Love on the Dark Side of the City

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Love on the Dark Side of the City Page 27

by Kennedy, Thomas

  Robbo was horrified with the sight that confronted him. A black man was tied to the rafters and standing on a large table about three feet off the ground.

  The man seemed slumped and it was difficult to tell if he was alive or dead.

  The bucket of water George had fetched was on the table where George had left it.

  Ivan had advised that they would deal with Adizua today and George determined to wash him down as he decided Adizua would not be brought anywhere with the smell that was off him. However he was afraid to go near Adizua without Ivan’s watchful presence and had left the bucket for later.

  Robbo dipped his handkerchief in the water and climbed up on the table. He wiped the man’s face.

  Adizua came too with a startled twitch and Robbo leaned back, careful not to fall off the table.

  “Who are you?” Robbo whispered.

  Adizua tried to focus. It was not an enemy, someone had come, he decided.

  “My boot,” Adizua said hoarsely, “a knife in my boot, back left.”

  Robbo stared trying to comprehend; he could not make out the accent.

  “Boot” Adizua repeated moving painfully.

  “Yes” Robb said and jumped off the table.

  Adizua had strong ropes around his legs and ankles. Robbo began to undo the knots. Then he unzipped the back of Adizua’s left shoe. He fumbled a bit and then found it. A slim sharp knife in the lining. Using the knife he quickly untied Adizua’s legs. Then Robbo climbed back on the table and undid the bonds on Adizua’s arms.

  But the handcuffs on the wrists were a different story. The knife would not cut them.

  “Keys?” he asked.

  “Cut my hand so it will slip through. Cut off some of my hand,” Adizua hissed.

  Robbo recoiled in horror. This he could not contemplate. He would find a better way.

  “Ann?” Robbo said but Adizua looked uncomprehending.

  “Girl?” Robbo asked.

  “Girls next room,” Adizua whispered through cracked lips. Soon they will be screaming.”

  Robbo paused and looked at Adizua. The man was in a pitiful state and seemed to be at the end of his energy. Only the eyes showed ice and determination. Robbo realized that it was the determination of a man who was prepared to have a hand cut off to get free and at his enemies. But there was nothing he could do about the handcuffs, he decided.

  Instead Robbo, now armed with the knife, decided to investigate further. Clearly George was up to no good and if Ann were captive next-door George would answer to him.

  As Robbo jumped off the table the door crashed open and George stood framed in the doorway. Robbo froze as he landed on the floor, holding the knife in George’s direction.

  George laughed, “Ha, I thought there was something up. You were in the boot weren’t you, you little bollix.”

  “I want Ann and I want her now!” Robbo shouted waving the knife.

  “You’re the one who has been at my daughter, you little bollix. Well now I’ve got you. When I finish with you, you will wish you were dead.”

  “You have to catch me first, and this knife says you better behave.” Robbo said as threateningly as he could muster.

  “Drop the f******g knife.” George growled and produced a gun from his pocket.

  Dumbly Robbo stared.

  “Drop the knife or I’ll blow your head off!” George shouted.

  Robbo dropped the knife. Above him Adizua let go a moan of despair.

  George smiled. “Good Lad,” he said.

  Without taking his eyes off Robbo and without a waver of the gun George took a mobile phone out of his pocked and hit a speed dial number.

  “We have a little complication,” George said when the call was answered. “Ann’s fella has turned up. I have him at the end of your gun.”

  “I told you not to ring me,” Ivan said angrily, “I am on the way. Will arrive soon as discussed.”

  “You said to ring in an emergency,” George was abashed by Ivan’s anger.

  “All right. All right. Be careful George. Don’t take chances. Tie him up with Adizua. Don’t kill him. We need to talk to him to see how he found us and what he knows and who he has talked to him.”

  “Understood” George said, staring at Robbo who seemed frozen to the spot.

  “Good, I arrive soon. We will have a little violence to get the little shit to talk. You can show me what you can do George.”

  “Gladly boss.”

