Claire's Hope: A Contemporary Christian Romance (Love's Enduring Promise Book 3)

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Claire's Hope: A Contemporary Christian Romance (Love's Enduring Promise Book 3) Page 23

by T. K. Chapin

  Looking at the menu, I mulled over in my mind what I wanted to eat. I had eaten there more times than I could count, but still needed to look at the menu to figure out what my meal would be. Then I spotted what sounded delicious, a home-style breakfast. Bacon, eggs, hash browns and a couple pieces of toast on the side. “I’m going with the House specialty breakfast,” I said, closing my menu.

  Chris set his menu down on the edge of the table.

  “What about you?” I asked.

  “Steak and potato.” Chris always ordered the same thing for dinner when we went there; not sure why he ever looked at the menu.

  Suddenly our server came over with the pitcher of beer and two ice cold glasses. She had beautiful flowing brown hair and piercing emerald green eyes. And then when she spoke, she revealed a gorgeous smile to complete the package. “How you boy’s doing tonight? My name is Trisha and I’ll be your server tonight.”

  “We’re good… so you’re new in town?” I replied.

  “Yes I am.” She pulled out her order pad. “What can I get ya’ll to eat? Or did you need a little more time?”

  It took everything in me not to stare at her. She was pretty. “I’ll take a chicken salad,” I said.

  Chris looked at me funny, tilting his head. “You didn’t say you wanted that earlier…”

  “I changed my mind,” I replied. “Just go ahead and order, Chris…”

  Shaking his head, he said, “Alrighty, I’ll take the steak and potato.”

  “And how did you want that steak?”

  “Medium-rare, oh and load up the potato please, everything on it,” he replied.

  “Okay. And did you guys want anything to drink other than the beer? We have soda, ice tea, lemonade.”

  I replied, “I’ll take a water. Here, I don’t need a glass,” I said, handing her the beer glass back.

  “Alright, I’ll go ahead and get that order in for you two.” She grabbed the extra glass, menus, and left our table.

  Leaning across the table, Chris asked, “Dude, why’d you get a salad? Trying to impress the newbie?” He laughed.

  Shaking my head, I said, “I just changed my mind.” I looked up and spotted Trisha across the restaurant, taking another table’s order. I couldn’t help but keep looking over at her. She was drop-dead gorgeous. Chris looked over his shoulder to see what was keeping my attention.

  He turned back to me and smiled, “She’s hot, huh?”

  “She’s okay.” Wanting to change the subject, I asked, “What’s the temperature getting down to tonight?”

  “I don’t know… Why don’t you ask for her number, dude?” He leaned in closer. “I bet you can’t do it.”

  Shaking my head, I replied, “You’re right, I can’t.” I laughed. “I don’t want to hit on our server. That doesn’t seem right.” Chris grabbed the pitcher and poured himself a tall glass of cold beer. Bringing the glass to his lips, he proceeded to chug the entire thing.

  “Wow!” He replied with a loud clap. “This night’s going to be good! I can feel it in my bones!”

  “Take it easy,” I said, watching him pour another glass.

  “I know… just getting relaxed. Chill.” Chris had a drinking problem if you asked anyone around town--well that’s with the exception of himself; he’d never admit it. Quite a few nights resulted in us both fist-fighting with other guys at the Wagon Wheel. A few times even resulted in the cops showing up.

  Leaning across the table, I said, “Do you really want to end up in another fight?”

  “Why not?” Chris asked with his eyebrows raised. “It’s the only time I get a chance to see our father.”

  Shaking my head, I replied, “You just might be as sick as him, you know that?”

  “Oh please…” Chris said as he took a sip of his beer. “Save me the psychoanalysis. I was kidding. I fight because it’s in my nature to right the wrong in the world.”

  A group of burly looking guys who I hadn’t ever seen before sat at a table across the restaurant. Chris kept his eyes locked on them as they kept looking over at us. He downed three more glasses of beer before the food finally arrived.

