For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

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For Love & Torture_A Submissives’ Secrets Novel Page 92

by Michelle Love

  I made my way down the hall that had old gold wallpaper and oil lamps lining the hallway. I saw the light shining from under the bathroom door and I decided to check to see if she had gone in there.

  As I approached the door, I could hear the faucet running. I twisted the knob to see if it was locked. To my surprise, it wasn’t. Making my way inside, I could see her bent over the sink, rinsing her face. She was oblivious to my presence as I stood, admiring her ass as it was in the air, ready for my taking.

  I ran my hand over my hardened cock as she continued attending to her business. I supposed the makeup was bothering her as she was washing it all away. “You’re not going to spend the rest of the night cooped up in the bathroom are you?” I asked then her head shot up and she stared at me in the mirror. Her ice-blue eyes looked at me with shock and perhaps there was fear in them as well.

  “I…um …I was just rinsing my face and chest. Someone spilled a drink on me,” she explained.

  I found her nervousness quite amusing as well as her reason to explain why she was doing what she was doing to me, as if I were her father. Even though in that moment, I would be whomever she wanted me to be. “Your body is beautiful,” I said, then took a sip from my drink.

  Her gorgeous eyes shifted around as her chest rose and fell in a rapid beat. “I’ll excuse myself so you can handle your business,” she said, walking toward the door only for me to stop her.

  “I want to make you my business.” I ran my hand down her cheek to her breast.

  She’d left her mask beside the sink and I put it back on for her. “I’ve seen you but no one else should.”

  This had to be her first time at one of these things and I was going to be sure she’d be mine for the night. And no one else’s!


  I was almost speechless as the man, who I had seen at the poker table staring at me, was now in front of me. He had scared me a bit. I hadn’t heard him come into the bathroom.

  His dark eyes were penetrating behind the Phantom of the Opera mask he wore. His dark hair was silky and shiny. He was the epitome of a handsome devil.

  He chuckled, lightly. I guess he found me amusing. “Your body is beautiful,” he complimented me.

  My throat all of a sudden became dry as my insides thumped at his seductive tone. “I’ll excuse myself so you can handle your business,” I told him as I made my way to the door.

  I couldn’t think of anything else to say as my mind was jumbled with very inappropriate sexual thoughts for reasons I didn’t fully understand. But before I could make it to the door, his arm snaked around my frame. His breath smelled of Jack Daniels and mint.

  His face was just inches away from mine. “I want to make you my business.” He ran his hand over my cheek then down to my breast, making breathing stop for me. “I’ve seen you but no one else should.” He picked up the mask I’d taken off to wash my face and tied it back into place.

  “Thank you,” I said. “I forgot about that.”

  “Do you know the rules, newbie?” he asked in a whisper.

  “My name is Natasha but you can call me…” he placed one of his large fingers on my lips to shush me.

  “Natasha, it is. Now, Natasha, you will do as Bill says or you will suffer the consequences. Understood?” He eyed me through his dark mask. His expression was demanding.

  My conscience was saying, no. But my curiosity took charge. I stared at him as my inhibitions were quickly dissipating with the presence of the dominating man, I had every reason to believe was completely gorgeous and completely out of my league, were we in the real world. Why not have a taste of the man I’d never be able to obtain in the light of day with no masks to hide us? “Yes, I understand Bill.” I bit my bottom lip as his demeanor changed to one of power and lust.

  “Turn around,” he demanded.

  I did as he’d told me to and turned, facing the wall. My mind was screaming at me to run but my body wanted to know what exactly he was going to do to me.

  His hands never left my body as I could feel him breathing down my neck, planting kisses along my neckline. “You are mine for the next 24 hours and what I request you must fulfill. Do you understand?” he asked.

  I turned my head slightly to the right as I had my own question. “What if I don’t want to fulfill your requests?” I was taunting him but still wanted to see what he wanted out of me.

