thought to herself as she gave Megan a sunny “good morning” as she departed.

  Megan paused and wiped her brow. Miss Sonia was such a lady, she thought. Then she bent back to rubbing a stubborn stain on the stairs where the polished floorboard met the carpet.

  Ivan came through the hall and asked her how Maureen was. Megan replied diffidently, not knowing how to deal with Ivan.

  “Don’t forget to brush and shine my butlers pantry,” he said as he departed after a few pleasantries.

  “I have to do the mirrors upstairs, Housekeeper has me on a schedule, but I will talk to her.”

  “Good,” Ivan said and added, “Megan, that uniform suits you, you are very pretty”

  Megan blushed and turned to her rubbing, she did not want to encourage compliments from Ivan.

  “Soon,” he whispered. “You and Maureen come with me for a night out. When your night off?”

  “Monday. I think”

  “Some Monday. I show you a good time. Bring your boyfriend. Maureen tell me about him, black boy, you bring him.”

  “Maybe” Megan said. She was disturbed that everyone seemed to know about Adizua and she so wanted it to remain a secret.

  She could hear the sound of music through the door bearing the sign ‘Dance’. Megan knocked once and timidly stuck her head around the door. Then she stood jaw dropping. There were half a dozen women in the room, mostly semi naked, at least topless. Megan felt her colour rise and began to run. However she was stopped when Sara called.

  “Megan, come in. Ladies this is our new maid.”

  Everything stopped. Sara ushered Megan into the room.

  “I have come to polish the mirrors,” she stammered.

  Sara began her introductions.

  “This is Angel, and Bobby.”

  “Bobby because of the boobs” Bobby said with a warm smile.

  Megan was unsure where to look, as Bobby had the biggest she had ever seen. Her accent was not Irish almost Russian like Ivan’s.

  “And Angelica and Slim and Spice.”

  “Hello” Megan said

  “You can meet the rest of the girls later,” Sara said and the group dispersed back to practice their dancing. The music began and the girls began their routines, chatting and discussing amongst themselves as they tried various steps and positions.

  Megan fetched a chair to be able to reach the top of the mirrors, which lined one wall and went within a foot of the ceiling. As she worked she could see the girls reflected back to her in the mirror.

  In her sixteen years Megan had seen a lot living on the side of the roads of Ireland, but she was mesmerized by the girls and had to remind herself to continue polishing as she paused and watched the reflections move. The lack of inhibition fascinated her. She had been brought up to cover her body and feel ashamed. These girls were brazen and unafraid. But they seemed to enjoy themselves. They had verve and life and energy.

  Megan was finished by lunchtime and returned to the kitchen to find Cook was there alone surrounded by steaming pots and pans.

  “I am doing the girls a spaghetti lunch and some salads. It’s their big meal of the day. You and Housekeeper can serve it up in the dining room. You can start by cutting some bread.”

  “Right” Megan said, and went towards the pile of French bread.

  “Stop!” Cook instructed. “First wash your hands, you have just been polishing.”

  “I washed them after when I went to the toilet,” Megan said, “but I can wash them again.” And she went to the sink.

  Cook watched her every move and conscious of this Megan made a ceremony of washing her hands. She wanted to get on the right side of Cook and could sense the hostility.

  Housekeeper arrived in a flurry. “Solveig is in town. He is lunching with the girls. We better be at our best.”

  “Still screwing that slim girl, the Romanian one?”

  “Think so, that’s why he is spending so much time in Ireland.”

  “Don’t worry” Cook said confidently, “he will soon tire of her and then she will be traded off to one of his friends with clubs in Paris or Rome. Just like the others.”

  “Come along girl,” Housekeeper said to Megan. “I’ll show you how to set a table for lunch. You try and memorize the settings for the cutlery. Leave that bread, if that is all right with you Cook, we can cut it later and it will be fresher.”

  “Fine” Cook said, letting Housekeeper take charge of Megan.

  “Have you washed your hands?” Housekeeper fussed although she had seen Megan drying her hands as she came in.

  Megan nodded and followed meekly.

  During the lunch that followed there was no alcohol. Solveig liked to think the girls would arrive fresh and sober at his club each evening. The conversation was less lively than usual as Solveig’s presence put a damper on proceedings.

  Megan, scared out of her wits by the complexity Housekeeper brought to having a simple meal just did exactly what she was told and smiled as often as her nerves would allow.

  Solveig watched Megan from the corner of his eye. He liked a pretty maid in a pretty maids outfit. He decided he was happy with the demeanour shown by Megan and that she would fit in. He had had his doubts but had backed the decision of Sonia who he had given authority in the matter. But he had refused to let Megan stay until she proved herself. He did not want any trouble with Itinerants and he did not want someone on the premises who might let them in during the night.

  After the girls were fed Megan and Ellen returned to the kitchen where Cook had set four places.

  “Ivan will come to eat later,” she explained, indicating to the fourth place.

  “Eat up,” Housekeeper told Megan. “You have worked hard and a
ll the servants get fed as part of the job.”

  Both Cook and Housekeeper watched as Megan ate and then Housekeeper intervened. “Let me show you how Italians eat spaghetti,” she offered.

  Megan watched and learned. “Thank you,” she said, trying to copy Housekeeper. “I have so much to learn I am so grateful to you both.”

  Both ladies smiled.

  “I saw some money in a drawer in the hall,” Megan added. “Should it not be put away?”

  “Don’t worry yourself child,” Cook said, “everyone in this house is honest. It is perfectly safe where it is.”

  “I have the clothes and costume list for tonight. Megan, we have to lay them out for the girls this afternoon. When we are finished lunch you can take a ten-minute break in the garden and then report to me. We have a busy afternoon,” Housekeeper instructed.

  “What time do I finish?” Megan asked.

  “About ten tonight, we clean up after they are gone to work. Don’t worry; the cars will be going into town about then with some of the girls. Ivan will drop you off wherever you wish. It’s part of the policy to give a ride home for anyone who has to work late shifts. You have to find your own way in tomorrow morning. I want you here at nine in the morning, understood?”

  Megan said nothing, and then she asked “Do you both live in?”

  “Housekeeper does, but I go home to my husband,” Cook said.

  “This is the most important part of the job,” Housekeeper explained later as they boxed up the costumes for the girls for that night. “If we forget anything there will be trouble. Make sure everyone has a thong. At least that way they won’t be arrested.”

  Each girl had a box with her name on it and her costume for her stage act. Mostly it was a long slinky dress for mixing with the customers and which could be easily taken off if the customer was to pay for a lap dance. Some girls also did an individual pole dance on stage and required specific costume.


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