Murder Mysteries #5

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Murder Mysteries #5 Page 13

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  "I really didn't see much out of the ordinary. His wife died some ten years ago from a strange muscle disease. His one son is back east teaching at some community college. His financial status is about what one would expect. Do you see anything that you were looking for Stacy," as he pulled into the office underground parking.

  "Yes and no Dan. It'll take some prying to reveal what I think is behind part of the case."

  Sharon was on the job early. Emma had been dropped off before Dan picked up Stacy. Hot water and such things to begin a day were laid out in the kitchen. Nothing of much connected with the case was discussed. All the conversation was weather and small talk. Sharon said, "Cathy called and wants lunch with you and any other hanger-on's that want to come are welcome."

  "I can do that just fine. Dan when Ben comes, I'd like for us to interview Professor Blick and Shawn Nickolas here in the office at 3 pm. Dan, offer to pick up Professor Blick make him think he's special. Which by the way, he's special to this case."

  At 9 am in came an unhappy looking David Oxnard. Stacy guessed that his day was totally ruined having to come here again and again. She smiled and thanked him for coming. A cup of fresh ground coffee perked him up and Stacy almost saw a smile cross his face. She asked, "I'm almost positive Mr. Oxnard that this will be last time we need to interview you. However, there're a few things I'd like to make sure I understand what you saw that evening in the kitchen. We know now that Shawn Nickolas popped into the kitchen for a moment or two. He received a glass of punch from Art and left. You told us you saw a flash go by the window. Is that still how you viewed that particular scene?"

  "Yes, I did see a flash and the hair was blonde. Also, it sure could have been Shawn, but I can't swear to it. But if Art said it was him, then there you have it Marshall."

  "Did you see Art at the table or the kitchen counters as you walked in or what do you remember Mr. Oxnard?"

  He stared straight ahead and not up at the ceiling as most people do thinking about something they need to remember. His focus came back to land on Stacy. He said, "I think he just turned around from the counter and took the two steps to the table. That's the best I can do for you Marshall."

  "As you left was it then that Andy came in?"

  "Yes, I seem to recall that he did come in as I was leaving."

  "That's it Mr. Oxnard. I really appreciate it. You've been most helpful solving this difficult case," said Stacy reaching out for a handshake.

  Ben and Dan both were struggling to see where this was all going. Both felt a little slow as they realized Stacy had, once again, solved the case; but how was the real question both wanted answered.

  Next up was Art who looked much better than the last time. He'd a fresh haircut and neat clean casual clothes. He even seemed happier than before. He turned down coffee and opted for a bottle of water. He waited patiently for somebody to ask questions. It wasn't long in coming as Stacy asked, "Art, we need to go over once again, those last minutes in the kitchen with both Andy and when Shawn came in for a glass of punch. Where were you exactly when Shawn wanted to come in and see Andy?"

  "I was at the punch bowl. He came in and told me wanted to see Andy and could he have glass of punch. I took a glass out of the cupboard and filled it up, handed it to him, he drank it down and left. Just as he left in came Andy. We argued a little and he left with a glass of punch in his hand. End of story Marshall?"

  "That's consistent with what you said before Art. I think we can stop here and many thanks for coming in. If I'm not mistaken you will have a long life ahead of you."

  Mexican Lunch

  Dan and Ben went to a meat and potatoes place for lunch while the ladies went to the Mexican restaurant owned and operated by a real honest Mexican Miguel Hernandez. Each of them decided that having one margarita would be permissible. After ordering Stacy asked Marsha, what happened with the next door professor?"

  "Our first date was great and so was the night that followed; if you get my drift girls," said a blushing Dr. Stone. "We both are a little leery of anything serious at this point. But we've a weekend planned for the coast when the summer tourists depart."

  "I'm so happy for you Marsha. You deserve a good time away from the stress of your giant stainless steel office. And now we focus on our resident CSI investigator and her church romance. Update us all please Cathy."