  George put the phone back in his pocket.

  “Move back from the knife,” George instructed.

  Robbo moved back until his rear came against the table. George began to move towards him, watching in case Robbo went for the knife. Robbo felt desperation in his heart. He knew if George got him the game was up, but did not know what to do against the gun. He would be no use to Ann dead.

  “Empty your pockets onto the table” George said as he approached carefully.

  In desperation Robbo rolled over the table and pulled it down between himself and George. Above him Adizua cried in agony as the table ceased to support him and his full weight came onto his arms, suspending him from the rafter above his head.

  Before Robbo could make a further move two bullets crashed into the table top and the loud noise of the handgun thundered and filled the small room. Robbo froze and George brushed Adizua aside, causing Adizua to cry out in further pain, as he swung sideways. George leaned triumphantly over the upturned tabletop and peered down at Robbo. Robbo looked up into the barrel of the gun and knew he was caught.

  “Where did you think you were going?” George leered down at him. “No one can hear what happens here, we are very remote. Now get up.”

  George’s expression hardened. “No more nonsense or I shoot you,” he threatened. “I will wing you or leg you and believe me it will hurt youngster. Come quietly or I will let you have it.”

  As Robbo raised his arms in surrender, Adizua swung back and caught George’s head between his knees and calf’s. George reacted, bringing up his gun towards Adizua. Adizua twisted and there was a crack as George’s neck broke. George slumped, dead onto the table and Adizua was forced by the weight to release his grip. “Only one chance, must take it,” he said half aloud.

  Robbo gathered himself and righted the table, putting it back under Adizua’s feet, to take his weight. George lay crumpled on the floor. Robbo checked his pulse.

  “ Think he is dead,” he said horrified.

  “The gun,” Adizua said. “Shoot the handcuffs. Free me”

  Robbo got the gun. He checked to be sure he understood how it might work and then climbed back onto the table. He put the mussel against the chain linking the two halves of the handcuffs. He squeezed the trigger.

  The roar of the gun and the recoil knocked Robbo off the table. But the bullet did its job and the chain severed, bringing Adizua crashing down on top of him. Revolted by Adizua’s unwashed clothes Robbo scrambled free and then turned to help his newfound friend. With difficulty he got Adizua to his feet.

  “Next room, to girls,” Adizua whispered, balancing his weight against Robbo's frame. Adizua bent and picked up his knife with determination and held it tightly. Robbo retained the gun and helped Adizua as they staggered through the door and into the next cottage.

  In his shock Robbo almost dropped Adizua to the floor. Then he lowered Adizua gently to the floor near the door and went over to the girls.

  They were curled up in their kennels waiting to be pulled out and beaten. It had been unrelenting. They were blindfolded and gagged and they only knew that they were three and that George took great enjoyment out of beating them. Only Ivan’s restraining hand could stop George from going too far. They were bruised and black and blue and very frightened. They had ceased to try to communicate with each other, each living naked and vulnerable in her own world of pain and despair.

  They all tensed as they heard Robbo come close. Robbo inspected the kennels and stopped again at the second one.

“Ann it’s Robbie,” he said softly.

  Ann began to cry deep dreadful sobs as hope filled her heart. He two other girls picked up on Robbo’s voice and they too began to cry, was rescue at hand?

  Robbo removed the bonds from Ann’s eyes and they looked into each other’s eyes. Then he took off her gag and kissed her bruised lips gently.

  The chains defeated him.

  “Has George the got the keys?” he asked.

  Ann’s eyes widened with fright at the mention of George.

  He’s dead” Robbo said flatly. Ann’s eyes saddened but then she was glad. “The other girls,” she suggested.

  ““Yes” Robbo said and reluctantly left Ann and removed the gags and blindfolds.

  Maureen and Megan began to cry with relief and delight, rattling their chains and wondering how to get them off.

  A moan from Adizua brought Megan to her feet. “Adizua!” she screamed in concern and went to move to him. But the chains stopped her in her tracks and she fell in a heap. Adizua crawled over to her and they embraced.