  “Then you will be punished, vigorously. No outbursts, no touching, no passionate kisses, and no talking. When I want you, you will come, no questions asked.” His warm breath tickled the nape of my neck. “Now, do as I say and you will be rewarded.” He pressed his cock against my ass.

  I could feel his hardness as it screamed for attention, pressing into me. Then I felt a cold wet something, press against the warm skin of the back of my right shoulder. “What is that?” I turned fully around, trying to reach the spot, looking at his eyes as they held no emotion.

  “I just branded you with my stamp. So when you walk out of this bathroom everyone will know that you belong to me.” He moved his hands down the side of my waist. “Tell me that you agree with this and we can proceed?”

  Did I agree to what he was asking me to do? Be at his mercy for 24 hours? My body decided for me as my mouth opened and unrehearsed words came out more quickly than I’d anticipated, “I agree.”

  A moan left his plump caramel lips and soon he had my legs wrapped around him and my back pinned against the cold marble wall. “Reach down and pull off my belt,” he said with a commanding tone to his deep voice.

  What I was about to let happen wasn’t a thing I’d ever done or saw myself doing but his presence was more than dominating. It was electric and I felt anything but like my usual self. So I did as I was told.

  I managed to unbuckle his belt and pulled it through the loops. “Do you trust me?” he asked with a concerned tone.

  “I’m pretty much at your mercy so trust has to be key.” I gave him an even stare.

  He chuckled as he used the belt to hold my arms behind my back while still holding me up with his strong frame. His cologne invaded my nostrils as I closed my eyes and thought about what I was doing, letting this stranger tie me up. It was not the time for thinking, it was the time for doing. Things had gone too far to stop!

  Our lips met and they fell in sync with one another as our tongues fought each other for dominance. It had been awhile since I had kissed anyone. His kiss was the best I’d ever had though. I knew that much for certain.

  My hands were tied. I knew it was to refrain me from any type of sexual affection. His hands found my spot as he pushed the corset to one side and then he ripped the panties I had on at the seams and placed a bigger hole in the crotch of my fishnet stockings. “Open your eyes.”

  I did as he told me to and felt his fingers maneuver in and out of me while tugging on my clit. “Oh my…” he stuck his tongue back into my mouth to muffle my chiming pleasures.

  I bit his lip as he shoved his massive shaft inside of me without warning. “Natasha!” he groaned in the crook of my neck. My walls caved around his intrusive entrance.

  He pumped in and out of me faster and then slower. “Your pussy feels so good wrapped around me,” he cooed in my ear.

  I couldn’t speak as my body was his captive and so was my mind. His hips swirled around in a circular motion as he found a rhythm that we both could dance too. I moved up and down as he continued to push his way in and his balls smacked the cup of my ass as he stiffened inside of me. “Awww….yessss…..” he groaned as I tightened my muscles around him and kept my pace as he slowed his own.

  I was at my peak and so was he. “Fuck me harder Bill.” I moaned as I bit the bottom of my lip in a fever. He did as I demanded and wrapped my legs around him more as if he wanted to bury himself inside of me. “I’m…uhmmmm…I’m!” I bit into the crook of his neck as I came undone.

  “Bad girl,” he whispered as his cock jerked with heated bursts inside of me.

  Our bodies co
llapsed together as sweat beads rolled down my breasts. My legs were still cuffed in the fold of his arms as he regained his composure.

  “You are to be punished for your outbursts,” he said in an even but stern tone. I looked at him with confusion as he let me down, gently. “Now turn around.” His tone now cold.

  I turned around, hoping he was going to fuck me from behind this time. But my hopes soon crashed down with a slap to the ass twice then he explained, “Those are for your sexual outbursts.” He flicked my ear with his tongue. I wanted to let out a curdling cry yet I knew then that it would cause another slap. Even so, there were two more that followed. “Those are for talking.” He flicked his tongue at my other ear. I felt as though he was enjoying this type of obedience he was getting out of me. “One more for good measure.” I felt his tongue lick the lining of my neck.