  As Trisha set my salad down in front of me, I felt a feeling of stupidity come over me. I really didn’t even want the salad. I had just ordered it to show her I’m healthy. Trying to impress a girl by what I’m eating? That was silly I thought to myself. “Thank you,” I said, smiling at her. She grinned at me as she placed the steak in front of Chris.

  “This looks delicious, thank you,” Chris replied, picking up his silverware.

  “Enjoy,” she said, walking away from the table.

  Looking up at Chris, I saw his eyes begin to get that red glaze over them that they do when he’s getting buzzed on his way to being drunk. I reached for my water and took a drink. “You better slow down…”

  “I’ll be okay dude, don’t worry about me. This food will help soak it up, chill out.”

  As we ate our dinners we could hear the group of guys snickering from a distance. Judging by Chris’s cringing he must have been able to catch part of their conversation. “Are they talking about us?” I asked, leaning across the table.

  “They’re saying we’re a couple of hicks from the back country.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised. I tried to listen in on the table and I couldn’t hear anything over the music in the restaurant. “I’ll be right back.” Getting up from the booth, I headed towards the bathroom and stopped in the hallway to listen in on the table.

  “How’s the soup?” a guy at the table asked.

  “Fine,” another guy replied.

  “My steak is a little overdone, but it’s okay,” another guy added.

  Shaking my head I walked back to my table. Taking a seat back down with Chris, I said, “Its fine… they are just talking about their food.”

  Chris glared their direction as he replied, “I don’t think so. Who laughs about their food?”

  “Maybe someone said something funny? Just eat your food and ignore them.” I picked up my fork and began eating my salad. Chris laughed at me a little when he saw my less-than-satisfied expression as I ate my leafy green dinner.

  As we were leaving the restaurant, the guys from the table were out in the parking lot getting into their car. “What do you hicks do for fun?” The tall and muscular guy asked from over at his car.

  “Excuse me?” I said, stopping before I got into the truck.

  “I said what do you hicks do for fun out here?” He asked smirking as he came over to the truck.

  Chris shut his door and joined my side with his arms crossed. He was drunk by now. Leaning over into my ear, he said, “Told you they called us hicks…”

  “You understand calling us hicks is offensive, right?” I asked hoping the man didn’t mean to offend us.

  The man spat on the ground and laughed a little. “Hillbilly… whatever you inbreeds like to be called, I don’t really care.” He pushed my shoulder.

  “Don’t touch me,” I replied firmly.

  Chris stepped in between us and got up on his toes and into the man’s face. “You should leave.”

  The man laughed, looking down at Chris. “Or what?” The other couple of guys from his car came up behind him. He pushed Chris backwards, causing his step to stagger into me.

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  Other Books

  Embers & Ashes Series

  Amongst The Flames

  Out of the Ashes

  Up in Smoke (Fall 2015)

  After the Fire (Winter 2015)

  Love’s Enduring Promise Series

  The Perfect Cast (Book 1) FREE

  Finding Love (Book 2)

  Claire’s Hope (Book 3)

  Dylan’s Faith (Book 4)

  Stand Alones

  Love Again

  Love Interrupted

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  First and foremost, I want to thank God. God’s salvation through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us all the ability to have a personal relationship with the creator of the Universe.

  I also want to thank my wife. She’s my muse and my inspiration. A wonderful wife, an amazing mother and the best person I have ever met. She’s great and has always stood by me with every decision I have made along life’s way.

  I’d like to thank my editors and early readers for helping me along the way. I also want to thank all of my friends and extended family for the support. It’s a true blessing to have every person I know in my life.

  About the Author

  T.K. CHAPIN writes Christian Romance books designed to inspire and tug on your heart strings. He believes that telling stories of faith, love and family help build the faith of Christians and help non-believers see how God can work in the life of believers. He gives all credit for his writing and storytelling ability to God. The majority of the novels take place in and around Spokane Washington, his hometown. Chapin makes his home in the Pacific Northwest and has the pleasure of raising his daughter with his beautiful wife Crystal. To find out more about T.K. Chapin or his books, visit his website at

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  Author’s Note

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