  “The keys to the chains!” Maureen said, waving her arms in panic at Robbo.

  “George is dead...” Robbo began.

  “Thank god,” Maureen said with feeling. “ Get us out of this.”

  “I’ll check if George has them in his pocket,” Robbo volunteered and touching Ann gently for a moment he went back to the adjoining cottage.

  George lay where they had left him slumped on the floor. Somehow he looked old and pathetic, not the vigorous sadistic man he had been. Robbo went through his pockets but discovered no keys.

  George had a large amount of money in his wallet. Then Robbo found the mobile phone. In the excitement he had forgotten. Robbo took his own phone out of his pocket and dialled the police emergency number.

  Here was considerable confusion at the other end when it emerged that Robbo did not know where he was. However mention of a dead man and girls tied in kennels injected a sense of real emergency into the situation. Soon an officer came on the line.

  Robbo gave him his best guess that he was north of the airport, some forty minutes from Templeogue Bridge.

  “Is your phone battery full?” The officer asked.

  “Reasonably,” Robbo said, after a quick look at the indicator on the phone,

  “Good” the officer said. “Leave it on, we can do a trace. It won’t be too long. Just hang in there, we will find you.”

  Robbo put the phone on the table and continued the search, taking off George’s shoes with some difficulty, in case the keys were in his shoe.

  Robbo started as a shadow came across the door.

  “You must be Robbo, Ann has cried for you.” A harsh Russian voice said.

  Ivan stood in the doorway a gun in his steady hand and a smile on his face.

  The smile vanished when he realized Adizua was no longer on the rafters.

  Where Adizua?” he demanded.


  “The black man.”

  “Next door. He is not well.”

  “Good. Now, what are you doing?”

  “Lo…oking for the keys.” Robbo stammered.

  “I have them,” Ivan said with satisfaction, adding, “is he dead?”

  “George? Yes, his neck is broke.”

  “Pity, but no worry, I am here now and we can finish up this mess”

  “Who are you?” Robbo asked.

  “Not your business. Move to next building. Ivan said, indicating with his gun. Robbo looked at Georges gun where he had put it down beside the body. Ivan smiled. ““Don’t get ideas, I am very good shot.”

  Reluctantly Robbo stood up. He got between his phone and Ivan and walked to the door. Ivan stepped back carefully and let Robbo come through the door. Then he stuck his gun into Robbo’s back and prodded him towards the second cottage.

  Ivan pushed Robbo in the door and sent him sprawling onto the floor.

  Ivan smiled when he took in the scene. The girls were still chained and in total fright at his arrival, Maureen scrambled back into her Kennel. Adizua was comatose on the floor while Megan cried over him. Ann was trying to get to Robbo but the chains stopped her. Robbo crawled over to Ann and took her in his arms.

  “I arrive just in time I think,” Ivan said with a satisfied grin and walked over to Adizua. He kicked hard. Adizua groaned but did not move.

  “We will put the ship back on the rails and clear complications, I think.”

  They looked at him in fear, other than Adizua who was motionless.

  “Robbo how you find us.” Ivan asked mildly.

  “I followed George, and hid in his boot.”

  “You know where you are?

  “No. I was in the boot.”

  “Anyone know you are here?”

  Robbo was silent; he did not want to cooperate further.

  “Answer or I shoot your girl!” Ivan threatened.

  “No one” Robbo said,

  “Louder!” Ivan shouted.

  “No one knows where I am!” Robbo shouted in despair.

  “Good. You go first,” Ivan said with a satisfied smirk. He had not expected the youngster to be so forthcoming so easily, but he decided to believe him. It fitted.

  As Ivan took aim Robbo flinched and hugged Ann.

  Adizua was quick and certain. He rolled, his legs gripping and tripping Ivan and as Adizua came over on top of Ivan he plunged his knife into Ivan’s heart. Ivan died in an instance. Adizua slumped over him, the last of his energy spent.