  "We had four kids with us and the pizza place was so noisy we couldn't talk. Actually it gave us both a chance to observe our handing of kids. He appeared a good dad and he told me later that he was impressed how well mannered my kids were. I rolled my eyes and thanked him. Leaving he gave me a hug and whispered into my ear that he wanted to see me again real soon. Well, we've texted, chatted and seems like we have a chance, I hope."

  Lunch came and it truly was a good Mexican lunch. Emma said she wanted to bring Dan here and Sharon said she needed a boyfriend to bring here. That made all laugh and Stacy felt a pang that she too needed a man once in awhile.

  A Nail in the Coffin

  Shawn Nickolas arrived on time. He was shown in to Stacy's office to the round table. Some chit chat took place as Stacy and Ben waited for Dan to bring Professor Blick. Shawn seemed relaxed and was being rather animate in his conversation about the lovely, but hot summer in the valley. However, that all changed when in walked Dan and Professor Blick. Shawn jumped up with a shocked perplexed look upon his face. Emma came in ready to record the interview.

  Stacy held her hand out for the newly arrived professor. He barely looked at Shawn who had sat back down with his hands folded in his lap as if a child was waiting to be scolded by his parent. Stacy said:

  "Let me tell you what we know and what we suspect. Professor Blick is your direct advisor in your Ph.D. program Shawn. He's your main man so to speak. Now here is what I factually know and what I suspect happened along the way." Dan had brought both university men a bottle of water which was being gladly drank down rather quickly by Shawn. Sidney Blick never touched the water. Ben thought he was a real cool customer and wondered where Stacy was going with this interview.

  "Professor Blick, you wife passed on some ten years ago of a frightful disease. I'm sorry for your loss. I wondered why you never found another lady friend. I realize that some men just don't need a woman later in their lives and still others do miss a female. Here's what I think happened between you and your Ph.D. candidate. You saw Shawn as one gorgeous specimen albeit of the same sex as yourself. I think Shawn saw a look in your eye that he could take advantage of in his quest for the highest degree to obtain. I think both of you enjoyed the encounter. Next you both decided to make sure the relationship continued but Shawn was in love with Andrew. That was all right with you Professor Blick. You wanted Shawn to be happy and he could occasionally come by for some discreet sex.

  It was decided that there was an obstacle in the way and that was Andy's roommate Art Menans. You two schemed to rid the burden that weighed heavy on Andy's shoulders. First Professor you raised the issue of plagiarism and then scorned him for being promiscuous bringing a black cloud over the biology department.

  At the last minute, Andy receives tenure and all looks bleak for the both of you. Shawn, however," as Stacy swung her attention to him, "decided to take matters a step further. He knows a party is coming. He hears a punch will be served. He pinches a bit of poison hemlock out of the lab. He walks around that night looking forlorn and sad. He sneaks to the back of the house where the kitchen is. He sees his nemis stirring the punch. He pops in and asks for a drink of punch. While Art retrieves a glass out of the cupboard, Shawn drops the hemlock into what he thinks is Art's glass. Shawn scoots out the door just as Andy comes in for refill. An argument ensues and Andy picks up what he thinks is his glass, but in fact it's Art's glass with the poison in it. A few minutes later Andy Floaten lies on his floor dead. The intended victim is well and just fine." Stacy let that settle in and she wished Shawn would break down and affirm her rendition of what happened.

  Professor Blick
said, "Everything you said is pure speculation Marshall. You can't prove one bit of it. I can admit that Shawn here gave me something my wife of almost thirty years wouldn't think of. If you close your eyes, nobody can tell what sex is doing the thing that feels so wonderful. Shawn, say nothing and they can't prove a thing."

  Stacy was watching Shawn struggling with what he'd inadvertently done: killed his lover. "I realize professor that they can't prove I placed the poison in the glass Andy drank out of. But—look—how can – I spend the rest of my life knowing I murdered my new love," he replied while Stacy saw the tears of sorrow flowing down his smooth cheeks. Her heart went out to him. Regardless that he intended murder, she felt he now had to live with that the rest of his life. She also realized that she needed a confession and right now.