  Before I could turn around, he had slipped out of the bathroom as I stood there with my ass sore and completely wet between my legs. My mind was a whirlwind as I had just fucked a stranger. I didn’t know his real name nor did I know what his face really looked like. I could pass the man on a sidewalk someday and never be aware he was the one who took me like he owned me then paddled my ass for enjoying it!

  What was worse was I had to obey his requests for 24 hours. I had midterms to study for. If he really kept me for 24 hours, I’d leave with only a few hours to rest and study before my classes started on Monday.

  He didn’t know me from a can of paint. My mind was set, that little rendezvous wouldn’t go beyond that building. Or so I thought!


  I saw the lust in her eyes and the feeling of her wrapping around me made me want her even more. She had so many things to be desired but the main one was her rebelliousness.

  Her breasts were beautiful and I managed to get her ID from her corset bra. We had a deal and I was going to make sure she was mine the entire 24 hours for whatever I desired from her.

  I grabbed another drink and sat in the back at the blackjack table and watched as she soon emerged from the bathroom. Her corset was snapped closed as her panties were in my pocket and ripped. I took them to remind me of her and the way she felt.

  She took a drink from one of the servers and walked toward the poker table. I knew she was looking for Dani. I had given her Natasha’s ID. But her friend was nowhere to be found and I knew why as I had seen Dani disappear into the dark to a private room under a man’s arm.

  The place was still in full swing and men watched Natasha, marveling at how she kept her head high. You couldn’t tell she’d just been fucked a mere five minutes earlier, by how she carried herself.

  Her blonde hair had a few more tendrils escaping the loose bun she had it in. I sipped my drink as I threw another green chip on the table and waved over the server.

  I grabbed a Jack straight and gave the waitress a blue chip to give to Natasha with a small note. I watched as she gave it to her and whispered in her ear.

  Natasha looked around but didn’t see where I was sitting. Before the server could walk off, she grabbed her lightly by the arm and gave her what looked to be the chip back. I knew she would be one hell of a newbie to tame but I was up for the challenge.

  The fact was her turning down the money enticed me immensely. She’d allowed me to fuck her and wanted nothing in return. That wasn’t a thing the women there ever did.

  I saw many men wanted her but they saw my stamp and refrained from approaching her. I had plans for the both of us the next day, so I texted my assistant the information I got off Natasha’s ID. My drink was finished and I was up 6 million in the game so I focused my attention on it and let her be.


  I could feel his eyes burning a hole through me but I didn’t know where in the room he was. Every man gawked at me but they didn’t dare make their move as I’m sure they saw his brand on me and knew I was off limits.

  My wrists were sore from the tightness of the belt and I still felt the flutters of the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Every thought, every movement, I could still feel him playing in my pool of ecstasy.

  I wanted him to plant himself back inside of me but that was a one-night thing I would definitely keep stored in the special memories section of my brain. I did want another taste of the man before I made my escape. But I couldn’t pick him out of the crowd of similarly dressed men in the dimly lit room. And he didn’t seem to be seeking me out, even though he’d claimed me with his brand.

  A few drinks later, a waitress walked up to me with a note and a chip wrapped inside of it. ‘You’ll need some much-needed rest for 24 hours of the unknown.’ it read and I looked around the room again, to no avail. I handed the young woman the chip back. “Tell him, no thank you for me, please.”

  She nodded and looked at me with some confusion. I supposed most women kept the money they were given. But his claiming me then ditching me had me pissed off. I didn’t want money from the man, I wanted another round of mind blowing sex from him but he seemed to be hiding from me for some reason. So fuck him, was my only thought.

  The liquor had me in a haze, as I stuck to wine on a day to day basis at home. I knew it was time for me to get home and finish my studying. I pulled my cell from my side pocket and called a taxi, pinpointing my location to the cab driver’s cell.

