Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 7

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Without knowing I was taken inside and made to sit down on a sofa. Well, that's the story Ms. Wilson. I want to know if we can protect my parents for my testimony. I'm fully aware of the witness protection program. I hope we can do that so my parents won't be sent back to Mexico."

  "Never mind them being sent back Janice. We'll see to their comfort until the good Lord takes them away. Okay, enough for now. We've a safe place for you to stay for the night Janice. After that we'll see about a reunion with your parents. A nod of the head brought staff to take care of a prime witness against some really bad senators. After she left Connie said:

  "You'd best catch some sleep Rory. I'll need a full report before you leave for the coast. Great job as I understand it from Bill B. I did hear Marshall Dove didn't fare well under pressure. Once again, good job Marshall. I'll see you here in my office tomorrow morning around 10 am."

  Rory Returns

  While flying back to Portland, Rory flashed back on the morning with Connie. He'd written what he thought a good report. Connie read it and signed it smiling. "This will work Rory. The guy you took out is an old time contract killer. We've been trying for years to put him away. Rollie is being held without bail for the time being. It appears word of last night found it's way to Oregon as the senators packed up and left. Two girls contacted Stacy and want to testify about what they'd heard and secretly recorded on their electronic devices. It appears they were abused sexually and want it known publically. Also Stacy has some evidence she received from Bert Simons that should put the lid on this case. Now the last thing I'm going to do is present this commendation for last night work." She handed Rory a small wooden box with an award for excellence under duress. Rory almost had a tear, but maintained thanking her profusely.

  The flight attendant came by and said, "Marshall, because you are a VIP and have long legs, the captain has authorized you to sit in Business Class. Please follow me."

  Rory was smiling thinking maybe; just maybe, Connie had contacted his flight to Oregon and suggested the seating change. Regardless, his smile went away thinking he'd forgotten to buy something from Florida for Candy. The only thing he had was grass stains on his jeans.

  Because he'd no baggage, Rory walked off the plane with only the clothes on his back; grass stains and all. Then it dawned on him he'd no vehicle to drive. He stood outside wondering how he'd get home when a horn tooted drawing his attention towards a snazzy red import with an even snazzier redhead behind the wheel smiling at him. She gave him an index finger to come here. Rory with giant strides was inside the car in a flash. "You're amazing Candy. How'd you know where and when I would arrive?"

  "We all have our own sources Marshall Tex. If you'll give me directions to your place, let's go get you cleaned up. I hate to tell you but you don't smell so good."

  "Sorry bout that but I was a bit busy for the last couple days. I might add my place isn't much to write home about. It's temporary at this point."

  "Never mind about that. If it has a shower, kitchen and a bed, that's all we need Marshall Tex," said Candy tossing him a smile that had total meaning behind it. Rory inwardly thought what a nice homecoming this is.

  Startling Revelations

  After Ben dropped her off at her office, Stacy handed the flash drive to Sharon asking her to make hard copies. Also send a copy of the entire drive to Connie in DC. By the time Stacy had called Cathy for a chat along with a cup of tea, she went to work reading the first of the hard copies coming from Sharon.

  Sharon stayed with Stacy. She ordered in some pizza and coke. Stacy was taking a liking to Sharon as she seemed really efficient. It was just after they'd finished eating when Dan called. He and Emma had decided to go back to the campsite and keep watch for a while. As it turned out, that was proven a good decision for sure.

  Stacy continued reading until midnight. She had finished reading all of the contents of Bert's flash drive. Next to the stack of papers, a yellow legal pad was half-full of questions. She never even looked at the clock. The number Steve had given her was quickly punched into her cell. In two rings he answered. "I presume your cell is protected and mine is off the shelf Target style. Now what can I help you with Marshall."

  "I've not read the manuscript yet, but had a few questions before examining that document. I was wondering how many politicians were actually involved and who the ring leaders were."

  "Bill Wentworth is the top dog along with his buddy Jake Hollingsworth. The others are mentioned in the manuscript by name. There were ten plus the two senior senators, Bill and Jake."

  "Okay, I've not read the safety deposit box either. Can you tell me what I might discover inside the stack of documents? "

  "What you'll discover is documents denoting time, place and names that planed the scam that siphoned government funds for defense into their respective pockets. There are documents with both my name and Albert's signed names attesting to the bona fides of the scam. Like I said before, the statue of limitations has run its course. However, with the documents splashed across the media their families will hide in shame. I hope the IRS takes a look at their wealth and where it came from."

  "Okay I got it. Now are you okay with where you're at this time? If not we can tuck you away for awhile if needed," said a sincere Stacy.

  "I thank you Marshall, but no we're fine. I've had years to plan this disappearance. I've your number and will call two days from now. From this point forward, this cell phone no longer exists."

  "Thanks Steve and be safe. I'm sorry about your friend Albert. However, he can pass on knowing he sunk some major political colleagues. Bye for now."

  A Short Nights Rest

  Stacy fought between conscience and the slumber of dreamland. Her alarm clock was being really obnoxious making a racket that it was made for. Tossing back the covers, banging the alarm clock into silence, she staggered into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, going through her closet for something to wear her cell phone rang with her jingling bells. She dashed to the dresser and saw it was Dan calling. "What's up deputy and good morning as well."