  "Shawn, clean your heart and soul. Confess and you'll see that your spirit will live on more contently than before. You can't carry that burden around forever. Do what your heart tells you to do and don't listen to a man who only likes the sex and not the man."

  Sobs were coming and in-between the sobs he confessed. On the one hand Stacy felt elated, but on the other hand, a great tragedy had occurred. Stacy stood up, wiped a single tear off her long eyelash while walking out the door to the restroom.

  Ben shook his head and Dan sat with his mouth half open. Both thought Stacy had a gift that few possessed. She was shockingly unbelievable. Ben said later he'd thought the perp was David Oxnard. Dan thought so as well.

  Ben called Rory who was happy Ben called. He listened and afterwards said, "Nothing surprises me Ben when it comes to her gift of insight into a homicide. The scary part partner is she'll only get better as time goes on. She's everything the mythical Sherlock Holmes was, but in real life. I'm not sure of the total so far but has to be close to a dozen of solved homicide cases she's put to bed. Anyway, I hired a secretary today who is everything a US Marshall could dream of. You remember her well Ben. She's Rhonda of the Portland Office who does the background checks and so on. She heard I was looking and called. I would guess her boss is none too happy, but such is life.

  Also, me and my redhead beauty are doing well. My fingers are crossed that the ship is on course and not without big waves coming anytime soon. Keep in touch."

  Stacy came back after Dan had read Shawn Nickolas his rights. Dan would take him to the county jail for the time being. Sharon, when she saw him with cuffs on, gasped at her perfect man who was being hauled off to jail for murder. Emma was busy writing up the reports for Connie.

  "Stacy, I tip my hat again for your prowess is solving a case," said Ben. "Once again you had me fooled. I was betting on David Oxnard as our perp. May I ask how you arrived at the conclusions presented."

  "Sure you can ask Ben. I don't think it's so staggering once you look at the reason why people do what they do. Take Professor Blick. He spouted that Andy was plagiarizing, but had no proof. He was blowing wind and I wondered why. I began searching the why and found he'd lost his wife, lived alone, was the adviser of pretty boy Shawn. I had evil thoughts for sure. Then we have the blocking person of Art preventing Shawn from becoming Andy's lover. Poison is extremely hard to prove and that was Shawn's answer to eliminating Art and being his replacement. Extreme, but love does funny things to many people. Then we come to how Andy drank the poison and not Art. A simple mix up of glasses occurred. That's about it Ben."

  "Time for me to go home and fight with the kids Stacy. I called Rory and told him. Oh and by the way he hired Rhonda from Portland as his new secretary. What a nice score that is. Okay, Super Marshall who is sure fun to work with, good night."

  Before he left, Stacy said, "Wait a minute Ben." She hurried over and gave him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "You a fine man Ben Razor. Put the screws to those kids."

  Walking back to her desk, her special phone rang. "Hey Super Marshall, you bagged another one. Congrats are in order. My, what a bag of tricks you must have with you at all times. My boss just shook his head and walked out two minutes ago. How are you doing, by the way?"

  "Good and I'm slipping out for a couple days to see my father down in Bandon. I want to see their new restaurant overlooking the ocean. Dan and Emma can handle the office for a few days. Maybe the next case will wait until I recharge my family batteries."

  Order Up

  The only downside about going home to the coast was having to drive. It seemed to Stacy she was really disliking to drive anywhere. However, she'd get up early and motor down with the daylight making all things clear and bright out.

  Stacy arrived at her house in Bandon just before noon. Her father saw her from his wood working shop. He met her at the edge of the shop door and both hugged until it hurt. Stacy was blubbering a little as Fran came out wiping her hands on her apron. Father pushed her back and with watery eyes, said, "Welcome home daughter. Let's take this foggy day and talk about what's been happening lately."