  This was the last party I would attend at any BBC function. Or encounter any of their members. I hoped the man wouldn’t chase me down to try to keep me there for 24 hours. He had to know that would be a criminal act.

  After I finished my last whiskey sour, I sat the glass on a table and headed to the big red door. The same woman greeted me with a flashlight. “See you soon, Greenwell.” She gave me a grin, noticing my brand. “That Bill is one hunk of man meat, you’re one lucky female.”

  I nodded my head in her direction, unsure of anything, as the amount of alcohol I had consumed took over my train of thought. I stumbled my way up the steps, my hands slipping on the wetness of the walls as I fumbled with my composure.

  My body quivered with the drafty wind. A hand snaked around me. “You had too many, too fast.” The sound of the voice was so familiar. But my stomach was quaking at the unsettling of the drinks and absence of food.

  “I can make…” I began to say before feeling the overwhelming amount of saliva filling my mouth.

  The hands still snugged around my waist, we made it to the second door. The door swung open and the air was cold and brisk as my overheated body was now shivering.

  “I’ll take you home.” The guy said as he picked me up, bridal style. Sometime in between, I passed out and could only see street lights every so often when I tried to fight the sleep.

  My night had been stranger than fiction and in hind sight, it had only just begun.

  I woke up in my bed, naked. My head was pounding from an evident hangover and I only remembered things that happened before I left the party. I was sore from top to bottom and especially the place in between.

  I sat up slowly, trying not to move too fast and make anything hurt more than it already was.

  I slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to wash up. I stepped over the little of nothing I had worn that night that had been tossed to the floor. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I found my reflection revolting. I heard the sound of music coming from Dani’s room so I wrapped my housecoat around me and went to knock on her door. It swung open to a cheerful and happy, Dani. “Good morning!” she said, stepping aside for me to come in.

  I walked in and laid on the foot of her bed as she danced around, singing and packing. “Where are you going,” I asked, sitting up on my elbows.

  “To see a man about a dog,” she said, sticking her tongue out at me.

  “That’s one special dog I see,” I said, annoyed with her sarcasm.

  “Oh, you, big baby. I’m going to another party but this time, it’s in Boston.” She smiled widely.

  I got up to leave. “Well, good for you. I’m going to take a muc
h-needed shower and look for some aspirin to take away my headache. Be safe,” I said, walking to the door.

  “Tasha, you should come.” She pulled me back by the back of my robe. I felt the chill of cool air hitting my bare shoulder.

  “No way! I went with you last night and I’m not going to any more of those fundraisers.” I held my ground.

  She jerked the robe down. “Let me see your brand. Who’s is it?” she asked, turning me around.

  “He said his name was Bill,” I said as I pulled my robe back up.

  “Bill. Which one?” she asked as if I knew.

  “You tell me. You’re the one who knows those people. And who was that old man you were with last night?”

  “Jon D. He’s so nice. But he’s never seen fit to brand me.”

  “He was the old guy who spilled his drink on me last night.” I shuttered in disgust. “He’s old enough to be your grandfather’s grandfather.”

  She gave me a grin. “Yeah, well he has way more money than my grandfather’s grandfather ever had.” She shrugged her shoulders and resumed packing as I rolled my eyes in her direction then walked out the door.

  Dani was all about money and only attended college to keep her father happy. He was a hard ass in the courtroom but a softy when it came to her.

  Something had to have happened to Dani, she was broken by it and didn’t care to talk about it. I loved her all the same, though.

  Whatever this BBC was she was attending, had some deep roots to what she wanted to be. May it be a wife or a mistress, she cared not for the wives and children of those men. I, on the other hand, didn’t care to be bought as a plaything by any married businessman. Billionaire or not!

  After showering, I heard the front door close and knew that Dani had left and the small apartment was all mine. It was no luxury as she was barely there anyway, to begin with. I put on a pair of jogging pants, a tank top, and my tennis shoes. It was going to be a casual dress day for me as I was going to do nothing but study. But first I needed coffee.


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