  Robbo took a moment to realize what had happened then he went to Adizua and helped to bring him back to Megan’s arms. Maureen began to scream. As Robbo searched Ivan for the keys to the chains he heard police car sirens in the distance.

  Robbo abandoned the search and went out to find the police. They could take it from here. Once they were here he knew Ann would be safe and that was really all that mattered to him.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  “How are you darling?” Ellen asked her daughter Ann.

  Ann had the blankets up around her neck and they could just about see the pretty new pink pyjama where her shoulders met the sheets.

  “Getting better.” Ann said with a blush, her eyes catching Robbo’s in a plea that asked ‘why can’t we be alone?’

  “We must not wear her out.” Robbo said proprietarily in tone.

  “We won’t be long,” Peter said, tapping his wife Jane’s hand as he spoke.

  Ann looked at Peter with a mixture of anger and wonder. Wonder because her mother had informed her that Peter was her real father and anger because she wondered where he had been all those years. Although she could now understand how he was so kind to her. She would need time to make her mind up about Peter Burke and his posh wife.

  “You were so good to move her here,” Ellen said to Peter.

  “Tallaght Hospital is great, but a private room here at Mount Carmel will ensure that Ann’s recovery is well managed,” Peter said. Now that he was the acknowledged father of the child he wanted to do all he could.

  “And thank you for saving Ann and those two other girls. I hate to think what would have become of them.”

  Robbo blushed. “The black guy, Adizua did it all really,” he said modestly.

  “Not at all,” Ann said with spirit, “you found us Robbie and called the police. Without you we would…” Ann stopped and he eyes filled with tears.

  “There, there,” Ellen said. “Don’t distress yourself.”

  “We better go Peter.” Jane decided that the half hour they had spent was long enough and their presence was beginning to stress the girl.

  “Yes, O.K.” Peter said getting the message.

  Jane had said he needed to take it softly, softly, in getting to know his daughter. They stood to go and Peter helped Jane on with her coat. He gave her a little hug between them as he did so. Relationships had really improved lately and Jane had been so supportive in the affair of Ann. Tops, she has been tops, Peter thought to himself as he
placed his wife’s coat over her shoulders.

  “Young man, can we have a moment,” Peter said to Robbo, who startled at the prospect. However Robbo stood up to go outside, as it was clear that Peter wanted a private word with him.

  “I’ll only be a second,” he said to Ann, as she looked worried.

  Outside Jane drew back and let Peter put his arm around Robbo’s shoulder and take him aside.

  “Robert” Peter began. “I have squared everything at your workplace. They heard the story and they understand and they are proud of you. You can go back on Monday. Of course this affair has been all over the newspapers and now you are quiet a local hero for rescuing those girls.”


  “The Nigerian, yes you rescued him too, don’t forget. Unfortunate about the other deaths, the police were just a little late. But to change the subject, Ellen says you and Ann are to be married.”

  “As soon as we can afford our own place,” Robbo replied guardedly.

  “Well, I’d like to help. I have neglected Ann long enough. I have a few apartments around the town. I intend to sign one over to you and Ann. Marriage would be the best for her. I know it. She has been through too much. A nice young man like you, and to give her a stable home… Just what she needs. It’s wonderful.”

  “Thank you,” Robbo said, realizing that he would be able to marry Ann very soon.

  “I hear you are a very clever young man and have great prospects as an actuary. That’s a very well paid profession, young man. So I wish you every success. Let me help to get you and Ann started on the ladder. I’ll cover the cost of the wedding as well, just let me have the details.”

  They shook on it and Peter departed hand in hand with Jane.

  “I suppose you feel a great fellow?” Jane said shrewdly as Peter skipped along side her.

  “Well yes. A fine couple.”

  “The long road is to win her approval without putting the rest of your family and children out of joint,” she coached.

  “Yes I know” Peter said seriously and their eyes met.

  “Jane you are wonderful for me”


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