  "I really want to hear about how wintering in the Southwest was for the both of you," said Stacy as they went inside the house to sit at the kitchen table as most families do when visiting.

  For the next hour or more Stacy heard about their retirement and she told all she done in the last six months. After a wonderful lunch, Stacy laid down on her bed for a nap. She wanted to be rested for the night ahead at the new restaurant. She drifted off to sleep feeling warm and comfortable being back home.


  "Superfluous Murder"


  His name was Christopher McGoogle. Chris looked like thousands of other middle age men these days. There were two features he had changed when visiting the Salem, Oregon Public Library on December 16th. One was a pair of glasses with black rims; the other was a common moustache-goatee many men currently sported. At just under six foot and around a hundred seventy pounds, average in all respects is how you would describe Mr. McGoogle.

  Walking up to the library counter, he handed one of his many IDs, in this case, his driver's license, with the glasses and beard the same, to the librarian. He asked for a computer to use. She directed him to the computer area and told him he could use it for one hour and no longer. He smiled and said, "That will be more than enough time, thanks you."

  He went to a website where the sender would remain anonymous. Ironically the website was "anomymouse. com." With a smile Chris sent an e-mail to a new friend. The smile went away as he had to hurry because the site only allowed ten minutes to sign up, write and send. Then it would be deleted forever leaving no trace of sender or IP.


  US Marshall Stacy Foreham, south of Salem in Eugene, Oregon was enjoying the downtime between cases and the day-to-day duty that a US Marshall performs fell into the same enjoyment category. However, she was happiest when she was involved in a homicide. Like a kid with a 1000 piece puzzle, putting the pieces together was a challenge. A homicide was a challenge few could successfully put the pieces together presenting the complete picture. Stacy was one of the few. Her reputation as a crime solver personified, was both gratifying and embarrassing. With the events about to happen, her reputation might have been the catalyst that raised the issue she was being challenged: because of her extraordinary reputation as a crime solver.


  She was not happy with her first apartment. She desired a place where others of her age lived. Her new townhouse fitted her like a glove. Most all the residents were young professionals like her. For the most part she had found her place in life. However, there was one thing missing and that was a man in her life. Her one and only long-term relationship ended by her choice. She was right thinking that having a full time job running an office combined with a relationship was not workable. Her success as a homicide investigator proved her decision to go it alone was the correct choice. But that did not mean she liked it.

  Stacy had just come home on a dreary overcast chilly evening in Eugene. Fall and winters were fraught with overcast followed by countless days of rain in the Willamette V
alley. The ever-present chain of storms kept most people close to their umbrellas and the auto parts stores were constantly restocking car wiper blades.

  Turning the thermostat up to seventy, shucking her coat, Stacy briskly walked to the kitchen to make some tea. That chore taken care of it was to her bedroom for some sweats to relax in while checking her mail and then watching a movie. She had made it a vow to never check her personal mail at work. Business was business, period -- end of story.

  Back into the kitchen, her weakness for green tea in her mug, Stacy looked into her mostly empty refer for something to eat. She shook her head at the pitiful sight before her. Her father would have shaken his head and then shook his finger at her to make sure she saw the gap in her single life. A small smile crossed her face seeing three boxes of left over Chinese food ready and waiting for reheat in a microwave. She dumped all three boxes together onto a microwaveable dish and set the unit to systematically reheat the leftovers.

  Mug of tea in hand she was back into the living room plopping down onto her plush new sofa. On the glass-topped myrtle wood coffee table, which her father had made, sat her laptop, TV command module, and her tasty tea. After turning on her laptop, she flicked on the TV to the local news. Two minutes later she muted the TV and brought up her e-mail. It appeared she had about five new messages from friends and one from her father and Fran down in the Southwest enjoying the retirement years. However, there was one message that struck Stacy as rather strange. At first she thought it spam that had made it past inspection, but then as she cocked her head, the subject line read: "Important Message".


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