  "Our senators and some of the staff are leaving in a hurry Stacy. Something must have scared them off. What are your orders?"

  "When the last one's leave, go look around the camp site for some evidence. Change into your uniform or at least your shirt. Let's look official is what I'm saying. I'll check with DC to find out what is happening to scare off the party goers. I'll get back to you later and if you find someone left, make sure to not let them leave without me releasing them. Maybe we can get someone to testify or give some accounting of what happened."

  Stacy quickly dressed and was at her office in just a few minutes. She flew around the kitchen making some hot water for tea. When she opened the refer she found a half dozen muffins. Sharon must have brought these wonderful life saving snacks just to make me happy she thought.

  On the way to her office, Sharon came in smiling with some hot fresh made bread and strawberry jam. "You're a life saver Sharon. Many thanks for your help over the last few days. Today will be a bit crazy as some things are happening for reasons we don't know. Anyway, grab a cuppa and let's not let that nice smelling bread get cold."

  "Thanks for the great working conditions Stacy. I've really liked it here so far. I do realize that you're in the middle of a case and I suppose there're times when it's kind of dull?"

  "Not often Sharon is it boring around here. Dan is taking some classes at the U and Emma is super efficient around here. However, I want to expand the office staff by one more person; like yourself for example. Emma is flexing her wings a little becoming more involved in the nuts and bolts of a case rather than sitting at her desk fielding phone calls or making copies. Let's discuss this further as I've to make a call back east."

  Connie picked up quickly and said, "Here's what happened Stacy. Rory and another of our Marshalls confronted Rollie Wiggins, his lady friend and a contract hit man. A long story short, Rory killed the contract man, Rollie Wiggins was arre
sted and currently is sitting in jail. Janice Banks was being blackmailed to do Rollie's bidding. She shot Albert and was scheduled to do the same to Frieda. Anyway, Rory did a fine job and is back home in Oregon by now.

  I received your copies sent concerning Bert Simons. I've not had a chance yet to read them. Okay, what's on your end of things?"

  "The Senatorial Retreat is evacuated as of around 6 am this morning. Dan is on site as we speak. We're hoping that some staff are still around to interview. More later as it develops. I've been in contact with Bert Simons. I've a ton of documents to go through. I've the original manuscript, a stack of documents from a safe deposit box that implicate more than ten politicians who scammed the government out of millions of defense spending for their respective states. My first impression is we have a case that will rock the political world of a dozen high level politicians. Now if we could tie the death hit on Albert to the ringleaders, namely William Wentworth and his equal in stature, Jacob [Jake] Hollingsworth, we could shake the world of some powerful people.

  Bert Simons is taking a long-term sabbatical to parts unknown. I'll talk to him one more time in a day or so and then he told me that's the end of it. That's it for now Connie and I'll call Rory to see how's he's getting along.

  "If what you say what I'm thinking that will surface, this will shake the foundations of senate. I wonder now if Albert Winslow was really guilty or just a pawn in a bigger game. Well, after I read and others read what you've sent and will send, let's see what happens."

  Jamaican Hot Blood

  A half hour later it was Dan on the phone. He said, "Stacy we struck gold here in Newport. We drove in and found two young college girls really pissed off. A long story short, they've been abused and want to bring down those lusty senators. They've recordings of their conversations about eliminating Albert and his ex-wife Frieda. After that they were going to murder that nice lady Janice Banks. They were left high and dry here and without any money to get back to school on. Emma and I are bringing them to Eugene for an interview. We should be there in a few hours. Oh, and we also have some names of other girls who will testify to being raped and abused."

  "Good work Dan. Stop by the 'hole in the wall' and feed those girls. Catch you later," said a happy Stacy.

  Marshall Tex

  Rory had a smile that would not go away regardless of what was being said to him. He did realize that a one-night stand with a gorgeous and intelligent redhead was, at that point, for the moment. However, he felt good the next morning as Candy bustled around the kitchen making some eggs and toast out of his meager stock of food.

  "Candy, a great time was felt deep in my being. I realize it might sound a little corny, but I'm really not a one night stand kind of guy. I don't know how you feel about us; or maybe you've a very different thought process on what happened last night."

  "Rory, I had a wonderful time and would like us to see one another some more. I've had my share of one night stands and they really turn me off. Usually the guy has his way and then leaves in a hurry for home. But with you I feel that you're a bit different."

  Rory saw she was sitting down looking at him straight on. He didn't feel intimidated, but felt warm and happy being with her. He could see she was wondering where this conversation was going so he said, "I think I can take a day or two off Candy. How about you? Can you slip away from your boss Matt Swinger for a couple days?"

  Rory saw a smile that would melt any hot or red-blooded guy. "Do you really mean it Tex? I've been with him for three years now and have never taken a vacation. Where do you suggest we go or what is your plan?"

  "To tell you the truth, I've not given it any thought. It just popped into my head. Let's see, it's spring time and what would be fun to do in the spring time. How about we find a lakeside hotel or motel and do some boating around a lake. What do you think Candy?"

  She started laughing and then tears rolled down her freckled cheeks. Rory had no idea what was going on so he sat there frozen in time. Finally she said, while whipping her eyes and jumping up for a paper towel to blow her nose, "I could care less where we go, but I'm happy just to be with someone who cares about me. I'll call in to Matt and tell him I'm busy for a few days. What do you have to do Rory?"

  "Make a phone call and that's it. I'll try and find a place I heard about up towards Hood River. There's a hotel above the Columbia River they say is nice."

  New Digs

  Once the smoke had cleared, statements taken from the two university students, recordings taken of senators discussing murdering Albert Winslow, reports written and sent to DC, Stacy had only one last thing to do. That evening she heard from Bert Simons. She told him what evidence they had and what she'd been told would happen. He said, "Marshall, that's music to my ears, but those guys have lawyers that it'll take years before it reaches court. But what's cool is they're done for and their families will suffer the humiliation of their actions. Be well young Marshall lady. I've been following your career ever since you graduated Chicago. Your father probably doesn't remember me, but we met one time at a convention in Dallas, Texas. You and he have the same intense eyes and good brain. Happy life Stacy Foreham.''


  The next day dawned warm and sunny. This nice weather would make anyone happy, thought Stacy as she rode with Dan to look at a townhouse that held some promise of being more like a home instead of a sterile apartment. Cathy was in the area so she was waiting for Stacy to arrive at the realty office. "Now you're talkin Stacy. This is the place for you," said Cathy standing outside her car waiting.

  "I hope so," said an eager Stacy.

  An hour later with a depleted bank account, Stacy was in process of owning her first home. Dan was obviously envious, but he and Emma were happy just being together.

  Stacy enjoyed her first night in her new digs with Cathy, Dan and Emma and there new secretary Sharon Lord eating Chinese takeout.


  "Murder at the University"

  Sizzling Summer

  The Willamette Valley in the summer time can be sweltering and very uncomfortable for most Oregonians. Last night as Marshall Stacy Foreham watched TV while eating a cold salad heard the weatherman tell everybody that was watching or listening that no break in the hot weather was expected any time soon. Stacy flipped channels to watch a movie she'd wanted to see. Squirming around to get comfortable, the a/c emitting cool air, she felt happy she'd invested in this townhouse. At first she was a little reluctant to use the exercise facility, but then after the stares stopped, she eagerly and religiously worked out every day.

  Stacy was fading out when her cell phone sounding out a tinkling of not so obnoxious bells ringing. She saw it was the new Eugene police captain calling. Stacy had met him one time and thought somebody had made a good choice. Chief Ronald Geppart was calling making Stacy sit up and take notice.

  "Sorry to disturb you Marshall, but we've a suspicious death at the university. Dr. Marsha Stone is on the scene now. She suggested we call you and I'm not one to argue about whose turf or responsibility it is, but I'm the kind of guy who wants the crime solved regardless of who we need to meet that end."

  "I'm happy to help Chief Geppart. Give me the location and I'll be right over," said Stacy. Stacy wrote the particulars and then called Dan to pick her up. He was outside by the time she'd changed clothes, picked up her bag and left the house.

  "Where we going Stacy," asked Dan who had Emma with him. Emma had begun as Stacy's secretary, but had slowly evolved into a handy person to have on a crime scene with a phenomenal memory and a consummate note taker. With the new addition of Sharon Lord, Emma still sat at the front desk running the front end. In the final analysis Stacy was pleased with her team; and back east at the Justice Department thought so too.

  It wasn't hard to find the crime scene as a dozen cars sat around making a blue light special at K-mart look puny. Dan put their smaller blue light on the roof and followed an officer to the crime scene.

  Marsha and the chief were chatting just outside a door to a smallish house just across the street from the campus. Marsha looked over and smiled. Stacy thought somebody had pulled some magical strings to entice Dr. Stone to Eugene from Coos Bay. Stacy and Marsha had worked together on more or about ten cases of homicide in Southern Oregon. Now she was head pathologist of Lane County and part time professor of pathology at the University of Oregon.

  "Hi Stacy, we've an interesting case here that will stimulate your brain cells. My first impression is the victim appears to have died from poison. Time of death is just a little past 6:30 pm. They were having a party here to celebrate the victim's recent tenure at school. I'll let Chief Geppart fill you in."

  "Nice of you to come Marshall. The head count here is thirteen guests and one dead house owner. He's a roommate that's his significant other. From what we gather at this point, he wasn't well liked by his fellow colleagues. Not because of his sexual persuasion but the way he achieved tenure. That's about all we have at the moment. The individual interviews will take some time and I heard you use the Oregon State Police for a loan of a detective?"

  "Yes, in particular Detective Ben Razor, who was part of our team on the coast and we will call down from Portland Marshall Rory Caltex. He too was part of our coastal team. I know what you're thinking chief; it's kind of ironic huh?"

  "We can spare two detectives and if you've two to add to the mix, we can begin our interviews. I see you've a deputy and that will help a lot. What we need is a place to perform interviews. I was told that across the street there's a canteen that can seat all suspects and then some. I've sent someone over to ask for use of the room."


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